7 Creepy True Stories Animated (Compilation of April 2019)

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Kevin had just turned 21 so he and his friend decided to go to a bar one night and was approached by a cute girl named Candace he didn't know she was just trying to get free drinks by flirting so he told her that they didn't have much money however Candace was the one who offered and she kept buying more and more Kevin started getting confused as to who she liked more between him and David and why she was being so generous a little later they both carried David out the bar she kept telling him to go home with her but he was so out of it he could barely answer Kevin told her that he couldn't let him go anywhere as he didn't want David to wake up in a random house without a car and not remembering what happened Candace kept pushing it saying that she would take care of him but Kevin told her that the only way David was going anywhere was if he tagged along immediately she started flirting with Kevin and offered to get his friend a taxi and said they could drive to her place alone at this point Kevin had a few drinks and was pretty buzzed so he agreed they got David a taxi to go home and the two walked to Candace's car and it was happening so quickly and he started feeling uneasy they got in the car and she drove the street when she asked if he wanted to stop at the store and get some more to drink Kevin wanted to be able to carry himself throughout the rest of the night so he declined he did find Candace attractive and he didn't want to seem lame so he told her to get a pint with some apple juice to chase it she went in the store and came out with a lot more than just a pint Kevin assumed that she wanted to drink as well but throughout the car ride Candace kept telling him to drink more and more he somehow managed to drink all the juice so he pretended to drink the bottle by spitting the liquor in the apple juice container he then tossed the apple juice out the window before she could see it and just drank a little more from the remaining bottle Kevin was able to make her believe he was actually drunk but in reality he was simply buzzed they drove up to her house and he pretended to trip and stumble so she helped him walk inside the front door was unlocked but she made sure it was locked when they got in Kevin thought that was strange but he didn't think too much of it so he told her that he had to use the bathroom he walked inside and looked at himself in the mirror he just felt strange there was definitely something off he turned on the sink to make noise and made himself puke up the liquor he drank kevin flushed and went to the sink and started drinking the tap water to sober up you just didn't want to be drunk but still wanted to hook up with Candice Kevin turned us in golf when he suddenly heard her talking to someone outside his Chuck as hell he could barely stand up you do it who was she talking to and do what Kevin walked out the bathroom and the moment he stepped into the living room he saw Candice walking into another room that strange had very bright red hair he didn't see her face or anything uh hey where are you going she walked back into the dark living room and up to Kevin and said let's go in my room he looked at her bright red hair and into her eyes they were different her face was different it was another girl with the same hair that's when Kevin realized it was another girl with the same wig on it was a wig the entire time Kevin's heart felt like it stopped but he tried to look like he had no idea it was a different girl Kevin kind of smiled and told her that he just needed to use the bathroom one more time and told her he was sorry he was so drunk she said it's fine just hurry up in there Kevin went into the bathroom and locked a door he heard her whispering something to someone again this time thinking that he heard a male voice whispered back something sketchy was going on and he had to get out of the house Kevin open the bathroom window and jump straight out of it and ran faster than he ever had in his life now looking back he kept running down the main road until he saw a CVS and stood straight at the front of the store in front of the camera Kevin then called a taxi and went home try thinking about what happened that night she kept buying him and his friend drinks and even paid for David's friends taxi cab and most of all why does she wear a wig that she gave to another girl to wear who was she talking to and what was in that room that they tried to lure him into [Music] back when Sarah was 17 she worked at a small local bakery there were less than 15 employees spread across all the night and day shifts so they only had a few people working during the day one of these people was Dave the delivery driver from the first time they met Dave immediately gave Sarah in off five he was in his mid-50s and way too friendly to a teenage girl but the boss told her that yes he could be annoying but no one worked harder than he did so just ignore his antics Sarah then recalled that when she signed the paperwork they never asked her to submit a background check and in hindsight that should have been red flag number two over the course of the year or so that she worked with Dave Sarah tried very hard to ignore him he was rarely outright creepy but he was always just a bit too friendly he was thick around long after his shift was over to talk to her and another pastry chef he always wanted to lick the bowl after she finished making rice krispie treats he would always stand in front of the racks or equipments or ingredients just enough that sometimes her hand would brush him while reaching for something they've always stood just a little too close Dave was constantly asking Sarah about her life what she liked what he did for fun if she had a boyfriend almost daily he would tell her how a nice girl like her should have a boyfriend how maybe a boyfriend would be good for her Sarah let this slide because sometimes other people can say things that were meant differently in their time but then it was the concert invites every other week he had tickets to one concert or another once he figured out Sarah's favorite genre of music it was almost exclusively tickets to bands she desperately wanted to see but she also knew that she should not go anywhere with him then her birthday came he bought her a t-shirt and it was two sizes too small he told her to try it on after work and text him a photo and proceeded to give Sarah his phone number he didn't ask for her number she said no he asked the other pastry chef for her but she had her back and refused us whoa he also brought two tickets from another band that Sarah had been wanting to see VIP section 21 plus only he said he could get her in she just had to go with him and him alone this continued for a while Sarah brought it up to one of her bosses but they laughed it off as Oh classic Dave when he wanted a hug on his birthday and hugged her without consent there's day for you offering to get her booze or pot Oh Dave you scamp when he pulled up his shirt and showed his abdominal scar from a snowboarding accident well that's just Dave no respect for boundaries but he was a good worker Sarah even considered having one of her big strong male friends come in under the guise of being her boyfriend just to placate Dave she was repulsed by him but he hadn't really done anything to classify himself as a predator besides asking for her number he had never tried to straight-up harass her and besides the odd hugger to that she was too shy and afraid to refuse he hadn't gotten super physical then one day Dave was gone his name disappeared from the employee roster Sarah's boss asked to see her in the office she informed her that Dave was no longer employed at their business Dave had been fired he was fired because Dave was a convicted sex offender there's one count kidnapping a minor from the mid-90s and another count that she they are never background checked in and when they contacted a friend in the police department they found out that Dave had been lying on lots of paperwork hiding the fact that he was a convicted felon and not notifying anyone when he moved once they brought this information to the police department's attention they had a few more charges to add they found out because apparently he had been stalking and harassing one of the clients he delivered to after his termination Dave showed up to work one day he had a weapon with him but Sarah never found out what he had they told him to leave or the police would be called and he ended up leaving in handcuffs Sarah was extremely relieved that she wasn't there that day it's been a while since she worked at the bakery but sometimes she still thinks about how badly things could have gotten has she gone to even one of those concerts with him when I was 9 I usually got home from school about an hour before my mom got home from work I live super close so she figured it was fine I did the usual thing which was to make sure I locked the front door and double-check that the back door leading to the patio was also locked I played this much PlayStation as possible in my room before my mom came home and made me do homework but on this particular day while playing I heard this noise coming from outside my window it was kind of like the sound of a cat but my cat had been missing for over three months hope struck and I thought maybe he finally came back I ran downstairs to check but to my surprise there was a guy standing on my patio it was a tall man with black hair covering half of his eyes I could hear him making high-pitched sounds almost like a cat meowing a brown liquid was running down from his mouth and I could see him spinning out my dad stopped cigarettes he was actually eating from the ashtray I screamed so loud that the man must have heard it he didn't react he just kept on eating from the ashtray I ran upstairs to my room and called my mom who didn't call it the cops laying in my bed under my sheets shivering with fear the next thing I remember is the police arriving on the road my yard I hear them talking to the guy the high-pitched sound was more frequent and louder I decided to look through the window feeling safe now that the cops were there man suddenly charged the female police officer with full force and he knocked her out cold the male officer then immediately taints the guy in handcuffed him one of my neighbors made me come down and she took care of me until my mom came back home the police took the creepy guy with them in the car and left the male officer came back later that night and said that with me and my mom to talk he explained that the guy on my patio was actually diagnosed with severe autism he had escaped the facility where mentally challenged people lived located around five kilometers from where my house was he explained that the guy had actually been living in my house five years ago but he had been forced to move when his mom his only caretaker died the poor guy probably thought he would find his mom in this house he missed the routines and he missed living there with this mom the police had to move him from the house that time five years ago this was the reason he reacted the way he did when the police came that day still frightened I told the police officer that he needed to make sure that this would never happen again and he promised it wouldn't after a few sleepless nights my life got back to normal the years went by and the guy didn't come back at this time my mom and dad had moved out I bought the house from them and I'm still living here to this day I was enjoying my morning coffee on the patio when I see this random guy stopping on the road by my fence he just stands there looking at me I look at him and give him a nod and then I hear a high-pitched noises his hair had turned gray but the high-pitched sounds made me realize my heart started racing and I instantly remembered the reason why he was back I realized that he must have managed to escape again sixteen years later and he was back to look for his mom I decided to carefully ask him if he wanted to come down to the patio he instantly jumped a fence and I started yeah like he did to that police officer but he did it he looked at me and smiled we went inside and his face lit up with pure joy he was home and reminded him of the life he had with this mom all of a sudden he sat down on my couch turned on the TV and switched directly to the cartoons I just wanted to enjoy the moment so I didn't say anything to him but I realized I had to call the facility to let them know the caretakers arrived ten minutes later after a lot of convincing he got back up and they went back to the facility two days later I caught them again and we made a deal his name is Tom and I now consider Tom my friend every Sunday from the day he returned tom and his caretakers visit me to watch cartoons they say is the highlight of this week for several years I was very afraid of the guy on my patio eating from the ashtray but now my thoughts are Tom let's meet every Sunday to watch cartoons together it was the weekend on Saturday evening Kayla's parents had to go to England for a meeting so they told her to stay home by herself but before they left they installed a good security system in the house at around 5:30 p.m. the next day she received an email from her dad saying that he had transferred money to the bank and won a Kaila to withdraw it she sighed in frustration but had to go to the ATM before it got dark because it could be dangerous she started off walking the usual 5-minute distance and arrived at the ATM she noticed the man leaning on the light post to the right of it she was facing down and was completely shirtless with long black trousers on Kayla was confused that many questions were running in her head why is he looking down and why is he shirtless on a cold November evening she quickly withdrew the cash and got out immediately Kayla turned around to see if the man was still standing there but he was gone she sighed in relief thinking that he had already left she turned her head and suddenly a man was standing in front of her Kayla nearly screamed and terror with her heart pounding bastard and it ever has and he was staring at her with soulless cold eyes and the creepy smile on his face she dared not to open her mouth to ask what was wrong with him instead Kayla took that opportunity to run as fast as she could and pass him by she ran a good distance away and glanced over her shoulder to see if he was fall but for some reason he didn't move from that spot in less than three minutes she reached her house Kayla then checked her security cameras to see if that man followed her home and luckily he didn't feeling paranoid she decided to sleep on the couch that night near the recording TV the next morning Kayla woke up early to go for a run at a nearby park she was walking into the deeper area of the park where there were no people ahead of her but then she noticed that somebody was following her she just thought it might be a regular person walking in the park so she plugged in her earphones turned on the music and continued running a few seconds later she felt the ground vibrate with heavy steps of a man then suddenly the man wrapped his arms around Kayla's waist Kayla screamed that he remained silent and let go of his left arm from her waist and covered her mouth she bit his hand until his skin broke and blood he was screaming and agonizing pain but was not so foolish to free her from his locked right arm she immediately turned around to face him and that's when she saw that it was the same guy from yesterday at the ATM he lowered his face closer to Kayla and said I've never seen such a beautiful girl like you from my whole neighborhood Kayla was so freaked out and panicked trying to resist but the guy wouldn't let go of her by some miracle two security guards approached him from behind and knocked him down to his feet handcuffed him and took him to the police Kayla asked the security guards how they knew she was in danger he said that the security team fix hidden cameras on trees and light poles for visitors safety three days ago after there were reports that young teenage girls go missing in this park Kayla thanked a security guard after saving her life and he told her not to travel places anymore without an adult after 15 minutes the police arrived at the scene and they asked Kayla for details and how it all started Kayla then caught her dad and told him about the incident the police gave her a ride home and said they will give her an update on the situation she thanked him for the help and left two days passed Kayla got a call from the police and they said that they collected all the information and details about the man fled from his country and admitted to many felonies and he sent back to receive his punishments and the death sentence on one Sunday afternoon Macey and Lily decided to go hiking in some Hills about an hour away it wasn't too difficult of a hike so they reached the top without any problems after resting for a bit they decided to head back down they have been walking for maybe 10 minutes and macey started complaining and wanted to walk down the side of the road instead of the rough hiking trail Lily conceded but not even after five minutes a truck pulled up next to them it was red and rusty the guy driving rolled down the window and greeted them asking if they needed a ride Macy thought he looked charming and even cute Lily was hesitant but despite her better judgment Macey convinced her to get in the trunk since it must only be a 10-minute drive down to the car tops the two girls opened the passengers door to this rusty old thing and the guy directed them behind a seat to get into the back they settled in and the truck started rumbling forwards the back seat was clean enough but there was a rope on the floor behind a driver's seat and four boxes of saran wrap half hanging out from under the passenger's seat it seemed creepy and weird but Lily didn't want to freak Macey out so she just kept her mouth shut after 10 minutes the woods didn't look any clearer and they hadn't seen another car the whole time Lily asks how long he thought it would be he said he was taking a different route down the hill and had to stop somewhere to get something first several minutes after they reached the tiny log cabin there was an old stump where somebody had been chopping wood and a huge ax was stuck into the log Lily was definitely on red alert now the guy turned off the truck and slipped out of it saying I'll be right back so don't get out okay they tried to talk to Macey about how she was incredibly uncomfortable but she mostly dismissed it she started begging increasingly freaked out and finally put her foot down demanding Macey to exit the truck with her the house was around fifty yards in front of them and they wandered around looking at it hesitantly all of a sudden Macey thought if this guy really was decent and was just trying to give us a ride it would be super rude to just run off right she actually started to head back into the truck opening the front door to climb in behind the driver's seat Lily was pissed off and started yelling at Macey telling her to not get in the car but when she opened the door she annoyed on the driver's side floor half hidden under the seat there was a big hatchet it had dried red brown stains covering the blade and stuck to the floor under it Lily understandably lost her mind seeing it and macey started getting hysterical they decided that leaving was by far the best option at this point and ran quickly into the trees in panic they went around in the trees for a little while until Lily was fairly confident that they were on their way back down the hill when they finally got down to the bottom and saw the old wooden fence that surrounded the original parking area they were relieved but as they got closer they saw the truck was parked on the other side of the gravely makeshift lot just sitting there facing the other way innocently they couldn't see if anyone was in it and of course Maisie wanted to run for the car super hesitant this took place when there were no cell phones and there was no ranger station or anyone around the parking lot was big and empty and open and who knows what would have happened if they decided to stroll across it thankfully Lily convinced Macey to relax and the two hunker down against a big tree hidden in the bushes waited it out for what seemed to be a couple of hours when dark started to fall she was just planning their dash to the car when they heard a clunk they watched as one of the back doors of the car swung open and the bearded guy slid his way out of the back seat he got out the car shut the door looking around the surrounding woods for several moments and then walked back to his truck several minutes after watching him drive away they sprinted to their car as fast as they could jumped in and peeled out before they had shut the doors it was 6:40 a.m. on a school day and I was on the stop waiting for my bus to arrive I've always been a cautious person and I constantly looked around as I turned to my left I see a man I was kind of creeped out because of how tall he was and I couldn't see his face however it was probably just another guy waiting for the bus so I shrugged it off I looked again and he was standing still this confused me as I didn't know which way he was staring then I looked one more time and the man is sprinting full speed towards me he stopped right in front of me and said oh this bus no you're not I said calmly and got to take a look at his face he looked like he was around his 40s brown hair messy beard torn up clothes we waited to stop for another 10 minutes and the bus was finally arriving I stuck my arm out just to make sure the bus driver could see me as soon as I walked up I felt a man grabbed my shoulder and pulled me back very hard I instantly started to panic as both of us are now hidden in the darkness of the bus stop what are you doing I said in the scared voice it was still dark out and the bus driver obviously didn't see me with the headlights on and the rain pouring it was at that moment I realized I was in a dark street with a creepy man putting his hands on me probably making a horrifying face slowly I looked behind my shoulder and the last thing I remembered was hitting me in the head and knocking me out unconscious I saw the man sleeping in a bed to my right the adrenaline was rushing through me and all I could think about was how I could escape I've had some training in MMA so I didn't feel to unconfident if I needed to fight for my life since the guy was still asleep I was planning on elbow him repeatedly in the head while he was still sleeping and then find a way out I knew this will work if I could do it correctly so I propped up and walked to his bed I got my arm ready and instantly he turns his head and sees me above him I tried to hit him as hard as I could however with the fear at that moment I missed again I started swinging as hard and as fast as possible but to my surprise the man didn't block any of my fists at all he just laid there smiling as his head got pounded honestly it freaked me out even more that he wasn't doing anything but finally his face gave in his nose started to bleed and the cut began to emerge on his face I started to slow down as I ran out of stamina his eyes closed and the smile began to fade instead of taking a step back I decided to keep going and kept swinging as hard as I could I was sure the man was out cold the man's eyes are open and he smiled and stood up I saw a window to my left and without hesitation I quickly ran and jumped out of it I landed on top of a bin his apartment was only two storeys high so it didn't hurt too much it turns out it wasn't long after he kidnapped me as it was still dark I ran away and luckily I got back to my home safely when I got home I realized there was still blood over my hand I felt my head and there was blood from when he hit me as well as I rang my doorbell I heard my dad's footsteps by heavy footsteps to my left the man followed me and was suddenly there coming towards me my dad opened the door and I ran straight inside the house and locked it immediately I explained everything to him my dad being the guy he is swings open this is clenched with me following as we went outside and look around the man reappeared I went towards him with brass knuckles on but my father stopped me and muttered and I looked at the man's hand to see a knife and he starts to slice the air he gets closer and continues to swing the knife maniacally but manages to barely slice my cheek my dad grabs him by the arm and beats him senseless we didn't caught the police and the man was locked up ever since that day I've become an even more cautious of a person it took me a while to get over the fear of that day and that's why I no longer ride on the bus about five years ago I lived downtown in a major city in the US I've always been a night person so I would often find myself bored after my roommate went to sleep to pass the time I used to go for long walks and spent the time thinking the park as it was most nights was completely empty I turned down a short side street in order to loop back to my apartment when I first noticed him at the far end of the street on my side was the silhouette of a man dancing it was a strange dance similar to a waltz deciding he was probably drunk I stepped as close as I could to the road to give him the majority of the sidewalk to pass me by he was very tall and lanky and wearing an old suit he danced closer until I could make out his face his eyes were open and wild head tilted back looking off at the sky his mouth was formed in a painfully wide cartoon of a I decided to cross the street before he could get any closer as I reached the other side I glanced back and in my tracks he had stopped dancing and was standing with one foot in the street perfectly parallel to me he was facing me but still looking skyward smiles still wide on his lips I was completely and utterly unnerved by this I started walking again he didn't move the street and sidewalk ahead were completely empty still unnerved I looked back to where he had been standing to find him gone for the briefest of moments I felt relieved until I had crossed the street and was now slightly crouched down I couldn't tell for sure due to the distance and the shadows he was facing me I was so shocked that I stood there for some time staring at it and then he started moving towards me again he took giant exaggerated tiptoes steps as if he were a cartoon character sneaking up on someone I like to say at this point I ran away or pulled out my pepper spray or my cell phone or anything at all but I did it I just stood there completely frozen as the smiling man crept towards me still smiling still looking at the sky when I finally found my voice I blurted out the first thing that came to mind what I meant to say was hey what do you want what what do you regardless of whether or not humans can smell fear they can certainly hear it I heard it in my own voice and that only made me more afraid but he didn't react to it at all he just stood there smiling forever he turned around very slowly and started dance walking away just like that not wanting to turn back to him again I just watched him go until he was enough away to almost be out of sight and then I realized something he wasn't moving away anymore nor was he dancing I watched in horror as the distance shape of him grew larger and larger and this time he was running straight towards me I ran until I was off the side road and back into a better Latrobe of sparse traffic looking behind me then he was nowhere to be found the rest of the way home I kept glancing over my shoulder always expecting to see his terrifying smile but he was never there I lived in that city for six more months after that night and I never went out for another walk there was something about his face that always haunted me he didn't look drunk he didn't look high he looked completely and utterly insane and that's a very very scary thing to see [Music] [Music]
Channel: Steven D
Views: 4,440,783
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Animated, animation, animated story, creepy stories, creepy, crazy stalker, stalker, true stories, animation channel, story time
Id: Y6E4Pz-aphk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 55sec (1735 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 09 2019
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