Houseplant Tour In Real Time | 27 Plants + Home Decor Ideas

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how are you guys doing welcome my name is amanda from plant arena and today i'm going to give you a house tour a house plant tour in my house bring the camera up a little bit there you go and i just wanted to bring you along and show you what's happening now and the little things that i'm doing and some of the larger projects i'm thinking about doing so let's just go around the house i have to say that i have my son who's doing the camera work he's on lunch break so thank you very much for doing it and you know you probably understand living and working from home with your son your husband whoever things are never completely clean so i'm just apologizing in advance okay because i'm going to probably show you some rooms that i've never showed you before like your room just just saying okay so anyway let's just start here i'm going to do the kitchen is after let's start here i have this peperomia uh obtusifolia that was just maybe like half the size when i transplanted it into this terra cotta pot and now it is just volumious [Laughter] it's not voluptuous it is okay we'll say it's voluptuous it has this kind of quirky habit and it's just growing super well it's between two facing windows actually those are the windows there and then the doors are here i have some stuff outside it's kind of a mess like i just can't clean up all the time i just can't do it i give up anyway it's loving life in a terracotta pot and it actually i think it's pot in a pot i think it's a pot in a pot it's in a plastic pot it's in a plastic pot in a terracotta pot needlessly needless to say it's just doing really well i water it when it's super dry and it doesn't need a lot of light okay so let me just take you over here ignore this my dog carson jumps up tries to open the door has ruined the door i've tried to fix it four or five times and now i just say i'm just leaving it i'm leaving it the way it is so i have this corner here which i do rotate plants in and out of especially low light tolerant plants and so because this this is probably the darkest corner i have plants in but it looks really good on the shelves i built i think i've said this before but i've built these shelves from plumbing pipe and barn siding barn siding and is this super rustic i really really i really like the way it looks but anyway i am encouraging can you come a little closer if you don't mind i'm encouraging the vines to grow along and around the plumbing pipe because it just softens everything and this is a golden pothos that you know it was fuller i just looked at a picture of it from like last year it was fuller on top last year but it's starting to grow and and wiggle its way around this piping which i love and the same thing with this skin dapsis is a pictus and i've got another skin dapsis and that's a silvery and can you get can you zoom in a little bit if you don't mind but the silver and tends to have like uh you see that a lot of silver on the leaf and it's a slow grower i've noticed it's a slow grower but it seems to be liking it there i do actually have that in terracotta too and the rest of them are in cover pots so i have i have these guys just keep them in the plastic put them in a cover pot i water them and i just dump the water out in the sink after i'm done watering and that's it so and also okay so i've moved my stromanthi trio star into this little corner here because my husband likes it he particularly particularly likes this leaf in which he comments on all the time and i just stepped on a leaf which happens all the time uh if you have a lot of plants in your home i'm sure you experience leaf drop and leaf loss and a little bit of dirt on the floor occasionally but that's that's the hazard with having plans so i have a beautiful spath of phylum uh this one is a platinum hold on a second the platinum mist and you can see because it has this beautiful silvery kind of effect on the leaves i love this plant i love love love it i'll put you back up there and um anyway so this is my dark corner and i do rotate plants in and out like i put this prince of orange philodendron in here this has gotten really big these grow really fast so don't be surprised if you buy one of these and in like four or five months it's kind of doubled in size and it will if it likes its spot this is a little dark uh for it but generally i like to put it in medium to bright indirect light and it'll grow faster that's a little trick if you keep your plants in super low light they're going to grow a lot slower my son's arms were hurting him so we had to stop do some do 100 push-ups after this okay so then we have this this i was told is an mb philodendron i don't even know anymore i i don't even know i don't even care i just think it's absolutely beautiful it dries out quickly really quickly so i have to soak this in the sink but i just love the effect of it hanging over the mantel i'm going to change this fireplace i'm going to back up a little bit ethan i'm going to take off this mantel and i think i'm going to put something like kind of i'm not sure like half the size and re-coat it with the concrete finish i'm going to do something with this very very shortly because this the color is driving me crazy if you guys have any ideas for a color or something let me know because i can't kind of get past it so anyway i don't i don't have a lot of plants on the mantel because i like to highlight just one beautiful one so when you're sitting here you can really appreciate it and then i've got a couple of things here i've got i think this is from my calavia video i did last time but i have a magic star calathea i have a white star calathea and then i have this compact star calathea and i do bring the calathea back into the plant studio occasionally because it with this forced hot air i have in the house it gets really dry and clay these do like higher humidity so that is the problem i have with them when i bring them into the living room but i do rotate them in and out you can put a humidifier in your home to give you more humidity or you can put bowls of water next to your plants so the water will kind of evaporate and get onto the plants or you can put them in a tray filled with uh pebble pebbles and water okay which will still release the moisture into the air and then i have another peperomia tucolia this is interesting because this guy is in a pot that has no drainage hole and all i do is i put maybe i don't know like a quarter cup of water when it's dry and i didn't even i didn't even drain it and it's still doing really well then i have a monstera and sewing eye and again i think what's happening here is that it's a little dry so when i see this i just kind of pick off the leaf edit edit on the spot and anyway so that's what we're doing here i have the blanket on the couch because the dogs like to be on the couches all the time i don't know where the dogs are anyway and so i covered that up because they're ruining all the furniture and then i've got you know i put this this silver satin pothos which is a skindapsis up on this table that i had in the dining room but i love the way hanging foliage looks when it's kind of breaking horizontal lines of your furniture and i'll probably end up i took some plants off of here the other day i don't know why i did it but kind of like the look of just simple plants and groups together like that i'm going to redecorate as we talk and it looks really pretty i have a birkin philodendron that is stuck in water and it's starting to grow roots it's because i cut below the node cut below the nope look how pretty it is it's definitely time to change the water which i have to admit i i do it like once every couple of weeks that's kind that's kind of when i change the water when i remember and then what i did here this is the entryway i'm not sure if you can see carson out there but i'm not sure what the lighting is like he's just sunning it up it's like 45 50 degrees he's psyched so it had this big dracaena this big dragon tree that had been dragging around the house from spot to spot and i put it here because it's getting it's definitely getting a lot of light after noon light and makes a big difference i had a ficus lorata here that didn't make it sorry but this guy seems to be doing well and here turn it around and i took a lot of plants out of the dining room and i just really wanted to be kind of clean and simple and i i'm not done here i think i need to do something like change this this picture my husband thinks it's creepy i love it but if i change it to a more modern type of painting if i make i think i might make a painting and put it there i think it's going to change the whole feel of this room so i'm going to think about that but anyway i have this this big dressiness like a lime i'm not sure look at flour and i have to cut the flour off that's gross but this fills up this this corner nicely and then i have this philodendron i don't even know what kind this is honestly i really don't i picked it up like a month or two ago but it's beautiful it's staked up with bamboo but it looks like a shrub so i just love it i just love i love the shape of the leaves a lot they're so super pretty and then i have this this pothos here this this neon pothos that is getting really big and it's it needs to be watered but i'm constantly grooming my plants it looks good it looks like they're hanging like levitating on the wall and i have oh let's check this out i stuck a bunch of these monstera cuttings into this vaz and i haven't changed the water in like three weeks or more but let's see what's going on in here can you how's the lighting is it okay wow i think this thing is rusting but these are all uh new roots and look all the foliage looks actually really really good too so and i even think there's some look there's a new there's a new leaf coming out and there's another new leaf coming out so that's very exciting so i'm going to put this guy back because it seems to like it here remind me to change the water later okay and let's just go here first i want to show you i have a little area here i used to have golden pothos hanging from the horns from this bowl skull that i got in mexico years ago before you were born actually and uh but it when i was when i left for a while when i wasn't here they died it was part of the casualty of someone else taking care of your plans but that happens so just i temporarily put this monstera cutting that uh that's not good i put it here and then i have some wintry wine house um chinese evergreen and i have this tananti amargris that looks super pretty so it's just a little plant vignette which you can change a lot okay so follow me in here this bathroom i'm trying to i'm trying to get that to grow up the ladder but it's not really working i'm gonna hurry up okay sorry so that eventually i just did that a few weeks ago but it's not really taking so that's the bathroom it needs work it's so bright we'll fix it in there we have to fix it you got to fix the brake okay leave it just for now it's fine okay so this room was my son's room for quite a long time and i was decided i really wanted to make it into like an actual guest room that's usable in a room that my son can come in and also hang out in my dilemma is that i have this big bed that takes up so much space so i'm hoping to do maybe like a murphy bed or i'd love to build it we painted this wall black because i was really really interested in having a feature wall that had a lot of contrast so i can start doing a wall of different paintings and pictures my mom is actually painting me some birds i'm super excited to get that up on the wall and then just kind of this chair is a dining room chair but probably get more of a comfortable chair if i can find one and i'm usually i'm looking for just used furniture that i can either up cycle or just get and i have to do anything with because i like to i like to buy brand new things all the time i like to kind of repurpose things anyway this was from this little piece was from an antique fair upstate and we've had that forever forever and then i put this monster deliciosa up here which is like teetering on top but i like the idea of sitting underneath a plant i don't know it's like being outdoors but you're not and then i have this marble queen pothos that's reverting back to a jade that i staked up on this bamboo no i didn't stake it up this was state it was dying when i came back and so i kind of gave it new life and re i re-wrapped it and it's looking better so this gets a lot of sun this is a south-facing uh window and ideally i'd like to have another couple of windows in here so it floods with light but that's a huge project i feel like doing that right now so anyway i have my hoya exotica i have a hoya cantiana and then i have a hindu rope hoya hindu rope here they're just soaking up the sun and i have this sterling different bakia absolutely gorgeous doesn't need this much light but i just put it up here and then i have this chef layer that i just keep moving around i'll find a proper home for it and just that little corner behind you if you want to look just turn around that and back up a little bit sweetie um that i plan on putting a desk and some shelving and it's a dark corner but i think it's still a little beautiful little spot to do some work in if somebody's staying here if that ever happens again uh let's just do this quickly this is my son's room that has no plants in it so we'll just are you okay is it clean and it's a dark cave it's a dark cave because how dark does it look like god oh watch your language seriously you shop yes so this is his room and the darker the better when you're a teenager apparently okay so let's continue on come on come on come on i'll just continue here put all my little pilot leaves there i'll get them i'll get those later i promise so this is my office where my son has been uh i'm gonna move the box hold on a second hold on hold on does it matter i know it's messy because you've been using it so this is my office that my son has been using for going to school and i'm in the middle of changing it out i'm actually going to put on this wall like um i guess you want to call it like a like paneling type of thing i'm going to put wood slots slats on the wall and make a different color and give it a whole different look and don't forget to bring your dishes to the sink after this okay but currently it's in a state of change it's in a big state of change so we'll get to it another time um and let's uh i think that's it right is this good enough because i think you need to go back to school and or back to your computer and i think the next video i do the next tour i do will be of that new room and upstairs and uh because that is a disaster it's a disaster i mean it's bad i have some big plants up there but it needs i just need to redecorate it so it's the time of year to do that i know you guys thank you so much i hope you have a fabulous weekend and i'm not sure if you're like me but you get in over your head with some projects and just ask for help because if there's someone there to help you please just beg them to help you because it's overwhelming when you think about the amount of work that you have to do that you've got yourself into do you know what i mean all right gotta go this guy's gotta go back to school thanks bye
Views: 123,803
Rating: 4.9472351 out of 5
Keywords: Plant tour, houseplant tour, living room tour, bedroom tour, bedroom design, bedroom decor, living room decor, plants, indoor plants, houseplants, plant care, interior plants decoration, rustic decoration, mid century modern
Id: DXgyFhLFBa8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 37sec (997 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 22 2021
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