Subnautica- How to use the Cyclops as a base!

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[Music] what is going on youtube welcome back to my youtube channel it's sandbox live and today i'm going to be showing you how to utilize cyclops as a efficient survival base so if you do not want to use a habitat or a big big base um store your stuff in then i can show you how to use the cyclops as one of those instead so if you do like this video then please do give it a thumbs up do comment down below what you liked when we didn't like and do remember to hit the subscribe button subscribe to the sandbox live for more subnautica and go check out the other games i play like escape from tarkov halo call of duty and many more so without further ado i'm going to jump straight into the cyclops to show you how i have edited it should i say so straight away in the first room we have plenty of storage now that is going to be your biggest problem or most people's biggest problem is well where am i going to put all my storage this is far far far far far enough um storage than you need you have let's count one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty twenty one two two three twenty four twenty five twenty six twenty seven twenty eight two nine thirty thirty one storage lockers in here you do not need more than that and you might be wondering well why have you put them over the storage containers that are already here um well if you just take a look in these there is hardly any room in here compared to the normal lockers so you want to utilize it um as much as you can and if you need more space than this then you're going mad on resources and you're no longer efficient so moving into the holding bay we have the seamoth now i chose the seamoth as the mode of transportation in here instead of the prawn suit because i i feel like if your cyclops is under attack then you have a better chance of surviving if you jump into your seamoth if you can't can not do anything with your cyclops and you know it's going to go down because the leviathan has come along and smashed it up then you do have your seamoth here to get away with moving into the next room we i call this like the battery charging station and the power cell chargers uh all along here uh you don't need any more than this really if i mean if you did you can go all the way up the wall if you really wanted to but i'm on this will go mad but this room would be completely empty otherwise and you do want to utilize this space we've got a nice little picture of the cyclops there just to remind us what we're dealing with and the fact that it's so precious and expensive to make so let's try and save it let's move on upstairs so out at the back we got some little planters i like putting plants around the place it makes it feel more homely um and let's move into the main living area now in here is all your essential things you're gonna need i really wish that thing would actually shut up i'm gonna go out there and assault it so in here you have all your important things you've got your fabricator you've got your modification station you've still got one of those outside you've got a nice little table to sit around and consult with yourself and yourself only you got access to your seamoth and yes i do have one two three four five medical kit fabricators because hear me out hear me out on a normal base you would have creep vine growing outside usually which gives you very easy access to uh fiber mesh and silicone you don't have that in this mobile base you have medical kit fabricators that do just a good job of making med kits as you could yourself you've got your radio in here you've got a nice little locker for your well i put power cells in here and all your modifications he is very loud of course you got some you've got some chips vending machine this is like just yeah your trash can and there you go yeah nuclear waste and this shelf is for anything you pick up on the way that you want moving on in here you got a nice little aquarium what the hell was that we're not in i refuse to no i'm not we're not open bam fam is he all right what is going on out there then oh boy boy what is this all systems online [Music] was it you are you messing up my video do you want to fight me i will fight you i will go move on move on now i better not be in you guys huh huh huh sword that geezer oh geez okay so moving on in here we have a little aquarium with some little fishy in there um i mean please don't eat them they're there for a show and this is your main food source to be honest you've got your marble melons and your chinese potatoes um i would probably just fill these with marble melons but i put chinese potatoes in there to show you and these will be to store your food in and of course you do want a coffee because coffee makes life so much easier underwater when you have no other access to cafes so do take your coffee every day hurry up now please hurry up now i want my coffee thank you ah nice little coffee oh i can't drink it i want to drink it please let me drink it i want it i want it i can't drink it i forgot we're in creative mode let's close that up so moving on into here we have somebody else smashing up the walls okay um we've got our little bed so we can we can have a nap but there's not enough space to lie down so i'd move that over just a little bit um you've got some more trees you've got a seat you can see that you can access the panel you know how it is and of course you've got your helm where you can ride off into the sunset and never see anything ever again boy people are attacking me tonight they do not want me to live right right i'm going to catch them red handed red handed this time trust me all systems online pretty pretty are you kidding me i found the culprit they're attacking that poor spade fish poor thing they need to chill so there you go everybody that is my guide to building a uh fully functional base within the cyclops and if you did like this video then please do give it a thumbs up comment down below what you liked and we didn't like and do remember to smash that subscribe button subscribe to the sample survivor for more sub nautica videos and like i said do check out my other videos i do some other games on the channel that you might like so i will see you in the oh now they're attacking my bloody theme off i'll see you guys in the next video see ya you
Channel: The Sandbox Survivor
Views: 361,240
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #subnautica, #pewdiepie
Id: fEsWaWK7wnM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 35sec (455 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 28 2020
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