Subnautica But I Start in the LOST RIVER...

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okay there's a river pillow right there and a river propeller right there we have like 20 seconds of oxygen our base is right here so we should probably get to that oh and we're burning two which is wonderful okay we have a locker with a decent amount of stuff in it and a fabricator we have a rebreather and some ultra glide fins as well as a scanner and a survival knife all right let's see let's put all this stuff into our inventory and see we can actually craft with that first off i quickly constructed myself an oxygen tank after that there were only three things i could reasonably build that i would need to escape to the surface a high capacity oxygen tank a reinforced dive suit and finally a habitat builder the habitat boulder would be the key to my escape as i could deconstruct my base and move it up a lost river towards an exit as soon as i reached the surface the challenge would be complete however unlike the high-capacity tank and reinforced dive suit which could be easily constructed with some diamonds and silver the habitat builder required acid mushrooms which can only be found in a very specific part of the lost river the mountains corridor i would have to survive an incredibly long journey past the disease research facility passed an entry to the lava zone and even passed a ghost leviathan all of this with a limited amount of oxygen how would i possibly be able to do this well you're about to find out so i guess let's head outside of our base and look for as many useful resources as we can find all right here we go so i'm noticing some limestone right over here oh um hello there i guess that's minus one river prowler we have to worry about i have no idea what he's doing he's just kind of like spinning over here okay let's get this quartz and this limestone here oh we got copper that's awesome more limestone limestone limestone and even more limestone let's grab this quartz and head back to our base okay we're gonna have to worry about these guys a little bit i think we can outrun them but it might be a little annoying at times oh i think he's free that's unfortunate all right expedition number one went very well the first thing i want to get is the high capacity o2 tank which will allow us to get the diamonds for the reinforced dive suit and hopefully what we need for the habitat builder as well we're going to need a silver for that which is going to be difficult but i believe that sandstone outcrops do spawn in the cove tree area so we're going to have to head there in order to get that silver but for now let's go ahead and get one more quartz and a few other basic materials so we can uh get the glass that we need with this high-capacity 02 tank oh hello there buddy how are you doing i'm seeing something in here can i grab that maybe i can okay um that's a gold i suppose okay i see a quartz right here let's go ahead and grab that and we should be good oh there's a sandstone right here conveniently uh unfortunately it is lead oh and that guy is gone oh we gotta head back to base before we drown but now let's go ahead and craft that glass and now all we need is just that one silver and we can make a much better o2 tank which will make our lives easier okay there's lots of cords and everything is that a sandstone i think that's a sandstone over there let's grab this gel set because we might need that at some points come on please please be lucky it's a silver okay another useful thing here is a bladder fish because eating a bladder fish gives us 12 seconds of oxygen which can be extremely extremely useful if we go too far and have to make it back to our base so i also want to grab as many bladder fish from down there as possible because they only spawn down there they don't ever spawn a pair alright now that we have the silver let's craft the high capacity o2 tank and now we should have 135 seconds of oxygen which is going to be extremely useful now that we had the high capacity tank the only things i had to worry about were the reinforced dive suit which i would only need two diamonds for and the habitat builder which i would need a wiring kit a computer chip and a battery for i made my way back to the cove tree in search of silver for the wiring kit and more bladder fish for air as i wanted to construct everything i needed for the habitat builder except for the battery there's another bladder fish here we go and there's another one right there awesome now where are you at sandstone okay i see two right over here hopefully we can get lucky and get some silver oh yes let's go okay we have one silver please please be a silver oh unfortunate we only have one silver there's another ladder fish let's get that oh there's another sandstone there too let's go for that oh my gosh we're so lucky that's another silver i think we actually got incredibly lucky with that rng there oh another bladder fish i think we're all good on silver we're definitely gonna have to come back here for our bladder fish because we're gonna have to make an incredibly long journey to get those acid mushrooms but for now we're good with that area and we just need to honestly find diamonds for the reinforced dive suit okay let's go ahead and make the wiring kit and the copper wire let's honestly just make the computer chip right now see if we can grab some table coral for that really quickly this is gonna hurt one two three four oh my gosh i think there's a river probably like right there okay that was insane he was like right next to me i have no idea how he didn't actually get me there we have the table coral let's go ahead and craft the computer chip and now all we need is the stupid battery but now that we have everything but the battery let's focus on getting this reinforced dive suit going to need two diamonds for that i think they just spawn along the walls here though so we'll see if we can get lucky and find a few of those all right here we go hello please leave me alone please leave me alone please don't attack me okay i think they spawn oh oh he's still after me i think they spawn along these walls oh there's one up there is he still with me where is he hello okay he's gone um where was that okay it was right here hopefully we can get lucky and get at least one diamond please ah unfortunate it's gold um what is going on up here oh ow what is what on earth um i'm pretty sure there's supposed to be brine here but there's not okay well here's a shell out crap unfortunate we did not get a diamond okay we got two shell out crops we've actually had three shell out crops so far and got no diamonds that's just my luck for you hopefully we can find a few more and get a little bit luck here oh i just realized there's one literally right here oh my gosh it's gold that's four shell out crops with no diamonds so far okay i think i see a shale outcrop right over here there's actually two oh my gosh and there's a diamond right there no way okay we just got really lucky there's one diamond there's a lithium and we have another diamond awesome all right here we go reinforced dive suit we no longer have to worry about getting burned too much with the reinforced dive suit out of the way i now had to focus on getting the acid mushrooms for the habitat builder but the journey would be incredibly far and i would need a lot more oxygen than just the 135 seconds i had in my tank i decided to construct a second high-capacity oxygen tank which would give me an additional 90 seconds of air i thought this would be an easy task but as it turned out it was going to be a lot more difficult than i initially anticipated let's go ahead and work on making a second high capacity o2 tank first off we're going to have to make a normal o2 tank here we go and we need two glass four titanium and one silver okay first off before we head there to get the silver let's just grab some quartz really quickly as well as just some titanium hello please oh oh that did a lot of damage oh no no no i'm just going to use this um that was kind of a little bit of a waste but that did a lot of damage that was not good okay there's some quartz right here but we're gonna need more than just that i remember there was quartz down in the coke tree so let's go ahead and head there so we get some quartz okay yeah there's three quarts here which is perfect all right now we just need the titanium and the silver please be silver please awesome it's silver okay now we just need the two titanium we have everything but the stupid titanium so let's craft the glass and then work on getting that there's one titanium and unfortunately we got a copper for that one okay i literally can't seem to find another one i have no idea where all the freaking uh limestone outcrops are let's go ahead and just switch oxygen tanks there we go and we're good with oxygen please be lucky please just give me a freaking titanium oh my gosh it's copper of course it's copper why would it be titanium that wouldn't make any sense okay i feel like the game's literally just taunting me at this point what the heck is this okay this is a little glitch don't worry about it it's fine oh my gosh okay i think i finally found a limestone outcrop literally limestone only spawns in this area of the lost river so at some point i just run out of titanium okay finally i finally have it i finally have the titanium i need i think i will search for like 15 minutes but it feels like an hour all right now we can finally craft second high-capacity o2 tank with a second high-capacity tank it was highly unlikely that i would be able to find the titanium to build a third so i focused on gathering as many bladder fish as i could in order to make it to the acid mushrooms let's grab a lot more than i think i'll need because you know you can never be too careful and i have no idea how long it's going to take me to get the uh as mushrooms okay we've literally collected as many uh bladder fish as my inventory can hold okay let's drop off all the materials we can drop off all right now we just need to collect basically an entire inventory full of bladder fish if possible and then we can begin our journey to find acid mushrooms whoa holy crap that bladder got launched okay okay i just realized i did not fill this oxygen tank um so i guess we're gonna actually eat the bladder fish we have we're gonna head back to base that is really unfortunate all right so that one's filled up and now this one is filled up so that set us back a little bit now we need eight bladder fish but i think we might just be able to do that and there is the last one awesome now we can head back to base and then i think we'll be completely prepared to head to the acid mushrooms all right let's not forget to fill up both oxygen tanks the 135 seconds of oxygen in my tank plus an additional 90 seconds for my second tank gave me a total of 225 seconds of oxygen i also had exactly 37 bladder fish in my inventory each of which gave me an additional 15 seconds which in total was 555 seconds of oxygen adding the bladder fish and the oxygen tanks together that's 780 seconds of oxygen to work with so it looked like i'd be good on air but what i didn't know is that there was another simple factor that i'd overlooked which might mean i would never return to my base alright both oxygen tanks are filled we have all the bladder fish let's go ahead and save now i think we're ready to head to the acid mushrooms all right here we go so immediately we're gonna head in this direction we're gonna go past the disease research facility that will lead into the mountains corridor we can actually have to go along the mountains corridor a very long time until we get the acid lunchrooms now if anybody who's watching this knows if there's a closer place where you can find acid mushrooms please do let me know because i would be very curious of how much time i wasted here okay i honestly don't think this is going to be possible i don't know we we haven't gone too far and we're already halfway through our first tank this is gonna be really close if we even make it at all okay um along this route there is also that guy is gone there's also a ghost leviathan that we have to worry about this is seeming increasingly less likely for us to succeed but i'm gonna give it a try okay we're at the lava pit this is where the ghost leviathan is we need to be really careful here we also need to switch out oxygen tank okay here we go 90 more seconds gonna hang along the edge here man i don't know if this is possible this is oh there's the ghostie uh if he attacks us we might be dead i'm not sure to be honest okay no encounter with the ghost leviathan yet which is very nice i think the acid mushrooms are up there it's going to be harder on the way back because we're going to have to rely on the bladder fish which is going to be pretty difficult this is where the acid mushrooms are right here um i'm going to wait to eat a bladder fish for until we're like basically at zero okay eat a bladder fish we have 15 seconds and we should be able to grab some acid mushrooms here one two oh my inventory is full i forgot about that let's just grab two so we have the acid mushrooms now we just got to rely on these bladder fish and hopefully we can get back to base with only ladder fish that would be insane the adrenaline coursing through me right now is actually insane oh my gosh all right literally at zero bladder fish please don't see me ghost leviathan please don't see me where is he oh he's way over there okay that's nice please just don't come over here okay i think a river prowler's chasing us oh okay that was literally right behind us all right okay the odds are actually looking a lot better now we have a lot more oh gosh oh no please don't be attacking me please don't be attacking me please don't be attacking me oh okay oh crap i need to get a bladder fish that was insane i thought he was going for me dude i honestly thought he was going for me oh my gosh as i was saying before it was really interrupted by the ghost leviathan i think the odds are on the our favor now like honestly we have more oxygen in the form of bladder fish than we do in the form of oxygen tanks and we still like we still have a ton of bladder fish left basically we'll make it when i do the math the combined total of air from air tanks was a lot less than the complying total from the air from bladder fish and we made it there only using two oxygen tanks so yeah we're basically good unless we run into something that kills us or eats us or something please don't attack me that'll be amazing if you could not ow that hurts ow ow okay that didn't do too much damage but it hurts okay warpers do spawn here which is slightly worrying um i just realized running very very low on water which is very bad like very very bad because each of these gets rid of some of our water actually for water as it turns out so we're gonna start taking damage um i don't think we're gonna make it guys honestly just don't think we're gonna make it um do you have one med kit please don't damage me please don't damage me oh my gosh dude okay let's use our med kit oh my gosh dude please please please we're so close we're so close we're literally so close please please please okay okay oh my gosh okay all right that might be the last spider fish oh my gosh dude dude oh my gosh oh my gosh we need to immediately craft water okay okay we made it we made it we made it we made it okay okay please water water water water water whatever water water please water water oh my gosh dude we made it that was insane bro dude i never thought that we would lose so much water that we'd run out of water i was just not paying attention to the water meter and then suddenly i looked down and we were at three oh my gosh guys that was actually so intense i thought we had it in the bag and then it just came down to the wire at the end okay but in the end we got the acid mushrooms and we now have an infinite supply of bladder fish which is wonderful we are at 54 health which is not amazing let's go ahead and get the stuff we need to craft the habitat builder all right there's the battery now finally we have a habitat builder i'm just gonna go ahead and save really quickly wait we do actually have a fiber mesh so we can craft a health kit okay i guess we have full health which means we can take a hit from a ghost leviathan now that we had everything we needed to escape it was time to initiate my plan we would deconstruct our entire base and then move it up the last river to another thermal vent where we could acquire power for our base i would get an oxygen refill there and then continue moving up the lost river until we reached an exit i decided to go the same route we went to reach fasted mushrooms because i knew it best and it was probably the safest way out after testing out the plan by moving my base to a event nearby it was time to head for the surface let's go ahead and deconstruct the snow and make our way over there all right here we go we do have plenty of bladder fish just in case something goes wrong but we still have to be pretty darn careful oh please don't attack me oh he attacked me that's probably not very good okay we got through here relatively safely although we did get attacked now we just need to continue in this direction until we find some sort of event so basically i'm just on the lookout for any vent okay there's the ghost leviathan this is where we need to be especially careful i haven't seen any vents yet which is slightly worrying oh no he's over here that's not good we need to hide okay we're probably gonna have to start using a bladder fish in just a minute here unless we can reach where we need to go oh he's really close oh he's really close don't think we will be able to reach it without using bladder fish though oh no okay that wasn't me i thought it was me um i think the vent is right here yes okay man we cut that really close though we're using bladder fish which is not good but hopefully we can build a base here i'm just gonna do two of these and now fill the base okay and now we need to build oh i'm saying this can we please build you that would be amazing oh there we go okay that worked and oh my gosh you got that so close all right it's a little worrying because we're at 22 water okay um let's fill up both oxygen tanks i don't know if i dropped all the stuff i need for a fabricator let's see i didn't um might be a good idea just to craft a few filtered waters you know um let's see how many bladder fish i have we have 11 bladder fish okay i'm gonna craft two of them i think all right one filtered water two filtered water let's drink that all right with that amount of water with the bladder fish we have with both oxygen tanks filled up we basically just need to make a run for the surface at this point i am going to take these with me though all right now we make a run for the surface i have no idea how far away the surface is this is going to be very interesting okay looks like there's actually another thermal vent over there i think i'm actually just gonna craft another base just so we can be super safe [Music] okay we craft another base and we can fill up this oxygen tank all right both oxygen tanks still filled up it's honestly i want to do a little bit of scouting ahead let's see if there's another vent ahead um there's not um that's the exit right there guys okay so we can get up there and make to the surface in time i think we win i think we beat the challenge holy okay um i didn't realize we're that close i think we have everything we need we're just gonna leave this space here there's no reason to take it with us let's make a run for the surface guys so it's gonna be a little dangerous because this is the bulb zone slash mountains uh so yeah there might be reapers or something i have no idea we're just gonna oh no we're just gonna have to take a chance there's a bone chair those guys also might be a problem and mesmers and the ampeels yeah yeah there's actually a lot of things to worry about okay all right we got 400 meters to go though it's entirely possible guys i think we're out of the cave now it's just oh it's just open water above us okay i'm going for it guys i'm going for it 300 meters left guys oh my gosh i think we'll actually be able to make it with this tank so we actually had like a lot of extra room for error 45 seconds about 100 meters left i don't need to worry about that reaper but i think we might have done it guys oh my gosh oh it's right there the surface i haven't seen the surface in literally years at least it's felt like that oh my gosh wow we did it we beat the challenge um i honestly yeah i think we just need to head back to our life pod you know we've completely secured the victory at that point oh my gosh dude what did you see how high those stalkers got launched there's one thing i've taken away from this one thing i can tell you for sure after all this oh wow this is our first time going to this cutscene one thing i can tell you i am never ever going to eat another bladder fish for the rest of my life if you enjoyed this video please consider subscribing it's free and it helps me a ton huge thanks to my patrons over at patreon baby yoda moon lord side by sean and skeptic if you want to be awesome become patreon support today and i will see you guys in the next video
Channel: SpeedyMouse
Views: 433,640
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: subnautica, but, you, start, begin, in, the, lost, river, biome, ghost, leviathan, prowler, challenge, playthrough, habitat, base, builder, reinforced, dive, suit, high, capacity, oxygen, tank, bladderfish, speednautica, speed, five, sped, up, times, speedymouse, speedy, mouse, below, zero, video, game, survival, survive
Id: ie3Mze-ctWA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 38sec (1298 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 20 2022
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