Best Places I Would Live with $1,000 per Month

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i recently gave some thought to the question what if i had to start all over from the very beginning with nothing and i had only a thousand dollars per month to live on as a nomad capitalist where would i live and why today i'm going to share with you some of the best places that i would live if i had to do it on a thousand dollars a month [Music] hi i'm andrew henderson and here at nomad capitalist my team of 30 people our network of global experts and myself help seven and eight figure entrepreneurs and investors legally go where they're treated best but today we're going to talk about something a little bit different we're going to talk to people who are either just starting out or perhaps you want to cut your costs all the way to the bone where would i live if i had a thousand dollars a month to live on and i like to give thoughts this every once in a while because we've talked about the idea of for example the lifetime emergency fund how to put your money in offshore banks at higher interest rates and you know kick off thousand dollars a month in interest that you could go and you could live on because there are places in the world that aren't too bad where you could go and actually do that and as someone who's you know been an entrepreneur my entire life i like to make sure that i'm not going to go back to there and that's dictated my relatively risk-free or lower risk philosophy in life so i don't want to bury the lead i'm going to give you my number one choice to start and then i'm going to give you some other options that you might want to think about my number one place to live if i had only a thousand dollars a month i would choose tbilisi georgia we've been talking about georgia for many years here and i think a lot of nomads have started to go to georgia and have found georgia as a result of our channel and it's a very affordable place to live but why i would choose it for number one is a couple of things number one what i think is is great about georgia is the people are very easy to make friends with and so i have built a lot of lasting friendships people that i've worked with they've introduced me to people become friends with them just a very hospitable place and when you need something people are there to help you often you know very quickly and so there's the spirit of friendship that i think people are looking for if you had to spend your time in that one place is very very good in georgia i happen to own a home there and so for me a thousand dollars a month could entirely go to food and entertainment and just the cost of maintaining a house but i shared not so long ago the cost of maintaining my homes and the utility bills in georgia are extremely cheap even when you're living there cost of groceries has gone up in the last year or two still pretty cheap and there's plenty of local produce you could go out and you could buy some land you could save up and buy some land somewhere in the country for a couple thousand dollars you could grow some of your own vegetables there you could potentially do that if you had uh you know backyard you could grow some stuff great soil you've got a lot of local quality meats things that are made locally organically and i think if you owned a home as i do for a thousand dollars a month you could go out and you could have some nice dinners a couple nights a week with drinks they have some of the best wines it's just i think about sitting in front of my home and from the fireplace with a glass of george and wine and just spectacular and so if you had to rent something you could still rent relatively affordably and stay within that thousand dollar number probably a few uh fewer dinners out but that would be a great place to go and i think also you know having four seasons is attractive to a lot of people it doesn't get super cold in the winter but it gets chilly it does get relatively warm in a couple summer months but you've got all the different seasons and potentially that thousand dollars i mean you could take some day trips or some weekend trips around some really beautiful places around georgia so that would be my number one choice all right now on to the rest of the list before we get started let's set a couple of criteria certainly there are a lot of places in the world where you could go and live in some far-flung village and you know raise your own goats you can live for a thousand dollars a month we're not talking about that we're talking about some kind of larger town up to a mega city or somewhere in between also important is can you immigrate there because unless you are from this country you need people to stay there and so if you're you know constantly relying on 30-day tourist visas you can only get two of those a year that's not going to work and so i'm looking at countries where you can easily you know get immigration through a residence permit or extended tourist visas in georgia many people can go for 360 days just on a tourist visa or you can get a residence permit and so my second place to consider if you're looking for a big city would be istanbul and that's thanks to the decline of the turkish lira against the dollar the euro pretty much everything else and so because of that rents aren't super cheap but you can get a relatively affordable place in a in a nice area of istanbul food is cheap tea is cheap there's a lot going on you've got water you've got that big city vibe but you've also got neighborhoods which feel nice and you can ingratiate yourself into that culture and i think you can you could live a pretty affordable lifestyle given the decline of the lyrics if you just want a huge city that's what i would choose now let's say you want to live in asia i know a lot of people look at cities like chiang mai and thailand chiang rai and thailand those are affordable you could probably do it on a thousand bucks a month for me i'm less interested in thailand nothing nothing wrong with thailand where i would go for a more laid-back asian vibe is to malaysia not to where i spend time in kuala lumpur you probably couldn't do it even in penang both of those cities are going to be too expensive but to kota kinabalu kk in malaysia on the boring assad i think you probably could pull it off and so you'd have all the the benefits of the beautiful malaysian people pretty easy immigration they let pretty much anybody come in for numerous residence permits or just through tourist visas you know great place to live i think it has more of that you know laid back asian vibe that you might find people might like about other parts of southeast asia if you wanted a larger city in asia it gets a bit more challenging because a lot of the larger cities in asia are expensive and so let's say you like asia and you're like me you like a little bit bigger city kuala lumpur is not going to work most cities in southeast asia aren't going to work i thought about hanoi but then i i felt that for most people being able to stay in vietnam it definitely would be a challenge and so where i would probably go is to gnome pen cambodia where you can get a business visa you can renew that every year it's becoming more difficult for sure but perhaps still doable and while cambodia is on the u.s dollar which makes some things more expensive i think you could get by for a thousand dollars a month you could rent something relatively cheap still a good amount of of cheap rentals um you could live there and i think any big city in asia might be tough but i think you could do it there uh and likely in hanoi but again with the condition that it's a bit more difficult to get in and stay there if you want to be on the beach i think that a lot of the cities in asia would be expensive let's say you want a european beach i would say there's probably some small towns in the algarve where you could really stretch it the problem is the euro is is gaining against the dollar portugal was becoming more expensive maybe if you sold your plasma or something uh maybe you could pull it off in some tiny town of the algarve in portugal i think that probably the better bet would be antalya and turkey again because the decline of the lira you could probably pull something off especially if you did a year-round lease living there for a thousand dollars a month in latin america where would i choose again some of the big cities might be tough if i'm living at a thousand dollars a month i'm not as concerned about tax and so a place like bogota where i love but wouldn't spend year round it could be in the list i think probably the best bet though given the the same concept is the the turkish lira decline would be to live in buenos aires because i think you'd have a great quality lifestyle the constant financial chaos probably wouldn't bother you that much in fact it would benefit you because your dollar would go further as the pace of declines and you've got a great quality of life you've got vibrance you've got just a lot going on beautiful city and i think that would probably win out for me because it has become more affordable as the currency's declined it's certainly i think is is not as expensive as a place like mexico city which i love and i think you could probably you know squeak something out in a place like buenos aires for a thousand bucks obviously in none of these places are you living high in the hog with the exception perhaps of tbilisi depending on where you chose to rent you can take the metro for 15 cents there you can you know get a any kind of meal for a dollar i mean two dollars you can cook at home incredibly cheap and as i said i mean wine incredibly cheap i imagine there's parts of spain where you could do that as well but for me i think tbilisi number one other cities would be considerations i'm sure that many of you watching have your own considerations what city would you choose if you had a thousand us dollars a month where would you live leave a comment below tell me what that city is what that place is and why i want to hear from you how can nomad accomplice help you four ways number one subscribe to our channel and click the notification bell to make sure you get our new video every day number two get a copy of nomad capitalist the book you'll learn a lot of my personal experiences over a dozen years of studying this stuff as well as exactly some of the strategies that you can use to build your nomad capitalist plan number three if you're not sure where to start but you want to come and learn from my team and i you want to come and mingle with like-minded people learn more about our live conference nomad capitalist live it's coming up soon and number four if you want some help right now because you've got a burning issue you need something solved you want to lower your taxes get a second passport or build the nomad capitalist lifestyle of your dreams go to and click on become a client
Channel: Nomad Capitalist
Views: 330,932
Rating: 4.8995557 out of 5
Keywords: nomad capitalist, go where you're treated best, life in tbilisi georgia, costs of living, investment in georgia, living in istanbul, citizenship by investment, citizenship by investment turkey, moving to istanbul, living in istanbul as an american, moving to malaysia, invest in cambodia, living in cambodia, living in antalya turkey, life in argentina, living in argentina as a foreigner, cambodia, kota kinabalu, antalya, malaysia, low cost of living, save money, tbilisi georgia
Id: 9aY8_DISMJ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 24sec (624 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 26 2021
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