6 Teen Couples vs 1 Fake Couple | Odd Man Out

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who said i love you first we all know he's a symptom i don't even need to write my name again we brought together six teen couples we are a teen couple we are a team couple we are a teen couple we are a team couple we are a team couple we are a team couple we are a team couple one is a liar if the group discovers who the liar is they'll split a cash prize if the liar survives they win the entire prize this is odd man out [Music] how are you feeling i'm feeling i'm feeling super nervous that's it like i don't think we're gonna get voted out right but deciding who to vote out yeah i have no idea how you're gonna know we're just gonna be ourselves be natural if you know you're a couple you don't have nothing to worry about we got this baby hey guys let's not waste time how long have you guys been together uh two years and almost about two three three months yeah um we've been dating for a little over a year and a half now yeah we're going on a year and a half in march we actually just had our one year anniversary on valentine's day we've been dating for 11 months our anniversary is coming up in nine plus nine plus three equals twelve twelve days we've only been official for three months but we've been talking for it's been much longer it's been much longer than that i think we can really yeah we've been talking for like seven years but we've been like officially dating for two years seven years seven years wait how old are you guys again nineteen yeah what took so long what's up i wasn't allowed to date in high school so how did everybody that was exactly what i was yeah i mean we met in high school yeah wood shop class to be exact wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait laura josh wait lauren josh you guys said you guys met in high school but i thought you guys said you were friends for like for seven years yeah in high school we met freshman year of high school yeah 19. i'm not good at math i'm actually about to be 20 next month i thought you guys i thought you guys were talking prior though we've been talking for seven months which is freshman year of high school together oh seven you guys said seven more years wait did anyone else hear seven oh yeah yeah maybe they got mixed up everybody's a little nervous but we'll just keep that yeah yeah i'll give i'll help y'all out don't worry don't worry laura and josh they did not have their stuff together from the beginning like come on we even said like oh seven years like that's hella long and they acted on it i didn't even hear you say that i didn't either because i was just like they were kind of talking as i was i think we're gonna vote for laura and josh laura and josh yeah sadly you know what we ball zoe and kristen i feel like i want to vote them zoey for christian really yeah yeah we are voting for laura and josh for laura and josh aura we're gonna get voted out all right we have counted all the votes and the couple eliminated is laura and josh i told you i knew it i called it everybody makes mistakes you know [Music] this round is the relationship quiz round i will ask each couple some questions and they have to write down their answers first up andrea and jomo first question who said i love you first easy we all know he's a simple come on bro i didn't even need to write my name i didn't even need to write my name again second question what was the last gift your partner gave you bro um so she got me a naruto necklace a gift basket of all my favorite snacks and all my favorite stuff yeah i got her a polaroid printer for uh like you could bluetooth it to your phone and it prints out like polaroid pictures of stuff on your phone that's not like a couple gifts yeah a a little sauce next up zoey and christian first question what is your partner's favorite ice cream flavor bro this is wild enough mint chocolate chip oh mint chocolate chip mint chocolate chip disgusting what's your anniversary date give me a minute hold on whoa why don't you have to think about i don't know i said in the evening november 11th at 9 00 pm oh my god that's so specific all right now with aisha and alec first question who is the better kisser oh she was my first kiss [Music] second question what is your partner's favorite thing about you i'm smart i think he likes me because i'm smart but i do like his smile a lot that's part of the reason why he's also very beautiful so no way these people are in the bowl there's no women i think they're definitely a real couple yeah now amelia and jonathan who has the best fashion sense i can dress no you can't you see the dream immaculate literally our first date was to the mall if [Music] second question what is your partner's favorite holiday christmas i'm so glad we did get these questions mine's not christmas what no no you're live not christmas that's a big that's a big ooh no mine's actually halloween oh yeah do you like the dress i do like to joseph it's all right everyone is usually chris christmas is second we'll go christmas a second emily and jonathan you should know your partner's favorite holiday okay now blake and paul what was the first movie you saw together i don't know i was trying to think of that one movie the one with the floors what's it called i think it's platforms okay when is your partner's birthday that is correct that is also correct [Laughter] [Music] and last but not least gabby and daniel who is smarter oh no the question that's not a nice question to ask oh she has a job for this summer i don't therefore she's smart okay but you go so well on every single test and you're always teaching me physics you're smart my guy don't forget that and the last question who is your partner celebrity crush yes oh my god feelings are gonna get hurt oh god oh yeah i know you put spells in i put ryan reynolds i wasn't sure yeah okay he's basically me in my opinion but we're suspectful of um zoe and christian it kind of threw me off how they had to really think about their date jonathan didn't know amelia's favorite favorite holiday which i feel like it's a big one amelia jonathan i'm sorry you guys are cute zoey and christian amelia and jonathan yeah i'm sorry amelia and jonathan and jonathan zoe and christian i think i think that's about it okay all right we have tallied up the votes and we have a tie between amelia and jonathan oh no and zoey and christian each couple will have 30 seconds to state their case zoe and christian you're up first um so here are some things this is the ring you got me for valentine's day it's the stone from new mexico he also got me this bracelet ooh very pretty and i feel like the only other way that i can like show that we're a couple is doing that i don't really know what i want to do you can't you can't buy love with money that's all i'm gonna say i can't battle up baby you kind of explained more first off i don't have anything that he's given me because i don't like stuff like that that's just not my personality i don't like any like promise rings or anything like that but i've liked you since the moment i loved you since the moment i've seen you like that first like something what i don't i think you're adorable wait but they didn't kiss on the lips he kissed her forehead that's cute why can't he kiss her on the lips let's just do amelia and jonathan christian we changed our vote to amelia and jonathan to the shoot okay it's jonathan all right we have counted all the votes and the team couple eliminated this round is amelia and jonathan hey at least we are on this episode yeah all i can say [Music] hey that was a stressful round that was so stressful uh zoey and christian because you were on the shopping block i think we kind of need to give you a bit of chance to kind of talk a bit more what are all the things that you guys have like like amassed over this time like what kind of things do you have my valentine's day gift for him and it was this um personalized book it's called love book i don't know if you guys have ever seen it but it's like a book where you like design the characters so that they like look like each other like it's like us and then you make the pages and it'll say like i like i like this about you i love this or i love when we do this together we can sign off on that because she got me the same thing too so that's a very very real thing do you guys have any traditions or anything that you do as a couple like for us when we first started dating we did like a pinky promise video every month every saturday we would like rotate saturdays and we'd plan out like a date day so like one week went to like the hollywood sign and then like another one we just went like had a picnic on the beach and so we just like do it every weekend like we switch it up yeah for us for valentine's day social media we met in a play together so that's why we were the love interests together and that's how we kind of fell in love like on play and then outside for valentine's day the next year she got us tickets to go watch the play we were supposed to go to korean barbecue but they were like hey why don't we get popeyes so now popeyes is our dinner yeah so we get popeyes every valentine's day comedy is kind of the thing that really ties us together and because we had a first kiss and then the pandemic came and everyone got stuck at home so we couldn't like hang out or anything so we started watching a show together every night and we'd watch an episode of modern family so over the course of like eight months we like to finish family we use this app called cena where you can like watch movies it's like netflix party so we watched the entire harry potter series together over winter break wait zoey and christian how long did you guys say you knew each other for um well we've been official for about like three-ish months but we've been like basically together since september september october september of 2020. can you use like a couple of words to describe when you knew they were the one and like ours would be like ice cream date i think ours would be denny's i was like reading the menu and i was like oh i think i'm going to get a snack and then i look right now yeah i guess our words for a special moment would be like yeah comedy someone yelling at us kiss we were sitting in the front of like a show and then they were doing a little skit where they involved the audience and they came up to us and clinton was like kiss kiss kiss and then there was like hundreds of people around us and we were like oh my god oh my god but then i looked at him and i was like well i've liked him for so long and like that's the hardest kiss i think everybody's a real couple honestly i like that andre and jomar also watch modern family because they're us yeah they're us i feel like gabby and daniel are like the canadian version of us the couple that we're gonna vote out is zoey and christian sorry again andrea angelman yes uh zoey and christian i say andrea and jomar we have counted all the votes and the couple eliminated in round three is zoe and christian after the time and the [Music] overwhelming questions in the next round i knew the target was on her back definitely it was fun it was fun if everyone feels confident that you have already caught them all you can end the game now if the majority has doubt the game will continue i think everyone send it same i'm honestly down to stop i'm pretty confident in three two one i'm scared i'm so scared i have to be right [Music] if the color that shows up is green you all win if it's red the fake couple is still in the game and they win in three two one let's go here we go the game is over and the team couples have won that means that the winners will be receiving a cash prize now let's reveal who the fake team couple was will the moles please raise their hands in three two one you guys honestly did so great though yeah so we are best friends everything we said was true we just added that we're dating in front of it but everything wasn't true jonathan had that forehead kiss on lock i actually have a boyfriend so it was really helpful to like have that so he don't worry i have from he had permission to kiss me if necessary we can all be friends or whatever yeah okay we did it we finished we made it oh my gosh okay so this guy has a favorite couple he just vibes with daniel daniel's my guy andrea and jamar like we just really vibe with you know yeah we are them they are us i feel like people right now are so easy and they want to rush into a relationship especially at such a young age once you get to high school you'd be surprised how many people don't date i don't know i feel like as long as you just love someone and that's like the main thing it's like if you have love for someone like you can be a couple let's do a handshake for them ready one two three [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Jubilee
Views: 1,718,508
Rating: 4.9507337 out of 5
Keywords: jubilee, jubilee media, jubilee project, middle ground, spectrum, odd man out, versus 1, embrace empathy, live deeper, love language, blind devotion, odd man out teen couples, who is not a teen couple, who is the fake teen couple, teen couples, high school couple
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 43sec (883 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 24 2021
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