What’s the Cheapest and Safest Country to Live in?

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I came across a question asked by a would-be Nomad capitalist who asked what is the cheapest and safest country in the world to live in we've got two factors here that we're going to discuss number one is where can you live affordably and get a better value for your money but also where can you do that and be safe why don't people think that those two things don't go together I'm going to walk you through actual statistics and real-life experience today and explain why they can go well together and answer where you can live cheaply and safely [Music] hey guys I'm Andrew Henderson here at Nomad capitals we help 7 and 8-figure entrepreneurs legally reduce their taxes grow their options with second citizenships invest in new boom markets around the world you can learn more at Nomad capitalist dot-com and this is a question that I've been asked a lot over the years people want to know on one hand where can I go where it's cheaper to live I want to get more value for my money I'm tired of living in a western country where everything is so expensive especially for my friends in Australia who are paying $30 for a pack of cigarettes and huge duties on alcohol and many of you who have very expensive lifestyles cheap is one side value is one side but on the other side I want to make sure that I'm safe because there's so much prejudice particularly in the West if you turn on your television about how everywhere else in the world is unsafe you have to stay at home remember a couple years ago when the US State Department came out and said travel warning every single country in the world is unsafe right now don't leave anywhere now if I had a government that took half of people's money and spent it on a bunch of stupid stuff I guess I wouldn't want anyone to leave either but of course there are places where you can go you can get a better value and you can also be safe and so what I would tell you is safe can be anywhere and cheap is subjective I was talking to a friend of mine the other day he lives in Chicago and if you've seen some of the stuff that happens in Chicago you'll have dozens of people some weekends being killed I mean really sad stuff and he's very quick to point out I don't live in the part of Chicago where people are being killed I live in the suburbs still you don't don't worry about it well here's the reality okay there are suburbs of Mexico City there are suburbs of Sao Paulo of Dhaka of pretty much anywhere that you want where you can also be safe so when you turn on your television and you see oh you know somebody had their head chopped off in Guadalajara there are plenty of people who live in Guadalajara who live in these safe parts and so that's where you may want to go when it comes to cheap of course you know my philosophy is not you know how do I live for nine dollars a day but how am I getting better value for my money and so my perspective of the cheap part to start off there is if you're looking for a westernized quality of life you're probably gonna get some of the absolute cheap prices in parts of Eastern Europe so we've talked a lot about Belgrade we've talked about tably see Yerevan Minsk in Belarus you know these are places that are really cheap partially because they use their own currency which keeps prices lower Montenegro where I have a summer home it's really not that cheap partially because they use the Euro or just because they have a lot of tourism but these lesser visited places with their own currencies that are off the beaten track to a certain extent you're gonna get a great value particularly few drink because there are some places where alcohol is really expensive but if you want great food if you want great dining you know coffee those kind of places are gonna be good and also cities near those so Nova sod for example in Belgrade Budapest is a place that I think could be relatively affordable if you want to be within the European Union so that's probably a great place certainly you could apply some of the same principles to to Central and South America sometimes the tiniest of countries like if you go to a Caribbean island things are not going to be as cheap so sometimes tiny countries if you want certain Western creature comforts are gonna cost more so if you're going to Honduras for example it may not be as cheap as you'd expect Colombia Ecuador I think some definitely some great deals there Colombia again has a currency that never seems to to hold its weight that well but great place to live great value and then of course Southeast Asia places like Malaysia similar issues with the currency countries like Thailand Cambodia which is a dollar rised economy not as cheap as you might expect so I'm looking at Malaysia is one of the cheapest places quite frankly again if we're looking to have some kind of westernized lifestyle some kind of consumer convenience is certainly living in a rural Laos to compete cheap but so can living in rural West Virginia ok so that's what I would look at in terms of cheap now you might say ok are those places safe are those three main pockets that we identified safe we're looking at Latin America primarily kind of northern South America Eastern South East Europe or the Caucasus and Southeast Asia are we going to be safe here now I'm always looking at these new studies and reports that come out and you may see these in the headlines these are the 10 safest countries in the world I came across one recently they talked about in CNN ok remarkably all 10 of the countries were basically European or Western countries it was Iceland it was Sweden it was all these different countries and what really amazes me is I actually found one of these reports where they basically admitted they said this is this these are the safest countries based on perception and since these reports are all put together by a bunch of think tanks by white guys sitting in Washington or London or Vienna what is their natural bias their natural biases we know Iceland that seems pretty safe but have they ever thought about the countries that I'm talking about well if you actually look at the statistics they put it for 2020 129 countries they were able to rank based on actual crime data the safest country in the world out of these 129 was Qatar now is Qatar particularly cheap no it is very tax friendly country for sure but let's go a couple down the list one or two spots below Qatar was Taiwan Taiwan not as cheap as some of the places but relatively affordable good value for the money it's often overlooked place in in Asia then you keep going up the list in the top 10 Georgia then you keep going up the list they don't get at the top 10 Armenia then you get to Slovenia Belarus Poland Slovakia these are all about the top 25 okay was Georgia on this list being among the safest I've been in Georgia for a long time I know a lot of people who moved to Georgia from other parts of the world and everyone in Georgia has a story of they leave their fancy camera on the back of a taxi the guy tracks them down and gives them their camera back people feel safe walking around at all hours of the day at night that's just how it works they've created a very safe culture thanks in part to Cale Saakashvili who former president speaking at our upcoming conference really changed the culture and made a country that was about people feeling safe now what do all these countries also have in common they also outrank the countries that you would expect to be the safe prep the safest perhaps the countries where you live in New Zealand Australia the United Kingdom and far down the list the United States all the countries I mentioned beat them now Serbia did not make the top 25 Montenegro did not make the top 25 but pretty much all the Eastern European countries with one or two exceptions Moldova for example they all beat the big Western countries the Kuna countries as we call them the United States came on the ranking as the 50th most dangerous country now again go back to what I initially said safety can be found anywhere I'm not saying you can't find places to live the United States where you're safe I live in the u.s. got a couple times my car was broken into or had some problems obviously I was on a victim of any kind of serious crime I would have gone certain places I could have been but that same rule applies anywhere else and again the challenge is the places where most people want to go from the Western world Barcelona for example is now widely accepted as the crime capital of Europe I've had multiple people that I've worked with have guys come up take their expensive watches run off so the places that you think you're safe may not be the safest other places that aren't exactly cheap that are safe a lot of the countries in the Gulf Saudi Arabia for example the United Arab Emirates you're not getting away with too much crime there Belarus was also on the list of some of the safest places now you can argue in some of these cases they're really imposing pretty strict law and order I would argue in places like Georgia that's not so much the case police are pretty friendly to deal with and so you can't find cheap you can find safe I would say that Eastern Europe if you want both is a great place again I mentioned Serbia I mentioned Belarus Georgia I think our mean is also pretty safe those are great places to go certainly if you know what you're doing in Asia Taiwan is super safe places like Malaysia can be super safe not a lot of violent crime and a lot of Southeast Asia maybe there's some purse snatching occasionally you got to watch yourself certainly in parts of Latin America a bit more dangerous but again I've said you know what if you buy in the right neighborhood if you live in the right neighborhood you'll be fine you take the right precautions perhaps more precautions take take there but the point is you can have a lifestyle where you're getting a lot of value and I'm not talking again about you know where do I get a 25 cent beer I'm talking about where do I and live a great life where I'm getting much more value from my money I'm having that fine dining experience for a third of the price of what I would pay in New York City or London or Sydney and I'm also doing so in a place that's more safe better quality of life more safety it does exist the statistics you're seeing in the Western news media are biased towards the West they ignore the country's we talk about I think you should go where you're treated best and find the best of both of these worlds how can nomad capitalists help you four ways number one subscribe to our Channel and click the notification bell to make sure you get our new video every day number two get a copy of no Matta capitalist the book you'll learn a lot of my personal experiences over a dozen years of studying this stuff as well as exactly some of the strategies that you can use to build your nomadic capitalist plan number three if you're not sure where to start but you want to come and learn from my team and I you want to come and mingle with like-minded people learn more about our live conference Nomad capitalist live it's coming up soon and number four if you want some help right now because you've got a burning issue you need something solved you want to lower your taxes get a second passport or build the Nomad capitalist lifestyle of your dreams go to Nomad capless calm and click on become a client
Channel: Nomad Capitalist
Views: 426,334
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Keywords: nomad capitalist, go where you're treated best, cheapest country in the world, safest countries in the world, safest countries to live in, cheapest country to live, life in tbilisi, life in yerevan, life in belarus, life in budapest, life in colombia, moving in malaysia, life in thailand, life in cambodia, life in qatar, taiwan, life in saudi arabia, safest countries in europe, safe haven, cheap life, live cheap, where to live cheap in the world, cheap countries to visit
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 54sec (654 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 27 2020
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