6 Magicians vs 1 Fake Magician | Odd Man Out

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hey guys thanks so much for checking out this special spooky episode of odd man out for halloween and a big thank you to our sponsor manscapes and i think it's pretty appropriate because the new wee whacker is like magic it's basically like a magic wand that you put up your nose and then like all your nose hair vanish because it is that powerful you can get it as part of the new performance package which includes all the tools you love for the bullet waste grooming and hygiene you need get 20 off plus free shipping with promo code jubilee at manscapes.com thank you to manscape for keeping our pubes trimmed and nose free of wheat enjoy the episode happy halloween ready i'm the only person who's gonna be entertained by that though what was your card it was a two of heart yo no way bonnie that's exactly the card i hoped you would say the two up [Music] we brought together seven magicians i am a magician i am a magician i am a magician and i'm a magician i'm a magician hollywood's favorite magician i am a magician [Music] one is a liar if the group discovers who the liar is they'll win a cash prize if the liar survives they win the cash prize this is odd man out don't have much of a game plan at all you're a real performing magician there's things that just experiences that you just would have to have for yourself so there's no way you could fake it i think the person who is not a magician is probably gonna say the most obvious answers like my favorite magician is harry houdini i'm a spanish but i am based in london i don't know they're gonna think i'm the mole just because the fact that i'm a girl i'm just excited to see these other magicians and talk about magic this is what i do every single day so it should be a lot of fun [Music] this is our trick round everyone will get three minutes to perform a trick for the group let's begin with number one first off i'm nico magic what's up let's try something here um i got a bunch of a bunch of different random cards now these are all halloween themed we got things like candy ghost skull mummy pumpkin clown goblin gravestone just to name some now you can have any one of these i want it to be a completely fair choice so whichever one that you want uh i'm gonna go through them you can name one whichever one he seems legit already just by the performance oh you want to go with skull let's see where was that i'm gonna give you one chance do you want to change your mind or do you want to keep it skull he like knows how to do like video magic i'm gonna keep it skull you want to keep it okay interesting i'm going to leave it right here uh hopefully we can see that the entire time now look i'm going to try something um you could have had anyone that was completely fair i'm going to show you that the backs of these ones all these cards are completely blank on the back of them but uh but last night i had a vision okay i had a vision in fact i was so confident that you're gonna keep it skull that i actually took a marker and i wrote a big black x on the back of one card that's so good i love it and that is your selection skull right there i love it that's my trick i almost thought i almost thought goblin i know you could have changed your mind but what would it have been that would have been awkward number two how you doing okay so i was thinking to do because a lot of people are doing card tricks but i mean it's pretty cool right just a little bit with the iphone okay now let's let's see um a little with a coin let me see let me show you something cool all right so because she's got like magic props i guess magicians knows the rising card but this is i call it a rising coin because watch when i shake my hand you'll see how oh that's that's really good and watch the next one bomb i look even if i shake a little bit more slowly just jumps all the way to the top bam bravo bravo that was dope that gets some uh that gets some confetti let's go number three let's go to ollie hi so i'm going to show you this magic trick and you see that all the cards are different oh look at that spread he's legit so what i'm going to try to do is i'm going to actually try to find the four aces the first one if i give it a cut and i give it two more cuts i think the first one happens to be 36 from the top so i can try to get it right there he's got card skills um the second one i think probably is only five from the top so what i'll try and do is i'll try and do something a little different i just try and shake the deck oh well one kind of happened to pop out this is the next ace forgive the duck you can't vote a kid out this is so good another cut i should be able to find the next ace and can you see that the deck of shuffles here right i'll get that one couple and i'll take the deck and one in 52 chance i'll use my thumb just to pull out one code and that happens to be the last days awesome thank you number three i'm glad i don't have to follow up that kid the future of magic is in good hands i'm gonna switch it up for the rest of the order let's do number six um okay so we've got a deck of cards um and i just want you to to free select so say stop whenever right stop so um i'm looking away right we're gonna pick two cards here's this and then this card as well okay you see this yeah okay so um you've got those two cards in your hand your head i'm gonna try to remember uh figure out what they are so um a bold move okay all right [Music] was one of them the ac space it was okay watch so we're gonna find the other card i know you're probably not that that uh amazed because this is zoom and everything and nothing's amazing over zoom but uh we're gonna try to do this so if you can see i'm drawing it to be like a 3d kind of thing right and so it looks like a 3d card box right and you'll see it's kind of cool because if i take this card box right and i just kind of shake it like this it looks as though this is actually rising out of the card box and uh that is the four of diamonds yes okay cool yeah all right that was awesome thank you number six had a great trick i don't want to follow that either let's go number five uh am i allowed to say my name i get paranoid yes yeah you can figure it out okay all right okay i am zach mears i would like to show you something bonnie uh in theater class have you seen the illusion where someone takes a sword and they put it through a person's body and on this way it looks like you know but this way it isn't right it seems legit just talking uh i want to try something all right i've got this um uh knife right over here i know danger and i've got a uh i've got a deck of cards so check it out the knife goes all the way through the deck of cards just like so but what's interesting is is he stabbing a really nice deck if i let go it's kind of still there but if i show you it actually is all the way through the deck of cards pretty interesting but there are no cards inside at all oh yeah it's got his name on it see if i take this out and i show you what's inside it is a solid block i know that this is killer half inch piece [Music] steal kind of gutsy for him to do a trick like this where'd he go he's a magician that guy's he trust me number seven are you ready my name is marvan i'm going to show you something really cool bonnie have you ever had your mind read before i don't think so all right great this is kind of like that but a little bit different i used to do rubik's cubes growing up as a kid and once i became a magician it actually became a lot easier to solve uh the rubik's cube but i'm gonna try something with you right through zoom are you ready he's confident i have another cube here they say there are six sides to the cube i'm going to ask you to name a side front back left right top bottom and as you name aside i will turn that side front back left right top bottom it is up to you go go for it all right you'll go right wonderful uh bottom bottom let's go keep going keep going couple more top top here we go top keep them coming left left uh front front three more three more back that would be back two more two more uh left that would be left and one more one more bottom and bottom now you have no idea what you just did here but in a way you actually solved this rubik's cube let me show you you'll notice there's a bag right here inside this bag there is actually another cube but i want you to look closely i want you to see this can you see that that's actually a perfect match right there not just on one side but check it out that is two sides a perfect match not just two sides that would be three sides a perfect match that would be four stop every single side five sides look six sides of the cube a perfect a perfect that is that is fantastic group's cubes are really popular right now number seven is also a magician all right and last but not least number four uh but this dude has the most uh my name is jeff black jeff black sounds like a magician name and today i brought a deck of cards but this one's a little bit strange it's actually a blank deck of cards you ever seen a blank deck of cards bonnie okay first time for everything we're gonna try to do magic with this but first i want you to think of any card don't even say it just think of it in your mind do you have one uh yeah okay so i'm gonna reach through this uh the camera right into your mind and i'm gonna pull out the one card that you're thinking of and i think this is a great choice i think uh in fact i'm gonna commit this is the card right here i like this to stay in frame okay um so for the first time i'm committed would you go ahead and just say it out loud what was your card it was a two-part heart yo no way bonnie that's exactly the card i hoped you would say now i don't want to brag but this really is the two of hearts and that's the challenge of a blank deck obviously if it was printed that would have been it but thank you for humoring me in fact let's use your magic to overcome that challenge so if you had a magic word what would it be if it could be anything what would it be sparkle sparkle okay we're gonna do this um with one hand okay can you still see the blank card if i hold it like that one two three sparkle and it prints one random card now of course i know that isn't your card but you did more than that bonnie you printed two cards oh you didn't stop there though you printed every single card in the deck in fact i know it's it's already very impressive right but the best part isn't that not that you printed every card in my hand but honestly the best part is you printed the one i wasn't even touching the one that you merely thought of the two of dude yes it's so good i love it i think i might get kicked out because everybody else did really good especially doing it virtual let me say that was fantastic i mean i'm just very psyched that i did my trick right because it was pretty difficult the youngest magician some of the best handling and presentation i've seen from someone his age saw some pieces of card flicks and sleight of hand things that take a lot of practice the ones who did the arm trick seemed a bit more nervous than a lot of the other people which is sign number one to me which you might not be a magician i forget his name i'm sorry i'm terrible with names but the arm guy number one was a great performer i didn't sense any nerves but i was tricked in my opinion was the easiest to perform even if his trick he was very creative i think i'm gonna go to number six i am going to vote for the sword guy the guy who pushed the sword the knife through the card i can't remember sir i am like i have bad memory i'm pretty suspicious of him because he could just hold it off after about a minute of handling what he had i am voting for number six it seemed like they had a lot of nerves around performing that trick as if it was brand new i'm going to vote for knife guy it's the only trick that's like doesn't use cards and isn't immediately obvious what his skill level is i don't know they're i think they're all magicians but i have to vote for someone the guy that did the arm thing the votes are in the person eliminated this round is number six thank you number six that sucked doing it over zoom was pretty tough it was in person i think i would have stood a pretty good chance i should have just had like a deck of cards like stacked up behind me like who does that you know what i mean like look at this look at that look at this look at this you know i should have put this up there i should look wow what's up guys this is so fun nice performance what's going on hey hey that was sick ollie you're amazing you're so good buddy that was so good man i've never seen that guys where are you based i'm from dallas texas so i say y'all a lot so go cowboys philadelphia pa home and raise on the playgrounds where i spend most of my days ah la oh right near um the what's that place in l.a where they do magic castle went from the magic castle you went to the magic who did you see who was your favorite magician there david regal like was on he was like one of them did he do this trick right here and now yeah he invented like whoa whoa whoa we're still we're still on youtube bro this is youtube no no no uh no methods or technical i get nervous about that how many years have you guys done magic for it i've been since i was 15 15. yeah eight nine i mean whenever i saw that blaine special when i was a kid so that was the one for me too that's the a year and a half probably a year and a half you're insane for a year and a half number three respect hey ollie hey buddy you remember me okay when you grow older and then if you need someone to work for you you let me know buddy okay absolutely i know you got an amazing start on my conventions you guys have been to magic magic live not yet i have not first time last year it was amazing here from europe is blackpool yeah it's expensive to go all the way to magic life i want to go to blackpool yeah i wanna go to blackpool as well that's one that's one on my list i've been the magi fest number one who's your favorite magician or what's your favorite magic book uh my favorite magician is i gotta give it to david blaine i know it's kind of like like everybody's a lot of people's favorite magician but yeah david blaine's my favorite magician favorite magic book would be probably 13 13. i'm forgetting the name 13 steps steps to yeah mentalism it's probably my favorite classic why they be blaine i like david blaine because i feel like he really you know brought attention to uh to the to the whole street magic thing and i he he was the really one who went out and recorded it and had that special his first special and i think that was probably what inspired me to you know kind of go do something similar we have five seconds let's just oh thanks ollie sorry man jeff kind of singled me out and was like hey what's your favorite magic book and i was like i love talking about magic i love me i've never met these ollie's awesome i really like ollie a lot i think we got rid of them all do i have to get rid of someone you say yes i'll say number one yeah my vote is gonna be number two uh i'm sorry number two i uh no wait that's not right number one his favorite magician is david blaine that is a totally legitimate um choice to have for a favorite magician it's just rather public i told you at the beginning no one's favorite magician is like the magician who just like is the most popular magician everyone has their own unique one i think there's something up with him i'm gonna do jeff black just because i have to vote but i still think he's a magician but i like his mustache too but number one smelling kind of moldy more patrol i definitely feel like i'm about to get voted out for some reason the person eliminated this round is number one sorry number one what guys that hurt nah it's all good i should have came in with a more powerful trick to kind of show off you know my my card skills and number two saying david blaine was my favorite magician because even though that is true david blaine's the most well-known magician i could see why they would think that i am not a magician because that's my answer as weird as that is thumbs up if you wish to continue the game or thumbs down if you think you caught them all and you want to end the game three two one go all right so majority rules if the light behind me turns green you guys have voted the mole out and you have won if the light behind me turns red the mall is still in the game and you have lost [Music] can i please have my mole my fake magician raise his hand one two three that was rough guys i was watching i was watching the performances go and i'm like oh my god there's no way why did i pick a card trick oh man that is so funny you did it so well how long did you work on that for well okay so i have like some amateur magic background but i don't i've never done it professionally so i grew up super shy and magic was a way of kind of being able to walk up to random groups of strangers and just show them something the moment and the energy when i first saw magic when i was a kid was kind of the reaction the energy i wanted to have around me in my job or art forms i used to think that i needed to put messages in my tricks and i realized that just bringing out the inner child is enough it is all about the audience and just made them forget about the real world for a little like five seconds i'm just happy i stayed in this no that was awesome number three how old are you dude i just turned nine like on wednesday oh you're you're awesome dude you're doing card flicks and everything already amazing happy birthday man once uh covet is over i meant out reunion at blackpool let's do it hey we're all family we're all family even number six i will ask my mom i will ask my mom
Channel: Jubilee
Views: 1,186,043
Rating: 4.9604883 out of 5
Keywords: jubilee, jubilee media, jubilee project, middle ground, spectrum, odd man out, versus 1, embrace empathy, live deeper, love language, blind devotion, magicians, impostor, 6 magicians, vs, 1 impostor, odd man out magicians, 1 impostor among us, halloween, magic, game show, win, cash prize, lose, jubilee odd man out, who is the mole, who is not a magician, who is a magician, magic tricks, card tricks, trick, olliemagic, jeffblackmagic, mervant, zakmirz, soniabenito, nico besei, zoom magic
Id: DD_aob7-3DQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 58sec (1198 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 31 2020
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