Aloe Vera Propagation and Care

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allô I don't even know where to begin because these guys are monsters well actually they get bigger in nature but these are big in pots and actually this one's even flowering I want to show you that whoa this one isn't in a terra cotta pot yet I just put it in there but look look at that flower yeah so okay the flower is beautiful but look what's going on with this guy it is growing like crazy it is in this it's been in this pot I don't even know how long but I think it possibly wants to come out of this pot so actually let me just back up I never introduced myself properly my name is Amanda and I love plants and I also like to make videos about plants apparently but yes so my background really because people have been asking and I'll put the a low down for this card this might be along my background is in landscape architecture and gardening and a was a fly fishing guide saltwater fly fishing guide for a while but the majority of my life has been dealing with plants and design and I got it I got into indoor plants because I live in an area where there's a lot of deer and I couldn't fight them anymore so I said you know what I'm bringing the plants inside and so I've been doing that and I've been pretty happy with it so far although it definitely becomes an addiction as you're probably are discovering so yeah [Music] anyway so let's talk about aloe so okay I'm gonna start with I have three crazy ones here and I'm gonna start with the one that's in a terra cotta pot it's a really top heavy too as you see this one so this one started out you know just as a regular aloe vera and now it's it's like this bizarre alien thing and it's cool I like it I don't want to change this habit or the shape of this but I do want to clean it up a little bit alright you guys are back there I'm back here so what I'm gonna do is just trim off some of the brown stuff and you don't have to but this brown stuff I don't really like to look at and this is crunchy this has been a kind of dead for a while so I'm just gonna take it and cut it with some printers you know okay there yes you know aloe is good for healing burns and scrapes but aloe is not good to ingest so when you touch an aloe and you get the juice on you don't put it in your mouth to wash your hands because it's not good to eat or lick or anything just keep it away so let's take these little brown parts off here this my fault they're all falling I'm being attacked by Al oh oh who knew they were so vicious I'm gonna cut down in the stem a little bit take you didn't pull just pull the brown stuff off of it that's fine and here let me show you a little closer it's gonna take some of these the brown tips off like that like that this isn't so bad I don't mind that it's red it's kind of a nice color this brown one I'm gonna cut off and so I'm gonna leave it but what I am going to do is I'm going to remove one of the pups and Transplant one of the pups because I think there's one that wants to get out so so this is one way you can propagate an aloe is by taking off an offshoot and that's what we will do so I think what I want to do is this we pull it this comes right now this comes right out easy easy I was preparing this whole big production but you see these roots from this little offshoot I want to remove enough of these roots so I can plant it directly into soil and it'll actually transplant very easily that way so I can just take carefully this time kind of move around a little bit see where these roots are coming from maybe I should doing a little closer so you can watch me as I maybe mess it up I don't know so I'm gonna just try to figure out where some of these main roots are and pull it apart without destroying the little baby's roots okay let's see I'm gonna get enough of a root system for this okay I think I have enough roots or this aloe will be able to grow so I'm gonna put this to the side because I'll do that after and I want to show you another way you can propagate an aloe is to just leaf propagate it so I might even just take one of these funky leaves off in the bottom here seems gonna take it right at the base cut it at the base like that Oh lovely aloe juice don't burn yourself just to use this stuff use it when you need it keep it in the kitchen or in the bathroom or by the barbeque wherever you might burn yourself oh it's so nice so what I will do is let this callus for one week I'll just put it to the side let it callus for one week and then I will pot it in a pot with cactus like soil not cactus cactus oil but cactus like soil like exactly what this is but look at this one okay have you seen it yeah you've seen these before but I didn't even know we're gonna start with this so what I'm gonna do is look at the soil I always look at the soil see well what's going on in there okay let's pull this apart these don't seem to get that rootbound even though this is pretty large it won't be that root bound it's not so bad you would expect to see like it all wound up wound up ready to go but it is not that roundup okay there's a couple of things we can to here we need we can just literally go to town and divide this and replant smaller ones which maybe I should yeah I'm gonna do that this is gonna get ugly so you know I'm warning you you might want to get the kids out of the room earmuffs on okay so I will do this with the camera looking down at it are we going for it or what we're going for it so look there's some rotted roots in here that's not good this means that this has been sitting in water too long look at that what is going on with that that is not good so you're already off to a bad start so let me just find my way in here I just the other thing you can do too is just loosen the soil and just expose the roots and these don't have a very extensive root systems aloes don't which is good for us because then we won't be here all day and look at this this is just too out of control look at these roots are okay I understand that we all make mistakes this I think has been sitting in way too much water or has not been drawing out enough and the problem might be that it was in that nursery pot for too long but look it grew maybe there's little rotted tips or because it was getting too much water all right anyway I'm gonna go in here I'm just gonna I'm doing it I'm making an executive decision and it's a half the divide is I can't see what I'm doing is I'm just going in and pulling it apart I'm being impatient well here comes a big chunk well look at this so we're gonna have some success because each one of these little sections has roots look at that so there's one put this to the side here we go hold on - oh yeah this was this was the way to go dig in and divide dig in and get some of these babies out they all have roots so we're in luck okay well you get the idea I could do this for another 10 20 minutes but you don't need to see all this stuff so I'll just kind of do it maybe just fast-forward it I don't know yet what I need to do now pot these pot fat let these guys callous over for a week let these callus over I'm gonna do an experiment and see if they do root out which I think they will and I'm gonna have about 600 aloe plants there are a few things to talk about once we have this offshoot in the pot we put it in the soil la-de-da-de-da in the soil all right you want to make a stand out if it's not standing up you can go a little bit deeper but you don't want to go too deep because the stem can rot and you might need a little bit of a stake to keep it upright I'm just gonna use brute force by putting pressure on it just okay so we have it in the pot what how do we water it out well go for four weeks we want to keep it moist right got to keep it moist for four whole weeks then after that you let it dry out like you'd normally would for any other succulents or aloe so that's that and once it is established don't water it a lot like I said before just water it when it's super dry and then it'll be fine so that's what you do with these guys with our leaf cutting this is a little bent but it doesn't matter after it's calloused over for a week you can dip it in a rooting hormone if you want but I don't find it's necessary in the same apply as you put it share the pot you stick it in the soil you can get it right in there put it in like that you can use a little stake if you want you probably should or just balance it get a stake it's easier or plant it deeper plant it a little deeper get it in there same thing you can keep it moist for four weeks until it establishes roots and then treat it like a succulent let it dry out between waterings aloes are succulents right they have a lot of water in their leaves a lot of juice a lot of aloe juice no juice and we use that for our burns we use it for scrapes and in Egypt I think they used it maybe to him bomb themselves I don't know something they did something in Egypt it wasn't that I know that but yeah we have medicinal purposes for these and also aesthetic if we can keep them looking interesting like this that's great when they get to looking like that mess we got to take some serious action and get them back to looking good again so we have to keep our aloes under control they do perform well in terracotta pots because they are allowed to dry out and I can I would suggest let it dry out a lot like maybe depends on the temperature and how much light it's getting all though they need a lot of light maybe once a month let it completely dry out until maybe see just a little bit of puckering and then drench it with water you don't probably have to feed them that often maybe ever but I would suggest feeding them in the spring to give them a little bit of a boost and that's kind of it treat them like you would treat a succulent like echeverria's and who are the--is and things like that what else about aloe aloes interesting fact about aloes is once you cut the leaf off it's done another leaf will not come from that area it just won't it'll start growing hopper from the sides but never where the cut is so they can look a little less than perfect but aren't me liking our plants a little less than perfect I think so I think it's interesting especially when they get crazy like this they start moving and trying to get out at the pot escape the pot you know you've done this keep the room have that escape the pot it takes a lot longer kind of need myself do this video because I was looking at these aloes thinking what am I gonna do with them when am I gonna do it and do I really need more aloe and the answer was no I don't need more aloe but it needed to be done so some lucky person is going to find a low on their doorstep one day where did this come from you'll see me just running down the street like aloe juice dripping from my hands but anyway thanks again I would say thanks again but I do want to thank you guys for continuing to watch these videos I hope they're informative I hope maybe you learn something new and thank you for for coming and watching them oh you're not really coming over to watching but thanks for watching them regardless of where you're watching them that's it that's it aloes don't appreciate aloe jokes at all because they're like that is just too easy and you are not creative so I won't do it to say thank you allow me to thank you did it sorry couldn't resist have a great week get planted I have a lot of get planting to do why did I do that why do I have so much
Views: 766,942
Rating: 4.8708959 out of 5
Keywords: aloe vera, aloevera, indoor plants, indoor plant care, house plants, houseplants, houseplant care, dividing aloe vera, aloe vera care, aloevera care, propagating aloe vera, indoor plant aloe, aloe, easy care houseplants, easy care plants, succulents, succulent care, trimming aloe, trimming aloe vera, careing for aloe vera, high light houseplants, bright light houseplants
Id: coZVzOWe92Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 18sec (858 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 09 2019
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