The Easiest Countries to Move to from the USA

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2020 was a record year at nomad capitalist seeing americans calling us not only looking for backup plans in terms of citizenships and banks worldwide to protect themselves in the event things got worse but we had a lot of folks from the u.s saying i want to get out of here before things get worse where can i move how do i move and the question is always well what are the easiest places to move to what are the best places to move to and while there is no one perfect place i'm going to share with you four countries that i believe are pretty easy for most americans to move to [Music] hi i'm andrew henderson and here at nomad capitalist our team of 30 people our network of global experts help seven and eight-figure entrepreneurs legally go where they're treated best whether it's a plan b or a plan a more at nomad and today i'm going to talk to a wide swath of americans who are asking where are the easiest places for me to move to and i set up a couple criteria that i wanted to use for today's presentation number one the countries have to be relatively easy to immigrate to from a legal standpoint as much as americans often talk about moving to canada if their gut doesn't win the election it's not that easy to move to canada canada doesn't just take anyone who wants to come in with seven dollars their name so the place had to be relatively easy for a lot of people to be able to move to i looked at places that had a relatively similar cultural connection or some kind of cultural affinity i've been doing this for many years and so if you told me you know go and spend a bunch of time in cambodia i'm perfectly comfortable doing that but i understand a lot of americans especially those who have been calling us this year they may have traveled overseas many of those destinations were very touristic and so you know they're they're looking for something that feels somewhat like the united states that it's not total culture shock and i also wanted these places to be affordable and so these four places i believe could apply to so many different americans does not mean that if you are from the united states that is the best place for you because i know many of you have been pretty adventurous at traveling and you might want to move further afield but here are four places that i think stand out for at least getting started the first is mexico and i started all the way back before donald trump got elected the first time saying why is it that people on the left always threaten to move to canada when they could move to mexico easier to immigrate to cheaper to live better weather better food so many great things about mexico and yet people look down on mexico mexico from a global perspective is a relatively wealthy country there are plenty of beautiful parts of the country there are plenty of wealthy we've had actually a lot of a lot of mexicans calling us as well looking to diversify looking for their plan b it's just good thinking all around but there are plenty of very successful people there who live in beautiful neighborhoods they live in beautiful homes they drive nice cars and you can go and do that too if you prove that you have a pretty basic amount of income you can get residents in mexico you can go and spend time there if you're willing to actually live there eventually you can get mexican citizenship and they've got this kind of weird uh unique form of taxation that's relatively flexible for people just getting settled in the first year or two and so it's next door it's close to home it's someone who no longer spends any time in the united states i go to mexico i feel some of the the you know some of the the greatest comforts you know if you want a hot dog or if you want some of those americanized foods or some of those americanized experiences i love mexican culture and food but they also have some of those more americanized things more so than almost anywhere else i go in the world so that's a very easy place to go to and most people can afford to get in there another country in latin america that's pretty easy for most westerners including u.s citizens is panama they have a friendly nations visa program you put five thousand dollars in the bank you put a couple extra grand per dependent if you have a spouse if you have children and you have one economic tie to the country that could be as simple as setting up a corporation now there are some reporting requirements with the us government for that corporation but you don't really need to do much with it you don't need to employ people you don't need to meet the requirements a lot of other countries would would make you do in terms of running a business you could also buy a home you could make some kind of investment in forestry any kind of economic connection in addition to your bank account gets you into panama and from there you don't have to stay in panama to keep the residents active but you can live there and there are parts of panama where english is somewhat widely spoken the country uses the us dollars you're not going to have currency shock or currency fluctuation particularly as many experts expect the us dollar to decline in 2021 you'll see what's not the most affordable place there are a lot of the comforts that americans like particularly in panama city some of the beach communities not a bad place to go non-stop flights back to the us certainly very americanized because of its history you know more so than some of the other countries in central america and so not a bad choice for many americans to to go to even though there are parts of mexico and panama where you can get by with english or you can at least learn enough spanish to function in affluent communities if you're looking for an english-speaking country one that has been chosen particularly by retirees is belize you're next to mexico you do have non-stop flights in normal times from various cities in the u.s down to belize and you've got really a lot of nice diving nice beaches you're probably not going to live in one of the cities you're probably going to live out on one of the keys or somewhere along the water but particularly if you are retired residence is relatively easy you bring about twenty four thousand dollars a year into the banks there you show that you have some money and you can move all your household goods in duty-free they've got a couple different programs but i would generally say for folks 45 and up belize is an option worth considering because they do speak english that is their language and they've got a lot of options for people who are looking for a bit more laid-back lifestyle obviously much smaller country than even a panama or certainly that in mexico but not a bad place to live if you're just looking to you know escape and have a totally different life experience a lot of americans have chosen to go down there another place we've seen a lot of americans looking at is portugal and so portugal has a golden visa program they have other residence programs for folks who are looking to actually you know invest in an apartment to live in and spend time there so you've got your choice do you want to invest less money and actually live in portugal and maintain all the trappings of a home or do you want to invest and have the flexibility to live there or not there are different ways that you can move to portugal but it's becoming a very popular nomad destination expat destination not only with younger people and digital nomads but also with people who are retirees and we have a lot of folks who are asking me about portugal and it's become it's always been a beautiful place i've been going there for a dozen years and it's always been a great place but now it's becoming more international more of the things that you're used to more english is spoken again portuguese not that difficult to learn if you spend time there so definitely a place that i think because it is in europe it's more affordable there are different immigration options a lot of americans can easily fit in there and being so far western europe not so difficult to get back and forth to the us those are four countries that i think are relatively you know culturally available affordable enough to live in immigration options available to americans those are four places to start now again you could look at asia you could look at places further afield in europe you could look at eastern europe you could look further you know south and south america and i've talked about countries from malaysia to colombia to georgia those could all work we also have talked about countries like switzerland places like jersey the cayman islands and we have high level clients who want to live in those places so there is no one perfect place for anybody i'm sure most americans could handle living in the cayman islands just happens the investment option to live there is generally a bit more intense or a bit more expensive but there are lots of places where you can go those are four that the average american can start with if there's one you think i've missed leave a comment below where do you think someone looking to leave the united states should consider how can nomad accomplice help you four ways number one subscribe to our channel and click the notification bell to make sure you get our new video every day number two get a copy of nomad capitalist the book you'll learn a lot of my personal experiences over a dozen years of studying this stuff as well as exactly some of the strategies that you can use to build your nomad capitalist plan number three if you're not sure where to start but you want to come and learn from my team and i you want to come and mingle with like-minded people learn more about our live conference nomad capitalist live it's coming up soon and number four if you want some help right now because you've got a burning issue you need something solved you want to lower your taxes get a second passport or 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Channel: Nomad Capitalist
Views: 121,764
Rating: 4.9194221 out of 5
Keywords: nomad capitalist, go where you're treated best, moving to mexico, moving to mexico from us, life in panama, life in panama for expats, moving to panama, living in panama, living in mexico, living in belize as an american, moving to belize, life in belize for expats, life in belize, portugal golden visa, life in portugal, moving to portugal, moving to europe, living in europe, how to move to europe from usa, life in europe, living in mexico as an american, moving overseas
Id: bIu7uE0WC4g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 14sec (554 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 21 2021
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