7 Essential Plant Styling Tricks you Need to Know

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[Music] hi guys how are you my name is Amanda from Plant arena and I wanted to talk today about design elements when your plant styling that you kind of can't live without you know you are probably or might be thinking about collecting houseplants indoor plants and they're so tempting and beautiful and you want them all and that's great but then we find ourselves in a situation where we have a lot of plants and don't know what to do with them of course the first thing that matters is their care their requirements their light requirements their watering requirements and that's the first thing but once we've established what those are we need to put them in a place that looks aesthetically pleasing to us something that has like rhyme and reason just we want like a cohesiveness of design I think with our plants because if you don't then becomes like visually crazy you just just throws everything off so I'm just gonna start with the first I think the first essential one and that is plant grouping groupings are really important because first of all the plants do better when they are together and secondly it just gives you a certain areas and that you can really focus on and the first thing that you should do is think about the different varying heights of your plants it's called a thrust so you can create this environment where you have taller plants in the back medium plants in the middle in the front of the tall plants and then shorter plants and hanging plants in front of that because what that does it allows your eye to kind of look down and then up it forces your eye to go up and you appreciate the whole mass of plants and it's another another benefit of that is that it allows you to have plants in one space like islands like little separate sections of plants that are just gonna draw your eye and don't crowd the room because what happens is that when we start putting plants everywhere and I'm guilty of that too in certain spaces but when we put plants everywhere we feel almost inundated and overwhelmed by the amount of plants and the the lack of space that's around us so plant putting a plant in groups is a great way to kind of keep your plants happy just because they like to be together and also gives you your eye a place to go and focus on when you enter a room so groupings are very important you can group by types of plants like different types of ferns if you like you can group by plants that like low light or a higher light but just remember that contrast is great leaf contrast like the shapes and the textures against another more maybe simple texture works well so think about that that's a really really important design element when your plant styling the second thing that's kind of important especially in smaller spaces or spaces that you're renting and you can't poke holes in the wall and a hammer and screw in the wall you want to have elements that are vertical without having to destroy the property and one way I do this and I'm doing that specifically in this place is I'm getting tall and narrow plants that fit in corners that fit on tables that draw my eye up so I don't have to screw anything into the wall I don't have to put in shelving I can just put narrow plants like I have this schefflera elegant yzma that is tall and narrow and just really anchors that corner and I also have another chef Lara that I have a two of them that are just filling up the corners of the house without me having to do any construction I really like that the other thing you can do for those vertical elements is you can get like a pothos on a pole that's state pothos or steak philodendron that is tall that just brings your eye up and you don't need a lot of plants around that because that in itself is a beautiful thing to look at so just vertical elements with tall narrow types of plants if you can't find tall narrow plants because quite frankly they're not just available I have a hard time finding them myself sometimes I'm always on the lookout for them you can't find them get tall plant stands or tall narrow tables or stack up books and put taller plants on those because that looks fantastic and you can fake height just like we wear high heels some of us I don't because I can't walk in them but you can fake height with your plants to it so you can put a medium sized plant on a medium size narrow table and it looks like it's filling that whole corner and that's pretty it's a pretty good trick and I use that trick a lot the other trick that I like to do is I like to use long hanging vines over furniture because it just eliminates that horizontal line of a table or a shelf and I just love to let them cascade because it really softens the room and I do it on fireplaces I do it on armoires I are so I say that right I do it on tables I do it on counters I do it anywhere I can that I still have some space to work like maybe cook which I really don't I have been cooking lately or in the bathroom so I can get ready and do all that stuff in the bathroom so you just have to be mindful of a space you need to actually live your life but also you can put these beautiful long trailing plants on pretty much any surface and it just breaks up the horizontal lines so that's there's a really good trick that I love to do and it's really easy and especially a lot of these fuller plants you don't even really need a pot you just put them on a saucer and you can't see the pot because there's so much foliage so nice bushy full long plants go a really long way and another trick I like to do it's not really a trick I like to use pots that talked to each other that relate to each other maybe there are greys different shades of Gray's not what you're thinking or maybe they're different types of white pots or they're just a color scheme that works together and that's really up to you it's your aesthetic it's what you like how'd you like to express yourself in terms of different colors so that's a really great trick it's the kind of group plants in pots where the pots have a relationship to each other another thing I like to do when I'm plan styling is not just use plants I like to use other elements like found objects or vintage finds or just cool objects that I've had around for a while or anything to be honest with you because they just maybe look like accentuated next to a certain plant so you can have a group of like three plants like one that's tall when that's hanging them one that's bushy and then you put some kind of cool objects to it then all of a sudden it looks like a moment you've created this beautiful moment that you almost can't do with anything else but plants and a few other objects you have this living beautiful texture and then you've got this cool thing that you found that you didn't really know where to put it and I found a good spot so mix object egde finds and things like that with your plants because it's just it pops I'm telling you it makes it pop you know then there's always this the single plant the plant that just looks so good on its own you don't want to have anything else around it it is a sculpture it's a piece of art it's nature's doing it's funky fun thing like you don't really need to crowd anything else around it cuz it just wants to be what it wants to be so just find that space that you can just highlight highlight that gorgeous plant and hopefully he's getting the right light hopefully you're watering it correctly yeah because that's kind of important to keep that thing alive but yeah just one beautiful gorgeous sculptural trunk shaped like crazy-looking plant is all you need is sometimes in one spot and that's it so sometimes it's tempting to put a lot of plants around another planet or put a lot of plants on a table without thinking about it you can create a feeling of almost like anxiety we don't want that feeling with plants plants are supposed to be make us feel stress-free and relaxed and part of that is in the design so think about what you're bringing home think about where it's going to go and you know just kind of be mindful of that because it's just supposed to give you a sense of calming right the other side of that I'm just gonna say this I'm completely guilty is that I like to put a lot of plants in one space I take one space and I just shove as many plants as I can in there and then I feel like I'm in a jungle and that's a whole different video maybe I'll do a video on creating a jungle but this video was about creating a calm inviting warm space and designing with plants that makes you feel like you kind of wanna be in the room and you can function in that room and that's really it's a short video I just wanted to just get that out there and like bite-sized pieces for you and I do really really appreciate you guys subscribing you're so great and I do appreciate it and the other thing I wanted to mention is that we are doing lots of Giveaways well plant free plant with purchase we're doing a lot of flash sales and things only really through email so if you want to find out what those things are on planter Netcom sign up for email list and you'll get those emails and yeah that's it so have a great week have a great week and I'll see you guys on Friday and I hope you're all doing well I really do I'll talk to you guys soon bye
Views: 586,245
Rating: 4.9354243 out of 5
Keywords: Interior design, plant styling, indoor plants, houseplants, house plants, best houseplants, interior plants, living room plants, office plants, easy care houseplants, low light houseplants, plants, foliage plants, hanging plants, vining houseplants, living room design, low maintenance plants
Id: PpCw5tB59Hk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 52sec (592 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 23 2020
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