How Do Single Girls Afford Luxury While NOT Working Full-time?

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So how do these girls do it? Those regular girls that do not come from money, how do they afford to live such a luxurious and affluent lifestyle? What are their secrets? Those exact words were my thoughts when I just started out with my leveling up journey when I was 19/20 years old. It took me years and years to figure this out and now I'm here spilling the beans for you in a YouTube video. So for those of you who do not know who I am, my name is Anna and I run an online finishing school. Now, in my online finishing school, I really do speak about financial strategy in depth. But in this video, I want to share for those ladies who might not be part of my students but still want to have a little bit of insights of how it works in the financial department, all those ladies who are living a luxurious lifestyle but do not come from money, how do they make it work? This is something, ladies, that I could not grasp for probably a few years back in the days. I had my foot in high society but there was one thing I just couldn't grasp. How come there are so many women who don't seem to live a nine-to-five lifestyle. They all seem to have a flexible lifestyle where they're just kind of enjoying themselves, traveling, working a bit here and there and make it still go around with their finances. Yet, I was there stuck in my nine-to-five job that I by the way, hated. I hated my office job so much but I put up with it because how else was I going to level up? But then there came a time after I had been studying these women for so many years, I befriended them, I understood what their strategies was, what their background was, how they actually made it work. Now, I'm not going to share with you everything in this video because the full story is only available for my students but I do want to give you a little bit of insights because I know this is going to help you a little bit along your path. So let's start with the basic. Do the ladies actually work? And I'm referring to the ladies who are part of the affluent scene and who do not come from money originally but who seem to be able to jet set around and really live the good life. Do they work or do they not work? Give me an answer, Anna. So the answer, ladies, actually quite a lot of them do work. I also think that you should be working too really, really hard especially in the beginning of your journey. This is how it really works. So in the beginning, when we are beginners, we really need to focus on our leveling up and that is usually priority one. Because once we have leveled up to a degree where things are starting to run a little bit more on autopilot for us, we're getting more and better opportunities, we're getting noticed, we're getting recognized, we're getting invites, then life becomes easier. But to reach that stage, ladies, you have to invest yourself. You have to polish yourself up. You have to follow the formula that I teach so much in my program because this is phase one and a lot of women get stuck in phase one because they don't execute it properly. I'm not blaming anybody and I'm not pointing fingers but I also know that as a common trend that people can get a little bit lazy and lack patience and that is a big no-go if you really want to succeed in this particular lifestyle. Now, let me go back to myself. How did I do it? I wasn't always self-employed, I wasn't always running my own business. I didn't always have my boyfriend providing for me so that it didn't have to worry about money. No. But back in the days when I just started, I was just a regular plain Jane who had her nine to five and to be quite honest with you, there was a time when I even had two jobs. I was working as much as I could so that I could save up as much money as I could to reinvest in myself. My success has always been driven by one fundamental and that is to reinvest in yourself. Ladies, you really have to put in that extra work. It is required, especially in the beginning because it's in the beginning that we face the biggest uphills and that's when we prove ourselves, how badly do we want this? If we want this transformation badly enough, we are going to climb that mountain, no matter how big or small it is but we're gonna make it happen. Even if it means to having to work over time or having two jobs or somehow having to hustle so you have the funds that are required for this transformation. A lot of the times, ladies think that leveling up, achieving an affluent lifestyle is gonna be without any form of investment. Not the case, I'm afraid and so is if you want to take yourself to the next level. I'm sorry but it doesn't work like that. Everything costs. To become more beautiful, it costs money. Finding the right partner for you, it also costs money because you have to invest in yourself. Expanding your social circle to the elite, that's definitely gonna cost you a little bit money. All of these things costs but it doesn't mean that they have to cost you a fortune, that's not what I'm talking about. I'm just saying that everything does have a price and you have to really be open and willing to pay that price. Now, secondly, the ladies that I know are most of the times, not always, but most of the times are clever ladies, who are part of the affluent society, who leveled up, who worked hard, who followed the formula and meanwhile, they made sure to always save for a rainy day. Not necessarily only for a rainy day but always save because they know how things can change, plans can change, life gives you surprises and life sometime even give you lemons. So they know they can always make a lemonade out of their savings. You get my point. Ladies, you have to have savings on this path and that's why you really need to work. You really need to start this transformation by working hard and meanwhile, you save. You save for that day for when perhaps you wanna stop working so that you can focus on your journey with 100% and you also have to save for a rainy day because you might meet an affluent man who might be really treating you like a princess and spoiling you and look after you. But what about the day when he actually decides to leave? Or you wanna leave? Then, my dear, you need a backup plan. If you don't save, you will learn it the hard way. Now, let's go back to how others have done it because I've spoken about the importance of work, savings and patience but what about the nitty gritty, how do all of these girls who are living the high life, how do they make it happen? So when I started to do my research, I came to a very interesting realization. I found that actually, the majority of women that I met, unless they were working in regular jobs, they were majority of the times multitasking and making their income stream happen from various sources. So it was never just one type of approach. Number one, they had a lot of savings. Number two, they made sure that whenever they had a boyfriend in their life, a partner, that that partner was providing for them. Now, number three, generous friends. Believe it or not but once you have leveled up to a point in high society where you have great connections and you have a lot of generous friends, then your generous friends, whether it is men or women, will actually kind of help you a little bit along the way. They might be inviting you for trips, they might be paying for things, paying for outings and so on and it's nothing strange in high society. It's a very common practice between people. Usually the highest earner pays and that's it. Like just to give you an example, if a billionaire goes for lunch with a millionaire, then the billionaire is mostly likely to pay the check. It's just a little common unspoken thing that happens in society. So going back to who pays, generous friends, believe it or not, it's very, very common and there's no funny business around that. No matter what people or naysayers tend to say. Then you have the generous boyfriends that I just mentioned and that is of course, a very, very crucial one because the majority of the times, women are dating somebody or are in a serious committed relationship with somebody. Now, lastly, the final thing that I know, a lot of women, not everybody though, but some, keep kind of patching up their journey with and that is having a little bit of support from family. I'm not saying their family are wealthy but you do have actually a little bit of money coming in from family who either maybe there is some form of inheritance, even if it's small or there's some form of support from a mother or a father, anything. I have seen many cases like that, so what I'm just trying to say is that many times, these girls, they just make it happen through patching it up from bits and pieces, from different types of sources and like this, they don't need to work full time. Also, I forgot to say, they might even have a part-time job. Many times, girls are working part-time and then the rest of the time they dedicate to their jet-set journey, to their transformational journey and leveling up. Now, how can you make this happen? And I am very much aware that I do have a lot of you ladies with me who are literally starting from minus zero. Now, I know that that situation can feel quite daunting. I know that it might make you feel like, what's the point? I should just give up. I don't have any cash and I don't see any cash coming in soon. This is not going to work. Now, let me tell you one thing and this is where you really need to switch on your hustler mentality if you want your life to happen. I've noticed in life that whenever you really want something badly in your life, you're going to find a way to make that happen. If you don't have the money today, you're going to find the way how to make that money happen and I'm not talking about any form of illegal ways. I'm talking about things that you can stand for and things that might require, like I said, patience and a little bit of hustling and a little bit of hard work. Good things will come to those who are patient and there is a really nice Chinese proverb that I really want to share with you. I actually had to take out my phone because I posted it on my Instagram, so if you still don't follow me on Instagram, you really should. "The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago, the second best time is now." And having said that, ladies, this is what investing in yourself is all about. This is what creating a hustling mentality is all about. Do it now, don't wait for tomorrow, don't push it away because it's uncomfortable. Learn how to compromise in life and learn how to practice patience. You will be writing to me in the future and you'll be telling me, Anna, thank you. I did it! And that's exactly the words I want to hear from you. Now, I do have another video for you on my channel and I really want to see you there. The video is all about how you can start your luxury lifestyle or even if you have started, how can you get more ideas to sustain it and make it happen successfully. And also, visit if you have decided that now is the time to take action and plant your tree today, instead of regretting it in a few years. Now, I will see you in the next video.
Channel: Anna Bey
Views: 472,535
Rating: 4.869565 out of 5
Keywords: school of affluence, jetsetbabe, anna bey, luxury, luxury lifestyle, rich life, how i can afford luxury, the luxury tag, luxury addict, women and money, the school of affluence, classy women, anna bey school of affluence, jet set babe, luxury life, the school of affluence youtube, rich lifestyle, jetsetbabe level up, how to afford luxury lifestyle, how to afford luxury on a budget
Id: DPZJlH0zt68
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 49sec (709 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 17 2019
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