6 Minimum Wage Workers vs 1 Secret Millionaire | Odd Man Out

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hey guys he's Evan she's Kendra and this is odd-man-out 6 minimum-wage workers first one Secret Millionaire a big thank you to our sponsor - Lee and for supporting this episode - stick around after the episode to learn how you can get your first device for free and for an extra special offer from - Lane we will see you then Asian American bills make the highest median income following white males oh that's it I don't know what we brought together 7 minimum-wage workers I am a minimum wage worker I am a minimum wage worker I am a minimum wage worker I am a minimum wage worker I have a minimum wage worker I am a minimum wage worker I am a minimum wage worker one is a liar if the group discovers who the liar is they'll split a cash prize if the liar survives he or she wins the entire prize [Music] what live in Orange County rent Asst hmm it's hard it's hard but I'm hanging there rich City the bad side he was just like hesitating so much and it just looked like he was lying I love my parents also so zero rent and I live downtown may focus when I get my paycheck Pokeball and my rent I'm 23 I'm 43 and you still live with your parents yeah because I'm twenty one thousand in debt it's just an opportunity to try it's hard I'm a uber driver and I have a van and like I got the van because I thought I'd be able to make more money but instead I'm paying so much in gas I wish it would I got a Prius I feel like you're trying really hard to make it sound like you're broke no I'm not broke I'm twenty thousand in debt so that's like the same thing though what do you do for me I'm art consultant an art consultant yeah so art work at a different hotel that's big money no artists and art dealers are not rich at all unless they're like one of the top ones how much per month would you say you get in commissions I've only sold two pieces my entire four years how much did you get for them the piece I saw was like $2,000 you said you sold two pieces and you've been there for how long four years yeah that's my well because we're like a luxury it's really hard for a young person to develop like a client list where they can call and stuff and like all my friends cannot you know I wish my parents can purchase that kind of paintings but so I'll go by like demographically I know how things work you know like oh I know Asian and Asian American males make the highest median average income following white males oh that's a I don't know what just by what I think I know it's hard even though maybe statistics may say that it doesn't really apply to a smaller group like us do you shave your legs you don't shave your legs so when I saw the basketball shorts and the unshaped Lake I was like okay that's one of the signs do you shave your legs no okay so see that's a sign okay he just seemed kind of stuff so like get him out oh that makes me sad we think you're a millionaire Oh oh thank you oh I'm kind of surprised that other people didn't vote out Kevin and David like the first round I look poor Jesus oh how about this I feel like everybody has this on the arcade like what would you do if you were a millionaire it was the first thing you do I would well honestly like invest it into like businesses get more money I have a business right now an online business but I just started it two months ago how's it doing so it's going like okay I just started it two months ago and I'm a full-time student so it's like hopefully grow so when I'm out of college I click you know I've want to start my own business be what is it's just an online boutique she was a little bit suspicious because she does seem like a very intelligent woman who is capable of being a millionaire I wouldn't doubt that you majoring in the internet or what I'm hearing in my online classes which is accounting where do your parents live my parents live in Eugene Oregon did you say you live with them well they lived in Eugene and then they moved to he said that he lived with his parents here and then he was like oh my parents are from Eugene which is an organ so I was like ooh he messed up his story you said where my parents from no where do they live oh they live in LA like West Side East Side no they live downtown where do your parents live you living in an apartment with your parents I am yeah I mean you're judging me for living with my parents for some reason I feel like hitting her the most honest I don't know if it's the smiles of what but rich people to let the are twisted P Diddy don't live rich [Music] sorry buddy sorry when I got voted out I felt alright I mean it kind of sucks if you'd get voted I was like survivor I feel like they were like putting out my flame and it was just like the end for me I don't know that kind of sucked she's an influencer where you're you're an entrepreneur trying to a boutique you have to be I feel cheap going about looks in this game isn't really gonna get you far if I'm being honest that's not my strategy if that's how you want to pinpoint people that's totally fine so the clothes aren't gonna matter looks aren't gonna matter who is the mole I was really suspicious about Kevin you were my next suspect all going into really I feel like it might be a girl that's why I raised my hand it's not gonna be who I think it is so it might be one of the girls like I hate to say that but that's like kind of the way the world is like you wouldn't suspect the girl but I don't think that way I think like you my mom's always been a boss like ever since I was a little kid you know I know what you're saying I see women as leaders can we have 35 seconds so what's the most explosive someone asked you a question I can't what do you like to do what are your hobbies what are your how what did your parents do yeah well my mom didn't work but my dad worked in construction for 30 years your dad just worked would you say anything oh I was just like okay I have to vote him out just to get him out of the way because he was starting to look suspicious to me gots on there I mean I knew I was out I could have you know I could have wrote down Jesus on this on the card and nothing would change you said you have your own business online yeah I just started like at the end of July I kind of wish I didn't mention my business like I said I just started it two months ago it's fairly brand-new of course I'm not a millionaire because of it so how much do you make I mean well okay I've made so far maybe like not even though like 700 do you YouTube channel I don't have a lot of subscribers on there but you do say last time I made a video was like 5 months how many followers on Instagram just like about a thousand Instagram followers equals dollar signs how many Anscombe followers 2,000 something are you wait how many job because she admitted that she was an entrepreneur I had to vote for somebody [Music] I'm sorry send me the link to your clothing probably I don't know I honestly like I don't think you seem like you're hiding something but I just can't tell I don't write honestly like I'd have no suspicions about you yeah at the beginning like I didn't really suspect him but if we're gonna vote someone out right now it's like I watch hustlers the other day and like all the men they're spending all this casually exactly you're trying to point fingers makes me think that it's year I know what else are we supposed to do like I have to pick out someone you're trying to point at me so am I just gonna take it they call got kind of aggressive and anytime somebody gets aggressive it seems like they're lying and so at that point I'm just like oh maybe one of them are the wool I don't know I said we go 50/50 dude do you guys have health insurance if they're my mama same for all of you she was going for girl power I'm all for it I mean if you are a millionaire you don't need that money no I would be so mad if the millionaire won the money so I'm feeling pretty confident I swear if these lights turn it's Ari guys I mean you got the like alligator shirt on though I don't know I knew it was the shoes and the organ thing I said Eugene cuz that's where I'm actually from you know once I started my youtube channel and then things really started to like kind of take off you know things change for me monetarily but I'm still the same dude like I still wear these shirts I still wear these you know dirty Nike shorts everyday like seven days a week and I still wear flip-flops like 99% of the time like nothing's changed besides you know some random numbers in my bank uh honestly I didn't think I was gonna win I don't know why I just thought something would happen I'm going to match the winners the amount of winners one and I'm gonna give it to every single one of the losers - so you guys all walk out of here with cash thank you yeah thanks to Kevin we are we're all winners today congratulations on catching them all yeah oh such a nice gesture at the end give me the money it was really sweet definitely a big thing at a 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Channel: Jubilee
Views: 11,622,417
Rating: 4.8994527 out of 5
Keywords: jubilee, jubilee media, jubilee project, live deeper, blind devotion, love language, middle ground, spectrum, odd man out, 6 minimum wage workers vs 1 millionaire, minimum wage, millionaire, how much is minimum wage?, who is the secret millionaire, can they spot the millionaire, how do millionaires dress, how do millionaires make their money, choosing a career path
Id: 8RZtjBGLa3Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 47sec (707 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 10 2019
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