10 Biggest Features in Davinci Resolve Studio 18.6

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what exactly are the coolest features in Da Vinci resolve Studio well I don't know well in this video I'm going to be covering exactly that this is my list of what I think might be the 10 biggest features in Da Vinci resolve Studio my name's Dan and you're watching Dan [Music] Vinci let's kick it right off the bat with number one which really I think is the best not should have left till last it's the magic mask how about a magic trick now this is such a powerful tool now initially this was created to well do color grading but you can use it for so many other things it's insane I've done a video on this it was actually my first ever video and it did really really well and what exactly is the magic mask the magic mask is effectively a selection tool so let's say you want to select a certain subject in your frame remove everything else you can certainly do that so for example example as you can see right here this is me but then I can select myself and make myself blue as you can see on your screen now this is exactly how I did it literally a case of selecting your object clicking a button letting it do its thing and then you can make changes to that particular layer let's move on to number two number two step forward now something that I think gets overlooked quite a bit inin resolve studio is its insanely powerful noise reduction now obviously if you push it to its limits there is a limit and you can e cross it by making things look very very waxy like this but when you find the right balance with it it's so so powerful again I've done a video on this links to that video will be in the description I can't quite believe how many videos I've already made number three engine is down Okay so this one is something I discovered literally two weeks ago and when doing my research on studio for this video I realized that this was actually a studio feature and it was so useful for one of my projects recently this def flicker although it is isn't perfect it is damn near close and I'll put on screen now some footage that is quite flickery I'll whack on the D flicker on now and you'll see that there is a significant difference from my experience there is a little bit of ghosting in areas but otherwise this is very very close to perfect incredible job black magic you've done an incredible job now number four is something that I completely discovered by accident what does this do it's Hal now I was just in the color Tab and I was in the effects column and I was just scrolling through one day and then I came across this thing called Hal kind of sounds like a movie poster Hal halation is effectively to dumb it down in simple terms a glowing effect down in film and I found that this makes your footage just a tiny bit better it might be one of the smallest features on this list but I think it has a massive impact when you're looking at a shot that has it it just looks a little bit more sparkly it's really simple to apply in the color tab just drag it down to one of your nodes and adjust it accordingly but it looks amazing that was sick Dwayne that was awesome of course I need to touch upon the fair light tab I'm not going to miss you out buddy now it's pretty self-explanatory voice self is voice self isolation isolate the audio voice isolation is what it says literally on the tin it isolates the voice now this is extremely useful and I mean extremely useful when you're in a loud environment or you have a persistent hum for example you can isolate your voice insanely well now obviously again if you push it to the extremes you sound like a robot I'll be back with a lot of compression or at least it's sounds like that and this is something that I've had to use on a number of occasions when you know your microphone fails and all the rest of it here's a quick example of it in action my name is Dan this is certainly a test to see whether this well voice isolation Works inin resol Studio there's a lot of noise going on right now and let's let's see how good this is as you can see I've just turned it on now and it certainly does do a very good job it's not perfect but it is very very good and it can certainly save your footage this is really weird okay you can go back into your barn now I haven't exactly done a video on this yet but it will be coming soon so make sure you get subscribed cuz if you don't get subscribed I'll track you down and I will search for your pet snake I'm a snake I'll shut up I'll shut up there's a big snake in the plane Jack oh that's just my pet snake Reggie now up there with some of the most impressive features din Vinci resolve Studio has to offer there is automatic subtitling now if magic mask had a competitor for best feature on D Vinci resolve it would probably be the automatic subtitling now I don't know about you but I've used the Adobe Premier subtitling and it's not exactly accurate sorry but when I say d Vinci resolve Studios version of automatic subtitling is accurate my God is it accurate in fact all of the subtitles that you've seen up to this point have been unedited and are completely raw so if there are any mistakes right now then I'm going to be slightly embarrassed well that was embarrassing Optical flow what is that now if You' never heard of optical flow this is an incredible cheat code if you want to have slow motion footage or let's say you've messed up and your frame rate was completely wrong so you need to create some magical frames out of thin air I conjured him out of thin air Optical flow is your boy in the inspector tab under video scroll down to the very bottom and you'll go to rtime and scaling here you'll see retime process if you click this little button here and go down and click Optical flow this creates frames for you in between your other frames don't get technical with me moving on to some more technical things but don't worry I'll make things simple so my next point is Hardware accelerated decoding and encoding now what does that exactly mean Dan well the studio version of resolve can perform encoding on multiple gpus that means let's say you have two gpus you can render a video using two gpus which means it's going to be fast real fast now of course the free version can also encode video obviously otherwise you wouldn't be able to render the video but you are only limited to one one what but the main thing is that da Vinci resolve Studio can also decode footage this essentially means that you'll be able to play back footage in the codec of h.264 or h.265 way more smoothly now I'm really confused and if you don't know what that essentially means it means that your typical camera let's say your typical sort of family camera that you have lying around the house more likely than not it's going to record in this codec which means playback in real time in the timeline is going to be far smoother that was smooth that was very smooth okay so on to the next Point timeline resolution basically in the free version of Da Vinci resolve you are capped up to Ultra HD which is this resolution on your screen now but in the studio version of Da Vinci resolve you almost have no limit up to 32k at 120 FPS now I must address this not many of you if not none of you are going to need 32k because if you have 32k you're probably going to be able to see every imperfection on someone's face and your computer might go to Mars or it might just explode on the launch pad because my goodness would that be intense to run basically if you don't quite understand this this is huge because you are able to create a Tim line in basically any aspect ratio in any shape that you need so this is really important for let's say if you want to create Tik Tok content you'll be able to create a timeline which is perfect for the phone or let's say you've got footage from a drone that's shot at 5.7k which a lot of consumer drones nowadays can do you will be able to edit at 5.7k all right onto the final final point it's expanded format support and HDR delivery I'll put on your screen now a list of various formats that D Vinci resolve Studio supports and if you don't know what HDR is HDR stands for high dynamic range but otherwise that's the end of the video I hope you found it informative learned a little bit and let me know if you're thinking of getting D Vinci resolve Studio what are your thoughts on it is it worth it my name's Dan you're watching Dan Vinci and I'll see you in the next one [Music] goodbye
Channel: DanVinci
Views: 45,609
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DanVinci, Davinci Resolve, Resolve 18, Edit Tutorial, Pro features, Masking, Magic Mask
Id: CcJeO5tdr2g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 21sec (501 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 26 2023
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