6 Teens vs 1 Secret Parent | Odd Man Out

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- Hey everyone! Stick around to the end of the episode, to find out how you can get some of our new apparel. And until then, enjoy the episode. - [Announcer] The clash between teenagers and parents is nothing new. ♪ Parents just don't understand. ♪ - [Announcer] But with a generation brought up on technology and social media, how well do parents actually know their teenagers today? - What is that? (laughing) - [Announcer] Enough to blend in among teens? - How do you do fellow kids? - What? - [Announcer] To answer this question we've brought together six teens and one secret parent. With cameras and mics off, words only, can they find the undercover parent? - You're looking for people that use like, proper grammar maybe. Or end their sentences with periods. You mention Facebook, you're going home. - I guess I'll be pretty observant with the way on how people text. I'm Canadian and they're American, and there might be some slight differences. - I just hope my inner mom doesn't come out, you know? 'Cause I love kids. (fake audience ahhh-ing) - Be honest, but not too honest. I'm a little worried 'cause I'm in college. Honestly, if somebody told me, "Oh yeah, I'm in college." It would be like, seems like you're compensating for something. - Using TikTok and social media and Vines and like, I don't know, pop culture references is like a huge plus in detecting the mole. Literally anything can be twisted. Like I could say, "Oh, I really like this." And some people could think that I'm just lying. - Alec and Charlie lookin' type sus real quick. Nah, I can't cap. I can't cap. I'm jus' gonna be myself. - I'm planning on just piggybacking off of whatever they say. I have teenagers, a 18 and a 15 year-old. So I pretty much know what to say, what not to say. What's in, what's not in. And I'm not that old. I got it! - Okay. - (audibly exhaling) Deep breath. Oh my goodness, ooh. - Okay. - It just started. - Oh my gosh, I'm so nervous. I'm really the freakin' odd man out right now. - We are already getting "I'm 18." "I'm Gaby, I'm 17." - Oh, I was so worried that they'd get like younger teenagers. - Oh my gosh, okay, so people are mentioning TikTok. Straight TikTok. - Wait, I forgot I had to talk too. Wow, they go fast. - I'm glad everyone's like from 2006 and before that. Cool. - Okay, I trust I trust Quia. - Oh, there's so many questions. Okay, where am I from? - They're all talking about TikTok, but I don't have TikTok. - Okay, so we got a lot of people from a lot of different places. - Brooklyn! Brook-lyn! - Alec is asking for favorite TikTokers And honestly that's kind of weird. - I don't have a favorite TikToker, if that makes sense. I just, I literally just watch. - I asked for pronouns 'cause, might as well. - I don't think people are on TikTok to follow people, which is kind of weird. - Like the little cool things that they do, like- (clock ticking) I'll stop waffling. I'm a waffler, I'll stop. I'll stop. - Oh my god dude, I don't even know what to ask. Like how do you even, how do you even filter an adult? - Okay so I think I'm blending in. My strategy I think is working, I'm just piggybacking off of what they say. I'm really not on TikTok so I have to kind of see what's going on. - Okay, so this is intense. And there's like no much time left. - What's your favorite TikToker? (sucking his teeth) Renegade. Renegade. - I'm just looking at basically who is saying things that are just too basic. - Johnny Test y'all. I love Johnny Test! Bro, I use that show every time to go to sleep. Can't cap. - You don't use TikTok. Laurel, I see you. - Oh my goodness, there's so much going on. (clock ticking) - I think I got it guys, I see how this is going. Hopefully they don't figure me out, I'm kind of slow. - Oh my gosh! The TikTok thing already got me. No, no, no, no, no. - Oh my God, I can't spell. (laughing) - I don't remember, I don't know what my favorite childhood show is. Like, I liked whatever came on television. - Okay, this is actually intense. - Yeah! "I, Carly", Sam was cute from that show. - Oh my gosh, I'm sweating. This is actually intense. (clock ticking) - Oh, okay. Oh man, oh no. (bell ringing) - That round was pretty chaotic. - Chaotic - Chaotic. - [Announcer] Tell me who you're voting for and why? - Well my immediate suspicion right now is Laurel because Laurel was really good with her capitalization. Laurel said that she wasn't on TikTok. - Actually Laurel is my first pick because of her Bitmoji. I do not trust that! She looks like she's, I don't know, a 40 year-old mother. I'm the most suspicious about Alec. It seems like he's just trying to follow the rest of the trends or something like that. - See, I was suspicious of Alec. And then he started singing to Johnny Test. Can't cap. Respect that. I'm gonna vote for Gaby. I don't know, she was a little quiet. Just listenin'. - I would vote Brandon. There wasn't really much content that he showed. - I'll keep an eye out for Charlie because Charlie's giving me some parent vibes. - Well we know it's not Charlie, he's always in here chatting. I'm kind of piggybacking off of him. - I'm a little bit suspicious of Quia. - [Announcer] The first person eliminated, - Please don't be me, no - [Announcer] Is Gaby. (buzzer sounding) - No! - Oh my gosh! - Oh, it's so disappointing! I kind of saw it coming. There were a lot of questions I didn't get the chance to respond to. - I'm still in here. I told you guys I'm young. I got this! I'm taking this all the way to the end, trust me. - All right, here we go, round two. Oh my God. - Okay, so it's round two. Let's go. - Back at it again with the white man. - Okay, maybe it's not Brandon. - They're asking about AP questions, but. - AP seminar, I took two. - We need to be more organized. Okay so, Laurel. Ooh, Alec is coming for Laurel and asking if she can name three Vine stars. - I'm getting to that portion now where I'm, where I'm just trying to yeah, I'm just trying to filter out people now. - What three Vine stars? King Bach. - Road work. Okay, she's only naming like iconic Vines. - Nah, I mostly just watch King Bach. He was the only one that got popping. - Okay so I'm just gonna let them know, but they are kind of toxic. - Oh my gosh. - Okay, okay. I'm not so suspicious of Laurel. Okay, let me ask Brandon a question now. Brandon, can you... I'm asking Brandon what a streak is to see if he can tell me whether it's from Snapchat or whether it's from, like some other definition for streak, you know what I mean? These are actually getting at each other. Who is y'alls favorite artists? I thought I already went over this. Anybody. - This is, okay. So the chat is kind of dying, but I think it's just because we have a lot of questions popping up and nobody really knows what to say. - Okay let me... - So I already know you over here, over here accounting for me. Who, who asked me that question? - "I'm gonna miss kick backs." What is a "kick backs"? - I don't know what a kick back is, I think it's just a party. "I love the wallos." "Mac Demarco" I don't know what any of this stuff is. Oh my God, Charlie. - I think I got 'em guys. - "With the homies Charlie." "What's that, am I dumb?" - What's that I'm dumb. - Never heard of that. - We call it chillin' in Brooklyn. - Oh man, I never, I'm so, I don't even know what to do. - I don't know who to suspect. Like, I feel like I'm vibing with everybody. Uh! - Okay, I'm just asking individual specific questions now. Just so I can. - Dr. Doofenshmirtz. Quia finish the sentence. - Yeah, they're really getting on each other for anything. - I can't even. What the heck dude, what do I even say? I'm just trying to ask specific questions to people. - Oh my gosh, Quia. Where are you girl? ("X-Files" theme) - What? Oh my goodness. - Evil incorp, how do you spell incorp? - All right, I don't think Brandon's it. I don't think Bonnie's it. - I think Quia isn't it because she knew what all TikTok were, was. The girl was like, Save Adam 2020. She has to, she has to be a teenager. I think. - What was some of your guy's favorite music growing up. Bro! Weezy F Baby! - "Was bopping to "Bad Romance"." - Weezy F Baby. The F is for you to find out. - Oh man, oh man. I don't even know what to do. - Everybody had an emo phase. That's like, that's actually a thing. - (laughing) "We don't talk about her", what? - Okay, annaoup. Okay, I'm making sure to like drop down any references that I have right now. Bastille. - And Quia is just gone ("X-Files" theme) Quia's gone. - Bro! (singing in falsetto) - Oh wait, I was about to type in (clock ticking) poop, but it's swear word. I gotta sensor myself. - Okay, who is not talking? Quia's not talking, hmm. "What about TV shows?" "That was so tragic yikes." Bonnie seems good, Charlie seems good. - Okay, so Bonnie's talking about her middle school experience, but right now Quia is silent. - Oh, sh(beep). I shouldn't swear, God (beep). I've never heard of that. Is this an American thing? I don't wanna comment. - Quia because she's not saying anything. - TV shows. - Oh man. - Lowkey, I hate "13 Reasons Why" It's toxic! It's true, I do. Kik. - Oh wait, I didn't even see, wait. Uh, they all talking about "13 Reasons Why", I didn't see the new season yet. Don't ruin it. Uh, "Stranger Things" sucks. - Quia is sus. Quia has not been talking that much. - I don't have Netflix. - "Even have Netflix, I'm broke." - Okay, so everybody's talking. But the only person that doesn't seem to be speaking up as much is Quia. - That's tough. - "I couldn't use apps, my dad was pretty strict." - So Quia is saying that she couldn't use apps, huh? - Hmm, interesting. - Yo, I be on Disney channel. I be on Disney+. "I grew up on like "Family Guy" and "South Park" haha." - Man, one minute remaining. That's not good. - I think Charlie... I mean, okay, if I was to go this way, like, who I can trust, I can definitely trust Charlie. I can trust Quia. - She's not really like speaking up that much. And there was like a period of time in the chat where she didn't say anything. And that's just super weird. She's saying that she has Netflix. - I don't know what to ask. I continue to think it's Quia or Laurel. Maybe Brandon, but I'm starting to not be as suspicious of Brandon. - I'm just trying to like, stay relevant in the chat right now. I can't go under as being the suspicious person. - Charlie is coming for me again. - That's tough! That's tough! - I have no idea. (clock ticking) "AGGG," what is, "so intense bro". "Who is the main character of Minecraft?" - Okay, uh, we're done. (bell ringing) - I came here this with this plan and the plan to ask individuals specific questions. That did not work. And now I have no clue who the mole is. - Alec, bro. I don't know why you kept pressing me. You can't, you can not come for me. - Yo, I feel like it's lowkey toxic. I'm voting Brandon again. I'm so sorry. - Right now, I have high suspicions on Quia and I think I'm gonna vote for her because Alec, which I'm now trusting, asked what is the end of the phrase? Like, "Doofenshmirtz Evil Incorporated," and she didn't respond at all. Nothing! And then she also said that she couldn't use apps because her dad was pretty strict, but that's just a defense for not saying anything in the before rounds. - Sometimes her story was a little off. Quia, I'm sorry, but you got my vote. - Quia was quiet. - Yeah, I think I'm gonna go for Quia. - So I'm voting Charlie outta here. He's trying to figure me out and he's asking all of these questions. Bye Charlie, you gotta go! - The person who's eliminated in round two is Quia. (buzzer sounding) (cheering) - She got eliminated! - They figured me out. I think it was Charlie that was asking me about Dr. Doofenshmirtz, the tune. I have no idea what that is. I knew when Charlie kept pressing for the answer and I didn't know the answer, I knew that they would go ahead and vote me out. (intruder alert) - [Announcer] For this next round you will have one minute to submit your favorite TikTok or meme in the chat. After the minute is up we'll review everyone's submissions and you'll cast your vote based off their submissions. Ready? Set. Go. - Okay okay okay. Oh my God, my wifi is not working. - I'm going so fast, this is actually so intense. - Oh no, that means I gotta look it up now. - I can only think of, like, 2017 Vines right now. - 'Cause like, I wanted to post this other one, but it's not PG 13. I gotta keep it. - I hope that that worked. Oh shoot. - Somebody put a Tumblr thing? - Ooh! How do these people have TikToks on standby is what I don't understand. - [Voice Over] Ready? - Spell corn backwards, go! - N-R-O-C - Did you say N-R-O-C? - Dang, let me finish. - Now, what's the best vegetable in the market. - Uh, nroc. - It's not nroc, it's corn. (sounds of exasperation) (all laughing) - Okay, Bonnie's video is so funny and I actually really like that video. - (laughing) Okay, that one's good. I still trust Bonnie. - I didn't really get it. It's weird. It wasn't weird, it was just. That was it. - Oh, everybody stay calm. Oh, that was what she was trying to send. That meme, five outta 10. - Everybody stay calm, oh my God it's happening. Girl! Laurel's putting "Office" stuff. - Here's something. Okay, let's see what Alec sent. (geese honking) Oh wait. - Look at all those chickens. - Look at all these chickens. I know this meme, it's okay. - Look at all those chickens. - It's a classic. - I levitated. - (laughing) I like that one. - The one about Nicki Minaj, it wasn't really funny. - Okay, this is Brandon's. I'm watching it right now, it's a TikTok. - Greetings Lewis. - Jesus Christ, X bro. What are you doing here? - I was charging. I am also feeling quite parched. I was wondering if I could get a sip of your beverage? Yeah well, okay. - All these clips are good. Oh no, I'm gonna go home. I'm gonna go home. - The video of him wagging, that's my wifi right now. Also my computer. - Brandon's video is like pretty much our generation. And it's also on TikTok. - Jet-mode activated. - Marvin's room, let's go! - Laurel. If like I had to choose one person it would be her because she put in a link to like, some "Office" meme. - That's not really a TikTok Laurie! I don't know if I'm pronouncing her name correctly. - I'm voting for Laurel. - I'm gonna go with Alec. - I think I'm gonna vote for Alec. If somebody looked up classic Vines it would be like, "Look at all those chickens". And also I outed myself for using Ecosia. Which, if anybody calls me out for using Ecosia, I'm just trying to reforest the world, okay. Don't come for me! - Laurel. (buzzer sounding) Laurel. - No! - Laurel got voted out. - Oh! - See, this is what I'm talking about. - Three for three! - I'm disappointed. I thought that I was starting to get into the groove of it, it was just. I wish that I had been more myself, I don't know. But at least my computer no longer sounds like an airplane. (airplane roaring through the sky) - [Announcer] Go ahead and put in the main chat if you want to continue the game because you think the mole is still in the group. Okay, majority wins we're gonna keep going. - Bonnie's the only one that said no, I don't think we got the mole. I don't think. - So the reason why I continued is mainly because of peer pressure because I saw two people put a thumbs up. And I don't know if I have any suspicions of anybody. We have five minutes, which is actually crazy. - I don't know what to do. Oh, okay. "What is like something only our generation can relate to?" Oh shoot, that hit hard. - Uh... - Is it? - He said for real. (clapping) For real right? R-I-P Juice. "I mean Minecraft and stuff." No, ew. "That was a culture reset." "RIP XX too", you right. Hold on, hold on. RIP pop smoke. - Man Minecraft changed my life. - Man said "'culture reset', I'm gone". (laughing) - Uh, I don't know. - Oh. - This is kind of hard. I think we all reeled out the mole. (high-speed, high-pitch audio of a tape fast-forwarding) - Oh, so everybody just gonna ignore what I said. Copy. Cool. Cool. (high-speed, high-pitch audio of a tape fast-forwarding) - That's what's crazy. Is that like, I'm gonna be an adult next year. I'm gonna be graduating high school next year. And that's like super overwhelming and brings me so much anxiety that like, I don't really know what to think about that. (clock ticking) - I don't know. I think we really reeled out the mole, not gonna lie. - So much on a side note, by the way. I don't know either. I feel so bad. (laughing) - "I think We gottem but it's hard. "I almost just want to fold vote for the least 'cause..." - Bonnie, Bonnie seems, Bonnie seems like she's really good at this dang game. Bonnie I feel like has proved that she's a teenager. - Oh my gosh. - I love you all. - I love you all. I was gonna say that. Yeah, why did we do this? - I'm so, actually like gonna cry. (bell ringing) - I don't know who to vote. Like I really think we got everyone. Can I just close my eyes and pick who to vote for? Oh shoot, I picked Brandon. Oh, I don't wanna vote for him again! I feel so bad for targeting him, but I guess that's how we're gonna roll. - I'm voting for Brandon. I have to, I, I, Charlie and Bonnie have just said too much to make me believe that they're a teenager. - I still think Alec is truly coming for me. He keeps asking me questions and then he says he's not directing it to me, but it's directed to me. My vote might come down on Bonnie. You know, I just need, I just need someone to vote for. - I think I'm gonna have to vote for Brandon, but he seems like super nice. And he does seem like a teen because Alec, I think, is targeting him already I just have to. I'm on the verge of tears! - The person eliminated in this round is Brandon. (buzzer sounding) - Brandon got eliminated. - Oh my God. - I knew it. - This sucks, being honest. I feel like what messed me up was when he asked me what famous people and I didn't tell him no famous people. I just told him how we did it. I think everyone voted for me. - Guys we, we can't go on. Yeah, everybody said no. - If the icon I show you is green, you've caught the mole and won. If the icon is red, you've failed. Three, two, one. (cheering) - Yes. - [Charlie] Oh my gosh, yes. - Yes, yes! Oh my gosh dude. - Yes, we literally caught the mole. - Who was the mole? Who? - Who is it? - My camera is going crazy right now. - Quia? - Wait, Quia was? - What? I trusted Quia. - Yes guys, it was me. And I was mad at Charlie, but it was Alec that figured me out and I knew it, I'm just like, I should say it. - I'm sorry. - (clapping) That means I didn't need to get out! I didn't need to get out! I was fine! - I had a really good experience. I enjoyed filming with all of the different teens. - My communication, it was not good. I spent too much time talking to this camera. - If somebody was a bit off of how I think high schoolers should act, I immediately became suspicious of them. And I think that's really unhealthy because we should have the space allowed for teenagers to act however they want without feeling judgment from other teens. - I think that there's kind of the stereotype that like all teens care about is TikTok and, I don't know, high school drama and stuff. I don't think my parents would understand this game enough or know how to talk or whatever. They're not young parents. And if anything, they are immigrants 'cause I'm a first generation. - Parents, nah. I don't think you could beat this man, unless you're a fricking genius. Unless you're on top of your game with what's been going on in social media for the last 15 years. Good freaking luck dude, I don't think you got what it takes, but I did it. Let's go! You just watched "Odd Man Out". - Hey guys, thanks again for watching. 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Channel: Jubilee
Views: 2,230,426
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jubilee, jubilee media, jubilee project, middle ground, spectrum, odd man out, versus 1, embrace empathy, live deeper, love language, blind devotion, teenagers, parent, undercover, figure out, odd man out teenager, 6 boys vs 1 secret girl, teenagers vs parents, parenting, social media, teens, odd man out teens, mom, tiktok, pop culture, mole, game show, win, lose, gen z, OMO, mole reveal, game
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 31sec (1471 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 17 2020
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