7 Things You Must Let Go Of To Be Happy

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hey everyone and welcome to top think today  we're going to learn about seven things you   must let go of to be happy now let's begin number  one finding imperfections do you find flaws in   everything and everyone when you're unhappy  the world around you is selfish and cruel   day in and day out people hurt each other  deceive each other and they take advantage of   each other there's plenty of negativity in the  world but there's also beauty and kindness too   well here's the problem when you're unhappy you  only see one version of the world your brain   becomes biased if you're a pessimist for example  you see the worst aspects of everyone you meet in   your eyes they're self-serving or manipulative  but your brain sees what it wants to see so if   you want to be happy let go of your negativity  and change your perspective free yourself from   the bias that moderates your view of the world  for example try to see the good in people the   world isn't perfect and people aren't either but  if you want to be happy you have to let yourself   be happy you have to savor the meaningful moments  in your life even if they aren't perfect everyone   has problems everything has imperfection but if  you spend your life staring at those imperfections   then you'll never appreciate the bigger picture  this is true of your friends your partners your   jobs and especially yourself you aren't perfect  no and you never will be you can always find   reasons to complain about yourself but if you're  concentrating on your weaknesses then you'll   never discover your strengths in other words don't  criticize yourself for all the things you're not   instead be happy about all the things that you  are number two endless preparation do you feel   unprepared do you procrastinate your goals because  you aren't ready to face them many people feel   insecure about their ability to overcome obstacles  when you imagine achieving your goals you imagine   a final product a goal that you've achieved  but on the way is a minefield of obstacles   hurdles and unforeseen challenges you may think to  yourself well what if i don't know what to do what   if i'm not prepared for what comes next everyone  experiences these fears because uncertainty is   terrifying you want to know what comes next so you  can prepare yourself for success but here's the   simple truth you cannot prepare for everything you  just can't you'll never be 100 ready to succeed   because there will always be obstacles that  you didn't expect luckily you don't need to   be 100 percent prepared you don't have to predict  every single challenge that might come your way   the best way to accomplish any goal is to learn as  you go you find success by failing over and over   again you become a master by learning the  basics because everyone starts somewhere   every successful person rose through the ranks by  facing their fears by taking risks and by trying   their best even when they didn't feel confident  or prepared so stop trying to prepare for every   eventuality instead instill within yourself the  strength and confidence to attack new challenges   with everything you've got believe in your own  ability to find success because no matter how   much you prepare you'll never be totally ready no  matter how many books you read or classes you take   nothing compares to the real thing so learn by  doing build your confidence by experiencing your   goals in action take a risk knowing it might blow  up in your face because that's how you improve   number three the lonely void have you ever  said to yourself i'm lonely is loneliness   the reason why you're unhappy many people crave  love and companionship for the wrong reasons   they don't want to connect with another person  they don't want to share their lives with someone   instead they want to fill an empty void in  their life but romance isn't the answer a   lack of companionship doesn't make you  lonely in other words you're not lonely   because you're alone you're lonely because  you don't feel comfortable with yourself   that's why you place the burden of  your self-esteem on someone else your   friends and partners become responsible for your  happiness but lifelong happiness comes from within   so if you feel lonely it's time to get to know  yourself don't fill that space in your life with   friendships and relationships you need to build  a stronger connection with yourself value the   time you spend alone deepen your knowledge of who  you are because you can't be anyone else so the   more you get to know yourself the more your  relationships will change most people don't   realize how much your identity and self-esteem  impact the quality of your relationships   to put it simply people like people who know and  love themselves so if you're happy and confident   others will feel happy and confident around  you yeah your attitude is infectious and   your self-esteem radiates outward so the next time  you're feeling lonely spend some quality time with   yourself be the kind of person you want to be with  because that's the person that'll make you happy   number four imaginary intensity not every conflict  is do or die you like many people may over   intensify the smallest moments in your life your  nerves get the best of you your thoughts run wild   and something as small as a conversation weighs  heavily on your mind when you infuse so much   intensity in your life you develop unreasonable  expectations for yourself every situation carries   so much weight that you're constantly staring down  insurmountable obstacles but most obstacles are   smaller than you realize here's a common obstacle  that countless people struggle with on a daily   basis how often do you talk to people you don't  know ultimately a conversation with a stranger is   short easy and painless you may talk about the  weather or current events but that's about it   most of these conversations end within a  few minutes yet people are petrified of   opening their mouths people get scared because  they catastrophize small simple interactions   this may be a common experience for people who  are nervous or insecure in social situations   the most basic experiences devolve into imaginary  disasters a small part of you knows how easy it   should be but your expectations spiral out of  control so if you want to live a happier life   just take these moments with a grain of salt  remind yourself that most experiences are not   life-changing most conversations are forgettable  most job interviews fizzle into nothing instead   of crumbling to pieces just take a breath  relax your mind and control your expectations   number five black or white most things in  life are not black or white but your brain   takes every experience to the extreme all right  let's say you want to write a novel you create   your first draft but it doesn't turn out the  way you want you have a bad habit of thinking   in black and white so you say to yourself i'm a  failure i should never write another page again   this train of thought leaves you unhappy and  unfulfilled every experience has positives and   negatives strengths and weaknesses nothing's a  hundred percent good or a hundred percent bad   it's always somewhere in the middle sure your  first book may be a mess but there are glimmers   of hope at the end of the day even a complete  disaster can be a valuable learning experience   in other words something good can come from your  most embarrassing failures failure doesn't doom   you to a lifetime of disappointment just like  one's success doesn't guarantee a lifetime of   achievement everything exists on a spectrum so  cut yourself some slack and roll with the punches   number six false comparisons do you compare  yourself to other people do you measure your   success against the accomplishments of others  comparisons can destroy your self-esteem there   will always always be someone out there wearing  buying or experiencing something that you haven't   but that's okay there's no right or wrong  way to look act think or experience the   world around you when you compare yourself to  other people you're not doing your own life   any justice you have your own approach to the  world you solve problems you make connections and   you find inspiration in your own way the life you  live is right for you and that's all that matters   comparisons are especially detrimental on social  media social media profiles present a romanticized   version of someone's life they show their picture  perfect vacations and their extravagant luxuries   but that's just a small sliver of who they  really are they have problems and they make   mistakes just like you they get bored and they  care too much about what other people think   but they want to show the world a specific  image of who they are and that image doesn't   include boredom failure or insecurity so don't  compare yourself to people on social media   real life is much more complicated than  anything online appreciate your life for   what it is otherwise you're never going to  feel satisfied with the life you've chosen   number seven outside expectations do you make your  own decisions or do you live your life to satisfy   someone else many people never find happiness  because they don't follow their own compass   you may not feel a sense of purpose in your life  because you didn't choose the life you're living   you let someone else make your decisions for  you you did what you were told or what you were   supposed to do maybe you felt obligated by your  family or your peers maybe you were following in   someone else's footsteps thinking their life would  make you happy and now you're looking back at your   life wishing that you'd done things differently  ultimately no one should control your life but you   so if you want something it's your responsibility  to claim it for yourself so turn over a new leaf   make decisions that come directly from you  decisions that you can be proud of because   your personal decisions empower you to live the  kind of life you want to live hey thank you for   watching top think and be sure to subscribe  because more incredible content is on the way
Channel: TopThink
Views: 305,876
Rating: 4.9453888 out of 5
Keywords: things you need to let go of to be happy, things you must let go of to be happy, how to be happy
Id: vOk5UoeRPhA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 38sec (638 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 05 2021
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