Minecraft but you can ONLY GO UP

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please let me make this jump oh my God not again this is the worst update they've ever added to Minecraft I swear why did Minecraft make an update where you can only go up now what the where did they just come from uh goofy you good bro dude I got so far I was almost at the end no wait you were almost at the end how far did you get I made it all the way to the trees you made it to the trees did you mean the trees are literally the first part of the world how did you think you were close to the end I'm getting off for a bit but if you keep going I hope you make it as far as I did if juffy beats this version of Minecraft before me I think I have to quit forever all right let's give this another try this time might be the one okay first part of the world is getting past the trees which is incredibly easy and somehow joofy can't get past and now comes the hard part when I get into the village I have yet to figure out a way past this villager who won't move no matter what I do okay can I just make this jump wait have I never tried opening the trap door oh wait that just made it so much easier okay made that jump and now I'm back to this stupid guy who keeps blocking my path dude come on I just want to make it past the village for once please move you can try all you want but no one is ever making it past me oh my God I hate you all right you know what hold on maybe I can make that jump if I can just catch the corner right there you know what I'm going for it come on let's go no this is impossible there has to be some way to make a move or some jump I'm missing I don't get it why would Minecraft make one of the first levels this hard to complete this doesn't make any sense wait could I make the jump to this house I think it might be possible come on and oh that was so close if I made that insanely hard jump for nothing I will be depressed okay there's a chest in here please have something I can use oh a punch five bow punch five seems a little Overkill but I guess the Villager deserves it it's so funny how you think you have a chance wait what how did you please no no well he had that coming okay well I guess I don't need this bow anymore now we can finally move on past the village let's go oh it looks like now I'm on to the stone area or caves I guess that makes sense because after a village you usually go caving right oh great of course there's two different paths to take bro The Village was too easy I can't believe you struggled with that part yeah of course it's easy I got rid of the Villa it doesn't matter all right now we have a new problem there are two different paths to take which one do we do the coal or the iron well usually when you start to go mining you want to get iron first you might iron first no what are you talking about you have to mine coal to smelt the iron why would you choose iron well I know my path is the right one so you can have fun going down the wrong path by yourself fine have fun falling all the way down and climbing up again I know I won't be because this is the right path look I can literally see the exit right here I knew this is the right one okay let's see what the catch is here it looks like I just have to make a one block jump wait this is incredibly easy the one block job what I swear I'm quitting this game right now look at this so easy just a one block jump okay now I'm really confused if you're path didn't work and my path didn't work then how do we get past the cave system I mean usually when I do mining for the first time I just find straight down so maybe we should try digging straight down oh great mine's straight down wow that's a brilliant idea okay have fun doing that okay can we get some real ideas now there's got to be some jump we were missing or some hidden path wait goofy bro what are you doing down there I told you I'm mining straight down this block here looks suspicious and he's falling to the bottom again I found a secret path what how are you still here there's barrier blocks here I knew this was the right way you've just gotta trust me great I am now being carried in this Minecraft world by the most unintelligent player to exist this game just doesn't make any sense anymore we've been going for a while you think we're at the top yet no goofy we're probably not even close Okay so we made it past the cave systems and now there are houses this makes sense usually you would make your first house after going mining right oh yeah I guess you are kind of right most people build a house after caping but the question is is which house do we choose well the Cobblestone one looks pretty safe to me so I think I'll choose this one you sure you don't want to think it through okay well he eliminated that one then the answer has to be this wooden house right because everyone builds a two block High house not a three block High House on their first house I'm so high up I really hope this is right please don't be barriers oh thank God there were no barriers okay well this must be the right house then right I have Ender on the ground well I'm guessing I just whoa what just happened no wait did that just get teleported all the way up here let's go made it past the houses all right on to the next all right we got another portal and a fake Aether Portal is this actually a decision why would it be the Aether Portal nah this is so obviously reverse psychology this Aether Portal has to be the right one you're not being serious this is Minecraft that is not a real portal why would you go through there Andy's going through does this guy just want to lose dude look at me I'm fine it's this one wow I totally did not see something like that coming okay I'm just gonna go through the obvious correct path and we're through let's go all right this is cool looks like I'm out of the Overworld and into The Nether now if I'm in other right now that means no way the end Dimension I've got to be close to the top all right looks like I gotta go up this way to the end and how do I get over there uh I don't see any path okay oh great another mob interaction is not what I want right now well at least it's not a villager wait what's in this chest oh gold that makes sense I need to trade for ender pearls all right piglin you know the deal nothing fancy just one ender pearl and I will be out of here I'm trying to make it to the top of Minecraft you know sorry no Ender post for you bro are you serious I gave you 64 gold what's your problem all right time to find a new plan okay I don't think he can see us from here do you have the skin I got it let me put this bad boy on real quick oh let's go this is gonna be perfect all right piglin look who I brought today it's your favorite speedrunner dream you want to give him some ender pearls no no ender pearls what bro how were we gonna get ender pearls from this guy oh my God what who is that don't worry about it just let me do my plan all right buddy your son for or some ender pearls okay fine I'm sorry bro chill you can stop spamming them now I just need one ender pearl stop please stop let's go I got the ender pearl now it's time to move on to the end Dimension no pressure here I just have to make the ender pearl or I Fall to a violent death and lose all my progress and probably quit this game alright let's go for it come on please land on the island oh let's go we made it this is insane I'm actually about to beat Minecraft oh man we still have such a long way look at how tall this thing is oh God you're right this could take hours ah we're so close though we can't just give up now what if there was some Shortcut or something we missed on the way back that could get us to the top easily or better yet something to teleport us instantly to the top wait come on please work oh yes goofy I think I have an idea if we're standing next to the end City and we eat the chorus fruit I think there's a possibility we teleport to the top you ready finally this is the first genius idea you've ever had in three two one I'll see you at the top whoa did it work no way I think I'm actually on top of the end City yes let's go I got all the way up here from one chorus fruit wait where's juffy uh joofie hello what the uh FBO no how am I at the bottom are you serious all right not sure where juffy went but I'm not gonna stand around and wait to complete the game I have to be thousands of blocks high by now this is insane no way is this the final staircase I'm actually gonna win and I'm at the top let's go uh is something supposed to happen did I win uh am I missing something oh great is that the end portal okay so that must be the end of the game right and I think I know just the way to get over there that is if this end ship still has an elytra yes there we go only one simple step away from beating the new version of Minecraft okay no pressure all I have to do is just make the simple glide on over there and I beat the game you know I actually think I like this version of Minecraft it was frustrating at first but now that I'm gonna win I think I like it well it's too bad jupy's not here to complete the game with me wait what's that noise no no no no
Channel: Evbo
Views: 15,342,315
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: eb3RIKS6HrA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 7sec (487 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 29 2023
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