Christian Visions and Miracles Are...ANTICHRIST (Revelation 16:14) | Dr. Gene Kim

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verse 14 for they are the spirits of Devil's working miracles now you notice it's interesting verse 14 they are so these unclean spirits these devils they're also called they are the what spirits of devils see that it's like they came from Devils themselves that's pretty interesting isn't it this is all a spiritual plane you gotta understand they are the spirits of Devil's so it kind of makes sense that the spirit is formed from something it's from something verse 14 working miracles now look at that these demonic spirits they work miracles so this is the problem with a lot of people that I want people to pay attention really well and I get a lot of hate on this online and even from people who are avid fans of me because this is something that's very very dangerous that you people have gotten very clean clung down to and despite of how hard I work to build up subscribers me I'm not going to compromise by not teaching something where I lose subscribers if you came to this channel you subscribe to this channel because you want to hear somebody telling you the truth so I'm not gonna let you down on that so even if it's unpopular it hurts your feeling I'm going to say it because you entrusted me with that and God's gonna hold me accountable for that so I have to tell you the truth so here's the thing a lot of people they get involved with this charismatic healing signs wonders and visions and then when you show them scripture what's wrong with that they get very emotional on you and they get very angry at you and these people no matter how much scripture you use they keep using their experience to say well I can't understand I can't understand you know why you can't understand that's your flesh you're going by the feelings of your flesh your flesh is having a hard time understanding look it's not a matter of how your flesh can grasp it it's what does the book say if the word says it you just believe it by faith it's that simple so here's the thing your pastor does not deny miracle we believe in the power of prayer and God can still heal people today thank God for that amen otherwise we would even you would not even waste and pray God that works miracles but here's the thing what we deny we don't deny the healer what we deny is healers I what I doubt and what I criticize against is some person who just touches or does the healing themselves I don't believe in that I don't believe that like the Apostles back then if a person is sick that okay I touch you in your heal I don't believe in that that was back in the days of the Apostles where God was operating with the nation of Israel today that is no longer available if a lot of you have questions about that just watch my video how to witness to Karris Mattox how to witness to Karris Mattox because i'm not going to explain it in this video but aside from all that we see over here that i do not believe in that that one is actually where you're trusting and believing in the right religion the right belief because you see somebody doing the miracle that one is a sign of the Antichrist so if you could say Christians are getting into that just because of what you're seeing a miracle yeah right here that the Antichrist is working miracles and he's not gonna say I'm the devil I do miracles and then fool you like that know what he's going to do is that he calls himself Jesus Christ it is going to be something totally Christian in your eyes and because it's going to look so Christian in your eyes you're going to accept that Jesus and believe in that Jesus so you better watch out for that that is some the Antichrist what he what is he trying to do he's imitating Jesus Christ so because he's going to imitate Jesus Christ some of you say well I received this vision that I saw Jesus Christ and because of that I cast off my lost belief and I became us a believer there are some people who actually say that now there are two things you have to examine yourself okay which is very very something you have to take careful on the Bible says that when we're saved by faith faith cometh by hearing and hearing by what word of God the Word of God is what gives us the point I think not visions not what we experience so if the basis of your salvation was because of that vision that experience then you better examine your salvation because salvation is based off of the Word of God now some of you might say well I really think that I did believe I know that it was not by works it was just by faith in Jesus Christ okay if you really believe that my question to you is this okay if that vision because you rely alone on that vision if that vision never happened I wouldn't have gotten saved ah okay then here's the question if God never sent that vision to you would you have gotten saved if someone showed you from the Word of God how to get saved would you get saved or is it because only because of that vision if that vision ever happened you would not have become a Christian see that's something to check your heart then so then is your salvation based on the Word of God or is this something that you experienced that's something you got to examine yourself the second thing is the second thing is is that look I'm not accusing everyone who saw Jesus in a vision that oh they're lost they're burning in hell no it may be possible that you may have truly believed in Jesus by faith not by the works of the law and that your ass a person that's not an excuse where you justify visions you might say why because there are people who's been shown for example there were people who were NIV believers and who believed in modern versions and guess what just because that they heard the NIV being preached to them or other people ministering to them and other preachers who minister to them you might be surprised a lot of them they're not Bible believing Christians and they're not in right doctrine they're in wrong doctrine so let's just say this person got saved by a NIV by a pastor who didn't believe in right doctrine does that justify their beliefs to be right no what matters is salvation not on this guy over here on whatever dot wrong doctrine he teaches or the NIV that doesn't legitimize the NIV that doesn't legitimize that person's wrong doctrine that's the same thing with your visions okay so what that you believed in Jesus Christ for salvation that doesn't legitimize your vision that's what problem with a lot of people I can give you testimonies the people who listened to that demonic music contemporary music and when they heard that music and then they got into the Holy Spirit and the person gave the gospel the person got saved does that legitimize that contemporary rock music no it doesn't it does not see that's the problem with people it doesn't legitimize those things so listen the Antichrist is using this to sway people because look if that's your excuse that this legit what legitimizes my vision to be true is because that's what legitimizes my vision is because I experienced it that's why I became a safe Christian then how is that gonna work with the Catholic who went to visions do you know Catholics thought about the apparitions and the visions they saw does that legitimize their vision do you know that there are so many different religions out there that talk about I saw a vision of this I saw a vision of that so how can we tell who's right and who's wrong see that by the way another thing is this sometimes you got to question yourself if you really saw the right vision and then the easy question to ask is what did Jesus look like and then you're gonna hear different accounts from different people of what Jesus look like then I would like to ask you this can you really believe that's the true Jesus then see so you got to watch out for that kind of stuff now I know a lot of people just got angry just now and I hope that you're not seeing me as a person who's just people keep calling me arrogant and putting them down no the reason why I'm telling you all this is because look I care for you that I don't want you to get to see by wrong teachings and wrong practices otherwise I wouldn't even say this to you if I if I really didn't care for you I would not even talk about this uncomfortable subject and keep you as my viewer and my subscriber okay enough of that so be careful that experience thing because that's how the antlion Christ will use it to deceive people is experience you know experience is something very dangerous and something very powerful you know that you might say why because there's a lot of a scientist who are yes but the reason why they're willing to open up to the religious realm is because some kind of existential moment or experience that they went through so the experience is so strong and powerful that's why they allow that and the anti-crisis that and Satan's gonna use that same emotion that they're sensing and feeling to suck them into his side yeah if you look at second Thessalonians 2 it's very scary God says that because they received not the love of the truth like right now you don't like hearing this because it's truth the word of truth because they received not the love of the truth but had pleasure see how you feel in unrighteousness so you have pleasure in that so the Antichrist 2nd Thessalonians chapter 2 verse 8 through 12 just read that passage the Antichrist uses those lying signs and wonders to appeal to the people's experience their pleasure to suck them in that's right and guess what he's gonna appear like what you saw in your vision of Jesus you better watch out for that but it doesn't explain how I got saved or I even got led to your channel because of this vision etc guess what it doesn't legitimize it just like an NIV just like contemporary music look God even used wicked people to accomplish his purpose it doesn't justified those wicked things though Nebuchadnezzar you know what he was doing I think he was slaughtering babies and killing a bunch of people the Lord justified Nebuchadnezzar's action oh so I can keep killing babies it doesn't it doesn't alright let's keep reading at verse 14 they are the spirits of Devil's working miracles which go forth so these spirits these demonic spirits are sent out and they do miracles so they can deceive the whole world which go forth of the earth and of the whole world so these demonic spirits they start to spread out now around the world so they're spreading around all over the world trying to gather up a bunch of people of the kings all over the world Kings all over the world so United Nations you see that United Nations why keep reading over there they're gonna battle against God to gather them to the Battle of that great day of God Almighty so he's these Devils are gathering these kings all over the world - what the - battle a the great day of God Almighty they're gonna war against God now what does this mean the the great day of God Almighty now this is very important because this phrase occurs very much often I could be wrong but when you when you look at the day this particular day it's mentioned more than the word saved or grace or faith now I could be wrong about that but this is all over your Bible in all dispensations pretty much you're gonna see this this is very that's why the theme in your Bible is not salvation by faith it's actually the second coming of Christ you're gonna see that all over your Bible the day of the Lord the day of the Lord so it comes in different ways in this one it calls it Battle of that great day of God Almighty so let's look at many passage there are too many passages we're gonna look at a couple and then I'm going to list some look at Isaiah chapter 2 Isaiah chapter 2 now out of everything you learned today this is something that you want to learn the most because this is the main theme throughout your Bible this is the main thing throughout your Bible is the second coming of Christ where God gets back what rightfully belongs to him and he conquers evil Isaiah chapter 2 verse 12 notice over here for the what day of the Lord of Hosts shall be upon every one that is proud and lofty see the wicked people God's going to battle them and upon everyone that is lifted up and he shall be brought low see God conquers them that directly matches with revelation 16 see that particular day alright let's look at many other parts Jeremiah chapter 46 verse 10 Jeremiah chapter 46 and verse 10 look at this you'll notice this all matches up with Revelation 16 this all matches up with revelation 16 Jeremiah chapter 46 verse 10 for this is the day of the Lord God of hosts a day of vengeance so it's also called day of vengeance that why he may avenge him of his adversary see the enemies who conquer to try to conquer him and the sword shall devour and it shall be so your God is a bloody God you gotta realize I mean he saved you by his blood he's going to conquer and kill by blood whether he saves I'll tell you what all right I want to get under the good side of his blood not the bad side let's look at let's keep reading for the Lord God of hosts hath the sacrifice he calls her the sacrifice in the North Country by where by the river Euphrates remember revelation 16 when they're gathering all the kings of the earth when you they're gathering to which River the river Euphrates remember that that was found at Revelation 16:12 sea there is no doubt this is all prophecy here this is all prophecy here let's look at other verses we're going to look at Ezekiel chapter 13 Ezekiel chapter 13 Ezekiel 13 and then we'll read verse 5 Ezekiel chapter 13 and then we'll read verse 5 notice over here the day the date now let me give you some good advice okay there are so many different ways God calls us in the Bible but I would like to tell you one thing pay attention when he says the day now take it for granted you know you don't want to be too crazy that whenever it mentions day it means Armageddon okay obviously not but you can tell by context when you look at the context of the passage it's like God's talking about something future or people they're expecting something to happen in the future when you feel that kind of vibe in the context and you see them call it the day there's a very good chance that's referring to that Armageddon that second coming there's a very good chance of that so pay attention to that pay attention to that term in your Bible Ezekiel chapter 13 verse 5 you have not gone up into the gaps neither made up the heads for the house of Israel to stand in the battle in the what day of the Lord see the day of the Lord is all referring to that battle that were fair that involves Israel because this is by the river where Euphrates they're going to Israel they're all gathering up at Israel let's look at oh my there galore of verses let's look at Zachariah chapter 14 verse 1 this will be the last one Zachariah chapter 14 verse 1 now while you're turning over there I'm gonna give you all the other verses and I'm gonna go through it I'm just only gonna call out these verses one time though okay I'm only gonna say it once once this video is archived video you can have the freedom to rewind the verses include isaiah chapter 13 verse 6 and verse 9 ezekiel chapter 30 and verse 3 joel chapter 1 and verse 15 chapter 2 and verse 1 and verse 11 and verse 31 Joel chapter 3 verse 14 Amos chapter 5 verse 18 and verse 20 Obadiah verse 15 Zephaniah chapter 1 and verse 7 and verse 14 Zephaniah chapter 2 verses 2 through 3 Malachi chapter 4 and verse 5 you want me give you more there's way more this is definitely the theme throughout your whole Bible alright this is at Cariah chapter 14 verse 1 behold the day of the Lord cometh and thy spoil shall be divided in the midst of thee for I will gather what all nations against Jerusalem to battle now remember what your pastor said the Lord can use something evil to accomplish his purpose right so when people talk about miracles and visions how can that be demonic well this is a great example Revelation chapter 16 verse 14 these Devils are using miracles to what gather up the nations but what did God set as Zechariah 14 verse 1 and 2 I'm doing that to gather the nation's see be careful of that be careful of that because you might say well I don't understand you know this seems like something God would do well God would use of the devil to accomplish his purpose that doesn't make it not demonic so we see Zachariah 14 this is definitely United Nations we see that United Nations it says nations nations nations so this is undoubtedly talking about United Nations now remember your pastor mentioned in last Revelation study that the Antichrist that he's going to stomp out what's going on in the east and get the people of the east to join his side so the people of the east they're going to join the United Nations and they're all gonna cram against Israel now there's no doubt Israel is going to be wiped out that they have a losing chance and that's why they need that Messiah to save them later on
Channel: REAL Bible Believers
Views: 37,279
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dispensationalism, bible study, end times, revelation, revelation explained, conspiracy theory, biblical prophecy, king james only, bible believer, once saved always saved, rapture, kjv only, how to understand the bible, debunking false pastors, false preachers, right doctrine
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 59sec (1259 seconds)
Published: Thu May 07 2020
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