5 Sets of Triplets vs 1 Fake | Odd One Out

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- What's the most common questions someone asks you when they learn you're a triplet? - Size usually. - Size yep. - Are you serious? - All the time, all the time. - And if we've hooked up with the same chick. - [Virzi's] Yep. (upbeat music) - [Host] We brought together six sets of triplets. - [All] We're triplets. - [All] We're triplets. - [All] We are triplets. - [All] We are triplets. - [All] We are triplets. - [All] We are triplets. - [Host] One set is a liar. If the group discovers who the liars are, they will split a cash prize. (upbeat music) If the liars survive, they win the entire prize. Who is the odd one out? (upbeat music) - Triplet party. - [Group] Yeah. - I will say not quite the, we got two girls, one guy, not quite the matching set. - Oh, that's not fair to them. (girl laughing) - I'm just pointing it out. - So do we have any identical triplets here? I feel like you guys are. - We're actually fraternal. - We do get that a lot though. - We're identical, if you can believe that. We are actually identical, yes. - Wow, okay. - We got different hairstyles and- - I was gonna say the hair might throw it off for y'all. - It's like the before, middle and after picture. (group laughing) Different hairlines. - So how did your mom and dad used to differentiate between you two when you were younger? - Our mom could differentiate, they used to wear different shirts with our names on it. - Only they would wear different shirts, not you? - No, we all did. - Oh. - Sean had a different lump in his head when he was born. - Yeah I had a bulb going. - They dropped him growing up. So they're like, this is Sean. - They dropped her too. - And I feel like we're older. So then when you get a little older, you differentiate a little more. - Your hair. - Your hair is not gonna look that wavy for long. - You guys have the same smile. - We got like different haircuts, - Our haircuts are like our main thing, like. - You guys look like you belong to a vampire hype house, is what it looks like. Now I will say you two looks similar, different hairstyles. And then you in the back, a little different. You guys identical or fraternal? - No fraternal. - Fraternal. - We're all fraternal. - Fraternal got it, okay. - You have the same cheeks though. You have the same - It's always the cheeks. - really rosy cheeks yeah. - Its the big fat cheeks. - The cheeks and the round face. - Which parent rocks the bandana in your household. Did you guys just do that on your own? - We just thought it'd be cool. - I'm the one who started it and then she started copying me. - Okay, so who is baby A, B and C? - [All Escalante's] So A, B, C - [All Virzi's] We're in order right here - A, B, C. - Okay. - [All Sturniolo's] We're A, B, C. - I'm A. - B. - C. - Okay, I'm A. - A, B, C. - I am also A - I'm B. - C. - Okay, I noticed that there's a short amount of time, but you, I notice that you're just a little bit taller, but you're a little bit more quieter too. (alarm ringing) - I'm always very shy, yeah. - She's been speaking for her. (upbeat music) - They had like, the same vibe and I feel like when you're triplets and your siblings, you kind of like differentiate each other as much as you can. Being so similar in siblings is kind of annoying. - They seem nervous and they didn't really coordinate themselves on speaking. (buzzer sound) - It was disappointing, but not surprising when we were eliminated. A lot of people don't believe us when we say that we're triplets, 'cause we don't look exactly alike. And I knew that would be something that we'd have to face going into this. - I have a question. Who starts all the fights? - Yeah, I feel like we don't get in fights often. - Definitely more when we were younger, we kinda grew out of it. I feel like we get along a lot better now. - I think we're like, really close. - That middle girl really threw me off, but as she was talking. I was just looking at the two in the back, like those two look very similar and I don't know if she's like, a sister in it. - I feel like every single time one of us are fighting it's either me and him or me and him. - Like he's also out investigators. Like if you tell him to stop, it doesn't end until he all also finds the joke unfunny. - It's definitely them two. - Definitely not the peace maker. - She'll gaslight, I swear. - Oh really? So you instigate? - What's the most common questions someone wanna ask you when they learn your triplet? - Uh dick size usually. - Dick size yep. - Are you serious? - All the time, all the time. - That's actually bad. - And you see they know it. And if we've hooked up with the same chick, yep. - Yep. - People just come up and be like, who's got the bigger dick? - And we always tell them to just find out for yourselves. You know, obviously. But also like, people ask if we like hooked up with the same chick, at the same time. - Yeah. - Which is like, - none of us have taken a trip to Paris, if you know what I mean. - Yeah that's what we're saying. - Very dis- very sweet guys. - I'm saying an Eiffel Tower. - Yeah, - That's what I'm saying - they got it. They don't need the visual. - You can't really ask boob size when you can just see it. - No, no, no. They always ask if we're identical. - I know its stupid. - Or did you fight a lot when you were kids or do you share clothes or like, just like, how was sharing clothes as girls? - Or there just like how was it? How was it? - I am surprised how like for three girls all the same age, you guys seemed perfectly amicable. Like it didn't seem like you guys fought much. - I feel like out of all the sets here, you guys look the most different. - I know. - I agree. - Our friends told us that we were gonna get voted off. Because we, yeah. - They're like you guys look like friends. - Yeah, you in the middle look like a friend. How does it feel when you guys are apart? - We've never been apart for more than 24 hours. - Yeah. - That'll change. - We were together since the womb, all throughout high school and our first time separating was going to college. - I moved out. no offense to like, my parents, but I missed my sisters, like more than anything so. - We were separated for 24 hours and we couldn't sleep. - We all woke up at the same time. - Whoa. - You too. - Yes. - Definitely looked dramatically different. You guys look like you guys could be twins, but your the odd one out. - So we're fraternal. - Gotcha, gotcha. - We're fraternal twins. - So do you guys fight a lot, as like sisters? - I fight with her way more than a fight with him. - I bet. - I don't fight with her, I fight with her. - Then we get over it within a few minutes. - There was a lot of repeating in that group, like, oh yeah, 'cause we're fraternal. - How come you two get along so well? - I don't know. - I think it's just the fact that my sister and I share a lot of friends. So it's like kind of this dynamic where you're always together and with him, I'm not with him as often. - We have the same friends. - Yeah. - And I'm assuming you just said that you guys have the same friends. How is it for you like being like, the guy in the group versus like three? - We're still, you know, triplets. So I still feel like I'm as close to like each one of them as they are. I get along with her like a lot more. I don't know why I get along with her friends more like I don't get really along with her friends. - But, they have the same friends, don't they? - We have some of the same friends. - But you just said you had the same friends. - In high school, that was like the peak of all our friends together. In college, we all have different majors. - We go to the same school though. - And University? - Yeah. - What university? - CSUN. - Well like, what were the chances that all three of them were going to CSUN so I thought maybe those were friends that met in college. Wait, there's actually one thing I want to point out is you guys, I don't know, I caught you saying moms. You were like, oh my mom and then you caught yourself and you're like, oh my mom. - Our mom could differentiate. - Like why would you even make that mistake. - He did, he did slip up there, but it's just mom and dad and ya know. - Well, sure that's what you would say. - What's your mom and dad's names - [All Virzi's] Carl and Lenore. - Believe me. - Okay. (alarm ringing) (upbeat music) - Since the other sister had curly hair and the boy had curly hair, it was super weird that the shorter girl straightened her hair because then it kind of gave the vibe that she was like maybe a half sibling or a friend. (buzzer sound) - Bye guys. - And in my opinion, they were all the same looking. So they just found the easy way out, voted out the people that look different. - [Host] Raise your hand if you think that the mole is still in the box and you would like to continue playing the game. Starting now for every time, all of you vote out someone that is not the mole. The total prize money will be reduced. - I have a question or more telepathy. We finish each other's sentences a lot. I wanted to hear that from them if they would do it. - So in three, two, one say your favorite word. Three, two, one. - Assistant. - Organ. - Oh, I didn't say a word. - I don't even know. - I think we like pinpoint a lot. - We talk over each other. - We do talk over each other like crazy. - It's like when you have a really good best friend and you can like look across the room and be like, you know what I'm thinking? It's like, yeah I got you. - For like an event, we don't wanna be at like a party or someone's house or something we all feel the same urge to leave. - Like retreat. - Like we leave immediately. - It's like an unspoken thing. - Yeah. - I'm gonna call it out. I just think you're younger. You're shorter, you're smaller. - She get that. - I'm the runt of the family. - The runt. Well, he's the runt of the litter too, but he just looks like a divorced dad. He can't help it. - I think the Virzi's looked like the exact same. Like I felt like I knew they were triplets very confidently off the beginning. Especially because like us three being three guy triplets and them being three guy triplets everything they said like we related to I feel like. - We were not suspicious of the Sturniolos or the Benavidezes. - Not at all. - I mean the Sturniolos looked like us, if we were like a boy band. - And didn't have any muscle on us whatsoever. - I'm just gonna put you on the spot. Like on the count of three. I'm gonna say question you'll have to say at the same time, what's your grandma's name? - Which side? - On which side? - On your mom's side. One, two- (indistinct) - Oh sorry. - Yeah sorry. - There's a disturbance in the force. The telepathy's off point. - I think can like tell at this point, like, I don't know. - You guys are safe in my opinion. - It's this side for sure safe. - The scariest thing is like, we all look alike, but at least I didn't raise my hand when they asked if the mole was still in circle. So I don't know who's feeling suspicious in here. - I did, I raised my hand. 'Cause I think it's them. - I raised my hand 'cause of them, I think... - I think its them. - Can you guys describe your mom? - [Virzi's] Blond, blue eyes- - No, like personality wise. - Personality wise. - When she was raising us or now? - Yeah. - Yeah. - She's literally two different people. - Both. - Growing up, she was a sweet Catholic lady. She always raised us to be like school is important and religion was important. And then now she's kinda like, all right, do your own thing. - She's on her rumspringa is what we call it. If it gets us outta the house she doesn't care anymore. - She was the good cop to my dad's bad cop. - Yeah. - Yes. - Cool. Okay. - What about you? - Is I still feel like you're still in high school. Can I see the heels 'cause it's significantly. That's a big heel, like he's a little shorter. - Also hate to say it, hate to say it, but it looks like you two got ready today and we're like, oh, we're gonna go to like the same place. 'Cause you're wearing like the same thing that you have like this nice, cool shirt on. - 'Cause we got cool personality. - The flare pants covering the heel too. It looks like you're trying to hide something. - No, she's literally she's not hiding she's literally shorter. - Their facial features are very different. Like their noses are kind of different shapes. Their eyes are kind of different shapes. I want to know what color everyone's toothbrush is growing up, because like, I feel like you have to have a different color toothbrush that way you don't like, accidentally use your siblings toothbrush. - Well, I mean, we just had different colors, but we change colors all the time. - But she is blue. - I don't know, I like pink. I don't know. - Blue, red, green. We had two different bathrooms. I shared a bathroom with my older brother and then they shared a bathroom together. - Why? - 'Cause we had two bathrooms. - There's four boys. - We had four bedrooms, a bathroom on one side of the hall bathroom on the other side of the hall. - I feel like you could be the older brother. - You're the 15 months older brother. - I will concede what he does look older, but she also does look much younger. - Do you think that's an easy thing for me to admit that I'm the older looking triplet. - Do I actually look like I'm in high school? - Well, yeah you got giant heels on. - And you been taking the lead on a lot of these things. - Would a younger person do that? - Maybe, no someone who's overcompensating. - Overcompensating, okay. - Once I pointed out the shoes, she started coming at me heavy. - I feel like they were coming at us anyways. We were all kinda like subtly going at each other. - And Sean, that was not flirting by the way. - Well look for their Instagram in the bio. - When'd you guys become friends. That was literally what I was gonna ask. (alarm ringing) (upbeat music) - Sad. - It's okay, we knew this would happen. - What do you mean by that? - Hmm. - They knew it would happen because it was true. - [Host] Raise your hand if you think that the mole is still in the box and you would like to continue playing the game. If the lights turn green, that means you are voted out the mole and you win. If the lights turn red, that means that the mole is still in the box and you lose. (All cheering) - Easy, I knew it easy. I knew that, I could sniff it out from the beginning. - I knew it. - I knew it. - Put it there. - Can the moles please step forward in three, two, one. - Oh my God! - You were right. - Yep first out. - That means our triplet intuition was all right. - All right. - All right. - So wait, what are you guys actually? - Sisters. - Sisters. - Just no twins, no nothing, - Nope - No twins. We were always asked if we were triplets for a long time. - So how many years apart are you? - Two years, two. - Your each two years apart? - No way. - Oh wow. - 20, 18, 16. - We were very much raised like triplets. - Whatever happens with your other friends, you know that you always have your sisters. And I think that that's definitely important to us. - We're each other's best friends. I don't know what I'd do without these two, to be honest. - You're not really ever alone. So that was always cool. - When I have kids, I hope I have twins or something 'cause I could never be an only child. - Agreed. - I knew some of the same people 'cause I transferred with them. Oh my gosh guys (indistinct) - Your story is very shifty. - Olivia, what were you gonna say? - I'm getting a stack baby! That's a W? That's a W. I don't wanna mess up the stack. - This is the best day ever! - That's so funny. (all laughing) - I'm taking this. - You were the one that said that fight a lot huh? - Who cleans these out?
Channel: Jubilee
Views: 5,238,262
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jubilee, jubilee media, jubilee project, middle ground, spectrum, odd man out, versus 1, embrace empathy, live deeper, love language, blind devotion, odd one out, jubilee odd one out, triplets vs siblings, jubliee triplets, identical triplets, twins, triplets, siblings vs triplets
Id: kpcLiJezXQw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 21sec (801 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 18 2022
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