7 Stupid Decisions That Killed You Instantly

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if you're anything like me you'll occasionally get the impulse to do something very stupid that is very clearly a bad idea just to see what would happen like jumping in a river or calling a multiplatform video game YouTube channel outside Xbox of course in the real world actions have consequences so we don't usually act on these impulses in the consequence-free world of video games however you're much Freer to try those stupid ideas out to see what will happen and a lot of the time the answer is the same you die see for yourself in these extremely bad video game decisions that will kill you instantly enjoy amb spoilers ahead for the following games but you didn't die because you called your YouTube channel out play Xbox but in a way it's kind of a living death um so that sort of counts I think no that's fine that's fine I agree so anyway spoilers for these games minor ones though you're probably seeing bal's gate on there you might be thinking I won't watch this cuz balder's gate it's it is a little story based but it won't it's not that bad honestly well met I am a magical projection of Gale of water deep and if you see this manifestation that means I have have prematurely perished Boulders Gate 3 is full of fun and friendly companions there's the guy who tries to bite you in your sleep there's the gith Yankee who's always yelling at you that large fleshy nose of yours looks like a mistake um this Jester guy seems pretty chill then reaching into his bag he produces an ice pick all right fine perhaps the most dangerous party member in Boulders Gate 3 however is Gale of Water Deep the Suave wizard who is harboring a dangerous secret as you will discover if he dies during your quest it is of vital importance that my death be remedied at your earliest convenience it turns out Gail has an artifact of unimaginable magical power embedded in his chest which is the reason he has to consume your magical items if he dies however this substance becomes unstable and after 2 days it Det at taking Gail you your party and half the sword Coast with [Music] it if you decide to do Gail's companion quest after meeting with his mentor elminster the artifact in Gail's chest will stabilize meaning you no longer have to feed him magical items but also meaning that you now have a new ability available to you in your toolbar something called nether orb blast now it sure seems like a bad idea to activate something called nether orb blast right after all we all know what happens if that thing goes off everyone dies but why would they put the button right there if they didn't want us to press it maybe it's just a cool new attack and I'd be really hamstringing Myself by not using it Well turns out that your first instinct was right because if you click this ability Gail pulls out a magic dagger stabs himself in the chest with it and then goes off with the force of an hbomb killing you and the rest of the squad instantly in a result so blindingly obvious they didn't even bother animating that part because they didn't think anyone would do it but now we know what happens that will be some comfort to the [Music] families four years before the original Resident Evil hit the PS1 alone in the dark was doing survival Horror in a spooky Mansion in a much blockier fashion you played as private investigator Edward Ki who is sent to explore deetto an old Louisiana mansion that it turns out is more full of ghosts and spirits than the containment unit at the Ghostbusters Firehouse as you explore the house you'll come across lots of things that want to kill you but deadliest of all is this harmless looking book called dimis Mysteries or of the mysteries of worms now anyone who's seen the Evil Dead will know that you don't just start reading out Latin from old grimo especially in a setting as lovecraftian as this one but also there's a part of us that wants to know what's going to happen perhaps we'll summon a cool demon or get powers of some kind nman invoca Tuson sanctificatus s cave no what happens instead is you get get picked up by an unseen force sort of crunched around a bit and then die I guess worms really don't want you figuring out their Mysteries better to leave well enough alone The Binding of Isaac is definitely the best game in which you play a sobbing child running naked through the dungeons underneath his house fighting hideous monstrosities with his own tears that I've ever played and I stand by that statement regardless of what you say being a Rog likee each run of The Binding of Isaac is different depending on what the randomly generated rooms give you in terms of enemies obstacles and most importantly items one item you might want to keep an eye out for is the Bible a literal Bible that when used gives Isaac the power of flight for a single room allowing him to pass over obstacles spikes or holes however the Bible also has an additional use in that it can kill several bosses including Mom and Mom's heart in a single hit sparing you all the hassle of having to cry all over your mom's leg to do the fight the normal [Music] way it makes sense if you play the game kind of with this in mind you might start to wonder if the Bible is some kind of Handy insta boss killer and try it on some other bosses most of the time it just won't work but if you try it on Satan the boss who is literally Satan you'll find it has a whole other secret Effect one you may have already figured out if you pay attention to the titles of YouTube videos that's right it'll kill you instantly not sure why Satan is immune to the Bible but considering all the mean things it says about him it does seem like a bad decision to turn up to a fight with the devil clutching a book about how much he sucks seems like the kind of thing that would get you killed instantly in fact so that all checks out I'm getting tired of playing games in 2014 psychological survival horror game The Evil Within literally everything is trying to kill you from the enemies to the scenery so you really don't need to make things harder for yourself by doing extremely stupid things that are likely to get you killed and and yet it is extremely easy to do just that in the portion of the game when you find yourself in an old abandoned mannequin Factory which already bad idea being in an old abandoned mannequin Factory nothing good happens in those places what makes this mannequin Factory even worse than regular mannequin factories however is the fact that it is also experiencing a gas leak making the entire area highly volatile your warm that the area is flammable but after many hours honing your reflexes to panic shoot anything that gets near you still might find yourself loosing off a shots or dropping a match to burn a corpse at which point this happens so I am dead but I did destroy a whole haunted mannequin Factory so in the cosmic balance of things I think I came out ahead 9s the commanders put me in charge of your maintenance ma'am that that means I'll be performing regular checks on you from now on I see oh don't worry we 9s models are the best around you know though I suppose we're not exactly known for our modesty in 2017's near autometer you play one of several Androids dressed like they work in a maid Cafe owned by Carl Lagerfeld the whole being an Android thing is handy in gameplay terms because pretty much every aspect of your in-game heads up display is linked to a series of chips installed into your Android player characters robot brain take a look through the plug-in chip system menu and you'll see chips for showing enemy health bars displaying the mini map displaying how much health you have left even showing you where you can save your game each of those things relates to a specific chip plugged into your Android's motherboard and you can plug in and remove chips to customize your setup however you want there is one chip in there however called the OS chip which we're told governs the Android Central processor the description goes on to say that removing it means death but if that was the case why would they let me remove it it must be some kind of clever Double Bluff you're may be thinking because you've not played much near autometer and you don't realize that this is a game that will also kill you for eating a fish anyway pull out the OS chip and surprise surprise you die instantly who could have predicted that well apart from everyone because the game explicitly told you that would happen but apart from them tomb raiding Adventurer Lara Croft is always running into ancient curses but usually they can be dealt with by firing Two Pistols at them simultaneously or some assaulting sideways when something can't be some assault shot that's when we get into trouble as we discovered in the original Tomb Raider and in Tomb Raider anniversary in the level that takes placing Greece in the ancient Palace of King Midas this level requires you to gather up lead bars and using the magical power of the Statue of Midas transmute that lead into gold Having learned of the incredible power of the statue by which anything that touches its hand turns into gold it would be a pretty St stupid decision to jump onto that hand right to touch it with your human body and yet what kind of an archaeologist nay scientist nay citizen of the world would we be if we didn't test the limits of this incredible artifact power Lara Crofts an archaeologist right I can never tell anyway decide to go through with this ill-advised experiment and the obvious happens Lara turns into solid gold not quickly either it takes a while and she knows what's going on the whole time still this will be useful to an academic institution somewhere I expect because they can sell it and fund an entire new research [Music] Department you sleep well darling our daughter really likes you she wants you to be your big brother oh I don't get too excited don't jump up and down just yet you want to be part of this family you got to eat like family say what you like about Resident Evil 7's Baker family chopping off your extremities and attacking you with chainsaws fa and locking you in weaponized Escape rooms have a nice day and turning into insect monsters but you can't fault them for their Hospitality in fact your very first interaction with them is being welcomed into their home sat down at the family dinner table and offered a home-cooked meal that makes up in quantity what it lacks in visual appeal eat it it's good don't some would no good if it hit him yeah now you're probably thinking it would be a bad idea to eat the baker's food but the good news is that in the main game you aren't even given the option to some get shoved in your mouth but then dinner is interrupted and you're able to make your Escape oh he's not eating a jack he's not eating it shut the hell up that for him get the hell out of here you're a son of a oh I can't believe it he's son of a he not not the bad news is that there's a lot more of margarite's cooking in the bedroom DLC and this time you can eat it if you want to wow this this looks look delicious you really don't want to I'll be back in a little bit to check on you in this DLC you play as hapless camera operator Clancy Jarvis who is trapped in one of the baker's guest rooms being brought suspect looking soup by margarite what you're supposed to do is solve a series of puzzles to escape the room and make your way further into the family home but if you like you can just kick back and help yourself to some stew you're given one Warning by which we mean Clancy violently throws the food back up but if you decide to go back for seconds you get this review worthy of Kitchen Nightmares actually I'm not sure even Gordon Ramsey hated any food so much he died from it might be time to switch to takeout margarite so those were seven bad terrible decisions that will kill you instantly in video games why not make a good decision this afternoon and click on one of these two videos to continue your YouTube Journey with us or with our sister Channel outside extra here's a video from us uh and down here is one from those folks I just mentioned outside extra either of them an extremely good decision that I guarantee won't kill you not legally binding I'm not on the hook if uh your house collapses while you watch it just saying
Channel: outsidexbox
Views: 466,376
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: outsidexbox, andy farrant, jane douglas, mike channell, funny, tomb raider, turning to gold, lara croft, lara croft turning to gold, king midas, tomb raider anniversary, evil within, explode, shoot, explosion, mannequin factory, factory, nier automata, 2s, remove chip, remove os, binding of isaac, bible, satan, alone in the dark, de vermis mysteriis, read book, baldur's gate 3, baldur's gate III, gale, gale dies, orb blast, funny moments
Id: 5zo4ShIl3JU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 43sec (883 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 28 2023
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