7 Signs You're Dating A Loser

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My dear elegant ladies, now there might be 7 signs that you are dating a loser. Okay. When I say loser, I don't necessarily mean a "loser". To tell you the truth, low quality man was too long to write in the title. So let's keep it simple by just calling him a loser today. But in reality, I'm really referring to any form of man that might not be worthy of your time, your effort and your love whatsoever. Sadly, in our society, a lot of women are being desperate. A lot of women are wasting too much time on the wrong type of men. And in this video, we are stopping with that behavior as of right now. But before we start with point number one, you need to be aware that of course, there might be some things that are going to sound like the partner you are with right now. I'm not telling you to leave him, but I'm telling you that maybe you should start thinking about setting boundaries and your own self worth. Now let's dive into sign number one, you're dating a loser if he expects you to go 50/50 in the relationship with him, or if he also split the bill with you. Now, I'm not going to go too deep on the subject because I have already spoken so much on the subject, on my channel, why I believe men should pay more than women in the relationship. But this is all bound to the fact that society is not equal for men and women, first of all. We are not a hundred percent equal and we can never become equal, simply because biologically, we are not built equally. Okay? Men have a certain advantage biologically speaking than women, whilst women because we are the caretakers or the ones who carry the child, et cetera. We might never have the same equal opportunity to make the same career, to make the same amount of money, et cetera. Plus, as you know, on the job market, women tend to earn less than men on average, it's just the sad reality, even though, of course things are changing. But not only that, women also have different types of expenses than men simply because we are women. We actually have to spend more to keep ourselves attractive. And of course, we are attractive because men wants us to be attractive. Women spend more on clothes than men. Women spend more on sanitary products than men. Women spend more on beauty products than men, etc. Sorry. So if he wants to go 50/50 in the relationship, that just simply shows that he doesn't want to step into this masculine role, plus he is not a provider and he might not even be generous. So I don't know if those are the qualities that you want to work within this relationship. I'm not forcing this upon you. If you are fine with this, then that's absolutely okay. No hard feelings from my end, but I'm just here to tell you that it's okay as a woman to expect that the man has to pull some financial load a bit more than the woman in the relationship. Sign number two, that you are dating a loser. And that is if he makes you feel weird or crazy or a psychopath or clingy if you want commitment from him. And when I say commitment, ladies, I'm talking about being in the relationship. Are we an item? Are we not? Or let's say you want to have an engagement or let's say you want marriage, or you want kids, etc. There are so many men out there who paint the picture as if the woman is a psycho who wants these things, that something is wrong with her, like stop pushing me type of thing. This is the thing, I'm not saying it should only be the way us women want it to be. If we want to give birth tomorrow, doesn't mean that that's fair. Okay. But there has to be a way where we meet half way. This is the disadvantage of being a woman. We have a body clock to think of. We can't just spend 10 years waiting for him to finish clubbing. And then maybe, then he will decide if he wants to marry or not. But again, a little disclaimer, there are of course valid and reasonable situations when sometimes you do need to give a person a little bit of time, a little bit of space, but this is where I'm talking about meet half ways. Don't let it just be how he wants it. Don't let it only be how you want it. It has to be an equal opportunity. That's what we want. Sign number three, that you are dating a loser, if he is flaky, ghost you, vanishes or is completely unreliable. Haven't we all met this type, ladies? Now this is such a classic scenario, especially, haven't we also met so many women who are like, "Oh, I love him so much". She basically accepts that type of behavior. Or she puts up with it because, "well, I don't really have anything better going on for myself. Well, I kind of liked this guy, you know". You see what I mean? There is no excuse for a man to be unreliable or flaky. I need to tell you one thing, that rule number one in dating is that if he doesn't keep his promises, if he's unreliable, if he ghost you, then one time, okay, things happen. Second time, bye! Ladies, you don't deserve to be with somebody who cancels on you last minute for basically no reason or repeatedly doing this as part of his behavior. I mean, there are so many examples that I think we all have been through with flaky men and men who simply gives us all these promises, and then nothing ever happens. All these promises came because actually, he had an agenda. He wanted to sleep with you, get you in bed so that you would give him what he wants before he delivers his fake promise? Okay. I think I need to call him down a little bit now. But this subject really fires me up like a firecracker. Let's just exactly how it is. If a man is inconsistent, I really don't believe he's that into you. Like, okay, that's the cliché saying but it really is that simple. A man who is into you, he is going to call you. He is going to make an effort. He is going to climb mountains and walk on seas in order to see you, even if it's a bit difficult right now. Yes, it's hard to meet high-quality men. I get it because men are so spoiled today. It's truly a challenge, but what's worse is settling for less. I mean, I'd rather be single than be with somebody who is really not up to the level that I think I deserve to be treated. Before we continue, I know it's a big challenge that we don't know where to meet men and where to meet the elites in general. So you know that I do have a cheat sheet with over 210 places of ideas and suggestions for you where you can actually go to meet men, to meet the elite and simply make new connections. This is a free gift from me to you just simply go to www.MillionairePlaces.com and download this free cheat sheet today. Now sign number four, that you are dating a loser. And okay, before I say what it is that I'm about to say, I know that some of you ladies are going to have a partner like this. So my disclaimer is that this is just a cliche example. If he does some of these things doesn't mean that he's a complete loser, of course not. But I'm just giving this to you as a guidance. And I think you can also see that this is a bit of a metaphor for the type of persona that I'm about to describe. So here we go, sign number four. You're dating a loser if he lacks depth, has no other interests than watch football, drink beer, play video games and watch porn. Obviously this is generalization. This is stereotyping, et cetera. It's just a metaphor, in this case. This could be translated in all kinds of different shapes, sizes and forms. In reality, all I'm saying that it's about a man who lacks depth. Because you know, there's a stereotype that women or oftentimes women can be airheads, especially blonde women. So, you know, they say that a woman can easily be an airhead, a bimbo, a blondie, you know, all of those horrible stereotypes. But come on, have you never heard about the fact that a man can equally be so? And the fact that actually, in this world, there are so many of them. oh yes, I have met many of them. They even exist in high society, believe it or not. First of all, I think we can all say that it's not very attractive. I don't really know what you're going to have in common with each other. I do believe though, that since you are here on this channel, you're probably very elegant and cultivated, and have a brain going for yourself that you don't really want to be with somebody who is less intelligent than you. Just think about what you going to be talking to this man about for the rest of your life, let's say you become married. I don't know. I think life is too short to waste with the wrong person. Make sure you find somebody you have things in common with. Sign number five that you are dating a loser. And that is if he lacks any form of basic gentleman skills. And with gentlemen skills, come on, I think this is very universal. We don't even really have to pay attention to cultures. I think that holding up the door for a woman rather than throwing it in her face is basic manners. All men kind of know about, right? Or let's say as an example, you're walking next to the man and it's a little bit chilly. You're wearing a short sleeve top or something like that and it's a little bit cold, and he doesn't offer to give his jacket to you. One of the things that I see a lot and this, I think you also know is when the man is so nauseous and doesn't really care about his woman, he walks in front of her. He doesn't even wait for her, doesn't even look back to see if she's still behind him. So rude and not gentleman whatsoever. Small things like that really shows if a man is a gentleman. And you know, I recently spoke about sex etiquette. When a man is selfish in bed, that's no gentleman. That's not nice. Especially considering how physically we are structured, where again, the woman has a more tougher card to play with than the man. And ladies, that was just a few examples of uncultured behavior from non gentleman. Give me some more examples down below in the comments section, I will be reading them all. Sign number six, you're dating a loser if he starts manipulating you. Once you understand that, you know what, I need to set some boundaries in this relationship. I need to reclaim some unfairness that has been going on. So he starts saying that you're materialistic. You're the B word, you're a gold-digger. Or who knows, maybe he says, be quiet woman. Who do you think you are? Sit down or go to the kitchen, go back to your place. I mean, truly you might think that I'm joking right now, but there are many men like that. I think it is a warning sign. If a man is reacting aggressively, once you start setting fair boundaries. And when I say fair boundaries, because I know that it's hard to understand in the beginning, am I doing the right thing? Am I being too selfish? Is this fair or not? But you really need to trust the situation. And you of course can take some advice from your surroundings as well. But if you are setting fair boundaries where you are not being too selfish, it's not just about what you want. It's about meeting half way. That's what boundaries is all about. And the man reacts very harshly, very crazily. I think you need to be a little bit cautious of what you're dealing with because potentially, this could be a man that you should be stepping away from. There are men who are just narcissistic, selfish or too defensive or lack ability to do any form of change within themselves. Now, I don't know if that's where to build a future with. So that could potentially the situation where you have to choose yourself and choose your own needs first. Because believe me, there are men who are willing to meet you half way, who are fine with certain boundaries in the relationship and who not expecting you to be a doormat or to do everything for him, or to be it's all about the way he wants things to be. Be careful, ladies. Sign number seven. And the last sign that you are dating a loser. And that is if you are in a serious committed relationship with somebody who is still partying all night long every weekend and cannot be without his clubbing with the boys, pretty much every weekend. Okay. One thing is, if let's say you are 19 years old, both of you, you are also in that type of lifestyle, but for anybody who is kind of, I don't know, in their thirties and up, maybe even late twenties as well, I don't know. It's hard to put labels, but I think you all can understand where I'm maneuvering here. The whole point is if he's in a serious committed relationship, why does he still needs to be partying every weekend, every Friday, every Saturday, all night long. And especially without you. Okay, if you do that together as a couple, because you love to have fun, you love to drink, you love to dance, whatever. But if he has such a strong need to be Mr party boy, and I don't really know what you are doing with him. It is just a bit strange that if somebody is in a relationship and still needs to be doing all that, it's a little bit of a warning sign. But again, people are of course different, situations are different. So everything that I've said in this video, of course, it might not be a hundred percent applicable in your situation, even though some of these signs resembles your partner. But think about, are you really being treated the way you deserve to be treated? Are you setting fair boundaries? Are both of you meeting each other halfway? Because that's what it really is all about. It's not just what he wants. It's also what you want. Don't forget that my dear we'll get ladies. In the next video, how to make him beg for your attention, you're going to find out exactly how to be the one that the man runs after repeatedly. So hop over to that video because I will see you.
Channel: Anna Bey
Views: 299,822
Rating: 4.8760266 out of 5
Keywords: school of affluence, jetsetbabe, anna bey, elegance, affluence, high society, etiquette, finishing school, manners, elite, luxury lifestyle, luxury, red flags in men, commitment issues in men, relationship advice, dating advice for women, high-quality men, relationship advice for women, what men want, high-quality man
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 25sec (865 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 27 2021
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