17 Signs You're Physically Attractive

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hey everyone and welcome to top think  today we're going to learn about 17 signs   you're physically attractive now let's begin  number one friendly faces do you have a friendly   face according to a 1997 study in the journal  current psychology friendliness is one of the   most attractive physical characteristics men and  women are attracted to positive approachable faces   but how do you know if your face is friendly or  unfriendly go ahead and take a look at your face   in the mirror yeah look at it when you smile do  you see a pair of lines running from your nose   right down the sides of your mouth well  these are called laugh or smile lines   a lot of people think their laugh lines are  unattractive but they're not just another   wrinkle on your face prominent smile lines make  you look more approachable so when people see   those smile lines they see someone who's happy  positive and attractive so embrace your smile   lines because they may be one of your most  attractive qualities number two daily grooming   everyone has their own grooming routine some  people work on their appearance every day others   don't give their appearance a second thought  you may not enjoy styling your hair you may not   have time to moisturize your skin but grooming  has a huge impact on your physical appearance   people who groom on a daily basis appear cleaner  healthier and more attractive to others more   than anything daily grooming shows investment in  your appearance you didn't just roll out of bed   and walk outside you trimmed your facial hair you  cared for your skin and you brightened your smile   other people noticed the time and effort you put  into your appearance in other words if you're   a daily groomer then your routines are paying  off number three facial symmetry do you have a   symmetrical face facial symmetry is a biological  sign of attraction your brain is naturally drawn   to symmetrical faces but how do you know if your  face is symmetrical well here's an easy test take   a picture of your face then go look in the mirror  does your reflection match your face in the photo   or does one look more lopsided than the other  if they look different then your face may be   asymmetrical but if they look exactly the same  then you have an attractive and symmetrical face   number four healthy hair growth in men and women  hair is often overlooked studies have shown that   thick healthy hair is a very attractive quality  no matter who you are on average men prefer women   with longer hair which emphasizes their femininity  women on the other hand prefer men with short but   thick hair this hairstyle elongates the shape of  a man's face it narrows the cheeks and sharpens   the jawline which leaves a sculpted muscular  impression our natural affinity for hair isn't   just a preference it's ingrained into our biology  men for example see long thick hair as a sign   of fertility in the same way women see the hair  on your head and your facial hair as symbols of   health and genetic strength in the modern era your  hair and your hair style carry all kinds of social   and emotional connotations people use their hair  to express themselves their interests and their   personal style you may not realize it but your  hair may be attracting all kinds of attention   number five attractive eyebrows do you  have thick dark eyebrows a 2019 study   from the journal frontiers in psychology explored  whether your eyebrows affect your attractiveness   well it turns out thicker eyebrows were  a standout feature across the board   women with darker eyebrows got significantly more  attention on average male participants found these   women much more attractive so don't be ashamed of  your thick eyebrows because they may be your most   attractive feature number six the halo effect do  people make assumptions about your personality   let's say someone assumes you're intelligent but  you can't understand why or maybe they say you   have a great sense of humor even though you didn't  say anything funny this is the halo effect at work   people assume good looking individuals are  attractive inside and out in other words we   naturally associate positive personality  traits with physically attractive people   number seven infectious smile your smile  lights up the room when people see you smile   they can't help but smile themselves because  a great smile is infectious it breaks tension   relieves stress and it lifts the atmosphere  that's why a genuine kind smile is one of the   most attractive features a person can have but  how do you know if your happiness is infectious   just keep an eye on the rest of  the room when you start smiling   if your smile is the first of many then there's  no doubt about it you have an attractive smile   number eight staring strangers have you ever  noticed someone staring at you when people   pass you on the street do they keep their eyes  straight ahead or are they looking directly   at you people communicate physical attraction in  small subtle ways these little clues open a window   into the inner workings of the brain you can learn  a lot from someone's body language especially the   directions of their gaze our eyes are drawn  to appealing objects and attractive people   if you're attracting attention then you  may be a lot better looking than you think   number nine personal style the phrase physical  attraction describes more than just your body   attractiveness includes your physical  characteristics and your presentation   clothing and style for example play a major role  in your physical appearance clean fitted clothes   can emphasize your best features oversized baggy  clothes on the other hand can sabotage your good   looks now of course your style revolves around  more than the shape of your body it communicates   your mood your lifestyle and your hobbies all of  which influences your appearance so tailor your   clothes to fit your body and your mind because  your style should speak volumes about who you are   number 10 complement deficiency do  attractive people receive tons of compliments   that's what you would expect right but  in reality the inverse is more accurate   attractive people rarely receive compliments from  others so why does this happen well attractive   people don't receive compliments because other  people assume you know how attractive you are   they don't want to tell you something you've heard  a thousand times before so even though they think   you're good looking they keep their compliments  to themselves number eleven obvious assumptions   when someone finally does compliment  you they may say something like this   i'm sure people tell you this all the time but  you have a great smile now this may sound strange   to you you're not used to getting compliments  yet the other person assumes that you are this   is a tell-tale sign of physical attraction people  assume you're receiving compliments left and right   but the truth is most people are too intimidated  by your good looks to give you a compliment in   your mind you're unattractive but to the rest  of the world your beauty is more than obvious   number 12 appealing eye shapes the same 1997 study  in current psychology investigated the role of   eye shape and physical attraction they found that  certain eye shapes are more appealing than others   specifically in women on average men prefer large  round eyes which show off the color of a woman's   irises these oversized eye shapes attract more  attention to a woman's face so if you have large   round eyes then don't be afraid to show them off  because your eyes are one of your best features   number 13 confident posture do you have a  good posture good posture is one of the least   recognized signs of attraction but it communicates  a powerful physical and emotional attraction   by sitting up straight with your shoulders back  and your head held high you're demonstrating   confidence and power and you're showing off  your best features good posture emphasizes the   definition of your upper body it also highlights  the sharp lines of your jaw and the curves of   your spine for both men and women good posture  significantly increases your physical appeal no   matter what you look like so if you naturally have  good posture then you're giving your body and your   personality the opportunity to shine number 14  lumbar curvature in women the spine plays an even   more important role in physical attraction lumbar  curvature or the curve of the lower spine is   one of the most common signs of physical appeal  according to a 2015 study in the journal evolution   and human behavior lumbar curvature is a fitness  relevant trait in other words this particular   feature indicates evolutionary health and  productivity naturally men prefer greater   levels of lumbar curvature biologically women  with greater curves seem like better partners   number 15 social gravity here's another  attractive feature that has nothing to do   with your physical shape have you ever noticed  that people naturally gravitate towards you   studies have shown that attractive people have a  gravitational pull in any environment attractive   people draw others toward them like earth  orbiting around the sun so if you've ever   noticed people drifting towards you it's not  just a coincidence you have a gravitational pull   because you're physically attractive number 16  relationship frequency how often are you single   attractive people are rarely single for very long  it's easy for them to find new partners after   their relationships end any time they want to be  with someone they probably are if you're rarely   single well there's a reason why it's because  you're more attractive than you think number 17   imaginary flaws everyone has insecurities no  matter how attractive or unattractive you are   but to some people your insecurities may seem  imaginary when an attractive person talks about   their physical flaws other people might roll their  eyes or take your complaints with a grain of salt   in your mind those insecurities are very real you  might dislike the way your nose looks you might   feel self-conscious about your feet but to the  rest of the world you're an incredibly attractive   person your flaws don't make you unattractive  they only add to your good looks hey thank you   for watching top think and be sure to subscribe  because more incredible content is on the way
Channel: TopThink
Views: 346,159
Rating: 4.8567824 out of 5
Keywords: signs you’re attractive, signs you are attractive, signs you’re more attractive than you think, signs you are good looking
Id: RWC7G6bmilU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 30sec (690 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 20 2021
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