Subnauticas Scariest Enemies and heres why...

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the ocean is an often terrifying place full of unknown Horrors subnautica harnesses this fear of the unknown to distill a feeling of pure dread inside anyone brave enough to explore its waters in subnautica we assume the role of Riley Robinson the sole survivor of a spacecraft known as the Aurora which has crash-landed on a water-based planet known only as for five for six be within the waters of this planet on many terrifying beasts all standing in Riley's path to building a rocket which will allow him to escape this wretched place in today's video we take a look at subnautica scariest enemies so sit back relax and a let's dive deep the stalker resembles a cross between a crocodile and a shark and hunts in small packs in the shallower waters of the planet it can often be observed swimming around with large chunks of debris from the Aurora crash site between its freakishly long teeth these teeth even break off on occasion as a result of chowing down on the metal they scavenge it's not hard to imagine at what these teeth could do to human flesh and even a reinforced diving suit is no match for the stalker if we swim too close so keep a safe distance leeches are scary creatures as their sole purpose in life is to latch on to any warm-blooded creature and immediately begins sucking their blood dry the bleeder is exactly that a parasitic creature of a hideous appearance who latches on to our character as we explore and drains our health until death the only way to save ourselves is to quickly cut them off with our knife these leech like fauna can often take explorers by surprise attacking in swarms and overwhelming the player in seconds they provide many an unwanted scare while casually exploring shallow waters many people have a fear of sharks and so this list will of course contain several creatures of a similar appearance the most closely related is surely the aptly titled bones shark the bone shark features a turf exoskeleton plated with hard panels of skin this makes it particularly hard to dispatch of them quickly as they are well fortified against predators their mouth is full of small but razor-sharp teeth which can deal massive damage to anyone foolish enough to venture into their hunting grounds they are extremely aggressive and will give chase for long periods of time bone sharks often patrolled darker waters and so are attracted to light sources so flares can be useful to draw them away just remember to turn off your own lights when passing them by from a distance for ctrader Leviathan is pure nightmare fuel travelling impacts along deeper areas of the sea floor these enormous insects like creatures balance themselves using a pair of elongated hind legs and a long protruding snout they come equipped with a pair of freakishly long antennae which they use to detect scent vistas and toward food and away from predators as they slowly navigate the ocean trench the ctrader Leviathan emits loud echoing calls [Music] despite their creepy appearance VC traders are actually non-hostile grazing mostly on plants well unless one would be foolish enough to get too close fetters at which point this normally docile enemy shows its defensive side and attacks with a kick or stomp inflicting massive damage this nightmarish eel is known as the river Prowler and many of them can be found hunting for prey within the Lost River a toxic cave system deep below the surface of the planet their bodies are partially transparent revealing the creatures skeleton however its organs thankfully remain hidden the River Prowler has a red almost skinless looking head with a mouth full of sharp teeth and long tendrils trailing behind its upper and lower jaw line these tendrils are used to grab its prey and pull them into its clutches probably the last thing you'd want to encounter when exploring an underwater cave system but don't worry it gets far worse an aquatic lizard able to withstand extreme temperatures the lava lizard is as scary to encounter as it is to look upon this underwater reptile has built up magma scar tissue over time as a result of exposure to the volcanic environment it inhabits it's can be found deep within the inactive lava zone a volcanic cave system at the very heart of a planet's core the lava lizard is incredibly aggressive attacking with a set of large curved teeth as well as possessing the ability to spit molten fireballs from within it can even burrow deep down into the lava bed itself where it lays in wait for its next victim we return to the shallower waters once again to take a look at a smaller yet terrifying defensive enemy type this is a crash fish it doesn't look particularly scary from the offset aside from its Cyclops like appearance perhaps however it certainly has the ability to strike fear into anyone who uncovers its nest the crash fish mostly inhabits caves within the shallower waters of sub Nauticus planets and hides away within flora known as a sulphur plant when passing by this plant for crash fish emerges and attacks exploring a maze-like cave only to be suddenly greeted by this ticking time bomb and its horrifying death cry is sure to make your skin crawl with a lengthy L like body and crab-like mouth the crap snake is certainly well named it can only be found in one area of the entire game the beautiful yet haunting jelly shroom cave this is because for Krabbe snake actually lives inside these fluorescent mushrooms these shrooms are both a place for the crap snake to lay its eggs and also lay in wait for its next victim if we pass by a jelly from housing one of these eels it will launch a surprise attack it's safe to say that once you visited this particular area and collected for acquired resources it's unlikely you'd feel the need to make a return trip while navigating the ocean depths you may happen upon a large cluster of electricity moving methodically for evil water accompanied by a zapping sound this is the am/pm PSR as the name suggests eel like fauna covered in electric barbs which can shock and stern anyone within range and follow that up with a bite dealing large amounts of damage to the player when the ampere is attacked itself it will flee so if you find yourself in a tight spot a little offensive action may just be the best defense [Music] do I need to elaborate on why the crab squid is so utterly terrifying probably not but let's take a more detailed look at this nightmarish entity anyway like the crabby all before it the crab squids coined its name due to its resemblance of both a crab and a squid it's brain is exposed via a large bulbous translucent dome and below this for freaky-looking eyes size up its prey its legs and pincers found below closely resemble those of a crab the crab squid inhabits four deeper regions of the ocean such as the deep grand reef and blood kelp zones it is attracted to light so be sure to turn off any illumination on your person when one is nearby not only that these terrifying foes can emit a large EMP blast which disables any vehicles or equipment in range for a short time this can often prevent escape and leave explorers at for crab squids mercy [Music] ghosts are scary giant Leviathan class sea creatures are scary mash them together and we have one of subnautica x' most fear-inducing creations the ghost Leviathan this is the second largest hostile monster within the game and comes in both juvenile and adult renditions it has six piercing yellow eyes on its head from which struggles a massive translucent glowing body equipped with several armed like fins these giants often emerge from complete darkness as they emit a bone-chilling screech take a listen [Music] ghost leviathans begin their life in the lost river born from eggs attached to the Cove tree after growing they leave the confines of these caves and journey out into the wider ocean known as the dead zone if we travel too far into these uncharted waters a pack of these ghostly terrors will spawn in to attack next up meet the largest of a hostile of vie fans the sea dragon this enormous creature inhabits the inactive lava zone and lava lakes below them it almost looks like a hideously evolved version of the lava lizards we covered earlier a colossal carnivore growing up to a length of a hundred and twelve meters CC dragon Leviathan is so resilient to heat that it even breathes pure lava from its mouth [Music] just one bite from the dragon kills us instantly as you can see its appearance is highly disturbing featuring a reptilian head and a pair of massive webbed arms trailing squid esque tentacles behind them a mishmash of some of the oceans most terrifying beasts the sea dragon is one encounter travelers entering his lava lake kingdom won't soon forget an alien life form created by a race known as the precursors the warper is a truly nightmare-inducing creation these floating aliens patrol the sea eradicating anything infected that may endanger the planet's ecosystem unfortunately this includes our character Riley obviously but Walker's appearance is scary enough a mess of 10 draws tentacles and pincers not to mention a body revealing all its nasty innards to boot but this isn't Murray's and Weibull warper features so highly on today's rundown you see as its name suggests the whopper has the ability to not only teleport itself around but also to teleport any would-be explorers clear out of their ship and into the open ocean where they are vulnerable and disconcerted there's only one thing scarier than being teleported out of a relative safety of our seemed off and into the clutches of this predator and that is very Paulo via phone at a length of around 55 meters with an enormous horned head featuring large pincer-like mandibles and full black lifeless eyes staring directly into our soul as its attacks the Reaper Leviathan has caused many players to quit their subnautica adventure a little earlier than planned the Reaper is highly aggressive and can kill almost instantly if it attacks us outside of a vehicle even when travelling in a porn suit or seem off a few well-placed bites from this particular predator will wreck them there are various Reaper leviathans patrolling the game world its roar can be heard from great distances and strikes for fear of God into anyone unfortunate enough to hear it [Music] this roar is a form of echolocation the reaper is blind but uses audio to spot its next meal meaning if you can hear it the Leviathan is aware of your location and probably coming to attack there is a good reason why this particular monster has been used to heavily promote the game by its developers its iconic look and sound make it the most terrifying creature inhabiting the waters of planets for five four six B and with that we come to the end of this look at some Nautica's scariest enemies but maybe you have a different perspective let me know your favorites creature design in the comments section below leave a like if you did enjoy this video and of course remember to subscribe for more horror or latest content thanks for watching and I will see you on the next video [Music]
Channel: SuperHorrorBro
Views: 2,029,209
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: subnautica, subnautica scariest enemies, subnautica scary creatures, subnautica scariest creatures, subnautica all leviathans, scary leviathan subnautica, top scary subnautica, scariest subnautica moments, superhorrorbro, superhorrorbro subnautica, scary subnautica enemies, subnautica lava lizard, subnautica ghost leviathan, subnautica reaper leviathan, subnautica sea dragon, subnautica creepiest moments, subnautica top creepy enemies, subnautica warper, subnautica crabsquid
Id: V8fOlbjnx1M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 2sec (902 seconds)
Published: Sun May 31 2020
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