7 Ways Detective Pikachu Gets Pokemon Right - NO SPOILERS

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no he's barely moving don't tell him that oh he's on a fight quick get in front of him stop Oh No he's going down hard Tim should have worn a helmet the detective Pikachu film is out and amazingly it's actually really good I don't know what the heck how'd they manage that yeah movies funny it's it's coherent which is pretty shocking for a detective fiction movie shocking yeah good there are some things in the movie that are we think that it where it really gets Pokemon rights which are really really cool to see as fans of the game and the Pokemon franchise as a whole so we're gonna talk about them we're not gonna be doing spoilers for the movie it's gonna be spoiler free although we will be talking around things that happen so if you want to go in completely fresh that is your mild spoiler warning disclaimer first off the designs of the Pokemon models very true to the original idea they're a little bit realistic but they've done a nice kind of crossover of real-world and also still looks like to keep the whole thing from the games anime yeah cuz in the anime and in the games dare I say the Pokemon Pokemon all sort of looked like they're made of a kind of plastic evine it feels like a sort of smooth rubber like I always imagined Pikachu feeling a bit like a wet suit you know do you know what I mean imagine Jigglypuff being like a balloon oh yeah not an easy thing to do I think adapting the designs by think they've done a really good job there's a bit in the film where there's Bulbasaur's and Ira suspect it's almost all looks a little bit lizard ewi like how did that I don't know I wonder how they decided like which Pokemon should be fuzzy and which ones like Charizard when I first saw the trailer looks a bit fuzzy why would sure I'll be fuzzy but he's more like a reptilian yeah Balian hardcore yeah the other thing I thought was really good was the scale of the Pokemon I know that sounds weird the lair obviously you have to make editorial decisions when you're making a film like this as to how big all the pokemon should be in relation to each other and that's something that isn't consistent that doesn't have to be consistent in the game as where all the pokemon are basically just like one square sort of in in size or Snorlax which is like four squares there were no Pokemon in it I don't I saw where I was like what it's not the right size immersion broken there are a couple of musical treats for fans of the Pokemon games or series awful of little keep your ears open when you're watching the film because they're in just a couple of moments some not so subtle moments as well you just kind of made you realize how good the music is from all the games in the anime and stuff like yes because it didn't feel like out of place it was you'd listen to it and then you go oh hang on it's that one yeah yeah and even we wasn't to like oh my goodness I'm completely out this film now and remembering this it was just like they made sure everything fit wasn't just shoehorned in that's right I mean there's a lot of original music in the film like it obviously has its own score so it it's not like they approach every single scene with like which piece of Pokemon music should we should we take here which although I would have loved to hear even more music from the from the games I recognize in in there I do understand you know it probably wouldn't fit the scene best it's probably better that you actually get us a proper movie composer someone who can actually look at the finished scene and be like okay woman I know what exactly what musical beats I need to time up with the action here so it was lovely to hear just those little musical Easter eggs so keep an eye out when you're out for them one of my favorite things in this film is there isn't a whole ton of exposition there isn't Lane what Pokemon are there like we live in a world pokémon can live in the world and you catch them with a ball and then there's a city where they live side by side and you have a partner Pokemon and like that's it and every time you meet a new Pokemon there isn't like the explanation of oh it's a fire-type and it's an evolution of this it's never lose you kind of they expect you to just kind of know it yes but also if you don't know it like it doesn't affect whether you understand the story too much well I think that's the case but we didn't felt we do there was there is one particular quite important story beat that slightly hinges on you knowing about an ability the certain Pokemon has and when that happened that revelation completely worked on me but I do wonder if you didn't know anything about Pokemon you'd be like what they they can they what is going on I think that's quite a bold move though it feels like the kind of thing that you can do in a post Avengers world where you can just make something and be like look come on popular culture almost everyone who's seeing this film knows the deal we don't need to waste time explaining there is a small amount of exposition lender's there's a point early on where you get like a little one of the characters in the film is watching a video and it's kind of explaining basically what's going on with poke on but it's really a surface level it's really basic like which is smart because like you can't explain Pokemon in a way that makes it make sense doesn't make sense it's like so the animals are like sentient and as smart as us but it's still okay to like catch them so it doesn't it doesn't get bogged down in that kind of thing with big films like this when they have brought a huge intellectual property the rights to make a film about it and then they just like ignore all the fun bits about it and just yeah like trying to filter it down into this very you know cut a copy-paste like there's a hitman for a minute yeah it'd be really great like nobody's read movies guilty of this world lion they have to make the Animus this whole weird thing we all know it can't be just someone lying down we have to make him look like it's doing something you don't need to focus on was just like Pokemon people there you go have fun yeah it's the right is the right spread the temptation must have been there early on in development for to do a kind of Oh what if detective Pikachu just came through into modern-day LA from the Pokemon you yeah and you had and they had to embark on a madcap mystery to get him back to his own world or also like the kind of the kind of girl I felt like it's a gutsy move but it paid off it's like hey every everyone in the world knows what Pokemon is so we're just gonna we're just gonna we're just gonna go for it you know if I come on there you go now whilst doesn't expect you to know everything about it to just understand and enjoy the story and story beats and everything what it does do is it person a lot of references yeah sure that I didn't even catch half of them it'll take like a few rewatch is I think to be like oh yeah there's gonna be so many videos on YouTube of Easter eggs yeah it was mentioned of berries yeah that's right yeah you sort of could get like casual throwaway mentions the idea of like feeding a Pokemon very slightly to calm it down a little bit my my favorite things at one point you find out this isn't a spoiler the the main character Tim you find out that when he was younger before he was a bit old and embittered by life you find out that he really wants to be a pokemon trainer when he was young and you see his childhood bedroom and he has a huge folder full of Pokemon cards Pokemon Trading Cards so and they are the Pokemon Trading Cards so they're like canon in the film Pokemon is canon in poker yeah yeah things like like the high hat cafe in fact if you've played detective Pikachu the game there's story and a lot of the characters very similar goes yeah it's very very closely aligned difference is to make it like interesting played it yeah yeah there's a point where early on where you see a poker ball being deployed and used yeah Annie go and and when when the Pokemon is trying to be caught it does that thing where it kind of goes little green yeah and also with the like we were saying about the designs at the Pokemon sometimes all those pokémon aren't even in focus around you know like hang on master so there's all these things at like if you don't know Pokemon you don't have to be you just go there they're so weird Pokemon be like your favorite Pokemon is an obscure one yeah there were a lot of Pokemon in this movie that I can't name I think the production design on the film is just great the sort of like visual storytelling the stuff in the background the sets and posters and things like that there's posters for Pokemon battles and like stuff that you'll never you'll you never have to pay attention to but it's there and it refrain it's like if you like the series you'll appreciate it and if you don't know the series it's really good well building like that's how you do it you put good things in the background that paint a picture it worked Attila you said I'm being all filming I was buying it let's talk about Pikachu's voice a two-fold thing that we have to mention because obviously sometimes in the in the film you are getting the voiceover right I immerse myself completely within the world of Pokemon I read about him I live at his height I tried to lose a hundred and eighty two pounds to match his weight until doctors intervened and then would you like to describe how you and he's very funny it's like comic timing is just so good there are so many moments in the film where Pikachu said to Pikachu would make a joke or say something and you're like the Pokemon company let them like letter P could she say that oh my god this is brilliant so lately yeah but Ryan Reynolds gets away with it because he's so utterly charming and I just I just want a detective be peachy now would you rather have a Pikachu or a Pikachu voiced by Ryan Reynolds or a Ryan Reynolds of the Pikachu boys well speaking of speaking of the pika pika one of the things that that that I noticed during the film is because obviously you can't not everyone can understand peek tube know so when Pikachu is trying to communicate it can only go bigger because I know that sounds so accurate and familiar and I kept an eye on the credits and indeed the voice of Pikachu as an a not understood Pokemon is indeed a Korea tarney yeah who is the voice of Pikachu in the anime which I really appreciate [Laughter] great Ani at all you could come on company you could have just we can send you the wire over that field for the sequel if you want to save some money I mean not loads of a we're not cheap yeah no I know what you were going for just become very unwell most of the episodes ash is a terrible Pokemon - yeah I go on PT to fight this Pokemon well ash I don't really have a type advantage oh you died the solution is for you to train more Pikachu what are your other poker no features to do it do you train until you admit this rocks back oh c'mon exhausted muscly pikachu there's a point in the film where I burst out laughing where I'm not sure I was supposed because a Pikachu is at a low ebb and expresses a strong heartfelt emotion and it's like it's angry and it's sad and I look at the screen and just for a minute I had like I don't not am I actually looking at here so Pikachu moti in a complex way in English what is 2019 how is this comfortable but it's not just incredible designs in the film during the credits there's some amazing not to like spoil the ending don't worry up in the credits it's an amazing art where the characters in the credits have been drawn like they were in a Pokemon game or anime yeah which was really really nice it's sort of Pokemon game a box art version yeah of all of the central characters in the film which is you know it's it's a minor thing and and it it comes obviously it comes after the film misses technically ended but I did think it was really nice and also that end credits sequence which isn't very long it's in you know in that way that films yeah we have like a fancy credits and then there's a normal we wasted just in case there because I'm so used to it Marvel films in case there's an after thing there is no end credits scene so [Laughter] [Music] yeah finally just something that I think the film did incredibly well from the point of view of representing Pokemon isn't to do with the actual creatures themselves but it's just to do with the city so the Pokemon games and I suppose the anime as well because it's based on on what you see in the games has an incredibly distinctive aesthetic I think especially when it comes to the cities guns are always sort of ultra-modern yeah very clean yeah a lot of neon a lot of high technology but also quite down-to-earth and homey it's not like being in a spaceship it's more just like it's not like dystopian future it's like cool future yeah and even though this is ostensibly like a noir film because a detective thing and it there are some bits in it though clearly visually riffing off something like Blade Runner yeah actually for more of the film it just has that feeling of being in one of the recent games and wandering around one of the big town yeah everything it's filmed in London yeah it's all around Liverpool Street Station and Shoreditch yeah sure so Brick Lane in there at some point yes that particular area of London was a great choice I think because it has those very clean lines a lot of glass a lot of metal a lot of modernity but not in a Saw brutal yeah oppressive architecture away and that felt that feels very much like how the Pokemon games are and what they've basically done is they've just taken that they've not bothered to sort of hide the more distinctive like the film that takes place in what we call the cheese grater [Laughter] they just take that and then in in using VFX I suppose and sort of onset stuff they've added a lot of neon and a lot of a lot of extras or poke game detail extra signage yeah rhyme city in which is set which is the setting in the detective Pikachu game as well it visually looks exactly like how I've always imagined the Pokemon cities would look and feel it's high technology bullet train everything's super clean but quite sort of homely as well and down to earth yeah and there are a couple points in the film as well we get to see slightly different environments you get to see a little bit of forest which is full of forests Pokemon yeah that gives you some good sense of that like imagine just exploring around there yeah nothing left in the forest so those are some of the ways that we felt that the detective Pikachu movie got Pokemon the games and the anime series and all of that absolutely right I'm honestly I was so pleased I was like happy and also relieved yes it's it's nice when Hollywood does it right with a video game game like we all know that I was so disappointed in the Tomb Raider game that was well documented gonna change the subject immediately oh yeah I'm a big Pokemon fan but a lot of it is weird yeah kind of nonsensical I so I feel like they've just done such a great job of adapting it to cohere and film without shying away for all try and sort of hide or like it doesn't feel that the film is embarrassed to be a Pokemon movie which is this I feel is the subtext to so many video game movie adaptations that they are essentially kind of embarrassed it makes so much more sense to make a detective BG movie than it would to make a regular yeah straits of Pokemon during training rising up the league's elite for fighting kind of movie yeah solving a crime mystery that's the stuff you won in a movie yeah let us know what you thought of the movie if you're going to see if you're excited if you have seen it if you didn't like it I'd be interested to hear as well but thank you for watching guys if you are new to the channel if you haven't seen a video on our side extra before we do a lot of video game video game culture kind of stuff so you can culture that just doesn't its culture where cultures I mean back to you that's true so has cultures but also you did that face so yeah so who's cultured now mm-hmm hey beautiful yeah thank you for watching please do subscribe if you enjoyed this yeah and we will see you next time you
Channel: Outside Xtra
Views: 412,609
Rating: 4.9184284 out of 5
Keywords: Ellen Rose, Luke Westaway, Outside Xtra, outsidextra, outside xtra, ryan reynolds, detective pikachu voice, ikue otani, pikachu voice, detective pikachu trailer 2, detective pikachu trailer, detective pikachu reaction, detective pikachu review, reaction, detective pikachu ryan reynolds, pikachu trailer, pokemon, pokemon movie, mew, mewtwo, pokemon games, gameplay, art, trailer, trailer 1, trailer 2, Pokémon Detective Pikachu
Id: lbhCr5UTUqY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 25sec (1165 seconds)
Published: Fri May 10 2019
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