How I Became a Sea of Thieves Developer

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I have been learning C++ for over a year now and this is how I went from basic console projects to accidentally working on sea of Thieves yes the AAA Pirate game it all started in my first year of University with this course game engine creation it sounds a lot fancier because actually we didn't do any literal game engine creation hauh instead it was a course all about C++ programming semester one of this course was meant to take us from literally knowing nothing two well knowing some Basics about C++ more specifically we had this long list of different projects we needed to complete and we only had a few months to do this huh each project was focused about teaching us a specific aspect of programming like conditionals Loops pointers H Etc and at the end of the month all of these needed to be submitted to get a grade and not fail so that's what I did I completed all 11 weeks of project submitted it got 82% which is actually not bad and well supposedly I now know C++ Basics the second stage of Landing a job at se of thieves was a C++ game development course again this happened at my University and the course was going to teach me C++ gaming I mean how to make games using C++ I ended up making several games using things like sdl2 opengl and well that's about it now although the games weren't great okay being honest they were bad they did teach me the fundamentals of game development that wasn't inside an engine and this was key to me getting that job okay so this is the moment when my C++ knowledge was about to Skyrocket because I dove into the world of Graphics programming you see Mickey games and learning the basics is important sure but I wanted to go further so I decided to try and create my very own Graphics engine actually I did it twice for my first attempt I ended up using direct X11 to make it and it taught me a lot how to render things make shaders create UI and how to lose my will to live in about 5 minutes but one thing it did for sure was make me better at C++ and programming in general I liked it so much I ended up repeating this and making yet another engine this time using openg GL both engines were very similar but taught me different skills the first one taught me the basics because well I've never made an engine before that and the second one helped me expand beyond what I already knew and I mean look at how cool this is with these projects I was able to add low-level programming to my portfolio which was great but also C++ was becoming my main language oh and by the way if you want to know how I made these engines I've made two videos about so go check them out links down below by this point I had made about five projects and lost my will to live 131 times so it was probably time to give up nah that would be too embarrassing I can't do that at this point I was no longer pursuing Graphics programming and instead I wanted to get high off of maths and therefore the physics engine was born this was my baby at the time because it was like slapping the graphics Engine with some trigonometry and Pythagoras and matrices and calculations and calculus you get the point this engine was made again using the lovely direct X and showed off all my technical knowledge I don't think I really had any but still the engine had its own Collision system rigid bodies forces and I know all of those already come in engines like unity and unreal but it's not that easy okay it took me multiple weeks to do it during this process I kid you not I learned so much both my programming skills and mathematical skills just increased and I was so much more confident in using C++ now don't get me wrong the engine wasn't super Advanced but for me personally it kind of was and well after completing the engine I was ready to look for a job in the industry pause a minute okay yeah I say that I did this on accident you know I did try and apply for the job what's the accident then well the fact that a human like me should not be getting responded to I did not plan to get the job when I signed up and I just thought it would be good experience here's what I mean for a full year all my professors have been drilling into my and other students heads that we needed to apply for internships it will be good experience come on it'll be fun but see the thing is Young me was like nah there's no point it means graduating a year later less time to play video games and be stupid on YouTube and yeah because of that I decided to not participate in this but about 2 months in when people in my class have already applied and even gotten some responses I thought to myself what if I do apply because at the end of the day if they deny me I don't lose anything since I never wanted this in the first place but maybe if I get a cool internship that makes it worth it and well here's what happened next okay so the real question is how did I get from that to actually working as C of theves well here's how I did that I started applying for hundreds of different ships most of which were in the games industry and some that were just general programming ones now this was well and good but there was a couple of issues most applications required me to have something called a portfolio and I didn't know what that really was so I needed to get that before actually applying so from my understanding I just needed a way to show off all the work that I have been doing so I went the typical route of making a website on which I showed off all of my work not just the C++ stuff and now I was ready to apply well not really because I also needed a CV and a cover letter my CV was pretty basic since at this point my only real jobs have been at KFC and a few other places like that and the cover letter was also fairly standard and now I was actually ready to apply and so I did I spent days applying to everything I saw filling in countless applications and at the end of it all I just needed to wait so at this point multiple months have passed and I didn't really hear anything other than silence but soon enough I did start getting some replies in my email different Studios and companies replied back asking me to attend interviews I also got denied a lot and so I spent the next month attending interviews and luckily enough one of them was with rare the developers of sea or [Music] thieves I attended the first interview and they seem to like me enough because I was invited to an in-person interview so I went to that interview unlucky for me the UK seemed to have really strong winds so my train was delayed and I was actually late to the interview however they still accepted me to come in and I spent the whole day visiting the studio learning things and sitting programming tests which I know was really standard but still it's terrifying I ended up going home exhausted and again my trains got canceled multiple times before I got home but I actually got a call back the same day offering me a position and well the rest was history I took the position of an intern gameplay programmer at rare working on sea of Thieves and I even managed to work on the legend of Monkey Island since then I have finished my contract at rare and now I'm back at University to finish my degree so we will see what happens next I was going to say something motivational like this could be you someday and don't get me wrong it very much so can be but it sounds a little too cringy so I'll leave the video here if you did enjoy it please leave a like And subscribe and I will see you guys next time bye
Channel: Zyger
Views: 127,012
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How I Accidentally Became a Sea of Thieves Developer, c++, day in the life of a sea of thieves developer, 1 year of c++ programming, 1 year of game development, 365 days of programming, game dev, sea of thieves, 1 year game dev, game devlog, game development, aaa game dev, aaa game engine dev, zyger, how i got a job at Sea of Thieves, Sea of Thieves developer, i learned c++, arceola, rare ltd, sea of thieves programmer, gamedev, How I accidentally worked on a AAA game, programming
Id: yYlaSca8uto
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 5sec (485 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 19 2024
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