6 Easy Second Residencies in Europe

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a lot of people want to know Andrew where can I get an easy second residence and for a lot of folks they would like for that to be in Europe so in this video I'm going to share with you six easy second residences that you can get in emerging Europe [Music] I'm an from Henderson a lot of folks want to live in Europe but here's the secret about Europe a lot of the countries in the European Union particularly in Western Europe have relatively high requirements now there are some straightforward programs such as the various golden visa programs which while not exactly cheap offer a relatively decent value for someone who just wants to get a residence permit and in some cases citizenship in the future but what I found is when you deal with emerging countries you can have a little bit easier time and lower investment requirements to get your residence permit now there are two types of emerging countries in my experience and this is very true in Europe in general you have some of the more emerging EU European countries that tend to in many cases have more stringent demands than some of their Western counterparts so for example in Romania not really any very good residence programs that like Romania we looked into Romania we put a lot of time researching it but there's just not a value in the program if you want to be a resident you got to live there good chunk of the time you better invest a bunch of money hire a bunch of people pay some tax it's just not that appealing in the grand scheme of things and so the Portugal golden visa program for example is far easier than that it just happens to have a relatively high price tag so the one kind of emerging country is almost some people in the EU have told me where it's like we're trying to be more Catholic than the Pope you know we're trying to live up to the EU standard of being somewhat tough on immigration that you know we think that's what the EU wants we don't want to let everybody just come in so we're gonna have an overpriced residence option other emerging countries make it relatively easy and they make the prices relatively low to get in so that's what we're gonna talk about today five different options and the first one is in the line of a golden visa it is the Latvia residence program now Latvia used to have a program not too many years ago where there were practically no fees at all it was a great offer and then they wised up and started adding some various government fees it's not a bad deal though you can invest a quarter euros in property anywhere in Latvia or you can deposit 280,000 euros in a type of bank deposit what that gives you is a five-year residence permit you don't need to be there now if you're not there you're not gonna become a citizen but you can simply come and go as you want for five years and after that you can renew it you're gonna pay somewhere in the order of about twelve thousand up to twenty-five thousand euros and government fees and there are some restrictions for example if you want to buy in the capital city of Riga which is something in a country like that I generally recommend you're gonna be limited to one property and so that's not exactly a cheap property for a city like Riga you're gonna be buying something that's relatively nice relatively big it might not be that liquid but maybe you like the idea of living in northern Europe at the summer that could work and then that's your access to not only Latvia but to the entire Schengen area of the European Union and and the EA so not a bad option and so when people say what is easy you might be saying to yourself oh well danger that's of course it's easy it's it's kind of expensive sure the more you pay the easier things tend to get that's really how it works what are some other options one that we don't talk about so much here is Armenia now you can certainly debate whether Armenia and Georgia and Azerbaijan are in Europe as Georgians and Armenians would claim or whether it's Asia which is more of the geographical issue but Armenia certainly has somewhat European feel to it even if the culture is a little bit different than what you'd expect in say Portugal what Armenia has is several different ways to qualify like many countries there is a business immigration option you start a business you hire someone there's somewhat strict on that okay they want to make sure you're actually gonna run a business it doesn't have to be huge doesn't have to be your entire business but it should be something that actually works you can't just set up a company and and walk away and get a residence permit there are other options where you can invest we've put together a program where you can invest in kind of a real estate arbitrage long-term rental you have a go at a short-term rental you make a few bucks and you get a residence permit there are other options where you can invest in bonds okay so two different investment options you don't like to spend a lot of money you could spend as little as twenty thousand dollars in investment capital and the fees are pretty reasonable number three is Montenegro I like Montenegro a lot and what's interesting about a lot of the non EU Balkans countries you know Serbia Montenegro etc is most of them not all of them but most of them have a pretty similar program it's interesting when you when you look at certain pockets of the world they often have very similar laws in neighboring countries and that's the case here where in Montenegro you can buy a property any property it technically needs to be twelve meters in size there's no real limit and they're not really gonna go and check that your living and the properties need to buy the property now they have recently cracked down a lot due to certain nationalities coming and abusing this they would buy a one apartment and eighteen people would live there they're not doing that anymore it's basically gonna be you whose name is on the on the title and your spouse and kids if you have them that's about it okay so there's there's no more bringing sixteen different people with you that has gone there also singing they want to make sure that you're there a little bit of the year what it seems like is they give you the benefit of the doubt for a while and then they eventually come and crack down on you if you're not living there at least part of the year Montenegro pretty tax friendly country not a bad place to live but as with so many residence programs it is becoming tougher things that didn't used to be checked or now checked and the one downside to montenegro is that through real estate there's really not a path to citizenship even if there was it would take a long time but with the real estate option you're not gonna have a great path for citizenship number four next door is Albania very similar program definitely a different kind of vibe Albania seems to be very u.s. friendly if you're from the United States and so you can go to Tirana you can go to surrond on the coast of Lora and there's opportunities there one of the cheapest places to buy real estate in Europe and perhaps the cheapest place almost anywhere to buy coastal real estate I mean we're talking 500 euros for a meter the seaside promenade in some places so definitely an option there but they are also going to check you unless you're a US citizen you get some special advantages so they're looking for you to be their number 5 Serbia same kind of deal buy a property in this case they're gonna go and make sure that you're there ok they want to knock on the door and so while we made a video on really cheap properties in Serbia they are going to come and see are you living in that property so buying a six thousand euro property in a village that needs some repair hope you're planning and hanging out there for a while until they get around to making sure that you're there as part of your application but if you want to buy a place it against Serbia I think is a very friendly place the Montenegro Serbia quarter certainly a very fun one and and relatively you know reasonable tax rates it's definitely an option to to consider in the last option number six in emerging Europe is Georgia obviously we've talked about Georgia a lot for banking Georgia has recently increased the requirement what was once thirty five thousand dollars in real estate is now a hundred thousand dollars in real estate to get a temporary residence permit if you want permanent you're gonna have to do more than that and so Georgia is responding to being a country that was relatively easy for a while they were pretty liberal and it was taken advantage of and so hundred thousand bucks in real estate not much to do the taxes are a joke on real estate and it's a it's a very straightforward place to do business but the requirements are simply going up the requirements on getting citizenship have gone up and so this is part of a greater trend okay if you're sitting and you're saying I want a second residence and potentially to turn that into a second Passport all these different opportunities are becoming more and more difficult and it's not only because countries you know some of them want to join the European Union or they're trying to go in that direction so the European Union tries to get them to to not make things so easy in other cases they feel that their programs are being abused and so if you're a Western or what you probably don't see is you probably don't see the people from non-western countries who are really on the hunt for programs where they can just go anywhere in these people from countries who want to go anywhere there's a whole industry I mean if you think our channel is big go and find channels in in Hindi or go and find you know the the hundred thousand Chinese immigration agents who are helping people move those people are looking for programs that are easy and once they become abused the government's respond they come out with higher and higher prices easy residences are harder to find Europe is somewhat ground zero for that for a number of reasons so if you want to get an easy second residence my suggestion is always to do it now always to figure out which one's the best for you how does that play into your global picture and to get moving because prices almost always go up hi I'm Andrew Henderson from nomads capitalist I wrote this book which you can find on Amazon to distill a lot of the stuff we talked about in these videos and a lot of the stuff I've learned over the last decade plus traveling all around the world teaching you about how to legally reduce your taxes build your personal freedom and create wealth faster definitely get a copy of this book if you want to learn more now if you want to watch more videos make sure you subscribe to our Channel and make sure you click the notifications bell so you never miss one of our new videos with more tips on how to go where you're treated best and if you're already a six or seven figure entrepreneur and you'd like to put these strategies in place for yourself go to Nomad capitalist calm and learn about how I can help you
Channel: Nomad Capitalist
Views: 94,904
Rating: 4.8926921 out of 5
Keywords: nomad capitalist, go where you're treated best, second residency, second residence, easy second residency, easiest second residency, European residence permit, European residency, European permanent residence, easiest second passport, European passport, buy European passport, European passport benefits, Europe passport benefits, living in Europe, second citizenship, second passport, dual citizenship, life in europe, moving overseas, european residence permit
Id: zHWfTED2t1I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 48sec (648 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 08 2019
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