6 Surprising Foods You Can Make In An Instant Pot

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today I'm gonna be sharing with you six surprising ways to use your instant pot [Music] hi I'm Karen Peterson and I run the website 365 days of slow and pressure cooking I share instant pot and slow cooker recipes with you for every day of the year here on YouTube I share instant pot stuff with you every week and today I'm gonna be sharing with you six surprising things that you might not have known that you could do with your instant pot I hope you subscribe to my channel like this video comment on something surprising that you've made in your instant pot I'd love to know let's get on to those six surprising things to making your instant pot number one you can use your instant pot to raise your bread dough faster than it normally would just sitting on your kitchen counter here's how I do it first make the dough I've done that already if you want the recipe that I'm using I'm making a rosemary bread that is my friend Jill's recipe I'm gonna actually put the recipe in the notes below so if you want that you can get that so I have my bread dough here I have my instant pot what I'm gonna do is just kind of put a little bit of oil in the bottom of the instant pot so that the bread dough doesn't stick and swirl it around take the bread dough and put it in your instant fat we're gonna use our yogurt button to help raise the bread dough push the yogurt button then use the adjust button to cycle through to where it says less and it doesn't matter that it says 24 hours on there don't worry about that so one thing that you're gonna definitely want to remember do is not use the lid the problem with using the lid that people have had is that the bread dough will rise so high that it actually pushes up this little bowel this this thing right now and that indicates to the technical part of your instant pot that it's under pressure and not to let you open the lid so people have actually gotten their slits stuck for good because the dough has pushed up on that valve so what I like to do is just use a plate I have a plate that fits up not very nice and just set it right on top you can also use a glass lid just nothing that has that valve on it okay you can see that it's just been in just over 33 minutes and hence raise up quite a bit twice as much as it was before and this recipe indicates that you're supposed to let it raise by half so we're good on the raising my recipe indicated to split it in half and make it into two loaves and put it on a cookie sheet and let it raise again mother I'm thirty minutes or so it's been thirty minutes and the bread dough looks like it's ready to go in the oven this bread only needs fifteen to twenty minutes to bake at 375 ready to dig into my bread doesn't it look so good number two have you ever needed to make a recipe that called for a bunch of chopped hard-boiled eggs watch this next thing that I do with my instant pot you're gonna love it using this stainless steel one spray it with nonstick cooking spray this is important or else the eggs will just totally stick to the bottom and it will kind of defeat the purpose I have six eggs I'm going to crack into my pan you can use more than six eggs but that's just how many I'm going to be making today I have this cool silicone sling that serves is kind of a trivet too so I'm going to be using that put the pan on top of your sling or your trivets and put it into your pot however before we do that I'm going to add in one cup of water into the bottom of my instant pot then I'm going to lower the sling into the bottom make sure you valve is set to ceiling and set your manual or your pressure cook button to five minutes once the five minutes is up its gonna say el and then the pot is going to start counting up let it count to five minutes and then we'll release the rest of the pressure whoops I let it go for eleven minutes instead of five but it should still be okay I'm gonna release the pressure remove the lid take out the pan you can see the eggs are cooked inside of this stainless steel pan dump the eggs onto a cutting board one big loaf of eggs and then chop then you have perfectly done hard-boiled eggs that you didn't have to peel and you can use these in a Cobb salad or put them in egg salad or avocado egg salad or potato salad whatever you choose to do with your eggs they are delicious and they're perfectly cooked I'm gonna put mine in an airtight container in the refrigerator until I'm ready to use them number three a quick thought for ground meat I'm going to be teaching you a trick that he use all the time and it is defrosting meat in your instant pot so that you can use it in another recipe for example I want to make this creamy noodles and it has it calls for browning your ground beef first but my Brown my ground beef is totally frozen solid so I just need to get it defrosted enough so that I can break it apart with a spoon and start browning it so in order to do that all you need to do is put a trivet in the bottom of your instant pot this one came with my instant pot this one I purchased and actually really loved because it's a sling and a trivet all at once that's the one I'm gonna be using today but use whatever you have then put a cup or a cup and a half of water in the bottom if you have an 8 quart pot you'll probably need 2 cups of water I have the 6 quart pot then put your meat your ground beef ground chicken ground turkey whatever it is a pound of it at a time you occasionally do more than one pound at a time but today I'm just doing 1 pound and if it's frozen in 1 pound then you're gonna need about 5 to 6 minutes of pressure cooking time to defrost it enough to break it apart if it's frozen in a bigger chunk like three pounds frozen all in one chunk now that's gonna take a lot longer to break apart maybe triple the amount of time so keep that in mind when you're trying to defrost your meat let's say you have two one-pound increments of ground beef that would still be the five to six minute cooking time hopefully that makes sense to you all right so just go ahead put the lid on tight table on ceiling and set the time to the manual pressure cook button I'm gonna do six minutes and it's of course on high pressure which is the default setting the timer just beeps so that's why it says it starts with L it just meaning lapse time since it's been done so I'm gonna push the valve to venting the pressure is released so I'm removing the lid taking the meat out and then I'm gonna just pour the juices down the drain in a minute here now I have this beef that's ready to brown so i will push the saute button on my instant pot and add in the beef I don't know if you could tell but it kind of looks like it's done but it's not done just the outside looks like it's done but it's not and that's why you still need to Brown it for the recipe that you're making sometimes when you use this method there's gonna be like a big chunk that kind of doesn't get defrosted but that's okay because you can just Brown it like I'm doing and kind of break it up as you go as it gets warm you can just break it up and keep breaking it up and keep breaking it up until it's cooked so that's the method I used to thaw meat to get it ready for another recipe number four spaghetti squash I love spaghetti squash because it is a lot healthier and lower carbs and lower calories than normal pasta I used to hate to make it in the oven because it just took so long and it would seems like a hard process I found the easiest and fastest way to make it and that is by using your instant pot I have a 6 quart instant pot that I'm using and I bought a fairly small spaghetti squash sometimes the spaghetti squash is can be very large so you just want to make sure that it will be small out to be able to fit inside of your instant pot so that's the first thing is picking out the right size ii have a paring knife ready to go i like to use this little tiny knife sharpener before i cut the squash just because it is a thick skin to get through so i'd like to have a sharp knife ready so i just go ahead and sharpen it a few times before i cut if you want this little tiny gadget you can give them on Amazon and I'll link to it in the notes below most of the time when you see recipes they say to cut the squash this way but today we're cutting it this way and I find that you get longer strands of the spaghetti squash that way and it fits nicer into your instant pot so we're gonna cut it around the equator I guess you could say just be careful you have a good handle on the squash so it doesn't go flying but you're gonna just kind of cut as best as you can through that tough skin once you get through you're gonna see a bunch of gunk inside you didn't want to remove that it's kind of like the guts of a pumpkin I like to use my ice cream scoop because it has these kind of sharp edges and you can just really dig in there and get it all out you could also use just a regular spoon to kind of scrape the edges so it should look nice and clean just like that when you're done go ahead and do the other side I have both halves ready to go so what I'm gonna do is I put a trivet in the bottom of my instant pot if you don't have one you can get one on Amazon I'll link to it then I'm gonna add in a cup of water if you're using an 8 quart pot go ahead and use about 2 cups of water just so that it can come to pressure and then we're gonna put these in here and depending on the size of your squash you might have to angle it to fit in this one was small enough that it really fit in there very nicely you can see that that's no problem at all and cover your pot make sure the valve is set to sealing and not to venting go ahead and push the manual button or the pressure cook button and change it to seven minutes once the time is that but it will switch over to L and then I'll say zero zero zero that just means elapsed time and move the valve from ceiling to venti once all the pressures released you can go ahead and open up the pot spaghetti squash inside is going to be really hot and just either wait till it cools down or you can use some sort of tongs to remove it and sometimes if it's filled up with a little bit of water so just dump the water out place it on a cutting board and then I'm just gonna set this aside until it cools down a little bit and then shred it so this is what it looks like cooked just grab a fork and you're just gonna kind of go like this and see how easily that comes out it's still a little bit of hot so I'm gonna put one of these oven mitts on to kind of hold it in place but you should be able to scrape it completely clean it just comes out very nicely in the instant pot it just cooks it all the way through and you can use all that awesome awesomeness okay it looks like I got all the flesh from both of these I'm just gonna discard those number five using your instant pot as a double boiler to melt chocolate to dip pretzels to dip strawberries to dip whatever you want to dip this is especially useful like Christmas time when you're making candies and things like that you're gonna really love this method of using your instant pot as a double boiler here are the items that you will need for your chocolate dipped pretzels you'll need some wax paper or some parchment paper or a sip silicone baking mat something that enables the pretzels not to stick you'll need some pretzels I use the twisty kind a bowl a glass bowl or a metal bowl works and then some melting chocolate I use this dark chocolate from Ghirardelli brand it's really good but you can also use milk chocolate or white chocolate you can use chocolate chips but you'll have to add in a tablespoon of shortening with the chocolate chips so that they can be glossy and nice and smooth for this recipe we're going to use the instant pot like a double boiler so add in two cups of water into the bottom of the instant pot and turn your instant pot to the saute setting and adjust it to more then find a glass bowl or a metal bowl that will fit nicely right on top of the instant pot you see how it doesn't fall in it just kind of sits right there the water's going to heat up and we'll pour the chocolate into the bowl and the water will steam up and the bowl and get the chocolate all melty and delicious but it won't burn the chocolate which is the major problem when you're microwaving in chocolate or trying to cook it in a pan on the stove it just scorches so easy and burns and it just does not taste good still one of those chocolates for good measure eat it right now I dare you and then just wait a couple minutes until the chocolate starts melting every couple minutes come back with a spoon and just stir it as those chocolate disks melts the water is really heating up so I turn to the saute from the more bun and i justed it down to the last button and I'm just going to keep stirring it until it's totally melted and smooth once the chocolate is totally melted turn off your instant pot and then click it over to the keep warm setting this will ensure that the chocolate stays melted and doesn't harden up while you're trying to dip your pretzels but it's not going to be boiling away in there it's a long sheet of your wax paper or parchment paper out and then get those pretzels ready we're going to need pretzels and then a fork to dip the pretzels with take one pretzel at a time and place it on your fork and then just kind of dip it into the chocolate get it nice and dipped and then tap tap tap tap the sides of the bowl so that all the excess chocolate comes off and then you can place it on top of the parchment paper and then you're going to repeat this process over and over until all the chocolate is used up if you'd like you can add sprinkles to the chocolate dip pretzels make sure to put them on the pretzels when the pretzels are still wet or they won't stick very well here we are at the very end of the chocolate just trying to use all of it as much as possible you might need to get some sort of rubber scraper and kind of scrape all the chocolate into the middle just so that there's enough to be able to dip those last pretzels into the pretzels only take about ten minutes to dry and then you can put them in an airtight container I like to use these plastic baggies and sometimes give them away as Christmas gifts number six zero minute vegetables I don't know if you've heard of using a zero minute pressure cooking time but it is so fast it's such an easy way to steam vegetables and get them perfectly done every time here are six vegetables that you can use the zero minute pressure cooking time with I have my 6 quart instant pot ready to go and I have my silicon steamer basket I love this steamer basket it's my favorite one and it works well with the six or eight quart pot I put the link to it in the notes below it's probably around twelve thirteen bucks on Amazon I also have this metal steamer basket which I like but don't like quite as much just because it expands and contracts and sometimes when taking the food out of the incident pot you know potatoes for example they kind of fall all over the counter so I'm going to use this red one today first I'm going to put 1 and 1/2 cups of water into the bottom of the instant pot liner and you'll use this same method for any vegetable that you're steaming for zero minutes add in your steamer basket and then the first vegetable I'm going to try today is cauliflower florets and I have just cut up a whole head of cauliflower into florets and I'm adding them into the steamer basket you know lock that lid into place and make sure the valve set to sealing not to venting then push the manual button or the pressure cook button depending on your model use the minus button to go all the way down to zero minutes once you get down to zero minutes it's going to click over to the on setting meaning that it's building pressure at this time and it will take probably anywhere between five and ten minutes to build the pressure and at that point it's going to switch over to this setting that says L meaning that the pressure cooking time is over and you're ready to open up your pot so click the valve over to empty that is in the pot once the pressure is released you can remove the lid safely and you have perfectly steamed cauliflower florets and I love serving these with butter salt pepper even a cheese sauce from time to time the next vegetable is green beans now these are great with a 0 or 1 minute cooking time depending on how well-done you like them so we have a whole head of broccoli and I've cut them into larger florets or else they get a little too done asparagus is next and this one gets done in just the zero minute cooking time as well we have zucchini that slice kind of thick not too thick not too thin and they came out perfect I love the zucchini and finally I have a package of frozen corn that I'm just throwing in there just steaming ended up getting it ready to eat butter salt and pepper oh it is so good so there you have it six vegetables with a zero minute pressure cooking time
Channel: 365 Days of Slow and Pressure Cooking
Views: 113,528
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Id: 05OAxeXzhXE
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Length: 20min 38sec (1238 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 10 2020
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