6 Sorority Girls vs 1 Secret Guy (Or is it?) | Odd Man Out

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hello i'm phil i'm evan and we have a highly anticipated episode of odd man out for you today that's right a big shout out to manscape for sponsoring this episode manscape for the people who brought you the lawnmower 3.0 i know what you're thinking electric razors are annoying because the blades get dull but guess what manscape also has a replenishment pack boom which comes the new razer sign up every few months they will send you a new blade to slap it on there and you'll also get a free gift when you sign up which is this handy dandy foot deodorant deodorant for your foot deodorant for your not just your foot fill for both feet it's just like 20 too expensive for me evan well funny you mention it phil simply go to manscape.com jubilee for 20 off plus free international shipping apply directly at checkout no promo code needed well thank you so much evan and we hope you enjoy this episode of odd men out we brought together seven sorority girls i'm in a sorority i'm an sorority i'm in a sorority and i'm in a sorority except everyone is a liar like really all of them they're all lying this is odd man out so my game plan going in is to get a buddy buddy with one of the girls as quick as possible like yes girl i'm on your side don't even worry about it it's important that i like get the specifics right because if i can give details early then they're going to trust me i plan on kind of diverting the girl's attention maybe talk more about girly things instead of just greek life but also if i start getting heat or anything like that i'm going to start pulling everything out of my back pocket because i'm not going home the name that i chose was marcia because it's close to martin rachel's a character that i created now i picked out a story for her i know all the information about her chapter her sorority philanthropies state functions midday i wrote down a bunch of notes i got everything in here uh i also did some research about just girls in general in case you know they try to ask me questions about girls i did a lot of research actually for this because like this is the first time i'm gonna be the bowl so of course i'm gonna be like oh my god what's going on i'm gonna have to type like a girl maybe i'll use the all lowercase strategy i'm gonna be in all lowercase now i'm gonna try and go a little over the top with messages as far as like how i'm reacting i know this is my second time being hopping out but i'm sweating this is not good i just gotta not say anything stupid all right let's do this all right round one let's go so i'm gonna do multiple eyes on high i'm not going to be the person asking questions there's no way that's happening they'll pick up and if i just go ahead so i'm going to ask where everyone is from i'm not weak mentally ah where's everyone from i'm in san jose i'm from missouri state l.a but go to school at ucsb i'm going to capitalize but i'm not going to use proper punctuation sona for school oh my gosh arizona that's where nicole's from nobody's talking anything that matters right now time's taken the more it takes less sustainably i am a man oh yeah i think they're already answering that okay what sorority is everyone in yeah obvious question okay so the first rule is you don't ask what sorority you're in i don't know that's just a sorority girl thing especially when i go out so that's kind of a red flag i think i'll vote for katie but we'll see i'm in kappa gamma delta pre-med sorority iowa red hot that's something that like that's like a term that most coyotes use see okay so i'm in ao pai but you gotta do the double eyes they'll catch that if you write out pie they will catch them going with pi beta phi here nice sick ooh eat it there's an 80 pie thank god i was i almost chose 80 pie as my fake sorority but thank god i didn't because nicole would have just ripped me a new one what class am i in epsilon new loser class were you in a new like chapter okay so i'm in the gamma zai chapter i've saw new alpha thai this is so interesting what i don't know dude i feel like an op right now like i feel like they can they're gonna sniff me out is your chapter founded i feel like this should be a pretty common question everyone should know this in an org that you're in so for instance phi mew is 1852. seems really old i don't know i don't know the number exactly sorry okay so she means like the chat just say some random random one 18.95 that seems okay period okay this is i think like 1895 isn't too far off from the numbers that they have 1892 1851 oh i can't spell we have six founders overall my big day was girls girls girls damn it damn it damn they're not answering my question i freaked up uh out of this world what was my theme what was my big day theme and they like raced home this girl wants to go into the founders i hope we can just skip past that just move it to the side because uh i'm just gonna give a random name it was breaking records i love my good day okay nicole trying to trying to not be a mole here like i didn't want to leave out the founders question just because i didn't want to get anyone suspicious so i brought it back in and i said that mary mary martha are the three founders of buy me a sorority which is very true it's on their uh fine mew website oh god i made something up hopefully they uh hopefully they didn't notice or see you right through me what's everyone's philanthropy oh bet baby bet oh what is our philanthropy ronald mcdonald oh did i give myself away on that one [Music] oh wait okay she named him she named him i think only like three people said they're they're founders did they three mary mary martha three thunders dude no one's gonna suspect me and if they do screw that that's stupid when people started talking about philanthropy all the other sorority girls were able to just you know type freely whereas i was like having to think about it a little bit and it delayed my answers i think my downfall was the founder's question i think i survived that round um there were other girls who didn't talk that much i threw in some messages here and there i didn't want to take control of the chat too much i really have nobody to vote for like nobody said anything to us but i think i'm gonna go with nikita sorry girl i just don't wanna be the first one to like be voted out to be honest i think i'm gonna vote for nicole stephanie that's a lot of questions and i gotta be the person to ask questions that way i don't think it's me stephanie she's an op that was so specific she gave them ammunition for them to get on my heels i think i'm going to have to vote for kate she might be the person to vote me out in the later rounds and i kind of just want to get the strongest person out nicole seems a little sus to me just because like ronald mcdonald house charity come on and she said i love bid day do you want to be the mole i think i'm gonna put nikita she didn't talk like a girl i guess i swear if i did all this work to get kicked out immediately i'll be upset a three-way tie nicole nikita and stephanie oh no you guys are gonna have 30 seconds now to type out a paragraph which states your case and why you do not deserve to be voted out right now this is not good at all this is not good i am scared i am so i love my sorority oh my gosh i can't type oh my gosh i can't type hold on not okay i'm not there's no way i'm not getting out right now i don't think i should be kicked out so really i screwed up i screwed up so bad oh my god oh i said i said i'm a girl why did i say that obviously i'm a girl all right so everyone other than them now gets a chance to re-vote let's face i know they're all telling the truth but if i had to pick one that i thought was lying i'd probably pick nicole i'm still gonna vote for stephanie that's gonna be my downfall if she stays in this competition so kate when you watch this i think you're the strongest person in this chat and stephanie has a garbage garbage case also i'm a girl i'm sorry i'm sorry stephanie you're probably a really good person it was just really bad all right so the first person voted out is going to be stephanie bye stephanie everyone was everyone was talking about why they joined the sorority i should have done that instead i'm just talking about like oh i did everything correctly and then to top it off i say and i'm a girl yeah i messed up big time i hold it under pressure i cracked like a like a fragile fragile uh glass i don't know i'm supposed to return home my sorority after this okay so i know i answered it a bit but why did you rush to your sorority i gotta think why um okay so they're asking why did you join us writing um i joined because i was on um my cheer team in high school and i really wanted a sense of community and support on such a large campus all right so i'm going to drop a legacy card i don't think anyone has said that yet so i'm going to say that that's hard to talk and like all right i'm saying i rushed because you know i love the girls made a huge connection with everybody and let's say let's say i have reading problems when i was little what are some of your favorite tg themes what's that let's just skip over that so a tg is a themed gathering it's like when a fraternity pairs up with a sorority for a night and they like have an event together this k girl she's coming in late you're too late we sniffing you out i'm gonna keep the country broken y'all do blind dance all right big question can you answer once is what one of my one of my sorority friends told me they only wear white to initiation i mean i could keep talking about our philanthropy but okay kate said big question can you all answer at once okay thank you marsha um what color did you wear to initiation i don't know if she's talking about initiation or like just getting like pinned in because they're two different things and one of them is very secret which i have no clue of the first two said white and then i was thinking that the rest of them were gonna say white and that was gonna be the thing that they do across all sororities and then this girl said burgundy they're going to sniff the boats both of us out kate said every sorority here wears white i'm i'm throwing all the suspect on marsha and nikita right now um okay i'm not gonna ask that big little reveal i think i'm in the clear so far oh nikita nikita says oh we didn't have ours yet because of corona but she said burgundy every sorority here wears white i'm saying i saw some sororities on campus had designer brands oh no i got no notes on that one they had designer brand big little reveals okay we have like one minute um and nobody's really typing they asked big little reveal theme and i simply don't know the answer to that i don't even know what a big little reveal theme would be okay i'm just gonna skip that question really quickly i think i'm good i honestly think i'm doing i'm really good right now barbie all right you know i'm an upperclassman i had my big little reveal damn it just like i'm not cheating because i talked to my story friends like oh so i said where are using zoom i totally mistyped that every story girl wears white to their initiation that's a thing how am i supposed to know that i don't even have initiation i think i'm gonna go after nikita just because she she said the color of her initiation and then she's like oh wait we didn't have initiation i'm gonna vote for nikita just because she said burgundy i think i'm gonna vote for michaela kate kate is speaking a lot she's being very specific nitpicky i don't like that because then they're gonna sniff me out and she's gonna be asking the wrong questions unfortunately kay you must be terminated i'm gonna be voting for marsha because she was the only one that was said blue but i said burgundy so it's probably gonna be a tie between me and her kate was really coming for our next though she said every sorority here wears white and i don't know if that's like a question or if she was just really saying like you guys wore blue and burgundy like liars there's been another tie it's between nikita and kate why am i good viewing that's not good what did i do no please no oh no no i thought i was doing so good did i alrighty did i chill thank you guys it's just because i feel like nikita's gonna get the boot i'm gonna vote for kate i don't know why not yeah i'm still gonna vote kate all right so i'm gonna actually be voting for kate this time our next person eliminated is kate oh my god like basically only asking questions the entire time so i probably should have laid low the second round and then what sealed my fate is i couldn't type or think of anything for the life of me i just got murked all right we got three minutes um how about you but being put on a vote twice in a row isn't scared really scary my mouth i'm gonna hit her with the little mao mao um what are you guys into marcia wants to know i'm asking good questions here because i already have what i'm gonna say and then if they bring the composition somewhere else and make mood boards line dance line dance is a sorority thing at least it is at florida state i mean i love to surf make mood boards um what other quirky things are there if they did line dance i don't sound like an idiot like if they don't do this anywhere else i'm kind of kind of screwed the pooch on that one but so i'm gonna ask if uh their sororities a local or national uh sorority this is actually a pretty big one oh we're just talking oh they thought i was talking about hobbies okay ucsb i like to surf that makes sense right um so basically now we're getting into the girl talk uh oh dude they think i i guess it might just be a florida state thing okay so now they're just talking about line dancing yes the ocean is literally two minutes from my apartment beauty oh okay yeah the ocean is already two minutes for my apartment but i want the little twinkly lights um or this i'm gonna put the star hahaha i'm gonna go with the hashtag charge i feel like my typing style is good i've gone the lowercase round i'm gonna try to play on to this one just because i asked a question and we're kind of rolling on now about just girl talk i i seem so legit right now so legit i love this these mutual connections let's go let's go marsha let's go it's our job let's go charge up brah i can't spell what's going on wrong was your initiation i'm gonna say ooh it's so hard to type on my laptop with long nails i'm going to say girl i feel your pain keep having oh my gosh i can't having to retype everything arises the 81 constantly was i'm moved about nails i don't know ignore it though this initiation question could hurt me but i'm gonna wait okay is this the av yeah ours is the uv light processing is moved to a virtual platform halfway i said i almost broke a nail the other day i got so frustrated when i was typing my essay the charge thing is what stuck out to me it's like workout group all girls a regular dude would not know about that me michaela we're homies now because uh you know charge up charge up let's get rid of nikita everyone's suspicious of her already i'm probably just gonna vote for nikita i'm gonna go with nikita i think if we got her out this round we might just conclude the game and say you know what no more moles i believe you guys nikita is gonna be gone only because the last two rounds people were suspicious i think rachel was the most suspicious one because she did line dancing i swear to god if i'm voted out during the person voted out is nikita damn it damn i'm a terrible mole i was already put on the spot literally twice if you're put on the spot then like everyone else is like incentivized to like you know go for all that i am satisfied with the fact that i can't pass two rounds give me a thumbs up if you want to continue and a thumbs down if you think you've caught them all and want to end the game now okay i'm getting a majority thumbs down i'm putting my thumbs down oh my god all right let's go i am so sorry y'all they're about to be mad oh man i can't believe i didn't even think i was gonna win it whoever's the mall reveal when you feel ready to do so [Music] nice [Music] everyone's a dude everyone's a dude what has happened y'all played that oh my gosh wait so are you all in the fraternity delta kai missouri state kappa sigma california omicron omega chapter high side fsu so i'm in phi delta epsilon pre-medical fraternity i thought it'd be really cool for me to join in because like i'm in a co-ed fraternity so like you know boys girls that who was the person who said i'm a girl that's my bad i messed up big time i was like i'm a girl so i thought it made sense in my mind i was like wow a girl's really like trying to get away with that well you guys are all gonna get 50 bucks as a participant [Applause] i need that money for rent there's been a ton of people asking for this episode for a while yeah like i i always see this in like the comments and i'm like um okay definitely all right guys take care all right thanks guys everyone was a dude i have no words i have no words i'm so mad i don't we were all surprised we all we did not expect this whatsoever beyond the comments kyle you're like how did you not think it was like yeah awesome tick tock famous steve wears pants follow me shameless plug moral to story men are trash
Channel: Jubilee
Views: 1,523,900
Rating: 4.9715943 out of 5
Keywords: jubilee, jubilee media, jubilee project, middle ground, spectrum, odd man out, versus 1, embrace empathy, live deeper, love language, blind devotion, sorority, girls, fake, odd man out sorority, moles, all moles, game show, boys, greek life, everyone is the mole, funny, liars, liar, who is the mole, sorority girls, sorority recruitment, bid day, rush, srat, college
Id: 877IFTMThxU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 47sec (1247 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 23 2020
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