How to Get a Second Passport for Free

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in this video I'm going to tell you how anyone can not only get a second passport for free but can actually get paid to get that second Passport [Music] hey guys I'm Andrew Henderson and if you'd like to learn how I know mad capitalist team can help you with your citizenship strategy or your holistic offshore strategy learn more at Nomad capitalist calm now let's talk about what I call get paid to get a passport you see a lot of people who are interested in getting a second Passport the first thing they encounter is citizenship by investment typically programs in Caribbean nations like st. Lucia Dominic etc I'm all in favor of these and we've helped a lot of people get them I've done it myself I think it makes a lot of sense for some people's strategies especially if you need a second Passport like very quickly and you just need it guaranteed no nonsense for financial planning it for whatever other reasons it makes a lot of sense however a lot of people even if they can afford it they look at this and say I don't want to make a donation of $100,000 to some country it's an island I don't know what's going on is there a better way to do it and the answer is sometimes yes there is so let's talk about ways that you can not only get a second passport for free but get paid for a second Passport first let me tell you what I'm not talking about obviously if you are born on the soil of any number of countries around the world you get citizenship by birth if I'm born in the United States I'm a u.s. citizen if I'm born in Brazil I'm a Brazilian citizen also if you have parents grandparents great-grandparents about a certain nationality you can generally acquire that through descent you may have to pay some de minimis government fees it's basically free if you qualify well let's assume you weren't born in a country whose passport you want you don't have any ancestors who can help you how can you get a passport by using some money that you have without having to just give it away never to be seen again and this is what I call in a fast-track naturalization or what we call get paid to get a passport I'll give you an example of one program that is in the industry called citizenship by investment it has some of the characteristics of what I would call fast-track naturalization it's probably a citizenship by investment because anything we can get it they don't have nationality restrictions really it's it's pretty commoditized if you make the investment it's pretty much guaranteed but it's turkey turkey offers to my investment to anyone who invests 250,000 dollars in real estate $500,000 in bank deposits it holds that for three years now if you don't like Turkey hang on because I'm gonna get to some other ideas but Turkey is a great example because unlike in the Caribbean where instead of making a donation you can buy overpriced real estate it's basically a timeshare in those countries you're gonna pay a lot of fees you might pay $50,000 $35,000 in government fees plus all the lawyers fees plus you're gonna lose money in the investment almost guaranteed so you're still net out and in most cases I just advise you can make the donation because you know why tie up extra capital to be in the same net position five years later however in Turkey the government has rather de minimis government government fees the legal fees aren't as high because the goal was not to limit the work to a small number of approved lawyers but really any lawyer can handle it and so the biggest cost in a turkey program when you invest in real estate is buying overpriced real estate from a developer so we have a full-time person on our team she actually speaks Turkish who we go through for not only Istanbul but many other markets around the world and we keep big databases of properties and what they should sell for and so as long as you can buy real estate in Istanbul which is probably where I would buy it if I'm doing Turkey if as long as you can buy real estate for a reasonable price that you could sell it for at least that much and probably more at the end of the three years then you're gonna be successful because you can probably get 5 6 7 % rental yield you have some expenses but you're still getting you know 5% returns so let's call it you know 15 percent simple interest on your 250 plus maybe there's some appreciation for sure that's gonna cover your costs of turning the citizenship on because we're doing it for several folks right now and the costs are less than that so probably sometime in the second year you're going to break even and then by the time the three years is up and you're able to liquidate your investment and keep your citizenship you're gonna be ahead of the game you didn't spend a hundred thousand dollars you actually made money now obviously in Turkey they use the lira and so particularly for the rental income some properties could be sold in dollars or Euros but the rental income is is often going to be in lira and so you might see some currency fluctuation on that so we have the strongest currency but the bottom line is the principle that you can get paid to get a passport and so one of the things that we've specialized in here at Nomad capitalists for people that we work with over the last three or four years has been finding these opportunities that are less commoditized to me a citizenship by investment program is one where any anyone can come so right now you're starting to see the influx of Chinese into an already popular Turkish program and so what's why I mentioned that is there are certain countries that would grant citizenship to an American or a Brit or an Australian because they like those countries they have good economic relations and for is politically incorrect as it is it's the truth these countries view you know let's say the US is you know better than they are some of those countries some of these countries that grant citizenship to Americans very easily they might you know be afraid of granting citizenship to Chinese because they don't want 20,000 Chinese they're willing to grant citizenship to 500 Americans let me give you an example of how this has been applied before steven seagal a number of years ago went to Serbia and had met with the president and said you know what I'm opening I think was a Taekwondo studio the president said hey you know what I'm gonna make you a citizen there are countries where the countries have priorities of we want to create jobs in rural areas we want agriculture investment we want you know we want people to invest in real estate we wouldn't people to buy government bonds there are different things that you can do and there are provisions where your naturalization can be put to the front of the pile or the timeline can be shortened if you invest money these are sometimes only open to certain nationalities and so because we work with a lot of Westerners here at nomad capitalists it's easier for us because again it's not me saying it's the government's but politically speaking it's easier to naturalize a Gallic Steven Segal than it is you know an Indian businessman just the way these governments think and so if you have a Western passport you know let's say you can go and invest $100,000 in a hotel project in a rural resort area that the country is trying to build up and you've got to hold that under the terms of the deal for five years and the developer is gonna pay you you know four percent a year and then they'll refund your investment in five years well you know you just got again if it's simple interest you just got twenty thousand dollar return that might you know well cover the costs of the legal fees of setting up your residence permit and then fast-tracking your application to where maybe you get a passport in six months or twelve months now what I want to be very clear is I'm not talking about these deals that you might see online occasionally I've made a video on the Instagram second passport scam anyone who's telling you you're getting a passport in 14 days because they know someone that's a scam but if there is a process in the law where you know you can go and a certain you know a certain person you know in like in some cases for example at the Parliament if the Parliament says this guy should be a citizen or disprove you should be a citizen you know they can become a citizen and so what we've tried to do is find legal ways by going all around the world to countries and talking to people who are you know the ministers of finance and and people in the government saying hey you know what would help you you know if people wanted to come in your country we know is there a way that they could get citizenship and so this is you know commonly talked about you may have heard of the Austrian citizenship program some people call it citizenship by investment it is not because one of the things that I believe is important to them is that you be able to you know immigrate into Austrian society so again you know if if you're from you know Bolivia unfortunately they may not allow you in there's really no such thing as citizenship by investment in Austria what it is is if you invest enough money and you go and you you know go to all the balls and the galas and and and they like you they'll say hey you know what this guy's one of us and he's done something good for the country it happens all the time with Olympic athletes particularly particularly in Gulf countries it's happened in some Asian countries with want to bring arts and culture into the country and so if you're an investor there are places where you can do this Turkey is probably the most commoditized example of that we're always looking for four ways that we can do that legally the most important element is you know no money should be changing hands it should be a pure play investment you the investor into the investment you know if you're paying and then you pay the lawyer of course if if the some of the government's being paid that's a problem and so there are certain countries we've gone to where they're like yeah we'd love to do that but maybe you invest in my brothers uh you know my brother's ski resort no you don't want to do that but if you can find you know arm's length investments in countries that's one thing we work at if you'd like to to learn how we can help you with that you can certainly go to Nomad capitalist calm and help you again turkey is one example you could certainly do on your own if you'd like us to help you send us an email we'd love to to help you put this together how can Nomad capitalist help you four ways number one subscribe to our Channel and click the notification bell to make sure you get our new video every day number two get a copy of Nomad - capitalist the book you'll learn a lot of my personal experiences over a dozen years of studying this stuff as well as exactly some of the strategies that you can use to build your nomadic capitalist plan number three if you're not sure where to start but you want to come and learn from my team and I you want to come and mingle with like-minded people learn more about our live conference Nomad capitalist live it's coming up soon and number four if you want some help right now because you've got a burning issue you need something solved you want to lower your taxes get a second passport or build the Nomad capitalist lifestyle of your dreams go to Nomad capitalist calm and click on become a client
Channel: Nomad Capitalist
Views: 347,038
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Keywords: nomad capitalist, go where you're treated best, second passport, second citizenship, dual citizenship, dual citizen, citizenship by investment, citizenship by descent, citizenship by marriage, naturalization process, citizenship by investment pros and cons, how to get a second passport, getting a second passport, citizenship by naturalization, italian citizenship by descent, irish citizenship by descent, how to become a dual citizen, paper residency, second passport for free
Id: JC5CT-rkwNI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 7sec (667 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 15 2019
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