Subnautica's Creepiest Locations and heres why...

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hey guys super bro Mike here and in today's video we take a look at for world of subnautica following on from a recent video where we looked at subnautica scree piaced enemies and another where we took down each of the game's hostile Leviathan classes this time we explore the creepiest locations to be found on planets 4 5 4 6 B so sit back relax and prepare to get your feet wet once again as we explore the dark side of subnautica with a look at its creepiest biomes a vast expanse of sand and rock formations vegans is a deceptively quiet and tranquil biome however despite a reassuring first impression this sandy area of subnautica SMAP is anything but safe it is home to not one but several of the oceans most terrifying predators the Reaper Leviathan these horrifying creatures can kill in a single bite and make short work of most vehicles to the Reapers patrol the dunes using their heightened sense of hearing to seek out any prey unfortunate enough to find themselves exploring this area visibility is often low due to a large buildup of silt in these waters making exploration at times quite difficult even in the daylight the more we realize this great open area is full of danger for more the lack of cover and hiding spots become apparent a giant crater like sinkhole can be found in the center of the dunes for of hydrothermal vents spewing boiling hot steam from the lava lake below this crater does at least offer a partial reprieve from the terrors of both [Music] at a first glance feed jelly shroom cave is a place of incredible beauty we find ourselves in a spacious cave system illuminated by the bright glow of four forementioned jelly shrooms it's stunning to say the least however soon it becomes apparent we aren't alone and something sinister lives inside each of these giant rooms these are crab snakes for crab snakes nest within the jelly shrooms both laying their eggs inside them and using them as a clever way to ambush any would-be explorers a de garça base can be discovered within these caves which is vital to progress subnautica storyline and so unfortunately if you plan on beating the game you'll have to make your way through this beautiful yet deadly biome the crash zone is the resting place for the spacecraft aurora an enormous vessel built and sent into space by the Altera corporation to search for the missing de Garci crew who crash-landed on planet for five for six be much like the crew offered Agassi the Aurora falls prey to the aliens super weapon positioned on the northern island and now spills radiation into the sea as it rests submerged in the shallows we can't even get close to a crash zone before obtaining a radiation suit and once exploring visibility is low due to the mass pollution of radioactive waste that surrounds for ship a Reaper Leviathan hunts around a wreckage - which makes exploring for valuable parts risky business once aboard the ship itself we realized there are no other survivors the entire vessel is a smoldering wreck there's something haunting about exploring our ship in this state a place that's just a few days earlier was teeming with human life now reduced to a ghost ship [Music] the mountains to the north of the crash site at first seemed fairly pleasant a lush tropical island containing caves and abundance of fruit and an alien base to explore however while mostly a safe haven above sea level below the waves of this island coastline dangers abound the mountains of the island reached down deep below the ocean's surface all the way into a great dark trench below teeming with hostile life-forms near the surface Reaper leviathans can be found and further down we encounter war pers waters were alien creations made to protect the planet from infected creatures unfortunately for most of the game we are indeed infected and so these terrifying creatures are a friends often warping us directly out of our vehicle and into the open ocean where we are exposed to danger from every angle near the foot of these mountains smoke pours from chimney like formations and sprawling cave systems full of unknown terrors awaits the enormity of these mountainous rock formations also makes us feel particularly small wall exploring and all of these factors combined make the mountains a location to avoid [Music] while certain areas of the blood calzone look quite mesmerizing there is no doubt but visually this is one of the most unnerving areas of subnautica ocean to explore even the name blood calzone is creepy and what do we harvest from the blood kelp why blood oil of course yeah totally not creepy at all the depth of this biome reaches over 650 meters below sea level and is teeming with some of subnautica smo steadly predators a cave located beneath the blood vines contains four roots of the plant itself and is the stuff of nightmares the deep grand reef is another beautiful yet deceptive biome and is one of the most dangerous locations in the game it is located beneath the floating islands to the south of the Aurora a crash site and is guarded by a ghost Leviathan nearby a group of harmless but creepy sea treaded leviathans Wonder its perimeter we entered a deep grand reef by following glowing anchor pods in the trench which leads inside a network of caves these caves houses a Garci base which is closely guarded by one of subnautica scariest enemies the crab square the crab squid can disable our power via an EMP transmission which renders equipment such as the seamoth and flashlights unusable for a period of time [Applause] whoopers also patrol this vast cave system and it's easy to get turned around and lost while exploring especially if we find ourselves engaged in combat so good luck navigating this dimly lit biome especially on a thirst visit [Music] the title is creepy in itself the Lost River we imagine how a river ever formed so far below the water's surface and how the planet of subnautica has likely changed over the years as a result this forgotten River is found roughly 450 metres below sea level and can be accessed from several different areas on the map it is a maze of cavernous tunnels full of toxic gas formations if we dip below the surface of this gas our lungs quickly fill with the poison and it's game over but poisonous gas isn't the only danger within this Lost River some of the game's most terrifying enemies have also made a home for themselves in the green illumination of these caves juvenile ghosts leviathans patrol 4 waters here born from the eerie but beautiful Cove tree at the center of this river this tree is full of ghosts Leviathan eggs and the Lost River is their home until they reach adulthood and desire vast expanses of the ocean we also find via like River Prowler nesting in this place another terrifying predator you'd be smart to keep a distance from a crab squid ferociously guards an alien temple which is packed full of mysterious prehistoric bones and elsewhere we finds an even bigger structure an alien laboratory where ancient skeletons were housed for research purposes these giants bones can be found outside of these alien structures - as we explore the river we pass the remains of ancient horrors long lost to time just be thankful these particular leviathans don't show up in the game [Music] beyond the toxic boundaries of the Lost River is an even more terrifying proposition the inactive lava zone and below it the lava lake these two connecting areas are very hot as you may imagine reaching peak temperatures of 51 Celsius lava pours down like waterfalls into a molten Lake out of a very bottom hot geysers below boiling gases from cracks in the floor which are a constant threat to divers navigating this desolate biome many predators Patrol be scorched waters to lava lava can latch onto our machinery draining its power which is something we definitely do not want to run out of at these depths lava lizards with skin hardened by years of exposure to the magma are a constant danger - as are the ever terrifying war pers but by far the most fearsome and nightmarish of all enemies within these zones of a - sea dragon leviathans patrolling them the sea dragon is the largest and most deadly enemy in the entire ocean in order to gain access to the lava castle and primary containment facility said Nauticus final story based locations we need to sneak past these monstrosities and these lava zones are often hard to navigate due to low visibility and the fact of it everything looks the same it's hard to distinguish one red rock from the other if you want to escape a compass scanner and mapping out points of interest are all essential good luck Explorer without doubt the scariest of all environments within sub Nauticus watery world is the crater edge also known as the ecological dead zone as we approach the edge of a map and make our way into feet uncharted waters ominous music begins to play and everything becomes a little too quiet [Applause] [Music] that is until we hear four ghastly screams of a fully grown ghost leviathans which begin to swarm and attack our vessel the longer we spend in this forbidden expanse of water the dead zone is the edge of a crater where we spend most of our time during subnautica story a sheer 8,000 meter drop into pitch darkness below the fear of not knowing what terrors may lie in wait at such incredible depths combined with the abundance of highly dangerous predators and absence of any kind of other life-forms make this endless ocean environment a place only the bravest or perhaps stupidest of adventurers dare enter and with that we come to the end of today's video I hope you did enjoy it and if you did remember to leave a like comment down below and of course subscribe for more horror or lated content thanks for watching and I will see you on the next one [Music]
Channel: SuperHorrorBro
Views: 1,098,675
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: subnautica, subnautica top creepy, top subnautica, scary subnautica, scariest locations in subnautica, scariest biomes subnautica, creepiest biomes subnautica, creepy subnautica moments, creepiest subnautica locations, top creepy subnautica, superhorrorbro, superhorrorbro subnautica, subnautica scary moments, lava zone subnautica, deep grand reef subnautica, blood kelp zone subnautica, subnautica crater edge, subnautica dunes, subnautica lost river, jellyshroom cave subnautica
Id: Ff1gShoRcug
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 27sec (807 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 20 2020
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