6 Teen Moms vs 1 Fake | Odd Man Out

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what's your favorite animal um oh my gosh she's so cute we brought together 17 moms i am a teen mom i am a teen mom i am a teen mom i'm a teen mom i'm a teen mom i'm a teen mom no i'm a teen mom one is a liar if the group discovers who the liar is they'll win a cash prize if the liar survives they win the cash prize this is old man out [Music] having a baby like your life just changes like that i think what's gonna set the mole and a real teen mom apart is the details have you lost or have you gained friends are you still with your baby's father i definitely wouldn't have known what the hell goes on during the postpartum stage or like after birth stuff like that if i do too much people might be suspicious of me and think that i'm like overdoing it i feel confident but i'm nervous the mole will probably be like a nanny maybe like a big sister [Music] hi hi hi how old are everyone wait the babies are us both i turned 18 in august and my baby's 10 months but he turns 11 months tomorrow almost a year oh my goodness that's so exciting i am 15 and my baby is 4 months i'm 19 and my daughter just turned 21 months today i'm 17 and i've got an eight month old i am 19 and i have a two-year-old daughter i just turned 18. my daughter's two and a half she just turned two in april i'm 14 and i have an eight month old and she turns one in march so how about you guys birth story how long were you guys in labor i was in labor for 47 hours it was miserable but of course it was worth it i was in labor for 11 hours i'm jealous labor is no joke did you guys have epidurals did you guys go natural i had epidural i can't do natural did anybody get induced like half and half like they broke my waters i didn't even want an epidural but at like 38 hours i was like i'm either gonna yeah i was like i'm gonna have to have a c-section like i have no strength left in my body i only got to six centimeters that's why i had to have a c-section your body wouldn't progress um the umbilical cord was wrapped around her neck same my baby came out all blue and purple it was he didn't even cry when he came out i was literally soaked he was my hair my baby didn't either when i didn't hear him cry i was just like please tell me my baby's okay i bet your heart just dropped yes they don't cry for a while though like you think they'll cry yeah but i've heard like the movies they just probably like a minute we just all seemed like we were just team moms just chatting having a good time i like hearing like everyone's stories because i know not everyone's labor is the exact same so it's like nice to hear i feel like emma is actually a mom and i feel like so shana the other three they were quite quiet so far i'm the most suspicious of kira this is a total random guess i'm so sorry girl but i'm have to vote for you emma really stuck out to me she is who i will be voting on i am definitely most suspicious of kiana i think i'm saying her name right i think i'm gonna vote for kimberly i don't know i'm gonna vote off kimberly i'm kind of suspicious of kayla i think this round i'm gonna vote out kayla i'm so sorry girl she was just not giving me mom vibes the votes are in and we have a tie between kimberly and kayla so we're going into a tiebreaker each one of you will get 20 seconds to state your case first up is kayla so i realized that i was pregnant when i was 16 gave birth 17 now i'm 18 years old i'm balancing school while raising my 10 with baby my mom was a teen mom so like it was just like really hard having to come out with that because i feel like it made it seem like i was like following her footsteps so she was like really disappointed about that so that was like really hard for me i found out i was pregnant july 19 with my boyfriend he bought me the pregnancy test i told my mom well she found out because she noticed because i was really open about my period to her she made me take a pregnancy test in front of her and my dad um was outside the restroom we told the school they had found resources and i moved into a school for pregnant teens and teen moms the votes for the tiebreaker are in and the teen mom eliminated in round one is kayla bye sorry girl i genuinely thought she was a teen mom i had to vote for kayla just because kimberly had a strong story i wish i would have stayed longer i really wanted to show my baby [Music] she is a pretty good baby she only cries when she's trying to go to sleep and you will not stand up say hi right now she's learning how to use her hands and stuff because she's so young i don't really have like her favorite things but she does love cocoa melon like if she sleep and i put cocoa melon on she'll wake up and watch it she loves animals this girl this girl is not afraid of anything we have a bearded dragon her name is saffron the second she walks in nobody doesn't have a smile on their face he's currently teething so he's having a lot of sleepless nights which is why he's actually up this late because i'm in the uk he is usually all around a happy little boy giggling smiling always talking and interacting her favorite thing is coco melon and she loves to watch blippi she loves to do little dance parties what's your favorite color what's your favorite animal um elmo uh her very animal elmo apparently her dad is not involved but she's still thriving she likes eating a lot everything i eat she eats too she crawls a lot now she's very talkative and very friendly like she won't cry with anyone she's hungry right now her favorite things are unicorns dressing up being a princess you love princesses huh okay it was kind of a fight to get her out of a princess dress today but we managed to do it right oh yeah whenever you meet her she just like won't say much and she's pretty reserved perfect do you understand i i had one movie i thought it was really cool seeing all the babies they all looked exactly like their moms i feel like people might suspect me because i have a toddler and the rest of them had like babies who were like super attached to them i don't know if we've got them all out i don't think kayla was the mole i still have a really weird suspicion about kimberly i'm just gonna go with kimberly no valid explanation i am going to go with emma this time like i did before just because in this situation against the other girls the other girls are kind of a little bit calmer than her if i had to vote for someone though i think i would vote for kiana i want to say i'm kind of suspicious of kiana so i figured out how to say kiana's name and i say i'm still most suspicious about her i'm scared i knew it i thought it was gonna be me okay i didn't really have too much to say about my child because she is so young all the other moms had a lot to say but we will see [Music] i thought i was pregnant for like a couple weeks but i was kind of in denial and so my boyfriend my now fiance but he was my boyfriend at the time oh congratulations thank you and so we had stopped at 7 11 to grab some candy and some snacks to sneak into the movie theater i just got like the cheapest pregnancy test and then i took it in the movie theater bathroom when i came out he just could read my face and he said you're pregnant aren't you and i said yep and he goes well we'll figure it out you've never broken up he's always been the best dad that's so good and i hid my pregnancy my parents found out yeah surprise literally everybody was like oh my god yeah but i didn't show like at all and i just wear a sweatshirt okay yeah and i worked two jobs the whole time i was pregnant so we could support her in yeah that's my story my mom i actually got grounded and i was in trouble and she took away my phone i decided to text my friend on messenger on my computer and i was telling her that i had like a bunch of symptoms because she's also a teen mom and she said yeah you're pregnant and my mom had seen the text coming through my phone so she read them and just let loose on me and then once my dad found out he was the most supportive my dad is like very religious so he's like things happen for a reason we stand supportive parents one thing that happened when i was in high school i got a lot of judgment so i had to move to online school and some people actually tp my house while i was pregnant that's horrible and wrote god a [ __ ] and a hoe that's terrible i'm so sorry you had to go through that oh my gosh yes in june i was getting period cramps but my period wasn't coming so i googled that up and the first thing that came up was pregnancy i had told my boyfriend and he came over to my house but this was in july and he brought the pregnancy test and i took it and he was happy but um i kind of had a blank expression on my face i didn't really know what to think i didn't want to believe it i'm so emotional oh oh bless me girl just cry i'm gonna cry i cry when other people cry and my parents found out in august because they noticed that i wasn't getting my period i had told a couple friends and they told me to a boy but i knew i wasn't gonna do that me and my boyfriend have been together for almost three years in february everyone loves um my baby now and oh girl yeah that's it like i'm i'm really happy with how my life is right now yeah i love that okay so i was 15 when i found out i was pregnant the first person i told was obviously my boyfriend whose name is zach we didn't plan it but he was like no you've got to keep it we're amazing together we're going to start a life together both my parents were really really supportive they explored so many routes of what i could have gone through and it was amazing to have that support especially from parents but then about five months down the pregnancy line me and my boyfriend actually broke up we completely blocked each other we didn't talk to each other never saw each other on his due date he actually got back in contact with me and then we got back together and then our son was born four days later and we're still together now so i found out i was pregnant at 15. my school is like a high school that also has an infant lab in the school which is like a daycare type thing so they have a teen clinic where they like do like pregnancy tests like std checks like literally everything one day i went there after school with one of my good friends and i found out i was pregnant there the doctor just kind of walked into the room and she just like stood there so i'm like oh boy like here we go yeah i kind of knew like from her like expression that i was pregnant and me and my boyfriend were only together for it was like a month at the time and he was 14 and i was 15. he was just mainly really scared to tell his parents yeah my parents were super supportive though my mom was a teen mom herself thankfully the school i go to has an infant lab a daycare thing i'm able to bring her to school with me still and this year is my last year congrats can't wait to graduate oh my goodness i'm gonna be the first in my family it's gonna be something that's amazing either the mole is a really good actor or we already got it i'm not suspicious of anyone i don't know unfortunately i'm going to vote shanna out this round i really hate to because she seems really nice if we didn't vote out the mole i'm gonna be mad i'm suspicious of kyra and i'm going to be voting for her i'm still very very suspicious of kimberly in the 20 seconds about me like her tie-breaker i swear she said her parents found out and they bought her pregnancy test because i have to vote for one i'm gonna say kimberly just for the fact that she had the least detail she was the least descriptive i think i'm gonna vote for kimberly no i'm so sorry i i had no idea who to vote for i feel bad i'm sorry i feel like they voted me out because i was crying i don't know i guess i'm watching it whenever i tell my story give me a thumbs up if you want to continue the game if not give me a thumbs down and you think you caught them all and want to end the game right now this is so nerve-wracking yeah i know if the color that shows up is green you all win if it's red the fake teen mom is still in the game and you all lost in three two one we did it almost not so anxious who was it the game is over and the teen moms have won we're also going to be gifting them the akintu experience where they'll get to pick their favorite basics from our new interactive apparel brand i would like them all to please reveal yourself in three two one i knew it i knew it oh my goodness oh you did good good job that is one cute baby though oh my goodness whose baby is it it's my mom's baby he's my little brother i believe someone was gonna do that i knew it when you go out to people think it's yours um sometimes yeah yeah i've forgotten that i babysit him a lot bye baby
Channel: Jubilee
Views: 2,626,424
Rating: 4.9523191 out of 5
Keywords: jubilee, jubilee media, jubilee project, middle ground, spectrum, odd man out, versus 1, embrace empathy, live deeper, love language, blind devotion
Id: AWdTzRrIxFk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 47sec (827 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 30 2020
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