6 Meat Eaters vs 1 Secret Vegan | Odd One Out

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(retro video game beeping) (8-bit music) - Hey everyone. It's Brandon from the other vegan meat eater video. I edited this episode and I really loved working on it. I think you all really enjoy it. But before we get started the Jubilee family just wanted to say, - Happy Thanksgiving! (people cheering) - Enjoy the episode. - I just don't really like dairy. - What's the reasoning? - I think we should get on a different subject though. (upbeat music) - [Narrator] We brought together seven meat eaters. - I'm a meat eater. - I'm a meat eater. - I'm a meat eater. - I'm a meat eater. - I'm a meat eater. I'm a meat eater. - I'm a meat eater. - [Narrator] One is a vegan. If the group discovers who the liar is, they'll split a cash prize. If the liar survives, they win the entire prize. (cash register ringing) Who is the odd one out? (upbeat music) - Hi everyone. - Hello. - Hi. - So nice to see you. So what kind of music are you guys into these days? Just, just curious. - Why would you ask that? - Like, what is vegan music? I actually got a real quick question. What does y'all eat for breakfast this morning? - What do you eat for breakfast? - Just bacon - I eat cereal. - Dairy milk? - No, but I don't drink dairy milk. That's like, yeah. - Well, why don't you drink dairy milk though? - Because I don't like dairy. It's just gross to me. - Oh, do you eat cheese? - Yes. I literally ate a breakfast burrito at Beechwood Cafe yesterday. - I have a question. How would you guys define veganism? - Missing out on all the good stuff, I guess. - No, really. - I'm a little bit confused about plant-based versus vegan. 'Cause can there be meats that are plant-based, if I'm not mistaken? - Not meat, like the fake meat. - It's not actual. - Like how the things that you eat right? Diet wise, and then vegan's more of a lifestyle. - Yeah. - How do you like to cook your meat? - I just got an air fryer, so I kind of just throw everything in there. - Oh, yes, it's the best. - Let it do it's thing. - Seemed a little suspicious to me because my mom's vegan and she throws her tofu into the air fryer. So I kind of connected the dots. - But I just can't cook for my friends because if they're vegan, I don't really know what to cook. (alarm ringing) (upbeat music) (quiet clicking) - He was very, just cautious, in his matter of speaking, even his body language was kind of reserved as well. - She kind of gave me Rachel Berry vibes. And if someone were, were to be a vegan, it would be Rachel Berry, lovely girl. Lovely girl. (quiet clicking) (buzzer buzzing) - I'll see everyone. I'm a little confused. What would be giving people the impression that I was a vegan, maybe in their head they're thinking like hipster, you know, white girl. Oh, you're gonna follow this thing. That's kind of popular. - One more time. 'Cause you said you don't eat dairy. - Yeah. - What's what's your reason? I know you don't like it but what is your like real reasoning for that? - I really don't have a reason. I just prefer like oat milk in everything. Like my lattes and stuff like that. - When it comes to milk, when it comes to milk. - But what's the reasoning? Cause it's like, if you can have authentic, real milk, like what's so bad about it to where you choose the alternative. - It's just bad for you, I don't know. - The taste. - You look very suspicious right now. You know what I mean? And I noticed she started backtracking, you know, trying to defend herself. - I love oat milk, but I was not gonna advertise that and look what happened. (Kyle laughing) - And I wouldn't, if I was actually the mole, I wouldn't give myself out like that, you know? Like, I don't know why. - That might be your strategy. - I mean you can say it sucks, but I'm just saying a lot of people don't eat dairy, even if they are not vegan. Like being vegan is a lot more. - I'm gonna back her on that, 'cause I also have almond milk and oat milk. - I think we should get on a different subject though. - I wanted to ask you, how did you cook your chicken? - Okay, I had six chicken thighs. Seared both sides. Poured broth and rice into it. (liquid pouring) - Low and slow. - Low and slow. - Six thighs just for you? - I want to try your chicken. - Or like? - Yes, I am crazy about chicken thighs. - Dude, chicken's my favorite, bro. - I have a personal question. How many times a day do you guys poop? - Oh. - Oh! - At least twice. (person farting) - Twice? - Before I came in here, I actually had nasty poos in the bathroom. - This bathroom right here? - Well, thanks for the warning. - I don't count. - Yeah, me either - At least twice. (person farting) Once in the morning, once before bed. - Once, once. - One or two times. - So I ask the poo question because vegans have a healthier diet. Healthy diet, healthy digestive system, more healthy poop. (popping) - How many times a week do you find yourself eating meat? - Constantly, on the go. - Once a day. - Really? - I'm a delivery driver for Amazon. So I don't really have time to like cook cause I get up early in the morning. So really I just buy food on my lunch break all the time. Chick-fil-A and Canes is my go-tos. - I love both of those. - So I work at a steakhouse, funny enough, but I always get hooked up with the chefs as far as meat. - Has anyone tried being vegan? - I'll say because I'm I'm Hawaiian Mexican. My ethnicities don't really allow me to be vegan or vegetarian. - I have, but I always fail. I last like a day. - Whoa, whoa, whoa. You tried being vegan. - I'm being honest. - Why didn't you try to be vegan is my question. - When was the end of that? - I only lasted a day. It was like years ago and mainly to be healthier I guess, but it didn't work out. (alarm ringing) (upbeat music) - It's gotta be Hillary. She flipping the script. She don't want to answer questions. She don't like dairy. It's clear as day. She, the vegan. - Mia said that she tried to be vegan for a day, just for one day. And she kind of looked like a vegan to me. - She was managing the Q and A, but not answering any of the Qs. And she had like a, her fit was very, it gave bougie vegan. - [Narrator] We counted all the votes and we have a tie. The tie is between Hillary and Mia. You have 30 seconds to deliberate and choose one person to eliminate. - Okay, so Mia said she used to be vegan. Why wouldn't she want to try it again? - I agree. - It's very suspicious. I agree 100% with you, but Hillary be way too quick. to keep changing the questions, man. - I'm also suspicious of Hillary. But she could just be just a basic, chicken lovin'. (everyone laughing) - Do you think she likes six thighs? (everyone laughing) Why don't we go for one, and then go for another one. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, go for one and then the other one. Which one first? - Mia? - Mia. - Fine, fine. (alarm ringing) - [Narrator] And the person eliminated this round is Mia. (buzzer buzzing) - Sorry, miss hat girl. - You tried veganism. - You made the right decision. - [Narrator] If everyone feels confident that you already caught the mole, you can end the game now. But if the majority has doubt, the game will continue. Please raise your hand if you wanna continue playing the game. Starting now,\ for every time, all of you vote out someone that is not the mole, the total prize money will be reduced. - Okay, okay. We're not about to do that. - I have a question for Kyle and Maui. So I feel like when I think of vegans typically, you kind of get like the leaner look. So, you know, what do you guys do for fitness? What does your like day to day food look like? (everyone laughing) - I'm just an unhealthy person. I know meat gives you protein, but I have a very fast metabolism. Which is why I eat six chicken thighs in the evening. - And that's all you eat is just chicken thighs? - I mean, I switch it up. I get wings. I get chicken sandwiches. - So all you eat is like meat then. - Well, yeah. - Watch your words? - Who just eats like chicken thighs and chicken thighs and chicken thighs? - The satisfying feeling you get from just biting into a juicy chicken sandwich, the Popeye's chicken sandwich, for example, just, it's a wave of euphoria. It's very orgasmic. (Kyle laughing) Let's circle back to Maui. - Yeah. - The vegan vibes defend yourself. (everyone laughing) - I get that a lot. - How do you get a lot of your protein? - Protein shakes. A lot of chicken, steak. - So you said protein shakes first instead of meat. - Oh. - Oh! - She got you. - Its cheaper than meat. - What is the name of the steakhouse that you work at? - Fleming's. - Okay. - I have an interesting question. I know vegans are against skinning animals alive, not alive, but the general skinning of animals. So are those real leather? - They are. - Yeah, I'm pretty sure Doc Martins are. - Mine are real. Are yours real? - No, I don't know what this is called though. - [Jenna] Can we check? - I'm pretty sure. - Y'all can be lying, really quick. - Is this real leather or is that fake? - I don't know. - Didn't even see the jacket. - Probably fake. - What temperature do you cook your meat to? - I buy the precooked meat. The Tyson grilled chicken things. - I think anyone that eats meat just cooks it. - Yeah. - You better have it medium-rare. - Mine is precooked. (alarm ringing) (upbeat music) - We formed a small Alliance when we agreed to vote Mia out. So next step was to vote Hillary. - I voted for Kyle just because he said that he ate six chicken thighs every single day, which I didn't really believe. (buzzer buzzing) - Y'all are gonna be losing money. Sorry. - [Narrator] Please raise your hand if you want to continue playing the game. (Jenna laughing) - [Narrator] Okay, majority wants to end the game now. - I think their carnivores. (everyone laughing) - We will end the game. - I just didn't believe it was any of the girls that were vegan. We tend to stereotyping be more into veganism, health, and all that than men. So I feel like the men are kind of picking out the girls first. - Come on, man. - I think it's gonna be Kyle or Maui. - What? - Just 'cause we're skinny, bro. - [Narrator] If the lights turn green, that means you have voted out the mole and you win. If the lights turn red that means the mole is still in the box and you lose. (dramatic music) - Ah! - (bleep) me. - I knew it. - Come on, man. - You knew it? - Six thighs. Really? - It's not me. - Maui, you're the vegan. You're the mole. - It's you. - Come on, man. - I knew it! - No, no. - And he didn't answer if it was real leather or not. (jazzy music) - [Narrator] Will the vegan please step forward and reveal yourself in 3, 2, 1. (intense music) - Ah! - I knew it. (everyone laughing) - No way. - Wow. - You guys reveal too much about yourselves. - We were sure you were not the one, for sure. - Me, too. - He was a little feisty, though. - I know. (talking over each other) - I was just playing off of y'all, man. All right. Well, anyway, I've been vegan for four and a half years. The reason why I became vegan, moreso, cause I always felt weird about eating animals in the first place but also my ex-girlfriend's dad died when she was 13. She felt like he might still be alive if he had a healthier lifestyle. So she's actually the reason who started it. But the thing was though, really? It's not so much the meat that y'all love to eat. It's more so like the flavors and the textures. So really when you get creative with your plant-based diet though you can really create food that tastes just like it. If not better. I still love chicken. I just don't eat real chicken. You know what I mean? - [Narrator] This is our Thanksgiving special episode. So we wanted to surprise all of you with a vegan Thanksgiving meal. - Oh, wow. (piano music) - Smells so good. - I hope it tastes good as it smells and looks. (people laughing and chatting) - Oh my God. - From the trees. This doesn't come from an animal? - This doesn't taste like vegan meat, right? - [Asher] Might be if someone doctored it, I don't know. Special ingredients. - I may have to, I may have to switch sides. I did not think, are y'all sure? - I love it. It takes like a McChicken and I love McChicken. Hey, there you go there. See, now you see there's hope. (bell dinging) - I'm thankful for all the new friends that I've met since I moved here from Colorado. - I'm thankful for my health. - I'm thankful for you guys. - Hey! - I'm thankful the opportunity to be here on Jubilee. - I am thankful that things are starting to look a little bit normal again, and there's hope for the future. - I'm thankful for this little window into veganism. - Mm, all right. - I'm thankful for the art of cooking. You can make anything possible, whether it's vegan or not vegan and it'll be delicious. - Cheers. - Cheers! - Woo! - Cheers to that. (glassing clinking) - Happy Thanksgiving! - Happy Thanksgiving! - [Narrator] We wanna thank you and give you a little gift. - Hey! (people clapping) - I love it. - [Mia] Thank you. - Cool. - I like it. - Good quality, too. (Asher laughing) - Woo! Shout out to all the meat eaters. Shout out to Aba and Preach. - Jubilee, watch. - My mama, Pookie and Ray Ray, Tyler Perry, I'm looking for a job. Shout out to Jesus the most high. Just happy to be alive and make a little bit of money. Y'all, you know what I mean, Jubilee, baby! (Asher laughing)
Channel: Jubilee
Views: 1,653,589
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jubilee, jubilee media, jubilee project, middle ground, spectrum, odd man out, versus 1, embrace empathy, live deeper, love language, blind devotion
Id: N4oZcGDyIoc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 10sec (790 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 19 2021
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