Tokyo - Where to Buy EVERYTHING | The Ultimate Guide

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Tokyo is a broken City it's broken into well smaller cities or areas each with their own specific goal or purpose for example the fish market of toyosu or Shinjuku nlife or even the area of Yoku dedicated to rather large people fighting each other or practicing fighting each other and so today we're doing a speedrun of the entire city with one specific goal in mind looking at where to buy everything in Tokyo starting with NE buy dubbed fabric town this is where people from around Japan come for specialty shops for Fabrics textiles and well pretty much everything this this area has it all there is a lot in this area and that is kind of going to be our theme today there's even a whole NE body fabric town website for the area and that is NE body short and sweet okachi Machi is an area of robberies seriously the area is filled to the brim with jewelry shops and along with with that comes a steady and consistent flow of heist and robbery attempts and yes it does happen in Japan more often than you might think there are a large number of gem and material wholesalers in the area so many of Japan's amazing handmade jewelry designers and Artisans will come out to okachimachi to get their supplies also keep in mind as we do this today and this applies to all areas these shops aren't all just perfectly lined up beside each other they're spread throughout the area and require a bit of searching but that that is where the fun comes in next area avoid shopping the nakam street in tokio's traditional area of Asaka it's that densely packed row of front-facing shops leading from kamong gate all the way down to the sen SOI Temple itself it's a tourist trap and it's filled with 90% of stuff that isn't even close to being Japanese like these fake silk kimono esque things here this this is not a kimono there are a few good food and drink options but that kind of feels like another video what a sunet is good for is two to three things mainly number one is kimono both new and used the area is filled with shops my personal favorite is Ogawa I've bought all of my kimona there and number two is Festival clothes or supplies for Japanese festivals also be careful with the sucks any area of Tokyo really things just will close randomly there's no set close day so make sure the shop that you want to go to is actually open before you go it's old but I'll link an entire Guide to the yaka area up here just down the road and wild is kabashi DOI a street known for everything at kitchen wear their entire shops just for fake display foods and you can get everything from Kitchen wear to traditional Japanese plates to supplies to set up and run your own restaurant and this giant Chef's head so that's the thing and since an impressive number of people want to buy Japanese kitchen knives kabashi hondori which is just off of kabashi Dori is lined with some of Japan's best knife shops this shop is actually no photographs but I know the owner here so they let us get some shots straight across the city is shiya which probably needs no introduction and is known for a lot of stuff some good and some maybe not so much it's meant to be kind of a youth fashioned area with shops like ichim Miku geared towards the female crowd and magnet geared towards more of the male crowd among many many many others and there's a Pokémon Center and just down the street is Harajuku which is also known for fashion but like more from takish Street and Beyond Harajuku is filled with clothing shops and accessory shops most of which are geared towards young girls also Inori is one of the biggest and best Daiso 100 yen shops that you will find in central Tokyo this one's a really good place to get souvenirs and Crepes they they have Crepes and in Star contrast we have jimboo an entire area of the city dedicated to books and bookstores but it's a deceptive area because on weekdays well like this it's just a quiet book town on weekends it's filled with more youth than the areas of Harajuku and shiya some of these shops are amazing too also a lot of these buildings have multiple floors of book shops so don't just stick to the ground level but the beauty of jimoo aside from the books is its proximity to two or three other really amazing areas like o chizu or music town which is a Haven for musicians and instrument lovers with the single greatest collection of music shops in the entire city of Tokyo there are more than 50 instrument shops spread throughout the area and even an entire Street just called guitar Street not only is it a whole town of instruments but it's also directly connected to oawa Machi which most people have never even heard of but is packed to the gills with snowboard and ski related shops as well as other sporting goods stores both on the Main Street and tucked into the back streets I also just noticed that the guard rails here are sports themed guard rails themselves are also different in almost every area of Tokyo but that feels like a different video and it's just a short walk down the road to Akihabara which just looks the best at night it's one of the top places on this entire list and that's saying a lot because we still have most of the best places left now this area is the obvious choice for Japanese anime gaming and Retro Gaming figures Pokemon cards or really any kind of cards heck you can you can even find entire shops just dedicated to used records not to mention the number of Airsoft options to give you a sense of just how dense and exciting Akiba is let's do a speedrun of some of my favorite chops while we give some love to our sponsor nordvpn you've probably heard of nordvpn you might even be using them but if you're new to vpn's and what they can do the simplest explanation is that they can make your computer or device look look like it's accessing the internet from another country or location which can be really helpful in unlocking streaming content that might not be available in your country but I use nordvpn for two main things number one is anytime I'm attached to public Wi-Fi like out here in Tokyo because without the encryption of a VPN I really want to go in here using public Wi-Fi is essentially like being in the wild wild west and number two is anytime I'm doing planning for travel searching for flights in hotels is using a VPN to make it look like you are searching from within the country you're hoping to travel to has the potential to yield cheaper results now I keep nordvpn on all of my devices and if you want to give it a shot you can use my link in the description box below along with the code Tokyo lens to give yourself a 2-year plan at a huge discount as well as four extra months for free the best part is is that nordvpn has a 30-day money back guarantee which means you can try it out essentially risk-free that is the end of our sponsor role and I always always end up in thrift stores Ginza has what might be Tokyo's largest collection of luxury brand shops and an amuji Hotel didn't even know that was the thing in pretty much every category from pearls and watches to jewelry Cosmetics clothing there's also a ton of stuff here that I don't even think I've ever heard of basically if it's expensive you'll probably be be able to find it in G up and fun fact the area is also home to some of Tokyo's best hidden back streets and secret Shrine and that so and rooftop shrines too like really really nice ones OT Sando is the high-end Fashion Boutique area of the city along with the nearby area of ayama the main street is lined with all the big fashion brands with fancy shop fronts and there's an entire shopping mall in here that just might be the emptiest shopping mall in Tokyo while magically being somehow so much bigger from the inside than it is from the outside niom Bashi can be summed up with its collection of GF related shops and old department stores but this area is really cool for another reason now despite it being a very heavily business focused area within walking distance of Tokyo Station the area of niom Bashi and the surrounding area are filled with residential Apartments like this one and it wasn't on purpose the original location of the Tokyo Stock Exchange is in Kabuto which is right around the corner from Nashi but when the market made the shift to digital all those offices that were used to move and transport physical stocks and bonds suddenly emptied out at such a high speed that Apartments started popping up right left and Center and I learned that because I used to live in this area next spot shimawa is home to a very common mistake made by visitors known as the subculture capital of Japan it's home to a wide variety of Music options and bars and is filled with vintage clothing shops and consignment stores that many people mistake for thrift shops but are actually much more expensive this shop here is a pretty good example of one of those vintage or consignment stores if you're having trouble telling them apart usually you can do so by the prices now there are plenty of actual thrift stores in the area with reasonable prices you just might need to look a little harder for them I recommend just walking around and enjoying the area like honestly I'm pretty sure the area is filled with more used clothing stores than you could hit in a single day with many of them having a different theme sometimes very specific like this one behind me here is a thrift store SL coffee shop I like it now the area of megao is like shimo Kama but for furniture if you're looking for something a little more unique than Ikea and potentially a little more expensive the main street of megaro has the greatest collection of furniture and used furniture shops in all of Tokyo you know what scratch what I said about more expensive the prices in this particular one aren't bad like these are less than $200 and this retro leather chair here is around the same price I'm pretty sure that Ikea has more expensive chairs that aren't that nice okay mego is not bad weno is the super area it has everything it's an amazing place to get souvenirs but the first thing that actually comes to mind here for some reason is shoes there are countless shoe stores in the area and in the amoko market which was originally the largest Black Market in Japan after World War II and is now home to literally everything that you can imagine also an odd abundance of toy and hobby shops are spread through the market and it's the perfect place to grab snacks to take back home with you there being entire Supermarket style shops like Nikki no Kushi here which specializes in snacks and food and it's it's a paradise also another great area for street food and it's all right around the corner from big old wio park so Che the position I once heard the Nano Broadway Des described as an Eclectic Cornucopia of retro and collector's Goods I love that description by the way and still feel it's very accurate the Nako Broadway actually shares a lot of similarities with the area of akih Haba in its dedication to collector's items retro Goods Thrift anime and basically all things wonderful the whole thing is a visual treat and one of the best parts is is it's contained within this multi floor shopping arcade keeping it out close close together and out of the rain and never noticed this before but there are also a lot of watch shops most which are almost completely empty there's also this really wild looking CAF I love the TV they have on the wall I may have done a little bit too much shopping here kuray is a craft town from every angle you look at it it is the go-to spot in Tokyo for craft supplies handmade bags accessories or even trying your hand at traditional Japanese crafts while Shin ubo or Little Korea is where you are going to find everything from Korean cosmetics and fashion all the way to food K-pop and more but Tokyo Station more accurately the space below it is a real life cheat code it is a hack this shop behind me for example among others sells souvenirs from every single region in Japan in fact their website even says it's for those times you forgot to get a souvenir for your friends from that place you went you can literally travel Japan without ever having to leave Tokyo Station this shop focuses entirely on foods from Hokkaido in fact this vast underground shopping arcade attached to the station is obviously also filled with Tokyo only souvenirs for example the ever popular Tokyo banana and there's more a lot more this doesn't even touch on food actually I might have to redo this entire video just just for food what was your favorite area a
Channel: Tokyo Lens
Views: 319,726
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Japan, Tokyo, Vlog, Tokyo Lens, Tokyo Vlog, Japan Vlog, Norm Nakamura, Norm Tokyo Lens, Japanese, Tokyo Shops, Tokyo Shopping, Where to shop in Japan, Where to shop in Tokyo, Japan shopping, Where to buy everything in tokyo, Tokyo shopping guide, ultimate tokyo guide, tokyo by area, tokyo explained, tokyo areas explained, how to tokyo, where to go in tokyo, watch before you go, shopping in tokyo, shopping in japan, japan travel, living in japan, tokyo travel, life in tokyo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 6sec (846 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 29 2023
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