Cheap Real Estate for Sale in Serbia

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These country areas would be livable if everyone grew Cannabis

👍︎︎ 14 👤︎︎ u/YOUREABOT 📅︎︎ Jun 22 2019 🗫︎ replies

I lived in that city for about 7 months. Beautiful city, but I've struggled a lot during that period due to some personal problems. I actually worked at the internet shop in that hallway on the 1st floor at 0:47. Looks so weird seeing it after more than 10 years from another side of the planet.

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/Speedfreakz 📅︎︎ Jun 22 2019 🗫︎ replies

Why to pay 6k for a house when there are many places in Europe where you can get a house for free + 500 eur/mo just to come and live with them. Hint: South Italy, Greek Islands.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/cryptomir 📅︎︎ Jun 24 2019 🗫︎ replies

good luck finding a normal girl and a stable job , as well as entertainment for a 20yo

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Jade_Hob 📅︎︎ Jun 22 2019 🗫︎ replies
it's 11:05 a.m. on a from a brisk Saturday morning here Novi Sad Serbia here in the northern Voivod deena region wanted to go out and take a look at some really cheap houses people want to know what can I get for really cheap they here really cheap house prices and so here in Serbia at the gateway to the European Union an hour an hour north an hour and a half how fast can you drive here in Novi Sad we're gonna head out and take a look at some houses ranging from 6,000 dollars up to 1520 thousand dollars to see a much house you can get [Music] [Music] so now we're on the main road out of Novi Sad heading to the smaller city of Zurich nanine oh it's about a 45-minute Drive and from there we're gonna meet the real-estate agent who is going to show us several different extremely cheap homes starting with 6000 euros and that's a house not an apartment how would you get me like between Nobby Sutton's Iranian eight it's 45 but it's what's the easiest way if you don't have a car everyone in Belgrade says it's really cheap these taxis in three to three dollars how does it guy even take you for 45 minutes well what like like jam everyone in yeah so he makes 12 bucks for the drive hope you make it yeah you hope you want these and then goes sometime if you're late sometime it's really weird because once there was this driver who's always also selling I wouldn't say legally but through selling it goes to something throws the bagels illegal bagels yeah so he was selling them and watch out you got a real criminal services under one the news also selling a car parts to a place outside Nobby Stiles take the parts and then it's like hold on let me just go drop this up with my ex-girlfriends huh I got to make a quick stop pick up some stuff from the ex's house she's throwing the front lawn [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so we just arrived in rainy anine and that is our real estate agent where we will begin seeing three ultra cheap properties here in Voivod inna [Music] so what are we going to be looking at today three different homes okay so we are going to see this farm in the emotional area of renin and it's maybe interesting because people there that cultivates a lot of fruit and vegetables also like there is an organic farm of goats and so so this is something that people if they wanted to do organic farming have animals just get away from it all with this work for them what is interesting is they have this special type of sand in that area which is fertile and it's good for four examples of fish ponds and also like cultivating all those so the soil is really good for farming and conformers bye-bye homes here are certain foreigners can design oh yeah so many foreigners can buy land and houses so they can't buy just land they can buy a house Waveland to to the reciprocity as I know yeah it's every 30 porosity yep seeing that I mean this is seeing that Belgrade is is as expensive it is this seems very cheap even by village standards why are the houses here so inexpensive in many cases so first of all naturally people go away from villages to cities for work and then that's why the houses are so cheap because only those people with big farms and a lot of animals and a lot of land can survive this is the traditional thing that's happening everywhere in the world where you see increasing a small number of large farms and you see as with many parts of places in this part of the world just migration - - nobody saw it in - Belgrade that's where everyone young wants to go and she explained like there is this other way around where people from Belgrade they've had really expensive big apartment they sell them they buy a smaller apartment in Belgrade and then they buy a cheap house here and over summer here living away from the city and then in the winter they go back to the city so Dwight do I need to speak Serbian if I want to survive up here yeah so you would definitely survive because young people speak English and even in the villages well why don't we go and take a look I'm ducking them on the bus okay [Music] [Music] so we're here at property number one this is a house and land for six thousand euros and the land goes all the way down there to the street in fact they're saying that there might be some extra land that's de facto yours too where you actually get about three thousand square metres so that's almost a full acre about a third of a hectare and a hundred metres inside this one owing to the low price does need some work but we're gonna go inside and see exactly what six thousand euros will buy you for a house and a big chunk of land here in Voivod inna some marina everything's included everything included you get you get your Oh your tea set you get your thermometer you get all the furniture boat you get everything you need so you just just bring your toothbrush [Music] [Music] okay so actually the owner of the house brought all this marble for the fireplace from Germany where he where he was working and he actually wanted to heat the whole house this big house with only this one fireplace [Music] [Music] six so much land here there goes like a tractor so the question is I mean you would never be able to rent it for this and sell it for what you paid for it but you can buy it for six is that the final price yeah that's the real the final price I think if you go lower I mean they started with ten and ten other sex you've got almost three thousand square metres just to clean this place up do some renovation you've got to do something with this yard and what 15,000 euros twelve thousand maybe yeah I don't think it's gonna be less than twelve we should we can make this a team retreat we can we portray but this you would ever get seventeen for it it's the problem this has to be some place where you want to come and live and you've got these I love these blue you said it's like a Mykonos these blue shutters only ivy this is this gives a lot of potential so you're in for seventeen thousand you've got a really nice house in whatever this is gosh now I know [Music] right so we're here at the second property this is a fourteen thousand euro property in a little town called el Emir which is actually really cute this is actually a really cute street looks like a lot of normal houses we can pop inside here we've got dogs we've got cats and what they say is this is 2,400 square meters so a bit more than a half an acre you've got a 120 square meters under roof we have these really nice fruit trees we have grapes these kind of wild cherries and so this seems this seems pretty fun let's check it out [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] this seems to me like very charming [Music] [Music] all right so we're here at the 15000 euro house took us a while to get here so I decided open up my hotdog puffs a lot of enjoyment for 40 cents wonders why he's getting fat so this is a 20,000 square meters two hectares that's five acres for you Americans and 100 square metre house so you got about a thousand 1,100 square feet of living space inside plus it seems like you've got a couple of other structures over here so we'll check it out so they just told us this is kind of like a dacha summer house you would not want to live here in the winter and so this right here is your summer shower and you put water and you store that in here and so it's really kind of a nature lifestyle this is a place that you would live if you had a home of the city or you would just come out and live in the summer you'd come out of weekends but you've got like all the way back there all the way back there this is a lot of land and you can build on it they said you can you can tear the structure down you can build you can rebuild you can build new stuff so you got a lot of room to work with here let's go in [Music] [Music] II finished painting just a coat of paint you should be good here mm-hmm so we're going to the fish pond now part of your property this is the fish pond they called a fish pond where it sits like a man-made lake and it's two meters deep sand on the bottom you can put your fish in there you can come and enjoy yourself all summer long so there are three properties in Serbia we selected with Gord on his help go down oh thank you and honestly I didn't quite imagine that the quality of the properties even though they need some renovation would be that good so marina and Gordana thank you for a great property tour and really nice to enjoy this one euro apricot brandy so Jubilee hi I'm Andrew Henderson from nomad capitalists I wrote this book which you can find on Amazon to distill a lot of the stuff we talked about in these videos and a lot of the stuff I've learned over the last decade plus traveling all around the world teaching you about how to legally reduce your taxes build your personal freedom and create wealth faster definitely get a copy of this book if you want to learn more now if you want to watch more videos make sure you subscribe to our 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Channel: Nomad Capitalist
Views: 195,702
Rating: 4.8119659 out of 5
Keywords: cheap real estate, cheap real estate around the world, cheap real estate in the world, cheap real estate in europe, real estate, cheap property in europe, cheap property, cheap property for sale, serbia real estate, cheap houses for sale, real estate investing, real estate investment
Id: VX2GjUzvhdw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 33sec (993 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 16 2019
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