Tour of Cheap Land for Sale in Montenegro

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we're here in the coast of Montenegro one of the world's best coastlines with Anka the Montenegro property maestro welcome back thank you we're gonna start on the coast we're gonna drive up and look at some of the world's cheapest land that's for sale to get a lot of people asking us here in the channel I want cheap land to build a house I want to build a bunch of houses I want to move my family there do forestry do farming just get away from it all whatever I'm not sure I've seen land is cheap as 11 cents per square meter I think yes we have a lot of land and not so far away from here which we will see today big plots very cheap and very affordable yeah very nice area - very close to the cost when you see a small plot we see a couple really big plots that you can subdivide and do a lot with and and we've been talking now I think we'll talk as we go about some of the places where you would not buy land because I was showing you some land oh you know let's go over here and you're saying no no don't don't throw your money in a dumpster yes so we're here in the coast and and we're gonna kind of show you as we drive let's just start over here though because you have you you you told me about this piece of land and you're like maybe you want to get in on this piece of land let's come over here this is how big this is a thousand square meters yes approximately a thousand square meters and the price is 350 euros per square meters first one decision to the sea be the very nice take a look at this so 300 just we're getting a reference point if you're hearing the coast prices are not that cheap let's come and take a look at this land that's for sale it's wedged between these two houses here yes it is and this is what you get what happened what happens to this by the way this kind of like that's the more Monument let's come over a little closer let's take let's see what we get here for 350 euros so that's what you get 350 euros a metre we're gonna pay less than 1/1000 that price and we're gonna do it as we drive up into the hills of Montenegro let's go [Music] so we've driven about 20-25 minutes outside of t-bot along the coast across the ferry starting to go up the hill and what are we looking at here Anka you're looking at the bay and the small city name every Sun on the left side this is a city whenever I see like whenever I'd go back five years ago and I was looking for a property to buy here the cheapest thing always seem to be in reefs on yes the reason is just not developed as much as the area around the core area of course around tea but because of the ports and everything you go up the hill I mean so so first line to see it's gonna be expensive more expensive then how much will that be comparative I've compared to tea but maybe from 1000 to 1500 per square meters regarding the apartments or for the land for the land hundred hundred per square meter so one-third the price of tea but yes what we have or cheaper lens here I put more in the hill where we can buy square metre for 4045 years we saw something that somebody built kind of like this this level with this little road is up here and that's that's like a 40 meter 40 euro per meter piece of land little bit higher which does not seem even that cheap well no because it's a as you said nice view but it's too far away from the main road this is this Reese on is too far away and then you go up into but it's peaceful it's serene it is scenery very beautiful it's beautiful like far away from everything just far away from quarter and so to give you an idea that if you were to buy let's say a 500 meter piece of land and you paid what is that I went to public school 20 thousand euros but you can't do it's probably bigger lands on that up there right well quite bigger land but you can but you can divide you can buy even smaller plots yes so if I'm buying for if I'm if I'm buying that 20 thousand euro piece of land I can build how big of a house in these hills 20 thousand euros big house not so big because there is 0.6 allowed to be built and in reason there is a policy that you can be the only ground floor first floor and the Attic it's gonna be higher so you're gonna have like a what a 200 square meter house on your 500 square meter land yeah so here we are it's about you know 20 to 30 minutes outside you're up in the hills but we're gonna find much much cheaper land up in these hills that we go [Music] so we're here at the first plot of land 35 acres 140,000 square metres you've got really as far as the eye can see and 60 euro cents per square meter so about eighty four thousand euros for just a huge tract of land right off the main road you go back to this tower and it goes straight all around and the road is kinda passing through the property the road passes right through the middle yes what would you do with this land you can build it's allowed to be this one house you can make anything you want because it's a rural area so it's allowed to build knows no zoning no zoning because it's a rural they need didn't do any permission to build a house here yeah you need permissions for everyone Nick sure that's from Nicky to municipality but you have to know that the communal taxes are much much lower prices it can be compared then with the course of course you know so we went from 350 euros per meter to 60 cents per meter in about a one hour and five minute drive yes so the greenery and the area is all around the where the road is passing a road goes behind the property and property is approximately 300 meters further small Hills belongs to the property it can be built it's a rural area what which means that our government are supporting people who want to buy these kind of the properties and to build with the communal or communal taxes or helped with the doing the roads and electricity water supplies so what is here do we have electricity do we have water to get power what is the very good thing is you see the pylons here these are these like a like a tower so it will be very very cheap to bring your supply for the olicity from there up to here the electricity is not on the property but it's to the property basically which is perfect because we have a lot of properties where there is no even closer electricity so unity el apoyo yeah not just be out poor yeah big OVA which is very near the coast all right on our way to the second property which is a lot cheaper per square meter but much bigger so land being as he liquid as it is especially in an area like this how negotiable are these sellers they're negotiable to subdivide the land how negotiable as a seller expected to be in Montenegro on the global price I mean if you're planning to buy all property they're definitely negotiable what would you come in at what would be your offer if for example four hundred and forty thousand square metre if you plan to buy Orland then maybe around forty centers per meter thirty cents versus you come in at half price and try and get if you do people cash I think that would half price not just half but that's where you start and you work your way up to maybe a one thirty or thirty five percent discount yeah something like the definitely depends on the situation what seller need if the seller need quick money then you don't see fair price you know it's low so old there aren't so many buyers for these properties that's why it would be fair price only because of that because still we don't have so many buyers for these kind of properties so even if you get an amazing deal a fire sale as we'd say you can't turn around and really sell that at a profit right away no and I have to say this don't forget that when we talked about 2006 and 2007 literally coast was similar to this you know just if we're thinking oh no opportunities no what do I need this or why do I need that so once come one investor and make Porto Montenegro the the interesting game as you go around the world is anyone can get create a beach resort increasingly people can create kind of Mountain ski resorts and so do they do it which or just started to do it Armenia is trying to do it well Montenegro do it that's the question is you know what what will your land be but I mean I I almost think that this is a deal for your kids this is a 20 30 40 50 years old what I lost 15 years a lot of things happened here maybe if you asked me 10 years ago I would say of this opportunity for your grandchildren but now over the 9th think such stuff here things are changing very fast especially Montenegro with all the happenings in the world people turned and started to count the started to to investigate country not just for investment for long-term life a lot of people from Turkey my clients they came and they just put the kids in the school some people from London so my clients from London they're planning to move and we already prepare all for them they bought a house intimate area a lady she's putting her kids in a oxford school you know so you got cheaper cost of living in the West you've got a lot more freedom than you do in the West and you have a more stable state than you do in some other countries that aren't so far away where you can come in better I have to say probably yes because I know most of the Europe as a tourist and I went everywhere as a tourist not to stay to leave so I'm not so much familiar with the life I listen a lot of stories the drive is not very easy in a big cities and especially when the people need to work 10 hours per day it's fast life difficult life a lot of mortgages lot of depth obligations so once they come here they see a little bit slower than the rest of the Europe in living in behaving doing our job finishing our obligations yes [Music] all right so we're arriving at the second parcel of land now this pot pot is three hundred thousand square meters huge pot and it is all this area we can see here till this last hill we saw till there so behind of these heels there is a one more road up there which is connected this is I have to mention old road to Bosnia this was the road to Bosnia this is like a great road you said from what the 70 even before I think 16 65 years in Yugoslavia all because I see those time this is a Tito's Road that's why it's excellent this is it last last 60 70 years so it's about a 12 minute 15 minute drive from from the main road the main road the road seven to ten kilometres 17 kilometers and then another ten minutes into city centre new ish so you're 25 minutes removed from everything and really out here with no neighbors but the foxes and the Bears three hundred thousand square metres 75 acres forty thousand euros but as with any kind of land at this size I think highly negotiable maybe even half maybe a little [Music] this is our third and smallest and cheapest parcel we are outside of the town of Medici kind of south of Nietzsche SH so further away from the coast past Nick sheesh on the way from the coast but this is a small piece of land you can see the little gate here 20,000 give or take square meters about five acres yes 2800 euros yes I mean look these huge pieces of land you were saying it might take you five years to sell out you're gonna be in that for the long run and those people are obviously very negotiable and if they won't be someone else should be how many Gosha ball is is this 2,800 euros I don't think it's too much negotiable because already price is very low it is closer to Nietzsche than the other two properties so this is very good to invest to buy property and make as a maybe small building for the people who need homes to rent it out work here makes which families are here perfectly three minutes from the main road we came yes yes very very close to the main road and on the main road you I in ten minutes you're saying zoning here there's no zoning no zoning no zoning build a house you build a house yes yeah so you can just do me week we can we can kind of see back here just over to this tree line and then where it is back to this reliant to this property to this big pile on walls yes yeah and around yeah okay so but so 20,000 meters this would be a nice place and you're saying again like if I want to buy this with my friend or my brother or something I can come in and cut this into each build our own house for all properties we saw today it's very it would be very affordable if you buy for example friends Fed brothers they can buy split it and with the price it comes like to buy for ten thousand yes just for the big huge property where you can build house or some resort Center as we were talking about which it is very good idea as a small invest what I like here one of the things if someone has a family let's say you live in the coast we live wherever you'd be nice to have a place and just open the back door let the kids run out and like like the golden days let's take a look over here and see what what we get here for our princely sum of two thousand eight hundred euros [Music] on the plate here we have domestic smoked ham from the pork and beef sausages I have to say sausages and the bread are made then domestically just directly from the restaurant owners we have olives and cheese Montenegrin cheese one cheese here it's a little bit salty strong cheese from the salt water from Russia we have cheese from oil which is prepares domestic in the houses we prepare it as homes to keep it for a while try the role of of cheese and dig it to the oil olive oil or regular oil and keep it for maybe 20 days and you get it's delicious I have to say this is the famous dish in Montenegro it is a lamb in the wheel meet with potential honking this has been really informative are there a lot of lands like this all over Montenegro that people can find for cheap prices a lot of as you go further on the note much more cheaper and and even cheaper than some of these yes even cheaper than some of these I have to say approaching and local roads are not the best there but Montenegro is progressing very well as I said before progressing so I hope in a couple of years we will be much you know much better or a much better way regarding the road infrastructure than we are so interesting opportunity here in Montenegro to buy land on more favorable terms as a foreigner than some other neighboring countries so as always thank you for a great tour and for as I always say synthesizing the informations that we're not going to the wrong places I think this is probably a great great place to get a great deal that you can actually use and actually has some value so thank you always for your insights thank you some of this was extraordinary experience for me and thank you so much Andrew Bala hi I'm Andrew Henderson from nomad capitalist I wrote this book which you can find on Amazon to distill a lot of the stuff we talked about in these videos and a lot of the stuff I've learned over the last decade plus traveling all around the world teaching you about how to legally reduce your taxes build your personal freedom and create wealth faster definitely get a copy of this book if you want to learn more now if you want to watch more videos make sure you subscribe to our Channel and make sure you click the notifications bill so you never miss one of our new videos with more tips on how to go where you're treated best and if you're already a six or seven figure entrepreneur and you'd like to put these strategies in place for yourself go to Nomad capitalist calm and learn about how I can help you
Channel: Nomad Capitalist
Views: 105,650
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Keywords: raw land, raw land investing, raw land flipping, raw land for sale, Montenegro real estate, cheap land, cheap land for sale, raw land development, montenegro real estate investment, niksic, land investing
Id: Rbc9MWke4yc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 6sec (1146 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 23 2019
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