6 Americans vs 1 Impostor | Odd Man Out

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hey guys i just watched this video and trust me you're going to want to stick around till the end also a reminder if you follow us on instagram you can guess who the mole is and we put the poll results in the video enjoy the episode and remember to vote how can you tell if someone is an american through their knowledge of american history and political views maybe it's by the type of food they eat is it through their consumption of american pop culture and sports or is it just by how they look we brought together seven americans i am an american i'm an american i'm an american i'm an american i am an american i'm an american i am an american one is a liar if the group discovers who the liar is they'll win a cash prize if the liar survives they win the cash prize oh and by american we're specifically talking about u.s citizens on this episode this is odd man out so something that makes me an american is i believe america is one of the greatest countries in the world i'm american but by name only i was born in hawaii so being american is like a totally different context to say white cisgendered and lives in ohio i was born in america i've always lived in america and i love my freedoms lived here all my life i've just lived the stereotypical american experience well what makes me american is i'm really into spots the lakers there is no one definition of what an american is i don't know why i'm so nervous i'd say i'm pretty confident i'm ready to win i want i want the money i'm gonna type out h asl let's do it nice and simple nice and sweet these guys where was everyone born that was my first question and alex is only 18. there's another person born from hawaii he also has the same vote uh like mask on his emoji so i might like i think maybe later i'm gonna like be like okay maybe what are some hawaii things you grew up with so that would be interesting i guess i don't know naturalize as a baby at six weeks old is that even a can you be naturalized to the baby she's adopted she just said that that's everyone's favorite thing oh it's a good one i actually had that for lunch today too oh internet is very american these are all really american chains they know they're they know their stuff huh buffalo wild ones yeah so they're asking oh glenn's parents are from nigeria my parents are actually from nigeria ooh someone someone's going after glenn alex there we go 30 seconds left because this is stuff so if they moved after then you know who knows these rounds are so short maybe i'll go for glenn just because someone else is him okay well it seems like everyone is american so there's actually another person who's from hawaii i think sean we kind of click because we're both from hawaii hopefully he doesn't vote for me tim is kind of on my list to be like uh i mean only vibe i'm getting right now is from alex that's coming from me so that kind of got me like a little bit anxious [Music] oh and who am i gonna vote for this round oh i'm probably gonna vote for alex i think i might vote out glenn for this round sophia because she was naturalized in six weeks sorry glenn it just can't be me i think i'm gonna vote for tim i'm gonna vote for glenn i don't to vote for glenn but i think that's what i'm going to go for just because i think some other people were gunning for him the person eliminated this round is here goes yes i'm sorry i'm pretty sorry i'm i'm really sorry but i'm glad it wasn't me i i knew the nigerian stuff took me out oh so round two this is the american meme round so you will have four minutes to search the internet for the best american meme you can find oh my god yes i'm gonna check tumblr your time starts now i love memes so i feel like i'll be good at it oh not trump that's too obvious i gotta find something that'll impress people i feel like all the news on google are old like i don't wanna i don't i don't want them to think that i'm thinking like okay i think i'm to go with turducken wait where'd it go let's start with sean huh i feel like sean's name is stupid oh it's a turkey duck chicken all right let's see what you got me uh employee disagrees karen oh god you did okay that's a good one that's a really good one although i wouldn't say karen is like strictly american that was good that was good mila what's the male version of karen is it keith next up is tim we're getting real okay cool people people are liking it okay i was a little worried okay what can i say about this meme though i don't know these memes are not it's a little dry you know oh i didn't mean to put this in a political thing i thought it was funny though [Music] that jokes are my specialty okay this is a touchy subject are you afraid of white people becoming a minority why are minorities created like second class citizens or something bruh shots fired i hope it was good enough sean sucked so country has did someone order freedom that one's pretty good too i mean that's pretty american it's a stereotype uh it's not funny that's the thing like come on we all have funny ones like the indigenous people that must be tough oh deep oh my goodness oh no who am i going to vote for i really enjoyed this round um the memes were all right they weren't as funny they just made me kind of sad not gonna lie so the meme that i chose i tried to choose something that is like unequivocally without us a doubt american who's had a turducken i mean i could eliminate him just based off his bad knee i think i might go with mila she was very quiet this round shawn i don't know i kind of feel like this guy alex he's kind of a caricature i'm not convinced sean i'm gonna vote for sean i'm gonna vote for alex actually last minute change last minute change i'm voting for alex i think i'm gonna vote for sean because a turducken is also canadian i'm voting for sean sorry sean it just can't be me so the votes are in and the person eliminated this round is sean yes sean this is going exactly how i wanted to i'm actually kind of shocked to be honest i don't know what i could have done differently damn you guys you guys eliminated an american what is wrong with you [Music] hey everyone hi what are you guys favorite things about being american i guess i mean my favorite thing is probably you know the freedom that we have um yeah i'm a very like big um first amendment person so that's good yeah i i wouldn't say i'm very happy to be an american to be honest and i i actually know a lot of americans also feel this way that it's like it's where i was born it's where i was raised but uh i have no real attachment it doesn't feel like home i'm a libertarian so i'm super into the first amendment and pretty much most of them um so freedom is the big thing but as a libertarian right now is terrible oh freedoms are being stripped dude and i think people don't get this but libertarians do not like cops like we're not just right wingers or something we do not like cops hmm i feel like because i'm adopted like i was growing up like and i wanted to fit into that thing like all my friends growing up are white like there was no diversity in my little town i can sort of relate to that i'm not adopted but i grew up in a very white area and so i can relate to wanting to conform to something that you think is the ideal american and then when you get older you kind of realize there is no one definition of being an american and i agree with you there uh because like we're obviously not perfect right now um but yeah like you're saying like we can definitely work towards things and that's like the one of the cool things that i enjoy about being american too is that we have the ability to change things like that as well i have families with ties and like the black panthers and everything and i was never really i wasn't taught to be proud to be american i mean it is what it is i feel like as americans we should probably be proud of being ourselves first is anything of course the individuality and we're all different and yeah is everyone registered to vote yes so north dakota actually doesn't require you to register actually wow i know step forward i haven't voted yet because i just turned 18 but uh definitely going to vote important election [Music] i honestly have no idea who is not american in this group if anything it uh they think it's a little harder felt like we're still trying to feel each other out i think i'm gonna vote for um sophia surely because she didn't talk as much i think i'm just gonna vote for alex because he's the most aggressive tim this round i think i'm gonna vote for alex because he seems like the most likely to be the mole to me i think i'm gonna have to go with lynn actually i just asked if i could change my vote i feel bad but i feel like she didn't give a lot of information in the beginning i think i'm gonna vote for sophia this round i still got my eyes on you mila but i'm thinking in sofia so the votes are in and the person eliminated this round is sophia no wow i'm really worried that i played myself with my vote like if i had kept it with alex like would he have had other votes they just knew they just knew that i was american so they had to vote me out cool hey guys again i have a question i have a question alex were you the one that knew the turducken was from canada um yeah because i have a lot of canadian friends and they always went back to their homes to do turducken but i've never had a thanksgiving with turducken we just do turkey i've heard that like people in america do but i think it's more north near you know near canada i'm guessing i've only been to canada once so i don't have that much information on it but yeah how do you have a lot of canadian friends uh dc man there's a lot of international schools around you know there's ways there's yeah quick question quick question okay tim and alex you both have been to dc and you know the dc area right yeah relative i've lived there a couple years how you and you claim that there are diplomats children there right yeah how can you prove that you are not one of them right oh that's a fair question well i've i've lived there for 18 years um and i didn't really live in somewhere where diplomats live although i knew them because i feel like they're more northwest uh and i was more like central i guess like downtown uh near georgetown yeah so i didn't actually live in dc i i just my dad worked there uh we lived in virginia so he would commute up there a lot like most people do we're about to in virginia like arlington i'm guessing because right now uh i actually lived in uh stafford it's like right by fredericksburg if you know what that is oh yeah minutes away so yeah he would commute up there so yeah i had been in the dc air quite a bit we only lived there for a few years um let me move so i'm gonna vote out alex he was just trying to like prove himself a little too much that's all i think alex is pretty safe on me i think mila is a little more sus of me and alex i think the girls are starting together i think the guys deciding together what this is turning into me i i think i'm gonna go with mila i am still most suspicious of alex i don't know if that round went as well as the last one i felt kind of attacked yeah i'm gonna vote off mila because um i think what she's doing is deflecting from her the votes are in and we have a tie [Music] what the tie is between alex and mila so you're gonna have 20 seconds to prove to us why you're american okay okay this is wild because i don't even care for being an american but it is what it is my family is generations from the same area in california literally from mississippi uh i don't like i don't know what else to say this is what it is i was born and raised in america i you know and that's time i was born in dc racing dc sibley hospital that's where i'm born uh i've got an american flag right there but i cannot show you it i don't think um i don't think you find many libertarians outside of the us i think it's pretty pro you know american um and i know a lot of international people because my my parents worked for the government that's why you've got virginia and new york coming together in dc baby i feel like because i was on to them they're threatened so now they're just like let's vote her out hopefully they've got my back and i um and they won't vote me out i'm an american i promise we gotta know more about you other than your libertarian who was born in dc i don't i'm not really suspicious of anybody i know for a fact lynn's not gonna change her answer on alex and i don't want to do to alex and dirty like that either the votes are in and the person eliminated on round four is alex uh it's a shame i'm not gonna get my money mila's on her game though gotta give her that give me a thumbs up on zoom if you want to continue the game if not you think you caught them all and want to end the game right now [Music] if the color that shows up behind me is green you all win if it's red the mole is still in the game and you lost yeah i'm sweaty in three two [Applause] the mole can raise her hand and reveal him or herself in three two one i knew him [Laughter] i voted for alex for like the past three rounds you were 100 right i'm not american yeah no i believe it we got him we got him oh my god that last round was just so important that tie if that tie had not have happened we would have lost i memorized the pledge of allegiance i should have asked someone to recite that i shouldn't have switched my bow i'm really upset i'll probably regret it forever the cast was pretty diverse they all had really good perspectives there's a lot that goes down in what makes one american being willing to share your culture with others and also accepting of other cultures that are different from yours i love americans honestly i think it has great principles great values even though those values might not necessarily be in practice right now i think america is the greatest but obviously not everyone does you know i sure felt american when we won i that's the only time i felt american when we won oh yeah that's the most american i ever felt in my life
Channel: Jubilee
Views: 905,145
Rating: 4.9187202 out of 5
Keywords: jubilee, jubilee media, jubilee project, middle ground, spectrum, odd man out, versus 1, embrace empathy, live deeper, love language, blind devotion, americans, impostor, 6 americans, odd man out americans, liar, prize, freedom, citizen, what makes you an american, american meme, america, stereotypes, game show, pride, mole, among us
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 3sec (1023 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 17 2020
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