6 Bisexuals vs 1 Secret Straight Person | Odd One Out

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I used to be the one straight guy in a very diverse LGBT server, until i made some discoveries, and turns out they all knew all along and could "Tell it was clear" lmfao. i love these vids

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/onlytosharethispic 📅︎︎ Jun 30 2021 🗫︎ replies
guys like hear that you're bi is a girl yes of course it's like oh you want to have a threesome oh my god i'm not a unicorn we brought together seven bisexuals i am bisexual i am bisexual i'm bisexual i am bisexual i'm bisexual i'm bisexual i am bisexual one is a liar if the group discovers who the liar is they'll split a cash prize if the liar survives they win the entire prize who is the odd one out okay okay what's up i'm david nice to meet you tristan marissa i'm sydney ellie melvin molly i was nervous because everyone was looking like they could fit into being a bisexual person how would you define bisexuality in like your own words i guess for me it's just being attracted to human beings where i see people for their heart and their soul of course i care about the outside too don't get me wrong i was suspicious of david just because that was the closest one i could feel was not bisexual david just has more of a hetero look compared to everyone else i've dated both girls and guys not that that means like you're bi or not i see it as a fluidity sometimes i'm like more into men more into women but no matter what it's not a passing phase i'm always going to be bisexual no matter who i'm dating for me the same thing basically it's just i don't really have a preference i recently saw on tick tock someone say being bi could be being attracted to people who are non-binary and yeah very gender-wise and i'm like you know what i kind of like that even better because i feel like that's more inclusive i felt like molly was like very sure of herself so that made me a little suspicious it close to pansexual it's kind of the same because we are trying to both gender but sometimes [Music] my gut instincts were telling me ellie might be the odd one out i felt like i should vote for molly because i feel like this is the safe bet and we have a tie between ellie and molly that means we're going into a tie breaker what we're gonna do is give you each 20 seconds to state your case okay i don't know what to tell you guys maybe i came off this drug or something but i just have a big personality i am bisexual i've questioned it multiple times beforehand but i finally identified what i really feel and i mean i hope you guys can see that all right i have known that i was bi or not straight or a lesbian since i was about eight years old when my parents caught me looking up girls kissing on youtube angelica from rugrats is what really started this off for me so that's pretty gay so i think molly her answers at the end when she was like trying to prove herself were too spot on this is definitely like very stereotypical yeah my radar's off right now [Music] if i'm wrong i question my judgment [Music] i mean like i know myself like i knew how to present myself because it's me and i am bisexual but i think being myself sounded too rehearsed what kind of music do you listen like what artists do listen to selena gomez [Applause] so like my last name online is glambert everywhere and if that's not kind of gay i don't know what it is i listen to beyonce i was suspicious of melvin at first and the mole could also be someone who's more of like a feminine man i have a question yes okay so when did everyone came out and how was the family reaction friend's reaction was like my parents like my mom i can't i was like the first time taking it edible or having a moment i'm like mom i need to tell you something and she's like what and i'm like i like girls what do you guys do and she's just like oh okay and like no one really expected it but everyone's really accepting i feel like because sometimes i'll be like with a guy more than like people question oh are you actually bisexual or not so i questioned it multiple times once like sophomore junior college i felt like i could identify with bisexuality so to me i came out when i graduated high school i was like feminine like the way i worked where i talk and everything and i was like okay well i guess i'm gay and then found a girl i was like well i'm straight um i actually like both so i guess i'm back i came out as lesbian in eighth grade and then in ninth grade realized that i liked a guy do you tend to like dick guys more or less now i have but i like used to date girls more and then i started dating but i mean i date both but yeah she knew what she was saying but there wasn't that strong of an emotional connection coming out through her face she sounded like someone who did research on like bisexuality i'm wondering like what are some of them dumb stereotypes you guys have heard that like are really annoying to you like your pet peeves that were cheaters yeah oh my god yeah to me it's like oh you buy so you can't just get everyone yeah many of your partners ever said like oh more competition hello it's like no like i love you you know exactly although i have dated a guy and a girl at the same time once it didn't go well but for once i felt like people were validating me because you were actually actioned like actually exactly oh yeah now what am i gay or am i straight to you because i have both yeah exactly i think it's also annoying when like guys like hear that you're bi is a girl and of course it's like oh you want to have a threesome oh my god i'm not a unicorn like seriously the first question you always get asked at least for like i know for women too it's like well have you even been with a girl for men it's always like you're not bisexual you're gay if people ask me like oh do you like girls or guys more yeah i don't want to answer that question because it always changes like you said i've only dated guys but it doesn't mean i'm gay i still am attracted to woman and it's like and the thing is like they're assumed that you're gay but you know you just think that you buy just to make it like easier yeah are you sure you're just not gay and yeah just try something and i feel like it's way worse for guys in that way and then for girls it's like no you're just straight so i voted for sydney because i don't know she seemed a little nervous i honestly really don't know i was a little more suspicious of ellie because i also felt like the guys were kind of teaming up so i wanted to vote for her so i wouldn't be voted out i'm so sorry [Music] it's okay i hope you find the hetero guys i was just so confused why they chose me maybe i was talking too much i don't know everyone was too quiet so i had to i felt like i had to speak up if you want to continue playing please raise your hand in three two one i have a question okay was it difficult for you to come out to yourself because it was extremely difficult for me because i never really had a crush on a guy because i would only have crushes on females like i remember it was right after graduate high school i was doing research on sexuality you know the spectrum and everything you take the quiz that you're like i took like 100 i took 100 quizzes even now i still have moments where i'm like uh like what am i but i feel confident saying i'm bi you know but yeah i think it was hard for me like i mentioned before like more to myself than like my family or the people around me but it was just challenging figuring that out i'm sorry i have doubt on you same i'm time so because i voted for sydney twice i had to call her out in the middle of the game melvin like pointed me out as being suspicious now everyone's gonna vote for me oh my god i don't know what to ask like i just do you guys have like a favorite tv character like representation yeah i would say uh because i'm being called out on alice from the l word i was on an episode of the l word as an lgbt like background person i started the first gsa at my middle school i don't know what else to do and she tried to defend herself but it was not convincing to me i don't like to ask like okay when he's pride monks show like they think about stereotypes i feel like i'm very feminine so like that would be so easy for me to just be straight that's fair that's fair yeah i was suspicious of sydney but then there was a point where i was also suspicious of melvin the fact that he did go against sydney that made me think about it a little you guys i'm really telling the truth oh my god this is so hard so in round three i began maybe doubting myself a little bit thinking okay it could be sydney [Music] so i was like it's either gonna be me or marissa i thought the guys would like vote against the girls because two girls were voted out in the first two rounds [Music] you guys messed up i was so sad because i really liked everyone i trusted everyone at that point so it sucked but i was also expecting it if everyone feels confident that you guys cut them all you guys can end the game here please raise your hand if you want to continue the game in three two one if it's you oh wait i mean he did have a good intuition i feel like if the lights turn green that means and you lose i was so nervous in the beginning that i was going to get voted out first so i was so happy when i made it to the end feels like i'm in the right place that's where i wanted to be will the mall please step forward and reveal yourself in three two one [Applause] i'm not bisexual i'm actually straight i think a lot of people found difficulty in figuring out who was bisexual they didn't really have a tactic you can't really tell who's bisexual based on just looking at them or whatever i like men even though i think they're trash but what you to be bisexual is to just love who you want to love it's to be attracted to male female and they can go a little bit beyond more doors being open that's how i see [Music] bisexuality [Music]
Channel: Jubilee
Views: 2,556,758
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jubilee, jubilee media, jubilee project, middle ground, spectrum, odd man out, versus 1, embrace empathy, live deeper, love language, blind devotion, odd one out, jubilee odd man out, odd one out jubilee, jubilee odd one out, 6 vs 1, odd man out jubilee, odd ones out, game show, gen z, 6 bisexuals vs 1 secret straight person, bisexual vs heterosexual, bisexual vs straight, bisexuals vs straight person
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 36sec (696 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 25 2021
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