Everything YOU need to know about CREEP!

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this video is sponsored by rtg and builds stick around to the end for more information okay i promise this video is more fascinating than it sounds let's start with the basics what is creep in short creep is a liquid trail left by certain enemies bosses and items in the game that have various effects on the player or other in-game entities for example creep can damage entities slow them down or give them ice physics it is in my opinion a very overlooked mechanic in the game so what's so interesting about creep well dear viewer i'm glad you asked for starters did you know that there are 10 different kinds of enemy creep in the game or that almost every single tier modification item can be creep even if you did know that stick around you might learn something so let's dive in oh and if you end up enjoying the video don't forget to leave a like and a sub in a comment it helps me out more than you know thanks okay so let's start with the enemy side of things how many types of enemy creep are there well as i said previously there are actually 10 different kinds of enemy creep and going from most common to least common we have red creep the most common kind of creep in the game it's supposed to represent blood it can be spawned by multiple enemies and bosses such as the gurglings or the thing it can also be utilized by isaac with items such as headless baby commonly it deals half a heart of damage to the player and 82 damage overall to a stationary enemy like the dummy as well as absolutely shredding regular mobs it happens in very rapid ticks making it extremely effective and now we have green creep a close second in commonness right behind red creep and it too can also be used by players as well as enemies the enemies that use this include but are not limited to pestilence green champions and dangle and brownie when poisoned green creep is very functionally similar to red creep dealing half a heart to isaac on contact damage although some forms of it do extra tick damage such as bob's bladder which is a bonus 21 damage per tick pretty insane fun fact the bob transformation uses a green colored creep in game but in the game's code it's actually just a recolored red creep other items that can give you the green creep effect are seven seals mysterious liquid and toxic shock yellow creep this can only be used by one boss in the game as well as the player i'll give you a second to guess the boss yellow creep is only seen with lemon mishap frilly menade and lemon party it is actually also the consistently highest damaging creep in the game doing 8 per tick the one exception being bob's bladder creep which does way more damage overall have you guessed the boss yet yep it's peep he's the only boss in the game who uses yellow creep black creep this is the first creep on this list that doesn't do contact damage only inflicts a status effect it can be used by both the players and the enemies and functions the same with both all it does is inflict slowness upon an entity it can be used by enemies like gish as well as items like ball of tar fun fact it is one of only two creeps in the game that can bypass boss immunity the other being white creep which is functionally similar to black creep it can be spawned by a multitude of bosses such as widow or the wretched it can be utilized by isaac with items like parasitoid and juicy sack that's about it it just inflicts slowness light dark blue creep this is probably the weirdest creep on the list in my opinion it is the only creep in the game that can be utilized by both isaac and the enemies but it only damages the enemies for example the blue creep spawned by hush doesn't actually hurt isaac just makes him slide around a little bit however when spawned by aquarius or depression it deals damage to the enemies another very weird thing is despite being classified as the same kind of creep by the isaac wiki they are strikingly different shades of blue which is why personally i believe that the blue trail by hush and the aquarius trail are two different kinds of creep the more you know gray creep grey creep is the first entry on this list that can't be used or replicated by isaac and is only used by one enemy in the game that being the cage it is functionally the same as red creep just a different color orange creep once again this creep cannot be replicated or used by the player and is also only spawned by one boss that being mama gertie uniquely however it is the only creep in the game with a dual function it both slows down isaac like black or white creep but deals a full heart of damage like a more powerful red creep hey so a quick editor's note so i use the wiki for all my research pretty much and it says in the wiki that the orange creep slows down eyes it also does a full heart of contact damage however the creep does not actually damage the player in my testing so might be conflicting information there sorry about that but just you know the creep does not damage isaac my bad this is why i believe this is the most powerful enemy creep in the game but not over all the best we'll get to that later brown creep this is only used by a select few bosses and one specific character tany blue baby you can use blue baby's brown creep to stack poop effects and give you a decent stat boost while standing on it the other way to get this friendly brown creep is through the item ibs aside from that there are two more ways to encounter regular brown creep when spawned by a boss like brownie it applies ice physics to you you can once again find this creep the use of an x-lax pill notice how the x-facts creep does not stack effects static creep this is the most unique creep in the game as it is only utilized by one boss and cannot be duplicated at all obviously this is found with the dogma boss and functions like a re-textured red creep it is easily the coolest looking creep in the game that's about all that is going for it now you may think cool that is all the creep in the game but you'd be wrong because there is an incredible amount of combinations of creep within the game using the item aquarius now i'm not going to go over all the combinations if you want a video like that you can watch slay xc2 or peach parlor's video on creep links are down below but we still aren't done there are a couple of unique circumstances that i want to cover that'll help you dodge and play around a creep as well as one last secret creep item that i want to mention first off how many ways can you dodge creep well it's a very select few ways one of the easiest ways being flight because creepers are grounded a damage source flight entirely bypasses it another way to dodge creep is with the callus trinket which also makes you immune to any creep damage or spikes and no sadly instead of making you immune to burning and poison evil charm does not work at all to dodge creep but who cares about dodge and creep all i wanna know is which one does the most damage so what i'm doing here is testing out once and for all which creep does the most damage i'm not going to be including gray orange hush's blue static or black and white creep in here because they either a don't do damage or b i can't replicate those what i can test out though is an item such as um headless babies i'll give us a headless baby here headless baby we can see that overall it does around you know 80 to 90 damage we loop around here watch the dummy get some damage racked up on him just about 90 damage there 88 pretty good number pretty good number however we can do better if i remove headless baby headless baby and give myself mysterious liquid we get a weird situation here because this creep overall the rest of the damage there does less damage oh what the heck is in the oh i guess the wrong item looks like g mysterious liquid there we go sorry about that if we hit him here with mysterious liquid it only does one tick but one tier equals 28.5 damage so if we sit here and just shoot him for like that's like three seconds there we do get quite the big damage up and i will say well yes one tier versus headless baby the red creep does more damage but the ready creep isn't ranged like i am i can stand back here and get some damage in there i can stand you know up here and shoot damage in there so i think overall at the baseline level green creep is more powerful than red creep and we can see even here they believe it is uh t71 yeah if i give myself bob's bladder and uh probably pyro here and we get we get a bomb in there you know we get some kind of creep damage of a bomb in there it's not it's a little finicky to hit this so forgive me for a minute here a little hard to get this bomb in there there we go you can see that take up 100 damage 100 bombs do 100 damage we did 956 damage there with one trinket well like you know at any stretch of the imagination bob's bladder is the strongest creep so far and i will say to spoil this on this entire list bob's creep destroys now we're getting you know take away you know remove mysterious liquid mysterious liquid there we go and even you know even give up the bombs over here right if we give ourselves the next damaging creep which i'll say is let's say lemon mishap we hear on the wiki that this creep is the highest damaging creep in the game consistently and i agree in a way going next to this guy right pop it down it's eight per tick or eight eight particular does damage right it's gonna be about 200 damage and maybe exactly 200 damage in there maybe a little bit more than 200 just yeah 216 damage okay it's a lot of damage there but not even close to bob's bladder or just shooting at him with like you know soybean with serious liquid it's still not that much but just baseline consistently yes this is the highest creep damage in the game unless unless you're using the item aquarius now aquarius is a unique property it not only mimics your tier effects such as let's say like you know we get ourselves um spoonbender here our creep homes in on the guy right that's really good but that's not even the like peak of aquarius here remove a spoon bender and give myself polyphemus now you're gonna see previously we did about 2.3 damage uh every tick now we do 10 every tick so if you have a very very strong high damaging build aquarius is the best creep for you if you have a lot of bombs then bob's bladder is the way for you if you have no active item the mishap is the way for you if you have no creep at all then go for headless baby or anemia now even still we saw in the in this little demonstration here the headless baby did the least amount of damage out of any creep in the game if we remove aquarius here we can just show how truly effective any kind of creep in the game is because now we have no creep right we'll give ourselves headless baby by the way hello baby anemia they lose the same amount of damage they're both too per tick but headless baby here and let's just spawn your average like gamer watch how fast the lowest damaging creep in the game kills this enemy it's still seconds it's still seconds that's why i say creep is the most overlooked mechanic in the game now for the final tidbit on creep there is one other item that is fundamentally creep but does not traditionally function as so this creep in heavy quotations can also damage flying enemies before i tell you what it is pause this video and go comment down below your guess i want to see how many of you can get what i'm getting at okay already it's a bit of a stretch but personally i think it qualifies it's a trail that follows behind you and has potential to do some major enemy damage black powder i know it isn't considered a creep trail by the game but it does all the same things if not more with its ability to damage flying enemies by the way are you tired of waiting for a pens to come out on console well if you use code bd1p on the artisan website you can find a great affordable deal on a pc made just for you the best part they complete your build live on twitch you get to see how it's done and to your liking check them out with the link down below well that's all for now guys if you enjoyed it don't forget to support my channel with a like a comment and a sub have a great day peace out and goodbye
Channel: bd1p
Views: 11,842
Rating: 4.952096 out of 5
Keywords: tboi, the binding of isaac, repentance, the binding of isaac repentance, creep, mechanics, analysis, in depth, dogma, mysterious liquid, isaac, aquarius, smart, interesting, review
Id: kDjGyzAeCP8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 56sec (716 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 27 2021
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