6 Drunk People vs 1 Secret Sober Person | Odd One Out

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- [Glo$ik] Hey, Hey. Okay. We in the club (women screaming) (upbeat music) - [Director] We brought together seven drunk people. - I am drunk. - I am drunk. - I'm drunk. - I am very drunk right now. - I'm drunk. - I'm drunk. - I am very drunk. - [Director] One of them is sober. If the group discovers who the liar is, they will split a cash price. If the liar survives, they win the entire price. Who is the odd one out. (glasses clinking) - [Kelly] Cheers to new friends. and new experiences. - And happy dads, we've got to cheers to happy dads. - [All] Happy dads? - Yes happy dads. - [Glo$ik] Champagne popping over here. - Bryce you and I are going to be boys. - Louie, I know your name. I know your name, Louie. - Bryce we're boys until the end. - I'm with you. - Until the end. - I believe you. - Questions, what did everybody drink? - No, no, no, no, no. Let's just smell each other's breaths. - [Jenn] Smell each others breaths? - I don't wanna smell anybody. - I'm down, I'm down to smell. - It's like, why are you trying to smell me? This is weird. Like, I don't know what you do in your free time. I don't go smell people, like what? - Can I just smell your breath? - Okay. - Go ahead. (exaggerated exhale) That actually smell pretty good, you smell like. - [Louie] Can I smell yours? - Okay. - May I? - Yeah, go for it. - God that's hard. Can I smell? - [Nizzy] What if he's like, "I can't smell anything". - Why are you directing us? - I'm not directing, I just want to smell. I'm the king of smells, I'm kind of a hound dog. - Hey, the sober one leads the way, right? - [Hamel] Right - Question what did everyone drink before this? Go, we'll go on a line. - I went to brunch. I had two and a half miosis and then I have four shots and then I drank some of my handle of tequila. - Okay. - Four? - Girl I'm Irish. - I had a bottle of Ciroc, I'm bougie. It was a new special edition pomegranate and I got lit. - How much did you have? - [Glo$ik] How much? Half of the bottle. - I went to Trader Joe's right before this. - [Glo$ik] Oh, you do look like a Trader Joe's fan. - I bought their tequila, and I drank half the bottle as well. - Well, I'm a representative of happy dad. You know the heard seltzer. - I don't know what that is. - [Jenn ] No. - [Glo$ik] What is happy dad? - That's the best hard (beep) seltzer on earth. - Give us an ad right now. - What did you drink? What did you drink? - I, literally had just happy dad. That's my seltzer that's my brand. - [Nizzy] He's drinking his brand. He's drinking his brand. - He's he always trying to promote. - He kept on like promoting his brand his alcohol brand, or drinking brand. - Because it's literally the best seltzer on earth. Like, its better than White Claw. It's better than anything else. - My cousin got me this half a bottle of tequila. - Wait where are you from, where's the accent? - I'm from London. - [Bryce] London. - [Nizzy] Oh I love that. (all excitedly talking about London) - [Hemal] I would gladly swap accents with you. You guys have got a cool accent. - He could be low key like the British Hitler. You know what I mean? He could be. - [Glo$ik] He had, I can see in your cheeks. You definitely have. - You can see it right? - [Glo$ik] Yeah. - You can see it, yeah there you go. - [Louie] Who ever is the actor, it's got to be one of these two. - [Nizzy] You would say that, you would say that. - No dead ass smell my breath, smell my breath. (bell rings) - Everybody step back I don't want anyone to not like me. - Is that good? Okay. - This is my vote. - Like I can't trust him, you know? Oh yeah dude, the British guy was for sure the mole. Just because I can't trust non-Americans. Not because he's not American, but because he is not American. (upbeat music) - Really? - [Nizzy] Goodbye. - Really, damn. - [Nizzy] I'm sorry. - Can I at least prove that I was buzzing. - [Glo$ik] Wait, you brought a breathalyzer, lets blow it. - Can I show it. - Oh okay. Dead ass I was buzzing. You (beep) cut me but I was buzzing. - [Glo$ik] I don't how to read those. - You know we're at Walmart BevMo. We're probably the best brand out there. I know you would probably be like, okay this is the best seltzer on earth. - [Hemal] Do you guys know the she sells sea shells by the, sea? - [Nizzy] By the sea shore. Sally sells sea shells. - Okay you go first. - [Kelly] What? (all simultaneously says the tongue twister) - Wait but not even sober people can do that. Hey, let's do something way more cool. We're gonna place spin the bottle. If you don't make out with the person you're (beep) sober. So my idea is that like if you can kiss someone when you're drunk you're definitely drunk. Because if there's any hesitation you can pick up on it. All right you. - I have to spin it. - [Glo$ik] Yeah, you have to spin it. Go go go. - [Bryce] Okay I'm gonna spin it now. Oh god, okay. (all cheering) - [Glo$ik] Make out with each other! - [Jenn] Kiss kiss kiss kiss. (all talking excitedly) - [Glo$ik] Are you (beep) serious lets go. Lets go. - You guys decide. - Oh, just a little peck. - [Bryce] Let's do it to prove that we're drunk. - [Glo$ik] Yeah, yeah. - [Bryce] How about that? - Okay, ready? - Here we go. - [Hemal] Oh no, I was going for the cheek. He was going for my lips. - [Bryce] Okay we can do cheek. So you want to kiss on the cheek, and lets get it over with and lets move on. - Wow they kissed on the cheek - [Glo$ik] I love this game it's so cool. - Okay, I think I kissed boy, which you know, it's fine. We kissed and then it proved that we were good. (Bryce and Nizzy squealing) - [Ragini] Okay guys one second. - [Glo$ik] Wait, it's over? - [Ragini] No, we don't hear anything. So many people can't talk at once. One or two people at a time. Otherwise we can't use any of this footage. - Guys we have to be responsible. - We have to go quick. - [Glo$ik] What is your go to dance move, every one 5 seconds. Wait we have, yes 5 seconds. - [Nizzy] We have 2 minutes. - Drunk dance moves. - Dance moves in a line, you start. - [Glo$ik] Your go to drunk dance moves. - You want see the real.. Give me a beat. (beat boxing) (everyone screaming and cheering) - She was really trying. How would she be able to do that. - What was the girl who did the splits? What? Ken? Kenny? Kelly? Kelly. Gosh, when she did the splits, I was like, yeah no sober person would do the splits right here right now. - [Glo$ik] I wanna see you try. - [Multiple] 5, 6, 7, 8. (beat boxing) - [Hemal] I wouldn't like be able to. - That's all I got. - Wait that was it? - That was it. - That was such a Trader Joe's dance. - [Jenn] Dance. - Okay I can only like crunk battle. Who wants to crunk with me. - [Bryce] I don't know what that means. - [Nizzy] Crunk you know, okay give me a beat. (drunken beat boxing) Man, if you guys could just cut out the crunking. that would just make my day. (bell dings) - [Bryce] Do we have have music here. - [Women] 5, 6, 7, 8. - I'm just going to clap with you guys. - [Jenn] What? - [Glo$ik] Oh he's sober. (all talking and laughing) - To be honest you should have danced. Can you tell me his name? The British guy. Okay I think it's the British guy. He seems the most coherent. The rest of us were spilling stuff. - [Multiple] Your turn, your turn. - [Glo$ik] No but I don't know how to dance. - [Multiple] 5, 6, 7, 8. - All I Know how to do is just dance in morse code. I just back it up on some dude. (beeping in morse code) - [Bryce] What is this World War 2? - Bop bop, morse code. That means D T F. That's how you do it in morse code baby. (bell ringing) - Writing English is kind of hard right now. I'm a psychology major. And I thought that she was playing up that she was drunk and being silly. - Oh - Who the (beep) voted me? - Okay honestly, I don't know who voted me? But it's honestly not me because if I was sober, could I do this? - [All] Yeah. - [Hemal] That's the point. - Who do I think it is? Who's the mole I think we already voted him out. - Okay. So I had, look I had about a couple of shots of tequila beforehand. I had some tequila here. I am drunk and I just feel like someone is trying to pass the buck to me. - [Kelly] Oh semi circle, okay. - [Nizzy] I think she's. - [Bryce] Let's get her out of here. Lets make some freaking money okay. - [Jenn] Let's make some money - [Bryce] We're on the same page. Everybody hand in the middle. Okay that's what I like to see. Okay. Ready? 3, 2, 1. Let's go. (suspenseful percussive music) - I really thought I was gonna win that money. Oh my god. Maybe I was so drunk that people thought that I was acting drunk. - Another commercial great. - Wait Ragini you directed this didn't you? - I did. - Oh my god It's so good and funny. - Oh, thank you. - Yeah. What was it like to direct these people - Ummm - [Ragini] Guys no ganging up guys. Not talking at the back. Can you please be quiet? It was quite a task. I so wish even I was drunk for it. - Oh yeah? - By the way, your glasses look so nice on you. - Oh my god thank you. They're actually from today's sponsor Warby Parker Warby Parker is committed to providing exceptional vision care online and in stores. Offering eyeglasses, sunglasses, eye exams and contact lenses. - Their glasses start at $95 including prescription lenses. Plus they've got sunglasses, progressives and blue light lenses available too. - [Milky] What I especially like about Warby Parker is how easy it is to find the right pair of glasses. After answering just a few questions online Warby Parker will suggest glasses that fit your face and style. - [Ragini] Try Warby Parker's free home try on program. Order five pairs of glasses to try at home for free for five days. And there's no obligation to buy. Ships free and includes a prepaid return shipping label. - Try five pairs of glasses at home for free at warbyparker.com/jubilee. Now let's continue the video. - [Jenn] Sponsorship, boy - [Hemal] I think we're good. - [Bryce] No we're good. - I raised my hand too. And then I think the person next to me raised their hand but no one else raised their hand and everyone's like, oh yeah, I think we got the mole out but I don't think we did. - Are we voting right now? - [Nizzy] We just did. - Oh my god. (suspenseful music) - [Nizzy] So nervous. No! I told you, I knew it. It's you I knew it. Re do, re do. - Lights turn red it was Hemal. I knew it. I knew we didn't get it out. I knew we should have done one more round but I just trusted everyone too much in the moment. - [Bryce] I knew it. - Yay. I did it. Got you. - I was shocked. I was so surprised that like, she was probably the least, the furthest person on my radar. - I knew it! - [Louie] Wait but how sober were you from 1 to 10? - [Kelly] I am a 0 out of 10. - I was so shocked because she and I were kind of talking outside before and she was drinking out of a bottle and I was like, okay, so she's drunk with me. But she must have been drinking water or pretending to sip or something. - [Kelly] I used to be a degenerate and now I don't drink. So I just go out and have fun and act drunk. And that's how I did it. Just takes time to really like, love yourself and gain that confidence wherever you're at to know. I don't need something to be myself and be as fun as I wanna be. Like, I can just do it sober. - [Kelly] Sorry. - [Bryce] We're stepping out. I hope Cody Ko reviews this video. - [Woman] Is there a possibility that if we sniff each other that one person might smell really different. - Now I'm like, I hope I smell good. - I'm a Satanist. - I am a Satanist. - I'm a Satanist. - I am a Satanist. - I am a Satanist. - I am a Satanist. - I am a Satanist. - Yay. (all clapping and cheering)
Channel: Jubilee
Views: 2,734,782
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jubilee, jubilee media, jubilee project, middle ground, spectrum, odd man out, versus 1, embrace empathy, live deeper, love language, blind devotion, drunk people, drunk vs sober, odd one out drunk
Id: 1ylST_C53LE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 18sec (798 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 25 2022
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