6 Truly HAUNTING Family Curse Stories

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number one this is honestly a little freaky and makes me a bit terrified whenever I think about it to be honest still I'm willing to share I live in England in an old beautiful cottage and that's been in my family since my great-grandfather bought it all those years ago prior to him my ancestors had all been very poor and could scarcely afford to put a roof over their heads the story goes that when my great-grandfather was a young man he set off by himself up to Scotland several years later he returned a rich man and was able to buy the family cottage he never spoke about how he made his fortune well he did but not definitively the story always changed one day he might tell you it was from a business venture then another day he might tell you he got lucky gambling or made a pact with a gypsy there were so many different answers that he gave that eventually people just stopped asking altogether perhaps he come into the money illegally they thought that's why he always avoided answering the question my family at the time couldn't have cared less if that was the case to be honest they could finally eat drink and buy whatever they wanted and didn't have to scrounge to make ends meet anyway over the generations the money that my great-grandfather accumulated was added to and to this day we remain quite well-off the problem is money wasn't all that my ambitious relative brought back with him from north of the border Yesi not long after buying the cottage and still young at the age of 29 he suddenly lost his sanity that is to say that overnight he went completely mad he started complaining about a thin red man that kept following him we know this from the journals that my great-grandfather kept according to him the thing for lack of a better word was a bony emaciated humanoid with sunken eye sockets and paper-thin lips that didn't fully cover its teeth it didn't wear any clothes it was just completely red like it was constantly bleeding all over like a human man if all of the skin had been stripped from him he said he could see it watching him wherever he went climbing on walls and ceilings the last entry talks about how the thing kept whispering to him as he slept that it kept him up all night every night and how he couldn't take it anymore the next day he took his hunting shotgun and shot himself in the head leaving his wife and his young son my grandfather alone time goes by and my grandfather Winston grows up to be a successful businessman himself just like his father before him he found a wife and had some children of his own at a young age the oldest of these children was a son my father unfortunately and just like his father again my grandfather also lost his mind exactly ten years later in life than his father at the age of 39 he started screaming about being followed by a red figure he said that the thing creature stalked him and would appear out of the blue when he least expected it he handled these hallucinations better than my great-grandfather had been able to for all intents and purposes life went on for him but sadly the hallucinations persisted and got worse over time according to my grandmother he used to say that the thin red man wouldn't leave him alone anymore finally ten long months after becoming mentally ill he was found dead in the pond of the family estate according to the coroner's report my grandfather had been sleepwalking and somehow managed to unconsciously make his way to the pond outside for whatever reason he didn't wake up and drowned in the water I never met either of those men they both died before I was born obviously I've only ever read my great-grandfather's journal and listened to stories about my grandfather my own father however I of course knew very well and his story is what haunts me the most like his father and his father before him he met a girl and had a family at a young age I was the eldest of his children I'm grateful that I got to know my father growing up he was a kind man funny too am very smart he always took care of my mother myself and my siblings our youths were amazing when my father turned 49 I noticed that something wasn't right at home he and my mother kept his mental condition a secret from us youngsters but eventually the truth slipped out while home alone with my dad he broke out into sweats and started telling me that he was seeing the thin red man this was the first time I'd ever heard someone telling me about seeing the creature firsthand he said it was just like it had been described in the journal the stuff of nightmares thin tall and bony he often saw it late at night while in bed crawling across the ceiling of the bedroom twisting its head backwards to stare down at him my father held out for a little over a year suffering from constant night terrors which over time became day and night terrors things seemed to get worse and worse and no amount of medical assistance seemed to do a thing eventually he took his own life I don't want to go into details about that but it was definitely deliberate I miss him greatly we all do as it stands I'm 26 years old I too met a girl whilst I was away at university and the two of us are currently planning our wedding she wants to start a family and to be honest so do i I'm inclined to believe that all of these deaths in my family have been the result of a genetical mental illness one which I hope I won't develop I'll definitely be keeping an eye on it I can tell you that much I like to think that the only reason my father and grandfather saw the same red figure was because they have both heard about it from my grandfather's journal they had read the story so many times but it had just slipped into their subconscious so when they started to lose grip of reality their hallucinations manifested into this a red man still I'd be lying if I said that the thought that this could be a family curse didn't affect me seeing as I'm my family's firstborn son for whatever reason it seems to only affect the men in our family I just hope that I never meet this thin red man face to face and for the sake of our first future baby I really hope it's a girl number two this isn't a personal family curse story obviously but one that I find particularly interesting is what you might call the curse of the Dragon I'm sure you all know who Bruce Lee is before him his father was also somewhat famous back in Hong Kong he was an operatic actor called Lee Wei Chen the story goes that hi when once angered a group of Chinese merchants did the dirty on them so to speak whether this was a deal gone wrong or a double crossing I couldn't tell you regardless he got on their bad side and as a result and they put a curse on him and his bloodline ur saying that all of the males in his family would die young fast forward a number of years and who H when didn't live a particularly long life dying less than a week after the birth of his grandson Brandon we'll get to him in a moment which one son the legendary actor Bruce Lee died even younger than his father at the age of 32 it's believed that he suffered an allergic reaction to a painkiller which caused his brain to swell up inside his skull the exact cause of death is still shrouded in uncertainty and there are a number of conspiracy theories surrounding the last moments of his life even more conspicious however was the death of Bruce's own son the actor Brandon Lee he's best known for starring in the action film The Crow it was thought that he would go on to have a successful acting career just like his father but sadly he never got the chance the curse of the Dragon struck once again on the set of The Crow during one of the movie sequences Brandon's character was meant to be shot by a thug the gun which was being used as a prop a 44 Magnum was loaded with blanks to make the scene more realistic however at some point prior to shooting one of the prop crew accidentally left a live round in the chamber the actor with the weapon had no idea about this and when it came time to film the scene he pulled the trigger and ended up shooting Brandon in the chest from a distance of 12 feet he was immediately rushed to hospital after six hours of surgery however Brandon sir came to his injuries and died on the operating table the remaining scenes were filmed using body doubles and special effects and the movie went on to gain a cult following Brandon himself was buried next to his father in Lakeview Cemetery Seattle he was only 28 years old having had no sons of his own it seems like the curse of the Dragon has finally been lifted whether you believe the deaths were the result of a family curse or just a simple set of tragic coincidences but alot of talent when Bruce and Brandon died may the lease rest in peace number 3 this isn't a family curse that affects my family but rather my friends every year on May 25th all of his family gathered together at one of their homes and spend the next 24 hours in the same room together nobody leaves until midnight and nobody ever leaves the I shot of another family member they don't sleep they just spend the time eating and talking waiting the day out if one of them needs to go to the bathroom they all go in groups and keep each other in their sights when my friend and his siblings were kids and they thought this was just some family tradition that every family in America took part in as they got older their mother let them know that there was a much more serious reason they did this for as long as the family on their mother's side could remember every year on the 25th of May one of their relatives would go missing in the past this seemed to happen without fail some would eventually turn up dead but for the most part they just disappeared never to be seen or heard from again it could be any one of their blood relatives that happen to go missing on the day a cousin an uncle an aunt as long as they shared blood with that side of the family and they were at risk of vanishing at risk of falling victim to the family curse sort of like a deadly version of roulette if you will generations ago when their family started to notice a pattern emerging the various related households created the tradition of coming together on the same day every year by keeping an eye on each other nobody was ever going to vanish into thin air in the years when everyone in the family stuck to the plan it worked and nobody would go missing this had apparently been going on in their family for centuries before any living family member could remember at least everyone would just come together stick together and wait the day out occasionally a cousin or someone might decide that the hole made a family curse was hogwash and go off to do something else by themselves if they spent any of May 25th alone even just like driving somewhere or going to the bathroom by themselves and then it was going to be their year to take the bullet one year my friends second cousin Tony ignored the family ritual and went off to see a concert with some friends instead three weeks later they found his body off the side of the motorway he had lost control of his car and crashed into a tree took people ages to find him for some reason according to my friend two other family members had gone missing in his lifetime alone he has no idea what happened to them nobody in the family does whatever you make of this story I think it's pretty interesting and I know for a fact and that my friend and his family still have these gatherings every year they don't spend one minute of that particular day out of eyeshot and if the story is true I can't say I blame them number [ __ ] everyone who returned to see the house my grandmother grew up in died a violent death within months no one has gone back to her country in a long time but the few relatives who went back to the town after all of these deaths stayed far away from the house one died in a fire one fell down the stairs one was electrocuted in a freak accident one was found at the bottom of a ladder number 5 my family comes from Haiti voodoo country one night when I was very young my baby sister fell sick with a dangerously high fever nothing my parents did made her any better and the doctors were stumped I was with my parents at the time and I recall how at one point during the evening a strange old man entered the room he said that a curse had been placed upon the child possibly by some sort of jealous witch who always wanted a daughter or something I can save her he said but the curse will pass on to another person do you accept my offer not really understanding what he meant and desperate to try anything to bring down their daughter's fever my parents agreed the mysterious man knelt over my sister and said a prayer then placed his hand upon her forehead and whispered something under his breath lost in some sort of trance like state it is duh I remember him saying was it done though I mean nothing had seemed to change my baby sister still had a fever assuming he was just some crazy guy my parents pretended to be grateful and sent him on his way before he left however he said something that chilled me even as a child now somebody else in your family is dead that made us all uncomfortable still he left without causing any more trouble through the night my little sister cried but amazingly she did seem to be getting better by morning she was right as rain it was a miraculous recovery and one that perplexed the local doctors nobody could seem to explain it elated my mother paid a visit to all the members of the family to tell them the good news she got to the doorstep of her sister who will call T when the door was answered she was met with her sisters crying husband I was about to call you he said during the night he had a heart attack she didn't make it my heart sinks whenever I think about that old man who came to visit I'm grateful he saved my sister's life but the whole incident scares the life out of me my story's a bit odd the males on my father's side of the family always died in October my grandfather his three brothers their four sons and my great-grandfather the last thing my grandpa ever said to us as we were leaving his house one summer visit was well if I make it through October I'll see you all at Christmas he died October 3rd of a heart attack the plus side to this is I'm effectively immortal 11 months of the year so there's that hey guys a little easy here and thank you very much for listening well first things first have a very Merry Christmas everyone there won't be another video before then I can tell you that much yeah it's been quite a while since my last video hasn't it I've been dealing with a bit of stuff of a minute but hopefully we'll be getting back into the swing of things very soon I know I say that literally literally every time now better this time just watch this space watch this space people anyway if you like the video then please be sure to smash that like button or I'll smash you and I'll be coming back very soon this time I promise anyway guys until then do have a very Merry Christmas or which have a holiday you celebrate around this done and take care of yourselves stay spooky and remember the best things happen in the Darr
Channel: Lazy Masquerade
Views: 451,644
Rating: 4.9362116 out of 5
Keywords: scary true stories, real horror stories, lazy masquerade, maskarade, scary, scariest video ever, on youtube, horror movies, scary 2017 movies, ghost, ghosts, haunted, paranormal, caught on tape, creepypasta, reddit, 2chan, 4chan, horrific, shocking, deeply disturbing, top 5, top 10, countdown, audiobook, asmr, relaxing, british accent, new, best, most, long video, brandon lee, bruce lee, dead, death, creepy, freaky, who, how to, family curses, family curse, voodoo, real, true, posts, lets not meet
Id: CEbTbm1iktU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 1sec (1201 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 21 2017
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