30 Japanese Skincare Recs to Buy When Visiting Japan🇯🇵 Don Quijote Affordable J-Beauty Finds💜 Part 1

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we are in Japan Tokyo bro when you come to Japan come get this let's talk about sheet masks there's so many Korean skin care this I think is one of the brands that really started the enzyme wash boom I see you right now your skin looks o oh too much shine all right guys welcome back to my Channel today we are not in Korea but we are in Japan Tokyo and we are in front ofield and I have a very special guest with me Laura hi my name is is Laura and I'm super happy to be here I'm so happy to see un me in Japan y That's crazy and uh yeah I do a lot of J Beauty content so if you want to check it out I have a Ticky toie it's called be your best beauty that's where I do most of my stuff I also have a Blog where you can read the words that I say on the screen that's also called be your best beauty and I have an Instagram that I don't upload to realistically but if you want to follow that that's also be your best beauty that's it I love that thank you so much yeah so I needed a little bit of help uh with Japanese skincare so that's why I have my Frontier right here today and we're going to have so much fun so let's go skincare shopping and oh okay we got the internal beauty so this is for the bath stuff the cyu this is when you know when you're taking a bath it's like um I don't know if it's epson salt but it's like epson salt like so you in the bath and you relaxing and then you could put that in there and then they have different effects so some of them will have what's this one okay this one actually it says it's for your skin to help you know like your skin breaking out so it's supposed to help with that and also just like breaking out and almost like allergy kind of thingies this is the pink one the other ones are kind of like for relaxing you know cuz you work hard you want to go home and relax okay that's what we want to do so that's like body stuff here o I love that here we have a bunch of hair colors and different products is what we got going on over here so you know don't get hold it if you want to get hair stuff don't get hold this a place to come cuz they have this and panic not panic at the Disco that's a band what's it called Village Vanguard yes those are like the two places if you want to get like crazy color hair stuff the place to come is dony hot and Village vangard this right here hold up this yolu yolu I think it's supposed to be like yodu which means night in Japanese but this is so popular right now like all the beauty infuences in Japan this is what they be talking about this yodu this is a hair treatment and then they have is this the yeah it says treatment but I'm pretty sure this is a conditioner oo cuz they have the shampoo there and then the so don't don't get fooled I think this is a conditioner they're trying to fool you don't fall for the Trap so this is the treatment huh so yes the treatment is this here and I believe that this is a yeah says the hair oil on there and then they have oh this says un gami so un gami is kind of like curly hair oh but you know Japanese curly hair and my curly hair are different so if you have curly curly hair you can try this if you want but I'm just saying it's it's $14 that's an investment that's true that's true so just keep it mind uni gami is stuffed for curly hair but it might be like you know Japanese kind of wavy hair just something to keep in mind but another brand I mean this is a brand that people really talk about when they come to Japan is honey I've never tried any of their products but this people will be like bro when you come to Japan come get this I saw this everywhere right right every time I come here I see this everywhere and some one said that the Pink oil here there's supposed to be an oil but there's none I'm assuming that it's amazing and it'll change your life and you're going to get a new job and get a husband and a family that's what I'm assuming cuz it's not there and so that one someone on Tik Tok said that it's good for curly hair I have not tried it so I would not be able to tell you but that's the word on the street supposedly allegedly we're getting into now the cleansers cuz you know you want to cleanse your face it's the first step what's the step cleanser yeah yes the cleansing step okay so the same hair brand they have cleansing balms they do looks delicious but they have like these different these are new I think and then someone had asked me I think on Tik Tok they were like do they still have this they have this in some stores so this seems like hold on skin care cleans boning blue clay it says it has chika which seea is good you know like soothing for the skin that's really nice I don't think that the regular one has that shall we do a little a tasty swaty let's do it let's do it not tasty swaty swaty watchy okay oh you see how oh oh my it's already like melted right look at that oh you have such soft hands thank you I'm so sorry I'm getting your hands all dirty this smells like this smells like it's been here a while I'm not going to lie okay I'm going to go wash my hands real quick oh actually I think you mentioned Funko but before Funko so this brand Duo is off and popping this brand right here it actually it's interesting because it started off mainly in like what is it called uh Instagram advertisements but I you know you see some Instagram advertisements you're like is this legit like I'm like this is suspicious but it like was a good product actually so it became it's I think the signature one is which one is the signature one I think it's just the regular black one right here why is this box destroyed to all living beings but this one and then they have different types so this one is for if you have consel or yada so that's a conso is dry skin if your skin is feeling kind of weak this is what you would want to get and then this is it says for like adult poor care they got Aging Care they have for uh Kumi is like dullness so a little bit of a brightening effect but this is a really expensive bomb oh it is it's 3,600 Yen but this is the bomb that kind of started the bomb boom in Japan wow before this I don't really remember remember bombs being like super a thing but this guy came in here du was like bro I'm here and then everybody else was like oh my gosh we're here too we're here too so that's why honey you're welcome that's what we got but so funu we got funu over here so in Japanese you say funu even though it's written fun Funko I don't know how to how do you say fun fun fun yeah fun so funu is a really popular brand because their main thing is that they don't use um there's like five things that they say that they don't use and it's parabens hold on no wait no I'm not going to remember but they have it on the box usually they don't have it on this box very useful very useful I know that they don't use parabens they usually like it to be alcohol free one of their most popular uh things is this the funkel mild o I've used it before I would recommend it but there's another one that I recommend more so if I see inke I'll let you know oh one thing I really wanted to ask is this oh yes is the like powder cleansers is that a thing yes enzyme powder washes are super often popping and booming and woming because in Korea it was so popular I think back in the days too especially um exfoliation for skin with sensitivity but again enzyme powder washes are becoming really popular like Papa recipe um um and they have the bysh trend one the green te one which is like OG it's been around for a long time so yeah uh even um if this is a pop I'm not sure I wanted to ask you this too IM IM B is that a popular brand in Japan I call it I call it Betty Betty I think Betty Betty yeah yeah belly belly is the makeup I think is more popular than the skincare yeah and I feel like I know I have one of their sunscreens that was popular for a bit I saw your sun Sarah oh I have to collagen Sun shiny bro you you want to look like the sun you best use that sunscreen glowing glowing I love that uh post I'm going to insert that one in oh thank you so much oh but I was really curious because I remember like the first ones I saw were the Japanese ones like packaged individually like this all the time so yeah I was wondering if it's oh that one yeah so this I think is one of the brands that really started the enzyme wash boom cuz when I I remember when I first started seeing and then it was it was like multiplying it was almost like like a fungus I was like it's just growing it just keeps growing more and more because the demand was so high and especially at the time it was when like Chinese consumers could come in but um they would come and they would buy this oo buy it up and so I think that's really one of the things that helped this off and pop so this is the original I think this is the OG what's the name of this uh suicide suicide oh actually in Korea too this is really popular they sell it at Olive young oh really so this is one of the most popular like powder washers too they have it here and then so the blue one is the basic this is your basic model but then they have look this is for like por care well they're all for pork care like can but this one especially it says um tear betat so tear is like shininess betat is like that kind of stickiness that comes with like oily skin so this is specifically made for that one ooh I love that and fun they even have like this one which is also a powder wash but instead of individually wrapped it in a bottle and I have this one too and I don't particularly have sensitive skin I feel but I feel like my skin feels like it's sensitive do you get what I'm saying I feel you I feel you you know so then this one is also really nice I don't think it's as I don't want to say those are aggressive but I feel like this one is even more mild than that one and it's very nice for traveling you know if you want to wash your face on the go so this is definitely a nice one oh can I ask you what your skin type is I don't think I asked that dry like the desert oh yeah you have really clear skin so you don't have acne prone skin either huh no o no so like I know the acne girl Le be like oh like I don't know what that's like to live with like acne prone skin but also that's me right here oh really I have acne prone skin I watched your videos and I did not know that yeah I mean right now my skin is so in the worst condition cuz I forgot my exfoliator that's why I asked about powder washes cuz I usually use powder washes I'm like I need to one because my my skin is breaking out like crazy right now so the regular funka oil is the blue one but then this black one they came out and this is specifically also made for oily skin this is a new product it came out I think I know it came out this year earlier this year but again it follows the same feru model where it's supposed to be for like you know not too aggressive on the skin and it's got no synthetic colors no like synthetic uh yeah no synthetic colorings no synthetic fragrances no parabens things like that so if you're interested I would definitely check out fun K oh you guys this is something that I've used like bottles like I think I'm more use more than 20 of these I love the kiss me mascara remover do you use this yes I do use that so I use that usually for like you know like waterproof mascara and you know how like hero and make mascara is super popular and everyone's like oh my gosh that's waterproof but I actually have a mascara that you don't really hear about but it's also super waterproof and I heard about it from my Japanese I have it on right now you do yes are my wait are my eyelashes still up yeah are they still up we still still up okay we're doing good we're doing good yeah so when I put this one on the only thing that will get it off is that remover right there the hero on make the best part is only 840 Yen so it's so cheap it's so cheap and even if you buy overseas and places like yes style and stuff it's still like not super expensive so 100% recommend it if you use mascara if you have eyelashes and use mascara I would recommend you take this this home well pay for it and take it home yo okay so let's talk about sheet masks okay I'm going to okay I'm going to let you talk about sheep masks let's talk about sheep masks hey let's talk about sheep mask no this is this is a oh okay dangerous I almost stopped recording this is my area first of all I'm going to let you know right now if you come to donot and you see these guys right here I'm show you this guy right so this is like a donot special you can only get here yeah oh that a little sticker that says that yeah you see the little little the little mascot I don't know what his name is cutie right there right I see you I mean we have all of young exclusive stuff so they have Don exclusive stuff good to know so this is like you see it's very kind of marketed for like foreigners coming like you come oh you get a sock mask look at that that's amazing I came here actually the other day and I saw this and I was like oh they got a rice mask this looks doesn't this look suspicious this packaging oh is it the same thing as this this right is isn't that a little isn't that a a a little ssy if you didn't tell me I thought I would have thought that it's the same brand it's not cuz I don't read Japanese you know yeah it's not it's not this is just again this is like dony hot let me see if it's the donkey hot donkey hot they have like their what is it called like um in-house brand yeah so I'm not sure if it's the in-house brand but they do a lot of PB brand like they they make their own cuz they know it's bestseller so they know it will and with this cute packaging bro that's going to catch your eye oh that's true but this this brand this is a no no man brand I don't know who this guy is I'm not going to lie good to know oh there's so many Korean skin care bro oh in Japan we I say we as if I'm Japanese I'm not I just live here but we love our Korean Skin Mask I actually I used last night a Korean cheap mask what did you use hold on let me take we go they don't have it they don't have it number three the number three number three is so good I need that for my dead skin S I need that why do you love that one because I think I saw I mean I've seen a lot of people talk about it but I know that Tina tanakaa she mentioned that she used it before a wedding I'm like it's it's a little creepy how much I can remember anyway um she used it before wedding she said it gives her kind of like that plump effect so I just kept that in the back of my mind I was like oh if you have special event like use it the night before and I'm like for me meeting un only is a special event so I was like got to got to get ready but they don't have it so I can't even show it to you but it'll be that's one of my favorites too it's so good I actually uh wear it before filming like for w Trend TV or when I know my makeup has to look good like in person it has to look good you know I see you right now your skin looks forless o oh too much shine sorry about that don't work on that so what other brands Korean Brands is popular maybe the ones that we see right here this is really popular like the right here toen they have a little station over there wow yeah to station H popular Mano is also super duper popular the cleansing oil is I think it was over there in the section but yeah these brands are there's more here that we just can't see oh look this is actually Nature Republic ooh yeah I see a lot of Nature Republic in oh and um VT I don't see it here but VT is everywhere you can't avoid it VT in Japan is absolutely unavoidable and Japanese people love it and I'm not going to lie I love the daily sheet mask is so good like so thin and like how you said like she want it like refreshing Like It Feels So Good by the way Laura's also learning Korean right now A will bit a little but it's nowhere you know I can't I can't be telling you about ingredients and stuff like that in Korean that's why I stay to the Japanese content oh can I tell you one like inside thing about VT their biggest sales is Japan not Korea not America but it's it's Japan go us me contributing hey hey yes but speaking of sheet masks if we can continue this series right here is crazy amazing I see you the quality oh oh sorry about that quality first cuz quality first has if you see it says quality first here but this right here specifically the deral laser series is so nice and the sheet mask it's you see how like it's it's thick like it's full of liquid so juicy each sheet mask you just have to like you going to get you going to get wet okay not just your face you going to get wet cuz it just drips so much but a lot of them have uh this one it says it has Nama VC which raw vitamin C so believe that it means it has ascorbic acid which that's like um what is that it's not the vitamin C derivative it's like the big boy pure ascorbic acid yeah pure vitamin C yes I believe that that's what they mean hold on oh that's interesting cuz we don't see that a lot I think in sheet masks right so yeah so this one has asinan and that's why like when it came out you couldn't find this this one and then the predecessor to this one was this one which also has vitamin C but I don't know if this one has aorin Sun hold up if it does then I'm be like my life is a lie it has vitamin C derivatives but the silver one does not have ascorbic acid that's what it's called ascorbic acid over here and then so you got the C Oh you mean you mean the gold one doesn't have it yes so this one has vitamin C derivatives and this one is Big Bad Boy with ascorbic acid oh I got to try this one then yeah and the best part is it says use it for 3 minutes so it's like it doesn't take a lot lot of time that's interesting usually you feel like you would use it up you know before it starts like sucking back in the moisture you know o 3 minutes just 3 minutes and you're good to go so I love that mask so we going to do another recommendation and then we're going to do an anti recommendation what was that trend on Tik Tok de de influencing o get ready to be de influenced but first get ready to be influenced okay so the Sabino sheet masks over here this is the original this is the OG oh yeah you you see this you see this everywhere cuz this is the first one that they came out and the idea is that you put this on in the morning and it's supposed to be the kosui which is the toner and it's also supposed to be the Boi which is the serum and then I think it's not a cream obviously but it's essentially like it says here San so like face wash so you just put this on after you wake up and then the Skin Care is the actual mask and then poost study so it's a moisture foundation so you do this and and then you're good to go is what it says but I think that for me a person who has dry skin maybe this is not enough could just be like a good first step and also um it has menthol so if you're sensitive to that maybe watch out but if you're not sensitive and you want to you know get a little little bit of that kind of wake up action in the morning I would recommend one o from because there are so many different kinds right what which one would you recommend mostly this one I think for the experience but I mean if you if you want to experience something for 1,300 Yen that's you know that's a thing you could do but one of the ones that is um like more what is it called better like moisturizing is this one cuz this is one of the night ones and it says uh coost so it means high moisture type and then both of these are they both say coost this one also says that it's high moisture type but I checked out online and this one looks like the blue one looks like it's more moisturizing than the pink one I have not personally tried these but when I do I do want to try this one and I do want to try one more and they're over here so we have the vitamin C one because it's supposed to have vitamin C and I think that this does not have ascorbic acid I think it has vitamin C derivatives but it was recommended by a Japanese dermatologist called uh tomori Arata says it so she actually talked about this and she's a dermatologist so if she says it's good I believe her o and then are we going in with the D influencing we're going to go in with the D influenc oh yeah cuz sometimes everything's in Japanese it's hard to kind of know which one's good and which one you should avoid or things like that cuz there's so much better ones you know yeah so which is the one that we shall avoid I'm sorry these ones right here oh but they're so cute they're so cute and this character right now chawa is super popular in Japan and it's like off and popping everybody you know like they be getting the merchandise and all these cute things and it's cute cuz it's like what is it called it has the little face so like if you want to become chiawa you want to become one with chiawa no it's it's going to be so cute but that's it huh yeah that's it cuz like the ingredients I mean they're they're all in Japanese but it's pretty basic like it has like uh what is it calleda akisu is shika so it has like shika extract and then it has what else it has ceramides but like if you want like a cream not it's called a mask with ceramides you would get this one I think would be a better product than this little sheet mask right here so if you want to pay 450 Yen for one sheet mask that's almost $5 you can do that I would say maybe do it for the experience but like to stock up maybe for gifts I don't know but there's just like just think just think about you know there's more options there's more options out in the world is all I'm saying I also saw a lot of your postings and I know that you're a huge fan of Korean beauty as well I do yeah and then you just told us that Ana is also very popular in Japan yeah anoa is super popular in Japan the I think I'm sure you've talked about it before the 77 the toner cuz it's just like so like gentle right I feel like it's like so perfectly balanced it's just so gentle and easy but still hydrating and it's great but let me tell you did you know that the sheet masks are great too The sheam Mask they're coming in with a sheam mask excuse me and you can get them a donkey so this is a pack of three and it's only 700 Yen so it's like a little bit over 200 yen per mask but the quality of this mask is so good I believe that this is the cream mask yes and it's so interesting because it actually is like a cream that's on the mask and it's so like just like hydrating and just like refreshing you know like when you just feel something something so good you lose your words that's what happened with this one and then this one which is the regular like it's supposed to be the 80% ample liquid but the sheet mask from what I could remember it was like a really interesting texture and it just like stuck to your skin and I don't know if you can see that I'm going off right now it's like not like Vietnam but I'm like I'm off in the distance bro this this is a good she mask bro this will take you places all righty guys that's the first part of the Japan skincare shopping series stay tuned in for part two where we will continue to shop and roam around make sure to comment below on what J Beauty recommendations you want to see [Music] next
Channel: EuniUnni
Views: 191,075
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: japanese skincare, j-beauty, what to buy in japan, what skincare to buy in japan, what japanese hair care to buy, japanese hair care, j-beauty must buys, yesstyle japanese skincare, euniunni, Don Quijote, don quijote skincare recommendations, what to buy at don quijitoe, affordable japanese skincare, japanese makeup, japanese blush, BeYoBest, beauty within, tina tanaka harris, tina tanaka harris japanese skincare, tina yang, James welsh, japanese sheet mask, japanese emulsion
Id: U7uMBtBX2xA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 54sec (1434 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 22 2023
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