7 BEST FUNCTIONS in Davinci Resolve Studio | Tutorial

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today I'm going to show you the seven best features available in Da Vinci resolve Studio let's get started magic mask without exaggeration this is one of the best features of D venci resolve studio and now you'll see why to use magic mask first we need to access its specific menu by clicking on the magic mask icon once inside click on the selector icon with a plus symbol next left click on the person or object in your video that you want to create the magic mask for use this blue line to make your selection the more you select the better as D Vinci resolve will understand where you want to create the mask great to view the mask we've created click on the toggle mask overlay icon and The Mask will be highlighted in red if you notice that the magic mask has selected parts of the background as if they were part of the person to fix this select the selector with the minus symbol now simply select the parts you don't want the red highlighted background areas finally to make the person's selection perfect I recommend activating the better mode instead of the faster mode this way the magic mask selection of the person will be much more precise as we can see it's much improved now fantastic we've selected the person in the video now we need to track the mask's motion click on this icon with two arrows DCI resolve will track the mask on the person throughout the entire video the magic mask is now completely finished and you can deactivate the toggle mask overlay icon so that it no longer appears in red perfect you might be wondering what's next what do I do with this mask the answer is very simple anything you can think of let's start with the basics any changes you make now will only affect our selection as we can see it's only affecting the person where we've created the magic mask would you like the person black and white and the background in color easy would you like to have the background in black and white and the person in color just invert the selection of our magic mask by clicking the invert icon and you're done you can place text behind the mask remove the background from a video or even create clones need to change the color of a specific element in your video great the possibilities are endless and you can use them to create special effects you're going to love this let's say we have a video of two kids playing right create a magic mask for the kid on the right just as we did before now let's remove the video's background right click on the nodes panel select the add Alpha output option connect your magic mask node to the alpha output you've just created and voila you have your video without a background now that we have a mask for the kid playing with a boat we can place it in another video when I say the possibilities are endless I mean it and get ready because this is just the first feature in this video let's continue Optical flow if you liked the previous feature this one is equally impressive do you want to apply slow motion to any video regardless of whether it was recorded at 24 25 or 30 FPS if we rightclick on the clip and reduce its speed for example to 25% the video due to insufficient frames will play in a choppy manner you'll notice that the video isn't playing smoothly and you don't achieve that smooth slow motion effect but don't worry in DCI resolve Studio we can achieve slow motion in any video just click on the clip and go to the inspector panel expand the rtime and scaling menu click on the rtime process option and select Optical flow in the mode estimation section if your computer isn't very powerful I recommend using the enhanced better mode but if you want the best results the ideal option is speed warp in this mode you'll achieve perfect slow motion but keep in mind that it consumes a lot of Computer Resources I recommend exporting the videos to play them smoothly or enabling the render cache function wait for the bar above the timeline to turn blue and you can then view the video correctly as you can see the result is completely smooth slow motion it's in incredible to be able to do this with any of your videos the optical flow feature not only allows you to achieve a slow motion effect but also super slow motion imagine you have a video already recorded in slow motion like the example in this video if we apply Optical flow to it we can achieve an even slower motion as you can see it's truly amazing a super slow and entirely smooth motion making this person appear to float in the air for a a long time super scale if you're working with videos at a low resolution or lower than your Project's resolution this feature is perfect for increasing the resolution of those videos for example here we have a video with a resolution of 1920 by 1080 if you want to increase the resolution and sharpness of this video the first thing to do is increase the timeline resolution let's increase it to 3840 by 2160 which is 4K okay once we have our timeline set to 4K resolution select the 1080p video clip then go to the inspector menu and enable the super scale option when you activate it you'll see an increase in video sharpness I'll zoom in a bit so you can appreciate it better there are different modes for upscaling our video but I recommend selecting the times 2 enhanced mode as it provides the best results you can adjust sharpness and noise reduction according to your preferences right now for my taste the sharpness effect is quite exaggerated so I'll decrease it to 250 and also reduce the noise reduction adjustment perfect I'll zoom in on this building here so you can clearly see the difference when the super scale feature is enabled okay I'll turn it off and then back on off on next function this is another one of those tools that will save you hours of work if you've finished videos and need to separate them into scenes for re-editing or exporting individual shots from that video you're going to love this feature select the video clip and go to the timeline tab look for the detect scene cut feature now Da Vinci resolve will analyze your entire video in just a few sections and split it into scenes once it's done you'll have your video video with all the individual shots and believe me it does a very good job it doesn't create weird cuts in the scenes or anything like that next feature this feature will save you a lot of time especially when creating content for social media platforms like Instagram Tik Tok or YouTube shorts smart reframing imagine you have several horizontally recorded videos and when you switch to the vertical format important elements of the video are out of frame in theory you should adjust each video one by one to fit the vertical format correctly that's where the smart reframing feature comes in allowing you to do this automatically it's straightforward select all the clips on the timeline that you want to reframe then go to the inspector panel in the transform section expand the smart reframe function now simply click on reframe and you'll have your video perfectly reframed in the vertical format for for uploading to social media as you can see the point of interest in the video now appears correctly throughout the video a significant improvement from what we had before 3D camera tracking the 3D camera tracker function allows you to recreate the camera's movement within a scene this enables you to add 3D elements or visual effects that match the original camera's motion once inside the fusion module look for and add the camera tracker tool select the camera tracker node and ensure it's properly connected next go to the inspector panel and activate the preview auto track locations and bir directional tracking options to track the motion throughout the video before you start tracking consider the detection threshold and minimum feature separation options you can adjust the minimum separation to increase or decrease the distance between tracking points these screen points can be seen in your viewer you can also adjust the detection level to increase or decrease the tracker sensitivity these options will help you achieve better motion tracking if you don't get good results with the default settings you can experiment by adjusting these two parameters with that in mind select auto track to perform motion tracking on your video next go to the solve Tab and click on the solve button D Vinci solve will analyze the tracking you've just done and provide various data pay attention to the average solve error value for optimal camera tracking this value should be less than one in my case I have 0.47 which means my camera tracking is correct if you want to reduce this figure you can decrease the maximum track error option by clicking delete you will remove the tracking points from your video that may be in correct and affecting the camera tracking now when you click solve again you'll notice that the average solve error value decreases to 0.33 which is much better great you're done let's export the motion tracking click on the export Tab and before exporting change the aligned mode to unaligned then select the tracking points where you want to position your text your text Will Follow the same motion as the points you select for example I want to place the text here and have it follow the same movement as this Dome now select the tracking points in the dome area by left clicking on them and they will turn yellow with the points selected click on set from selection finally reenable the aligned mode that you changed earlier and you can now export your motion tracking when you export it you'll see several nodes but you only need the top three nodes you you can safely delete the point Cloud 3D and ground plane nodes as they are not necessary as I mentioned you only need these three nodes connected as follows the media in1 input node connected to the three nodes and finally connected to the media out one output node now adding any text and having it follow the video's motion is super easy click on the text 3D icon to create a text node connect the text node to the merge 3D node and then type the text you want you can change the font color size and more to position the text correctly go to the transform Tab and adjust the X and Y AIS your text will now perfectly follow the camera's Motion in the video cool right let's move on to the next feature depth map with this tool you can achieve results very similar to Magic mask you'll be able to remove the background from any video blur the background to create a bokeh effect Place titles behind people or objects assist in creating special effects and much more the advantage over magic mask is that with the depth map function you can select multiple elements in the video based on their depth meaning how close or far they are from the camera you can vary the selection intensity depending on the element's distance in the video in areas that are complet completely white the selection is at 100% And in Gray areas the selection will be less for example you can completely select the background and choose to select the closer elements to a lesser degree this way if you apply a blur effect color correction or changes in lighting it will affect areas that are white at 100% and have a lesser impact on Gray areas you have significant flexibility in selecting and retouching parts of your video if you're interested in learning more about this feature I have a tutorial on depth map in my channel members the tutorial will be released soon for everyone that's all for today I hope you've enjoyed these seven features of Da Vinci resolve Studio see you in the next video
Channel: Sergio Mota | Academy
Views: 295,389
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: davinci resolve tutorial, davinci resolve studio, davinci resolve best effects, davinci resolve best transitions, davinci resolve bes functions, davinci resolve best tools, davinci resolve magic mask, davinci resolve optical flow, davinci resolve slow motion, davinci resolve smart reframe, davinci resolve camera tracking, davinci resolve effects, davinci resolve depth map, davinci resolve english, davinci resolve ai tools, davinci resolve ai mask, davinci resolve ai subtitles
Id: DYU3YvK56mo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 18sec (798 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 14 2023
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