6 Gay Men vs 1 Secret Straight Man | Odd Man Out

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hi I'm sorry come come I'm Michael and I'm gay it's awesome thank you so we have a podcast coming out about being gay and what that means or no we have a podcast about sexuality oh how about this I'll ask you what is the podcast about it's about sexuality hmm it's out now so goes into it oh god my hands Robert Angier when did everybody know that they were gay literally my birth literally I had a boyfriend in like kindergarten I promise [Music] we brought together seven gay men I'm gay I'm gay I'm gay I'm gay I'm gay I'm gay I am gay one is a liar if the group discovers who the liar is they'll split a cash prize if the liar survives he or she wins the entire prize [Music] when did everybody come out I came out what house 1817 my mom actually asked me what I tried to tell her she basically took the reins and she's like I okay oh wait I was a little bit later so I kind of hid it for a long time I was like 23 it was like an anxiety around cuz it's so short you can't really say anything so I was like let me say something so then I'm not the one that doesn't say anything before the round is over I came out to my sisters when I was 17 and then I came out to my when I was 21 cuz she found a [ __ ] running in my room like what is this and I was like I guess I just based it off of appearances he maybe doesn't fit the gay stereotype I just voted cuz I was like let me just get someone out long as it's not me you [ __ ] it's not me sometimes people tell me I'm not I don't like necessarily look gay or quote/unquote what people might assume looks gay just take them long hair and maybe the clothes just take very I wanna say bland no judgment we were all on a baseball team would you consider yourself a pitcher or a catcher I'm a catcher pitcher okay I put in codes okay yeah pick ten cats I want to say yeah more we catch her okay I even feel like the most obvious question it's like when that everybody know that they were gay at what age the birth literally my birth literally I had a boyfriend in like kindergarten I promise literally his name is Christopher and we kissed on the slide in like kindergarten and I was like I'm gay mine was really suppressed during high school if no one knows I'm trans so I have two coming-out stories so that's very difficult to come out to your parents multiple times well yeah technically I had to come out three times one I thought I was a lesbian because I was born a woman so I thought okay that's a thing and then after that I was no I'm trans so I had to come out again after that and then I was like yeah I'm gay too many times I mean he had three times where you came out which I get you can come in you can go out you can come and go out but I'm just like I don't know that's way too many times for me it was just so repressed because my dad I'm super homophobic and you know which happens a lot in the black community so yes super heavily protected and guarded and then it just kind of came to a point in my life where like I realized like this is my life I need to you know do something for myself and not living that fear so of course I ran away to San Francisco and and that kind of helped me like accept it more so it's really nice thank you for sharing that I was just gonna ask who here was bullied in high school for being gay well I suppress mine so yeah I was getting bullied since middle school I mean I wasn't saying like I was gay but they're like you sound like a girl you're gay and I would be like like rumors go around about me when I was like denying it so I was like super pissed and I like I don't care has anyone had sex with a girl you have I was very drunk pulled out after 15 seconds to her face I think this is actually disgusting we're back in the house he felt a little quiet and reserved can I just didn't pick up on a lot of gayness from Rico wasn't mentioning a lot like he would put in his two cents but wouldn't I feel like it was surface level I saw the on the run tour jacket that he was wearing and I thought maybe he was kind of using that to kind of like trick us all into thinking he was like a Beyonce fan so I was just like let me get him out good luck guys okay so what's everybody's favorite part about our community very they're more accepting yeah yeah and super open it's nice to have a community of people that are they've been do the same thing you've been through so they get it exactly I love how we're like basically just one but like we have the same story but it's like different you know fashion sense let's talk about relationships right who is in a relationship not I I don't know what that is so X is when was when was your last ex mine was about two or three years ago and I broke up with him because he was still in the closet and I'm like just out there I don't have time for that my hummock go to a public I wanna hold your hand and um the good thing about it though is like I helped him come out so like when he told me about that I started to cry I was in my car was like [ __ ] I don't have don't have an ex never a minute situation like I didn't like talking to people but it was in high school and I was like straight okay I was just really suspicious because every time people started mentioning like just relationships or just interacting with other men he really couldn't go that much in death who did everybody listen to I'm sorry guys I think we're not as poppy Megan the stallion you were right here right here I think she had that one album that was there I feel like is Nikki know [Music] he wasn't giving me enough a part of me was thinking what he might just be just a well-dressed person was bella thorne one side TTYLXOX and then there before ya around I see a tattoo of a lady on your honor yes what inspired her I've dealt with depression and self-harm and stuff like that so when I'm dealing with that stuff this is how I feel I feel like I just have myself so that's why she's like hugging gotchas yeah why not get a man yeah I feel like you like women if you have a tattoo of a woman what did y'all do throughout high school Oh like sports I did performing arts people didn't know right because I did musical theater I did choir dance I did a little bit of football like a little bit I know always attempted every year to like play football then it always stopped when it came time to actually play football so I kind of still don't even really know how to play football I train with them what's your guys is like tight like when it comes like a guy similar-looking build an appearance but personality-wise I really prefer like more feminine personality okay families have to be confident so I do kind of like on the taller side of things I've been surprised though I don't have a type you guys I really don't know I'm just like if you can vibe with me if you think wasn't the same music I listen to we can like do some activities go hiking go you know it's all good no matter what you look like no matter who you are come to me I really didn't want to have that last round I kind of figured we were all gay but being selfish I just wanted it to be two of us let's go back to that guy that you dated who was in the closet so where is he now did you guys get back together after he came out no because when I I also fell out of love with him so I was like I can't I can't I tried to get back with him and I was with him for a while and I was like why the [ __ ] am i doing this like I'm sorry I don't like you anymore okay okay once we started that round and I think I went and gave him a question like right away and he answered it and I didn't feel he was lying so I was like oh crap that's the only question I had for him I [Laughter] knew they were gonna say that okay I'm gay as [ __ ] I've been sucking dick can a straight person do this Oh tens across the board no okay I'm gay cuz I mean it took a while to come to grips with it but you know after coming to grips to it just kind of seeing and kind of showing it become a different colors and different styles and different you know everything so there's no one right way to be gay just like there's no right way to be straight you know especially we're in such a time where you know it's good to have representation of just the whole spectrum of everyone to the show we're all connected we're all together you know there's someone watching who you know is in the same situation I was in it's nice to be able to see that and be able to be like okay so there's a way you can still be yourself and still not feel secluded I am gay literally and what straight man - you know could be his face like this literally I'm saying get into it this off glam I'm just saying like I'm 100% me I'm authentic like I'm gay I love men I've always loved man I don't know what else y'all want from me at this point what I'm sorry you did me wrong by for sure didn't do you wrong so it's 125 each I'm good confident yeah I'll see him out too many times I was like one of those times as you went back in there I don't - well it was risky coming out to the group here as transgender cuz a lot of people invalidate just trans people in general in the first place a lot of people still classify me as a lesbian and often times I do get it within the gay community I actually had a very strong feeling about Marcos home that get-go I believed like 100% my gaydar and straight are very poor they're horrible I think it was important to do this to kind of show people that there's you know spectrum of human beings and even if you identify with one group that's not all who you are it's a done deal we did it me and Martel now we have to clean it all up right [ __ ] thank you for watching
Channel: Jubilee
Views: 8,195,758
Rating: 4.8193436 out of 5
Keywords: jubilee, jubilee media, jubilee project, live deeper, blind devotion, love language, middle ground, spectrum, odd man out, 6 gay men vs 1 straight man, odd man out gay vs straight, who is the straight man?, lgbtq, lgbtq community, transgender, trans community, guess my sexuality, guess their sexuality, radical empathy, 6 gay men, who is not gay, gay men, who is gay
Id: H0c2ErVOmog
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 18sec (798 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 08 2019
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