I changed ONE letter to create NEW Pokemon!

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[Music] hey guys Ron here so a couple of months ago there was a trend on Twitter where artists create new Pokemon just by changing one letter of an existing Pokemon I thought this trend was phenomenal and since I have hands and an encyclopedic knowledge of Pokemon I thought it would make sense for me to take a crack at this challenge if you're new make sure to check out all my other Fakemon videos after this you won't regret it if you're not new uh that means you're old that's just how things work so the first Pokemon I wanted to do is the a bit different the way I'm going to change a letter in mantyke's Name Is by completely taking it out and not replacing it with another that's right we're gonna be making an anti baby what if Mantyke was an ant would you still love Mantic if it was an ant I sure hope so because this will honestly work the best out of all of these since it already has these antennas there's no crazy concept though so not not much to do but begin drawing this bug it's just a couple of circles with antennas slapping a mantite face on that ant head the problem is mantyke's face looks creepy without color like it's just looks like it's staring into the abyss now trust me it'll stay creepy since we're turning a manta ray into an ant but it won't be this creepy once the colors kick in I did a little clever Thing by making its limbs look like its antennas okay I haven't said antennas this many times in one minute there are tons of bug Pokemon with only one set of arms and legs so I thought it was fine to leave out two of its ant legs but don't tell anybody that those two dots on its chest are vestigial arms Dude Looks like he's happy to invite you into his home his little ant colony for finding the sketch before adding mantych's literal colors here is antiques the buoyant Pokemon these seafaring bug types have hollow abdomens full of water and air allowing them to float and swim when a flying type Predator appears above them they release a blast of air and water from their mouths allowing them to sink into the water and swim to Safe depths they form highly Cooperative colonies underwater they are super friendly and are particularly close to remoraid who they usually compete with in water gun competitions it senses the change in water flow and weather using their antenna they will approach boats humans will let them eat leftover crumbs when it pops its head out of the water it is mistaken for a Mantyke it has the abilities water absorbed swarm and watervale it's shiny is the same as its original Pokemon inspiration just like all the shinies in this video will be this is one of the only Pokemon in the video that would work in the Pokemon world it could easily be a regional fake like Wiglet or toad school I think you think you'd fall in love with it once you get over the uncanniness of seeing a Pokemon you're familiar with have a completely different body shape it was a cool first example of what we're doing here today the next one is pretty simple as well okay I mean they're all simple we're literally just changing a letter I'm gonna take Porygon and turn it into poorie God what if Arceus imbued the virtual Pokemon with his powers creating a virtual God in his own image I'm gonna take porygon's face and give it an Arceus Cranium I'm most I'm also gonna give it an Arceus wheel that is basically turning Porygon into a God it'll be a two-dimensional plane unlike the rest of porygon's 3D faces its legs become arms now originally I just copied and pasted one of the arms because I was lazy but this compositionally works really well because it looks like the meteors that are falling when it uses judgment the point is that the geometry on its head is being extruded outwards and glitching this entire Pokemon will be partially glitchy since it can't really contain the power of God in a stable manner this guy is Arceus but with an AI brain so its decisions are much more erratic and unpredictable completing the designs before adding uh porygon's color scheme with a hint of yellow now it has the color scheme that matches the secondary colors of light magenta cyan and yellow here is hori God the virtual reality Pokemon once Arceus the soul Creator heard word of a man-made Pokemon it came down and imbued Porygon with his power to show Humanity what true creation was initially poor God was taking well to its newly granted abilities allowing it to create virtual characters and worlds that others see and interact with but the bugs in its code manifested in a terrible way leading to poor God's Rampage it unleashed the power of Arceus on Humanity Darkness swiftly overtook the land and meteors fell from the sky thankfully all of poori God's creations were mere Illusions but the fear and panic caused by porygon's virtual reality caused Mass hysteria Arceus came down to take back its powers fixing its mistake this collaboration between man and Arceus was a failure it has the ability to multi-type there is no reason for this kind of Pokemon to roam the Earth its existence isn't very safe so I gave it this short story type of lore it could easily be the plot of a Pokemon film with a climactic battle between it and Arceus the point is that it isn't your average Pokemon if you like the idea of Porygon Arceus fusions you'll like Porygon next is a funny one to be fair this entire concept is humorous Yamask is an interesting Pokemon what if it were more animalistic I'm going to replace the Y with an h and give us a mask this non-kosher ghost is basically a similar idea to the mask what if a pig put on a mask that you know possessed it the mask is just yeah mask's mask no change there then I'm gonna give it the body of a poke Pig basically the proportions of a cross between Le chunk and oink colon its hooves are modeled after Yi mask's eyes and his tail reminiscent of yamask's weird hands I was gonna add ears but I thought that kind of ruined the Striking aspect of the unobscured Mask but to make sure to fill in some of the empty space I gave it this cursed pattern to make it look more possessed check out hamask the spirit Pokemon this Pokemon is possessed by the spirit of a deceased human The Mask acts as a conduit between the soul and the original Pokemon's body it roams around seeking the location of its past life some say the soul belonged to a human from a long-lost civilization dooming hamask to roam the region endlessly with no hope in finding remnants of its past life it has the ability mummy I think this Pokemon has a chance in being a Yamask form in my future Pokemon region perhaps there are Yamask masks scattered throughout the region and some poor unfortunate Pig Pokemon put it on and became hamask I love the contrast between the serious mask and Goofy chubby body it's kind of tragic in some way looks like an ancient figurine next is the most intuitive one and could easily be a regional form sumowoodo it's a Sumo tree it's actually a pretty natural progression from bonsley which is already Japanese themed it could even be a separate Evolution but today let's just make Sudowoodo wide so I'm not lying I'm literally starting off with Hawaii Sudowoodo base it'll have a piece of wood that goes around its waste and nether regions to simulate the look of a malashi the traditional garb of a sumo wrestler and the branch on its head will look more like a top-notch to mimic the look of a chonage dude is serious and way more Brave than a Sudowoodo we're finding it now the rest is just what you're familiar with but thicker same with the colors but with the darker more healthy colored groin cause this is sumowoodo a grass-fighting type unlike sudow Widow sumowoodo is made of soft pliable wood it retains a lot of water in its body it constantly drinks to bulk up and is unmovable it's a master of staying in place it will take endless beatings it is incredibly Brave and honorable in ancient times sumowoodo were used to guard castles it spends its time competing with hariyama it is a very respectable rival sumowoodo are proud of their friends accomplishments and are glad to be a part of their Rivals Improvement it has the abilities sturdy guts and sheer force I hope you understand that this is a grass type now since it doesn't have sudo in the name anymore I love The Duality between its adversarial expression and its actual personality it's very loyal I can respect it next is the most natural sounding change I'm going to take Happiny and turn it into hoppini that's right it'll be a kangaroo think about it I'm not gonna even say why the design of a Happiny would translate really well into a kangaroo just check this out we're making a happy knee with a snoot it's jumping in the air because it's happy and also a kangaroo it's basically all it does I'm placing the rock on his pouch that's right the Blissey line is already very kangaroo-like except they lay eggs perhaps they're a cross between marsupials and monotreams which kinda existed in the past metatherians were marsupials that laid eggs very fascinating almost as fascinating as happiny's uh huge ears I took its ponytail and duplicated it very natural it's almost like it was meant to be a kangaroo the feet were next that was the main event then a tail stylized like the ears refining the sketch before giving it happiny's colors I didn't feel like making it brown say hi to hapini the jumping Pokemon from the moment they leave the pouch of their mothers these Pokemon begin to hop around at astonishing speeds and Heights they are incredibly caring they carry a White Rock to emulate their mothers it spends all of its time focusing on making sure its Rock doesn't fall out as it hops around this distraction causes hapini to frequently bump into trees it loves to play around with children it will let its most cherished friends hold its Rock for a few minutes its abilities and shiny is the same as Happiny it's a kangaroo Happiny what more can I say probably the least change so far so I can't really take that much credit and now I want to take little old trap hinge and make it even more dangerous trap punch is where I'm going with this it'll be a trap pinch that can punch so the recipe for our trap punch is as follows take the proportions of a trap pinch and add two giant fists the size of trap pinch's head make it stand up with those stubby feet and adjust its existing patterns to make it look more like the patterns of a jumpsuit refining it a bit before adding pincers on its arms as well with a little bump that looks like a vestigial fist because psych once I added the colors I wrapped its arms in this pattern that looks like bandages it works with both the fighting and ground type here is trap punch the fight pit Pokemon trap punch will spar with each other in sand pits other trap punch will stand at the top of the pit and watch as two truck punch duke it out in the pit drop punch is unflinching in the face of any attack while they take damage they won't show it their expression remains blank as they Pummel their opponents with tough pincer fists in a Pokemon battle as a last resort they will use their pincers to clamp down on their foe however they never use this technique when fighting amongst themselves in sand pits it waits at the bottom of sand pits for a fair fight they have the abilities Iron Fist of Arena trap and sheer force I like the idea of a trap punch Fight Club I hope you like the idea of this video too leave a like if you enjoyed check out all of the other Fakemon art videos I do too subscribe if you haven't and consider becoming a patron or clicking the join button to get cool rewards like seeing my videos days early and a huge discount on the t-shirts I made for you guys follow me on Twitter where I post sneak peeks and final art of my designs bye [Music]
Channel: Truegreen7
Views: 180,021
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Creating New Pokemon, Designing New Pokemon, Fakemon, Asone, Asone Region, Pokemon Type Swaps, Fixing Pokemon, Pikachu, Charizard, Pokemon Sword and Shield, Sword and Shield, Top 10 Pokemon, Favorite Pokemon, Truegreen, True green 7, Pokémon (Video Game Series), Pokémon (TV Program), Pokémon (Brand), Truegreen7, Pokemon GO, Game Freak, Pokemon Legends: Arceus, Arceus, Drawfee, Subjectively, Moxie2D, Pokemon Scarlet, Pokemon Violet, Gen 9, Pokemon DLC, Irona Leaves, Walking Wake, DLC
Id: K6BF-XtqrfI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 1sec (601 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 29 2023
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