6 Criminals vs 1 Undercover Cop | Odd One Out

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hey good humans it's paulo you might recognize my voice from odd one out and that's because i directed the season before we get into the video we want to take a second to thank our sponsor atlas vpn internet security is a big deal these days and atlas vpn is a super easy tool that encrypts all the data you send and hides your virtual location it's also great for all kinds of daily life situations you can use it to access geoblock libraries on streaming services like netflix amazon prime and hulu so for example i'm a huge harry potter fan but not all of the movies are available in the us on netflix because of jio restrictions and licensing agreements but with atlas vpn in the few clicks i can change my virtual address to canada and here we go harry potter i think that is one of the coolest uses but there's also tons of other benefits to using atlas vpn you can get the best deals on airline tickets and hotels block malicious third-party links and ads and increase your security on public 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my name is trina and i'm here because i have duis um i also have a lot of traffic tickets i'm jeremiah my convictions are receiving stolen goods possession of paraphernalia drunk in public and disturbing the peace i'm andrew when i was 15 which is four years ago i was arrested for tagging on someone's walls my name was tequila and one time as a juvenile i did a run out in a store with a group of fans and it led to an arrest my name is ricky uh racing reckless striving and evading okay my name is kenya and my last conviction was intended to fraud amisa i also got some got in some trouble with the law for street racing in the beginning he was sketchy like his mannerisms he seemed a bit nervous what's everyone's profession i wrap cars i do vinyl wraps yeah for sure yeah i'm sorry you're a cute yeah what's your profession i'm curious i write books write books okay okay a second yeah okay i'm just trying to look because a lot of cops have conservative like style and i agree when did you get your gta or whatever gta gta it was actually this year didn't you say it was gta i noticed that trinach is kind of accusing everybody else just the way he was standing really straight his build you know all cubs got to be big [Music] i think because me being the only african-american player it would be like maybe he's the one maybe that's the throw off we were going to say like what everybody does for their profession well i work at the california science center i've been there for about two months i'm a therapist i'm a barista i'm curious that that when you stole the car first of all my mama watching days sorry no allegedly allegedly i apologize not for sure but i was doing some street racing cops are pretty conservative and i'm curious because you guys straight race how come you guys don't have any tattoos i do i have mine are all anime related so i got shenron right here the anime checks out yeah what about chores yeah i don't have tattoos because of religious reasons eastside didn't have any tattoos it didn't seem like he had much of a criminal history that seemed like it was really legitimate are those real plugs or those are the ones that are magnet they're magnets bro yeah good question good question i had my suspicion like why would someone want to wear fake earrings so stretching your ears hurts and afterwards they smell and i'm very sensitive to smell so i gag did anybody do like any gel time yeah i did three months three months i was supposed to do tears but i had a kid that was really young and the judge kind of felt bad with my health problems at the time and so he went ahead and gave me a weekend and i had to do that weekend and then i was released i did the two days went to court what about you no i never had to do jail i personally didn't do any jail time because the cop that pulled me over he literally like is a regular at my job and this dude like he was like bro and i was like i'm so sorry dude like they impound your car oh so he didn't he'd even give you a conviction he didn't he didn't take me in though shout out [Music] i was so suspicious of eastside because he was just two goody-goody [Music] we have a three-way tie the tie is between isai andrew and kenya i looked at myself in the mirror when i got here and i was like oh probably not the right outfit for what i'm trying to portray each person will get 20 seconds to state your case february i was racing got pulled over march had court three months license suspended one of my record all that i mean that's the only thing i've ever done though that's why like the cop didn't take my car i've been driving seven years prior to that and had no tickets so my criminal record is pretty extensive but let's just start from my last and final arrest i was arrested at the bank and i was cashing a check it was all bad i did three and a half years it was not my first conviction i had plenty of priors i was just a tiger when i was like 15 so my freshman year i tagged someone's house the cops caught me because it was by my school luckily i didn't go to jail because it was my first time being arrested as a minor so all they did was write me a ticket for sure good luck guys i don't have any tattoos and no piercings so i guess they just don't put it together please raise your hand if you still have doubt and want to continue playing the game you guys were on the chopping block so i'm curious like why do you think that we would think that would be you too i think i look too proper i don't dress like this ever because i'm a stay-at-home mom usually you'll find me in sweats and like a t-shirt i think i'm also dressed a little proper i have the brogues you know i think that's the most expensive piece i have on me i'm sorry i'm going to bring it back to the earrings yeah if you're not a cop why can't you just get the real plug i've tried it and stretching your ears hurts but not not at that gauge it doesn't i just feel like i didn't think it was too suspicious i thought maybe he just liked the look what kind of drugs have you done in your past maybe might still be using and i'll go first dxm weed alcohol basically i've tried almost everything i don't like weed i don't like the smell gives me a headache but i do drink so in high school i started drinking alcohol i became an alcoholic with my friends so i overcame my addiction but every now and then when i'm with my family i might have the occasional drink he said he was an alcoholic at such a young age i thought that was a little weird i was going to say even the street racing i could see people still probably hiring someone that because it's not like right it's like a crime like there's no one that gets hurt right so mine was on the 210 freeway going past pasadena i was going like 110. i didn't see the cop he was parked on the side so you guys caught speeding no but there was another it was an audi a4 yeah when i passed by it took him a while to catch up because he started from nothing so they said i was evading so that's that was like an additional thing and that was like two thousand dollars in fines my car got impounded for 30 days and my license suspended was for a year i'm thinking that the record could still be looked good for the cops though i think [Music] he seemed a little more quiet [Music] goodbye y'all bye now i'm kind of bummed out cause my mom was rooting for me so i told her like i'm a win for you and all that but i mean it's cool please raise your hand if you want to continue playing the game in three two one how do you guys feel about police oh good so i was gonna say what do you what do you how do you guys feel about a cab oh a cab do you know what that means what does it stand for all cops are bad i thought it was bastards yeah uh trina and jeremiah were partnered up she got it wrong so as soon as i saw that she got it wrong i kind of just try to scoot over and be a part of their group i get anxiety just riding in the car when a cop gets smaller right really i i start sweating i forgot i started like looking for my cigarette i don't smoke it's crazy i don't like i'm so annoyed right i know that there are good cops out there but i think that we just see because i mean if we're gonna be realistic they're qualified but i think that we see so many in the media and stuff like that there are bad abuse of power i'm not even comfortable with like military people i'm a military brat are you i feel like they're different than cops a lot of them come from war and then they turn into police and there i'm not really too sure where you stand now because where i stand no no them in general oh i have a question how do your parents feel about that considering that you are a military brat i grew up in a family so they kind of like expected us to kind of went astray gotcha when she came at me i thought that was odd because it wanted to divert attention away from her how about you yeah so like the street racing was expected [Music] he could have been the one that was the cop you know being that he was a military brat [Music] i knew it you guys [ __ ] up like hard you guys [ __ ] up good luck though please raise your hand if you still want to continue playing the game in three two one so why didn't you hit raise your hand when you said continue to play you think you already got that uh yeah i feel like you guys are kind of like straightforward for you i kind of felt like the tattoos kind of like just automatically ruled you out because i feel like you can't have anything showing i think what's alarming for me with you is the fake yeah i feel you that was the main thing yeah if someone really wanted it and the style it would be real right because then you don't have to always have the magnet are you technically in the medical field i'm in the i'm a therapist is that considered like the medical field psychology is about the brain okay so because i know that takes like a a kind of clean record i mean i can't really think of anything other than that at least my board of behavioral sciences is very forgiving with things like that i'm just thinking like because nurses can't be a nurse if you have like a dui so like but nurses are administering medicine that's dangerous they could be stealing the medicine right they can't believe you can't do that then i'm a therapist not a psychiatrist oh okay okay okay that's where the mix-up was trying to throw me off [Music] all right i'm surprised i didn't get voted out sooner because the whole earrings thing if the light turns green that means you have voted out the mole and you win if the light turns red that means the undercover cop is still in the box and you lose yes [Music] will the undercover cop please step forward and reveal yourself in three two one go i was definitely surprised that was the only person that i trusted mainly because of the similar crime been a cop for like two years i love my job i get to help a lot of people unfortunately when i do get called i do see people on their worst days i want to help people but not everybody's accepting that help you can't really judge a book by its cover but i mean for them i would have never if i'd seen them working never would have thought that any of them had either been arrested anyone is capable of committing a crime but you have to learn from those things and you have to try to be the better person after you've made those mistakes it took me to really sit down and look at myself and where i didn't want to be in life to pretty much change everything up once you have a record or once you've been to jail you know it's almost kind of like once a cheater always a cheater that's not the case hours [Music]
Channel: Jubilee
Views: 3,193,223
Rating: 4.9118733 out of 5
Keywords: jubilee, jubilee media, jubilee project, odd man out, embrace empathy, live deeper, love language, odd one out, odd one out criminal, odd one out jubilee, odd one out who is not a criminal, jubilee criminal, criminal odd one out, odd man out criminal, odd man out who is not a criminal, odd one out cop, jubilee odd man out, who is the mole, jubilee mole cop, who is a mole, odd man out cop, who is not a criminal, who is the mole jubilee, who is not a criminal jubilee
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 34sec (874 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 27 2021
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