What $1 Million Buys You in Tokyo's RICHEST Neighborhoods

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Tokyo is one of the most expensive places to live in the entire world and the average price for a home over here is about a million dollars give or take so that begs a very important question what can you actually get with a million dollars in Tokyo's most expensive neighborhoods well today I'm going to show you and right behind me just happens to be by far the most expensive building in all of Japan the Toronto Hills residential Tower sadly though there are no apartments in there that are only for a million dollars So today we're going to see three different properties in three of Tokyo's most expensive neighborhoods one little small one a little big and one just the right size in my opinion let's go see what Tokyo has to offer all three of these condos we'll see today are very close to each other they're in the central areas of Minato and Shibuya which are some of the most expensive parts of Tokyo condos in these parts regularly go over one five or even 10 million dollars these neighborhoods are loved by Tokyo's Elite due to their proximity to Tokyo's business districts and because of their unbeatable restaurant and nightlife scenes now let's go see the first one and now we're inside and as you can see it's not quite the largest and most grandiose entrance but who really needs a large and grandiose entrance you need a functional entrance and that is what this is you can see you have the floor to ceiling Shoe Closet over here this one opens as well and you think why do you need all this shoe storage and the reason is if you think about it in Japan you come inside the first thing you do is take off your shoes and instead of leaving them here or you know walking all over to the bedroom and putting them into your own closet it just Chuck them into here you'll even have more closet space for your other clothes but the thing I like about this one is that yes there's a little more shoe storage space over here but this place does come with a drip pan and so you can see the cameraman through that then this drip pan is not for your um your drippings from all the Korean barbecue that you're gonna be making in here now this is a drip pan for an umbrella because you can stick your umbrella right over on this hook over here or on this guy if you moved it up a bit and just have the water drip into there instead of messing up your nice closet one more thing that I like about this is that it has this little space down here that you can use to put some slippers that's right because in Japan people tend to use slippers a lot inside so yeah just Chuck them up there and you're good to go but coming into here one thing to say about this place is that it is a hundred percent brand new this does have one owner but the owners never actually lived here before and you can see even the light switches have the original stickers on them but everything in here is brand new including of course the Magic Toilet which if you get very close to it we'll open up and say hi to you how may I help you ready for you to do your business and has all of the functions that you would expect in a very nice Japanese toilet and one thing is that a lot of times people see that the Japanese toilets have a little spout on the top of them to just maybe conserve water and all that this one doesn't have that but it does have a sink right over here that you can use of course to wash your hands now let's go over here and see the first bedroom which is right over here and as you can see it's not the biggest bedroom but again you don't really need to have that much space I would say this is perfect to have a little home office or if you had a smaller bed you could just Chuck it right against that wall right there and have plenty of space over here to access your nice closet all right so again this is a city home so you're not going to have that much space we're in a very central location the whole place is only about 56 square meters or about 600 square feet but that is not including this massive rooftop balcony which we'll get to in a minute but before we do that let's go see the kitchen here is the kitchen it's a nice Peninsula as I call it it's not quite an island and it's not completely covered away it's kind of jutting out so it's a peninsula kitchen and as you can see you have these nice Granite never used countertops right over here and just to show you exactly how new this place is this should illustrate it they still have the plastic on these parts of the kitchen so this thing right here is an extension piece so that you have a little bit extra counter space and also if you look over here you have this which is a purposely built cutting board that fits exactly right here so you can you know do all of your shrink gutting and then just get rid of all your shrimp guts right into the sink right there and this kitchen has a couple of other little hidden features to it so if you come over here first off you have your built-in little knife holder right here which allows you to safely throw away four knives just like that and right next to that you have of course a dishwasher which is not a given in Japan not every kitchen will have a dishwasher and this is of the normal size of dishwasher in Japan it's not going to be a full-size Mueller or anything like that but it will at least be enough for two or three people let's say right next to that you have your three burner stove this is yes I personally prefer gas and right under here you have the defining piece of Engineering in any Japanese Kitchen which is The Fish Grill it also comes with this thing which I've never actually seen before but I think what you do with this is you heat this up you can use this kind of like as a grilled plate and then on top you put this and you can put some foil on it or something and just have it as a kind of mini oven or something like that but of course this being a brand new one it does have all of the bells and whistles that you would think of you can program exactly uh what kinds of fish you're going to be doing is it going to be a semi-dried fish is it going to be a kirimi which is a filet or you're going to be using this to make toast or whatever it has certain settings just for that but just like every other house and apartments in Japan it does not come with a refrigerator or any other kind of appliances like that but you do have a little bit extra storage right here there is one more feature though come down over here and you can see that there's this little Gap right down here now what would that be for you ask and I wasn't too sure but I actually talked to the owner about this apparently this is where you can stick your Roomba so that you can charge it while it's in here without having to ever uh open up the door to let it go back into its little space or if you have a cat that could just be a nice cat Hideout spot but right next to that this of course uses gas and so does the hot water in the bathroom as well so you have to have a gas meter or a thing that you turn on the hot water with and that would be right here if you turn this on this is a very high tech one I've never seen these before Once you turn it off you can see exactly how much your gas bill was yesterday and how much you're meant to spend for uh this month that's pretty cool but speaking of hot water this is where the bathroom is and as you can see you have this space over here which is where you stick your washing machine again they don't really they come with washing machines or fridges in Japan and you have a little vanity over there as well complete with all the storage that you need but this guy over here which I have shown on this channel a couple of times this is the in bath dryer panel right over here which a lot of newer places will have and with this you can use this as the name implies as a clothing dryer as well because once you go inside you'll see that in the bath you have these poles right here and if you just press a button out here then this guy up here will become a clothes dryer but the nice thing about this one in particular is that it has one more little function that most places don't they call it the Mist sauna so basically it is a steam and I'm closed right now so I'm not going to turn that on but basically this guy over here once you turn on the missed sauna function then this becomes a nice steam bath right from that there but just like every bath in Japan you wash off over there and you relax over here in these surprisingly slippy bath uh which is deep I would say good for a very small family but yeah that's all I need to know and even comes with a nice pull because we all know that I need all the help to give out of a bathtub but let's go see the living room so coming out of the bathroom into the living room first thing I want to show you is this little panel right over here so open this guy up and you'll see there's a couple of numbers in here this is the floor heating panel yes that is right this room has a floor heating system built into it which is amazing in the winter because well you can also of course heat up your place but unlike a normal air conditioner or heater it doesn't dry the place but speaking of air conditioners this over here you can see there is no AC here also the same thing with the first bedroom that we saw and also this bedroom right over here and this is actually the bigger of the two bedrooms and the nice thing about this place is that it has its own little walk-in closet which as you can see I have successfully walked into it's not that big but again how much do you really need especially if you're buying this as like a little vacation home or something you don't need to have all your stuff in there Chuck it into storage or keep it at your other place so we've already mentioned that Japanese houses don't come with any refrigerators or washing machines or AC units but another thing that they generally do not come with is uh lights yeah so this is actually a standard Japanese ceiling light plug and well again most places don't come with them this one the developers were nice enough to supply well at least two of them and they're not in this room they're over back in living room we're just in but putting these back into their home let's go see where the majority of the light is coming from right now which is the balcony which is right out here and from this balcony you can see you have a very nice view because you're on the top floor there's nothing really blocking you this is as high as the buildings can be built around here so your view is not really going to change that much over time that Greenery over there that's beautiful and if you look really really far over in the distance you can actually see the edges of Meiji Shrine so that's pretty nice but there is actually one other balcony that we mentioned in the beginning let's go see that so walk right through this living room and right through the large glass doors and you can see you have your massive rooftop balcony and think of all the parties that you can have on here look how big this thing is right it's about the same length as the entire apartment it's about another maybe 20 square meters 250 square feet just on this and the other balcony alone so really if you include that it's about 850 square feet or so and that's pretty big in my book so while I have you here let's talk numbers this place is listed for 159.8 million yen which right now is about 1.15 million dollars just a bit of what we were talking about but it should give you the idea of what you can get for a million dollars because we are in a beautiful location this is a brand new building the interior has never been used and yeah you get to be close to everything that you want to be near but we have two more to go so let's go see the next [Music] so now we're in saranamon and right behind me is the next apartment this is by far the smallest that we're going to see it's only 45 square meters or about maybe 500 square feet and it's a one bedroom one bath so let's go see the inside and now we're inside and as you can see it's not that big of an entrance but if you're just a single person they really need that big of an entrance but you still get plenty of storage over here if I can figure out how to open it yes look at that plenty of shoe storage here here here and over here as well but my favorite part about this entrance is right over here you can see you have your mirror just to get you ready in the morning see that you look good before you go out but uh say you're like me and you have a lot of trouble putting on your shoes in the morning without squatting down or sitting down well they got you covered with this little stool that's right over here just folds right up it's like a Murphy bed for your bike isn't that nice put that right there and step up here my slippers as well come on over here into the bathroom and this as well is not that large but again if you're a single person totally fine you have your sink over here which actually this is a pretty good size and it's filled with storage both down here and over here with these nice medicine cabinets foreign feature that I really like about this mirror setup over here is if you press on this switch yes you do have a little light down here but another thing that it does is heat up the entire mirror so you don't have any fog issues when you get out of the bath which you will get to in a second but let's turn this guy off and go over to the toilet which is conveniently located right over here so just like every other new or renovated place in Japan you have of course your Japanese toilet with all the different bells and whistles on it and this one is what they call a tankless toilet in that the well you don't have like a big tank behind it but it's actually kind of all built within it and as you can see this is kind of like shaped like a pebble right very rounds and good looking and in Japan for some reason the most expensive toilets are the roundest don't know why that is but let's go see the bath and here it is and look how clean it is it's a brand new bath of course everything in here is brand new by the way but this is what they call a unit Bath so everything is pre-fabricated off-site they bring it here they put it all together but this is of the nicer variety you can tell because you have these push button faucets instead of the normal twisty kind but basically you twist this you still have to twist something for the water pressure then you can do your temperature over here and then slowly fall right into out your bath just like that and if I wasn't laying like this it would be quite comfortable let me try that yes there it is much better so this one has a little pillow built into it so you can rest your head while you're reading a book or on your phone or whatever you want it's in the bath and of course it has all the bells and whistles of every Japanese bath but uh yeah let's go see the picture so this is a 46 square meter about 500 square foot one bedroom one bathroom one LDK as they called in Japan and here is your bedroom so this isn't the largest but you can fit a queen or you know maybe a king if you really wanted to in here and uh yeah have it be your bedroom and right next to that of course is your walk-in closet which in my opinion is probably the best part of this apartment it's where you put all your clothes right but second best part of this apartment will be right out here on the balcony and as you can hear yeah it's a little bit loud out here not going to lie but luckily uh your windows are going to be very thick and dual panes so yeah you can't really hear anything inside and you do get a nice sized balcony too so you could have a couple of tables and chairs or something like that over here uh and yeah see your beautiful uh mid Tokyo view not much of it but hey you get some sunlight at least right now let's go see the final room the living room and as with the entrance and the bedroom it's not the biggest but again perfect for a bachelor Bachelorette pad right uh for some reason it has one of the largest uh I don't know what you would call this refrigerator areas I've ever seen so you could fit basically a viking fridge in here if you wanted to a big two-door industrial one uh or you could just have a regular sized fridge and maybe a little more counter space or something like that completely up to you but you have two plugs to do what you would like with it and this is a standard Fair uh what they call system kitchen these are all again a standard size and everything but the one thing that I like about this is that you do actually have a garbage disposal this is the lid for it so you put in your garbage in there and your garbage disposal will start whirring away and doing its job so this is a very Square room so it makes it kind of easy to lay things out in the way that you would want so you can have your living room area over here in your dining room over there or you can have your dining room over there on your living room over here kind of works in whatever way you want but you have this over here this little ledge or as I like to think of it a a cat bench where your cat can just sit here and stare down at nothing because that's what cats do for some reason but one other thing that this place does have which I find unique is this it is called a picture rail this little thing up here and as you can see there's these hooks so you can string your photos and your pictures whatever you want to hang up there up there without having to drill holes into the wall so this is a pretty modest place it's not that big but it's perfect for a single person maybe a couple or something like that it's 103 million yen so just about 750 000 but let's go see another one so we are here at the last building this is in Harajuku and this is one of my favorite areas just south of the first place that we saw but right behind me you can see the building itself it's from the 1970s so it's a bit on the older ends but the unit inside is a beautifully renovated duplex yeah a duplex and it's just about a thousand square feet or about 95 square meters or so but uh yeah let's go see it so I don't usually show the entrance ways to the buildings but this one I had to show you and allow me to just nerd out a little bit on this what I love is that of course you put in the key to open up the door but most stores in Japan will just slide open just watch what happens when I turn the key here [Music] it it goes like that I don't have another word for it but once we're in here you can see just how 1970s it is just look at these wooden mailboxes everything in here is handmade and it looks like a cubby you know it's like you would see in a school or something like that but enough about the building let's go see the unit and now we're inside but my favorite part about the entrance right is how large and just free feeling it is but it does have one little secret which if you look really closely you'll see yeah there's actually a giant window right here leading directly into the living room so this has a magnificent uh living room and dining room as you can see but hold on you know let's come over here first I do want to show you the kitchen and what I love about this is just the design this place is originally from 1978 but the people who renovated it turns it into something that could have been built last year to be honest just look at the design features on here all of this hardwood used in the uh draws and all that right down here and also just little touches like the Caesar Stone counter and also this which I literally have never seen in Japan before this is a ceramic sink yeah I mean in Japan they almost always just use steel so this is great to see over here and it's cooler so that's pretty cool and right over here we have the little Bosch dishwasher it's kind of thing right here has three stories of stuff to put all of your plates and even your forks and stuff like that too but the best part about this dishwasher is of course well the name it is the Bosch silence plus yes with uh the hygiene plus mode as well all right whatever the Germans are very hygienic I guess so uh we'll leave that to them right next to this is of course your uh stovetop this is an induction heat stove three burner as you can see uh three kilowatts is pretty much as high as you can get uh for a spec in Japan so this will boil your water and heat up whatever you want very quickly so this is where you actually do the cooking yourself but let's say you want to do a little prep work you do it over here on your islands and this island is very functional it has all this storage down here some open storage over here with the adjustable shelf as well uh and you could use this as a breakfast bar if you wanted to you could just pull up a couple of stools or something or you could do like the uh place that renovated it decided to kind of dress it up and do which would be put your dining room table right here and so you can have your whole setup it's a very nice looking plates by the way and have your porridge in the morning right here fresh from the kitchen so right next to the dining area is of course the living area so let's go take a look at that but what I like about this place is that even though it's not the largest place it feels very open and that's because of the way that they laid things out you have the open kitchen over there that allows you to see the entire place while you're cooking so you can talk with your dinner guests and even the people who are lounging around right over here and uh reading the uh what is this the very intriguing books that you have on structures of control in Health Management okay we'll put that back down so one thing you may have noticed about these floors is that they are made of tile and having tile floors is just not that common in Japan I quite like how they look but what I really like about them is that they have another one of these again the floor heater so you have one unit over here and then you have another one in the kitchen so you can keep your feet warm and toasty while you make your warm Toasties great yeah now let's go see the second floor but actually there is one thing I wanted to show you on this floor before we go upstairs it'll be this little room light right over here and you can tell when you come inside that this is built directly under the staircase because it's at an angle and uh it seems to have a visitor in it yeah not sure if this cone comes with it uh if you want the cone we can probably arrange for the cone so just let me know but it potentially comes with a cone uh yeah so let's go upstairs now okay you're finally upstairs and this is the definition of a bachelor pad I mean yeah you have your toilet right there that's all nice and dandy pretty normal toilet but right next to that is my favorite part of this entire apartment come on in come on you got to see this this is the closet just look at how big this place is you have shelves over here you have racks over here another set of racks over there as well uh for his and hers or just yours if you have a lot and you even have a little place to sit and swivels too you have a little cow print swivelable stool thing here just to uh put on your socks in the morning or something like that or take off your socks in the evening and so that's what you'd probably want to do right before you get to your massive bed over here right in the middle of the room and why is it in the middle of the room you ask well that's a great question I'll show you why if you look over there you have a desk and that's built right into the wall if you look behind me you'll see the bath which we'll get to in a second so where do you put the bed right in the middle I think it's good for feng shui or something like that but uh I think it's also the perfect place for this bed now let's walk right over here and so you said disc that we were talking about I quite like this I mean this is a good place to uh do a little work with you and you know your special one or just read some nice books about wow there's a lot of books here this one is about Kenya there it is Kenyan architecture and just have your little cappuccino in the morning and uh when you're done you can come over to the bathroom which feels like you're in a hotel and I'll show you why do you see this this is a dual vanity basically in the middle of your bedroom right but it's not close enough to your bed so that you'll actually Splash it's a perfect distance away so you can do all your makeup in the morning or your whatever skin treatments you need to do and you also have yeah your bath and shower right over here literally for everybody to see right this is why it's more or less a uh a bachelor pad right but just look at the size of this bath this doesn't feel that big in maybe other countries but in Japan this is considered gigantic and yes the bath is probably the biggest one that we've seen today to be honest it's also a Kohler just like the sink downstairs and the sinks up here as well which you don't really see in Japan but this place has the best feature of all which is the rain shower so I'm out of the shower I'm ready to go to bed but before we go to bed let's just talk a little bit about the numbers so in today's video I kind of LED you guys on a little bit basically everything else was either a little bit over a million dollars or a little bit under a million dollars but just so that you guys can't say oh you know this is clickbait this property is 139 million yen which is exactly one million dollars at least as of today's exchange rate so of the three that we saw today what was your favorite leave it in the comments below and while you're there you can always contact me if you want to learn anything else about these properties my link will be in the description and until next time thanks for watching [Music]
Channel: Tokyo Portfolio
Views: 704,962
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: japanese apartment tour, tokyo apartments, japanese apartment, tokyo apartment, Living in Tokyo, tokyo homes, japan real estate, japan house tour, tokyo apartment tour, apartment tour, japan apartment tour, japan apartment, renting an apartment in japan, japanese condo, luxury apartment, luxury apartment tour, luxury apartments, luxury apartment tokyo, real estate, luxury lifestyle, apartment tour japan, RealEstate, HomeTour, DreamHomes, PropertyHunt, TokyoLife, JapanLiving
Id: 9ownEbO66Jk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 56sec (1616 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 08 2023
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