6 Anime SUPERFANS vs 1 Fake Fan | Odd Man Out

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Is Antoine still in JK?

👍︎︎ 13 👤︎︎ u/Klaxosaur 📅︎︎ Oct 07 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Music] how can you tell if someone is an anime super fan through their knowledge of different anime series is it by their collection of figurines posters and plushies maybe it's by how they dress or even if they cosplay we brought together seven anime super fans but one is a liar if the group discovers who the liar is they'll win the cash prize if the lie survives they win the cash [Music] prize [Music] [Applause] [Music] this is odd man out [Music] i'm sure like the first question that's going to get asked is what's your favorite anime if you know obscure anime that really really helps you can't tell me your favorite underrated anime that means you clearly haven't watched enough anime to be an anime super fan like i think i want to talk about things that you had to watch the show to know i think it's very hard to actually try and pretend you're an anime fan i'm just really excited to play this game and see how my detective skills are i'm getting the keys right now getting donkeys but i'm so excited and i'm ready to do my best [Music] what is obscure anime that you love obscure let's see how obscure can we get your goodness kaiba kaiba doesn't have a lot of dialogue which makes it special i don't know i love lots of animes um katakuri circus oh lord it's going back there's too many people don't get that time oh wait banana fish is not really that obscure mana fish are solid all right kurt banana fish is solid hot take least favorite anime naruto hot take least favorite anime novel do i have news for you buddy they've anime merch you own um i don't know i like too many um demon slayer hoodie off amazon demon player hoodie seems a little bit generic sailor moon bottle opener i love danganronpa danganronpa that's that's a popular anime though kurt i really don't think it's current body finna be discovered after this round a body fairly discovered after this round i hope it's not me where does everyone watch anime so we might get some illegal sites we might get like crunchyroll hulu netflix so we're gonna see where does everyone watch anime where does everyone watch anime anywhere i don't have to play i prefer hulu mostly netflix these days up until a few weeks ago this anime either netflix or illegal sites kiss anime kiss anime rip [Music] who should i vote for please tell me i'm most suspicious of cat i think i'm gonna vote antoine out i'll vote for katie i'm sorry i'm gonna be voting for jennifer i'm gonna vote for sudel she was the last one to say rip kiss anime when something is big to the enemy community as kiss anime dies like that's the way you react i think i'm gonna go with katie i'm going to vote for katie sorry the person eliminated this round is katie i know it y'all agree with me it's not me i am an anime fan i promise you will have 10 minutes to prove that you're an anime super fan by taking a photo of your anime related possessions or collectibles i already got it on my desktop you guys will have 10 minutes to do this and the time starts now we're gonna grab this nice goku figure because goku this is a mario scrunchie all included all might is my favorite so i'm just going to cover this dude's face anyway because he's a trash character my table is a mess why is there a random toothbrush anime fans should understand this that there's late nights of binging i have this it's my panel badge because i was on a panel for anime nyc i think my comic con badge counts i'm a little worried because a lot of these things are like pretty mainstream but that's just because the mainstream anime are what get like all the merch i'm gonna put this picture it's an inside joke with my best friend bridget no one's gonna understand it but it has anime on it i have a normal closet in my room and then i have a second closet and this closet is purely for cosplay stuff time to take my photo now i should have this the other way around so people can see the covers i hope this is enough all right i've i've put out my truth oh okay look at that he's got a he has a naruto shirt he's got a a jojo's bizarre adventure hat okay a dragon ball hat if that's not from spirited away i'm screwed i don't know maybe like guys don't buy as much stuff unless it's all borrowed i'm kidding oh damn oh cosplay sorry i'm not an aesthetic weed but the things in this picture made me poor for loving anime i love this i think i'm gaining the trust of the people that is definitely anime flex this is definitely anime flex wow i feel accepted oh oh my god we got a hero i'm here for these classics i don't think it's gabriel anymore here's my trust i don't care about the banana dude everyone's gotta love the maneta body pillow worst character the rest i can respect though i love the frog i know this is an anime but i love the frog wait a second this is the naruto wall this is naruto's like froggy wallet this is anime oh jennifer oh oh jennifer oh there's the full metal alchemist it's too soon bro let's see he had a pikachu shaman king ragnarok that's the float i love that shane kings though so me and gabriel we're gonna vibe on the classics me and tony we we would vibe together i can vibe well with antoni but why doesn't he have any like new stuff everything's cool and then they bring in one thing to bring it down what is up if you all don't know the ed word he's talking about um uh it's okay you don't have to know ah the dong and around okay she got some plushies oh okay okay ah i trust them yeah some of this isn't anime though these are just um oh man i'm suspicious of jennifer now i feel like everyone's gonna react and be like it's not enough did you play diana robo or just watch the anime for sure better than the show oh my god i have had the pikachu clock for many years he's mine now i'm still in a pikachu thought oh wow she has hella banana fish oh the funko pops i love the plushies shooter i'm crying shorter is that a weight is that a body pillow or a regular pillow is that a body pill or regular pillow okay i think kurt is a weeb don't be surprised if your body pillow is missing tonight hey now that's a threat everything came out strong and that's why i'm concerned and tony's collection i love it and one had good stuff but it was all like anime from like 10 years ago so that's why i'm like a little suspicious right now i have to go with cap they could just be a cosplayer not necessarily like a real anime fan kat's closet was very low key it didn't have much in it i'm so sorry antoine i'm gonna vote for you but but i it's i'm voting for you because i feel like you're voting for me actually a little suspicious of jennifer based on the picture though her merch is very little it's more of games than anime i'm sorry jennifer i am most suspicious of jennifer i got i gotta vote for jennifer i gotta trust my heart i gotta believe in the heart of the cards yu-gi-oh reference the votes are in and the person eliminated this round is jennifer good luck everyone i'll be playing fire emblem fates revelation [Music] i knew it i knew it okay sorry oh each person will get 30 seconds to tell everyone the story about an experience you had related to anime this is when i went to acon in fort worth texas if you guys haven't been there it's kind of like cowboy city and so none of my friends cosplayed at all and we went to go get dinner and because i was a poor student we had to stay far away from the con center so we went to get breakfast at this like old timey diner and i was the only one in cosplay and i was just surrounded by like grandmas and grandpas who had like no idea why this weirdo girl was dressed up like so out of place and i think that was like probably one of my most embarrassing stories that's kind of related to like a cotter anime whatever just like live your life i was actually introduced to anime by my parents not they didn't know it was that though uh my dad showed me speed racer because he grew up watching that and then i didn't know it was anime he didn't know it was anime i watched it and then i was like oh this is cool they talk a little funny but it's cool and over time i started to learn about it and i really enjoyed it i got into proper with fullmetal alchemist i feel like a lot of people uh i'm in dragon ball z and then you know showing trash much more then i like i i liked it so much for being part of my career i make videos about all the time i talk about all the time i i i mess with it and i yield my time i'm normally a very shy person and i don't really i'm not that social at that but i have this friend who i cosplay the my gear academia moms with and we make like public target tick tock videos and if you've seen them you probably have because they always blow up for some reason she actually got me out of my shell and cosplaying in public either way it got me out of my shell and so now here i am talking to a lot of people okay oh and i also got into anime oh okay because of south park for me it's a anime expo i went to about two years ago and one of my favorites is a shamrock shampoo and i like jeans i think gene is completely underrated mugen gets all the attention and i went as him right so when i went to the convention everybody kept coming up to me and asking me like oh who are you after a samurai but like with the yasuke look i don't know if you guys know yasuke but he's the black samurai he was in japan and most of the commission i had to like keep correcting people but i had the long hair so i thought that would work and i had a tight back and everything so i thought it would have you know been fine you know gene for life though he's my he's my husband though i totally relate to the getting mixed up with cosplays at convention because my cosplay shorter he always gets mistaken for mineta somehow i'm like people really be disrespecting mineta oh yo like we're gonna fight right now so me and my friends were at a bowling alley and then two of my friends got to the side of me and like i held out the ball like um a razor shuriken from naruto and they started like throwing like their chakra in there and i started like screaming like super loud in the bowling alley and then i sent the ball and it would have been super cringy if it wasn't for the fact that i got a strike oh that's like the whole strike on my life i will never try it again because if i do it will just soil its memory i saved it the video will never leave my phone posted it online went kind of viral that's how it is that round felt the best because i feel like we all vibed with each other i just resonated with the stories like with anne's point like oh i i think he gets me zoodle safe for sure i'm gonna vote for kurt just because i need a vote for someone if i had to get someone out i'd say gabe really i think it's cat this time i think it's cat i think because there's so few of us left anyone who gets like two votes is like gone i'm gonna choose gabriel just because he said shorter couldn't compare to mineta and don't diss minetta like that i'm coming for you buddy you should already know i was coming for you and the person eliminated this round is gabriel no uh was the minetta coming oh no you were i stand by what i said minetta is a king among kings and there's nothing that can take that away from him if everyone feels confident that you already caught them all you can end the game now give me a thumbs up if you want to continue the game or a thumbs down if you think you caught them all and want to end the game down i i'm down for stop right okay if it's one of your i'm gonna be livid i saw if it's green you guys win like that if the box is red the mole is still in the game and you guys lost you guys ready yeah the real class trial we're gonna have the mole reveal him or herself three two one top ten anime betrayals [Music] i am a geek but i'm just not an anime geek i like harry potter star wars is big for me i also love game of thrones i do like some anime and i'm very very much in love with avatar the last airbender but that isn't actually considered anime i've only watched uh samurai shamploo bebop uh most of miyazaki and that's pretty much it yo whose shirt is that dog oh this shirt is back bro this shirt belongs to my friend devin white i'm gonna give you a shout out right now that was the most malicious thing you could have done you did your homework can we wait can we all be friends can we all like make a discord together or something and like watch animation slow down yeah everyone but antoine you can come too i [Music] guess
Channel: undefined
Views: 3,840,320
Rating: 4.9380107 out of 5
Keywords: jubilee, jubilee media, jubilee project, middle ground, spectrum, odd man out, versus 1, embrace empathy, live deeper, love language, blind devotion, anime, superfans, fan, anime superfan, anime fighting simulator codes, fake, game show, win, lose, anime opening, odd man out anime, cosplay, weeb, anime betrayals
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 32sec (932 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 07 2020
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