6 Small Meats vs 1 Giant Meat | Odd Man Out

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we brought together seven guys with small ducks i have a small dick i have a small dick i have a small check i have a small dick i have a small dick i have a small stick yup i have a small stick but one of them is a liar this is one big dick before you guys even start i want to let the elephant out of the room really quick because i already know what you guys are thinking and i want to let you know that i have a small dick regardless of the stereotypes or whatever you guys are you know thinking from the get-go oh no no i wasn't dude i didn't even notice you're black just making sure just making sure thank you there's a lot of stereotypes that are positive about black people and um i just wanted to get those out of the door asap [Music] i never even think about black guys you're gonna have a fair shot just like all of us everyone is equal yeah um i think we're actually good right i mean i walked into this studio and i saw the black guy and i was like come on no homes name is just the easiest to spell my mom's name too i voted for him in the first round just because she was size oh okay so you all just lied to my face okay yeah no sure yeah i should have seen it coming oh sure dude yeah sure oh wow not every black dude you see has a big dick okay you know how annoying it is every time i meet a woman and i'm always underwhelming [ __ ] up i think we got them all out like in round one i think we can just split the money now my dick looks like a little mole so uh what cars do you guys drive camaro a slightly lifted camaro the fully suited camaro a regular camera it's like a f 580 super lifted like you legally lifted i got the big iron nut sack in the back iron cross and the hitch malicious stickers yeah you're good that whole like truck thing just seemed kind of off to me super stereotypical and i don't even think people drive something like that i just hate people that act like they're a part of the small dick community but clearly they're not you know what was the everybody's like best sexual encounter i have not had sex like i've tried but it just it it falls out it doesn't even really it's like a little flap it's kind of like a little mangled piece of flesh very small penis energy when did you guys first realize you had a micro penis like for me it was like pretty much the day i was born i like knew yeah my dad was like yeah yeah my dick's small i wouldn't say that it's a micro penis that's super different yeah what are you doing here i don't have a micro penis or i've never called it that one you're like micropenis the other dude you just regular dude yeah i mean if you don't understand the difference between a micropenis is a small penis you probably have you don't have a small dick they misgendered me when i was a baby which is how we found out i had a microphone they thought it was a clitoris yeah they actually thought i was female but had an even smaller clitoris than female they didn't recognize even what i was when i was born they keep shushing me so does it look like a tiny pig feet is his penis because that's what mine looks like it's over yeah no it just looks like a google dick but it's a pig fetus ultrasound and you see the penis area does it resemble such when ryan said he had a small dick and not a micro penis i immediately knew that he had a big dick full post 0.25 inch dick you have a jerk off in one hand yes you don't even have small dick energy yeah yeah at all yeah you ain't right here you're aiming for me yeah i know my boat yep yeah i'm good you're good yeah ryan had big dick energy past uh 0.5 inch so i just had to vote for him i voted for blake because he was just talking about pig dicks and i just don't want him on the show anymore it's kind of weird i voted for spencer just because that whole like truck thing just seemed kind of off to me like if you walk past ryan you can feel like extra body heat below the waist so i just felt like maybe like there's a little cockthrop going on you can feel it so maybe it's not as small as ours just because i have a small dick oh my god you don't have a microphone moving forward i'm going to change i'm going to start calling my small dick a micro penis because i guess i looked it up and technically i i have a micro penis now raise your hand if you want to keep playing and you believe the mole's still in will we get paid more if we keep going yeah yeah oh then yeah i need money so how do you guys piss because um my dick is so small like i have to kind of like piss like this well urinals are kind of out of the question unless i have like sanitizer because what i do is i sanitize i grab the top i kind of straddle so it comes out in the back and then i just go because the stream streams like not empathetic yeah um i kind of just like believed everybody at that point um yeah i was in a frat so i just used one of my old like beer bongs that the alumni gave me like kind of just dunk it up you know it's similar to mine i was born just so useless that they gave me a catheter that's just i can't stress how mangled yeah the day i was born they attached a catheter to me because they knew that my mangled piece of flesh was gonna have no use whatsoever so i just pee in a bag and then dump the bag four or five times a day what do you do oh i just peed normally yeah yeah right yeah oh you asked him uh what do you guys do for work i'm a softball coach i did baseball i had to get a custom cup it's like it's like the monopoly thimble yeah yeah yeah yes yeah so you're all simple too okay yeah i'm a personal assistant to an assistant so i get coffee for the guy who gets coffee yeah you never thought about that that is actually little thick energy so yeah i feel like you're good i'm um yeah you're good you're good it's fine i'm sorry no one's letting me talk your niche oh it's my [Laughter] she said for your day you're a comedian he was like down here yeah yeah all of this together would be like yeah what is that thing i don't know in the home was still here what is that no you shouldn't grab it it's not weird just your leg part of his leg yeah yeah it's just my life um i um i'm like a suicide negotiator so they call me and when the guy is going to jump off the building or bridge i just pull my dick out and they feel way better about their dick so they don't jump it's pretty specific but it would probably save me a couple times end of round three i mean it's pretty obvious blake's unemployed unemployed people have hogs you've never met a guy with a big dick that didn't have a job i voted out spencer because he described the way he was paying it was like really confusing he was straddling the toilet it just seemed really odd to me it just seemed fake you felt that like aura from me [Music] all right [Music] i voted for myself because i actually have to get home put medical ointment on my penis it's gonna break and come off the pressure of the denim i gotta go if you think that the mole is still in the box raise your hand whatever when we get more money yeah yeah we need money money yeah what are we gonna do if that's not clear we need money if you'd like to keep the game going you may raise your hand now because just more money more money yeah just stop asking also let's just talk about how you're in a friend which means you probably got late i mean i mean like i like fingers like at this fingering count because it's like you know like the same size you know like it's the same when they were attacking me for being a frat guy it didn't make sense it's like the stereotype is known frat guys have little dicks uh pink yours is the nail the nail polish that is literally average size that's huge dude even the nail it's like mine's hat maybe the cute but like i'm a nail biter so it was like not even a nail there like my penis is not gonna be like right when he held up his pinky i knew he was talking about his dick size and then he said oh it's a nail and i'm a nail biter like trying to recoil dude i know you have a huge massive schlong that's huge i'm getting really sketched out yeah dude frat guys have the smallest dicks like i'm good like you don't even have to you're so skinny like would i have a [ __ ] stamp of bloom and onion on my back if i didn't have a small dick do you have that no but i'm getting it uh i have a i have a question shut up [ __ ] why do you even have a mic man yeah you're not talking you shouldn't even be talking right now give us the mic i have a sm i'm the i have the mic now don't talk yeah we know okay what you gonna do it's big right yeah it's huge it's you only asked what what finger it was this one yeah that's pretty that is huge and that's hurtful whatever whatever i'm not even mad they voted me out because now when this airs on like discovery plus or whatever like the people will be like oh we got voted off cause he's got a big dick so all the girls that like curve me are like gonna be back in my dms so it's not bad actually because it like it's pretty big actually like i was on here for fun raise your hand i mean the mole's definitely out but we need money dude stop asking this okay so i'm pretty sure it's not it's dude yeah it doesn't matter okay it's not him i think you have a small dick i think i know have a small dude yeah let me can i examine your bulge just a little bit sure okay let's hold that up oh when i got on my knees and inspected david's penis i knew right away that it was small can i check yours yeah yeah i feel like the only bulge i see is from the zipper so i mean it doesn't even hurt look oh yeah yeah it's pretty small i feel like we're all three good can we split it is that possible yeah no [ __ ] that's the point why do you even do this i'm about to be so rich i know i can't wait and then the mall is still in the box what kidding me dude why'd you lie to me we could have freaking do you have the big dick i don't have i have nothing you do damn it i suffered from big dick syndrome for the last 23 years of my life people think it's cool to have a big dick it's not it hurts everything hurts it's a rare disorder where my dick just doesn't stop growing right now it's about 20 inches but by the end of the year it's gonna be about 27 inches let's go let's go [Music] all this for twenty dollars [Music] now everyone on the internet knows i have a small dick and i don't even get the money for it so this is a terrible choice in my life that was his dick i grabbed yeah what is that thing wait the black guy's name was kevin yo thanks oh no i have a [ __ ] it's just it i don't really have a [ __ ]
Channel: Ryan The Leader
Views: 2,154,397
Rating: 4.9561625 out of 5
Keywords: Ryan Leader, Ryantheleader, ryan the leader, odd man out, odd man out parody, jubilee parody, jubilee video, trevor wallace, smallest meat, six small meats vs one giant meat, small meats, small packages, six meat eaters vs one vegan, kev, kevin amarillo, cer spence, blake rosier, nahum the lemon, david alvarez
Id: _b3WF8Aos6Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 48sec (768 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 21 2021
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