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welcome back everybody to the pass the game challenge seven developers will make a video game but no communication between them is allowed we've made action-packed gardening games spaceship Builders superhero simulators and so much more very often there's huge misunderstandings crazy twists in the game's Direction and eventually stunning end results like right up until the end you're in for a wild ride well I'm the first developer and I had six hours to work on the project before passing on to the mix I started by adding a low poly planet and added a custom Skybox to give the game that gloomy Ultra spaced look I made it so you could rotate the planet around and zoom in and out some C sharp programming later players can add buildings to the world I'm going for sort of minimalist and chill Base building game so I thought that adding me a giant boss character centipede they had that much needed I began modeling the centipede in blender what do you mean no all games have giant centipedes listen I really need to add this centipede I I really I need to do it no no no no no ones that I made some UFOs destroyed buildings for the clarity to brought to the planets to avoid any collisions I think all is quite nice and is simple and open enough so that other devs can you know add their own unique spin on things okay tiny break before continuing this video is sponsored by replica Studios they have created a huge library of AI voice actors which you can use in your game projects for example say you have an old wizard character you can search their Library she was an actor for example Atlas write whatever you wanted to say choose the style from lighthearted to Fierce and then hit play head over to the Misty Mountains there you will find wisdom they've recently released their latest feature style morphing for example you could have Annabelle say the following sentence with a mix of fear and anger I hate what you did to me and my family this means as a creature you know have the ability to fine-tune your performance and convey nuanced emotions because your characters can now perform in up to 20 different styles you can drive replica for free using the link in the description hey I am Jalen and I got this whole finished game in the mail after a thorough analysis of about 30 seconds I've reducted that I'm incredibly stupid and I have no idea how to play the game but I found it quite fun to build buildings and try to dodge the UFOs so I thought why not run with that idea and try to add some new mechanics what if the ground-based tank these are on your site and instead of spawning randomly they come out of a building you can place and what if instead of the cubes they are sheep that all want to get their Barn that somewhere on the planet but they have to watch out for the flying UFOs because they're trying to abduct the Sheep alright my biggest problem was trying to get the Sheep to move automatically on the planet to a goal first I want to use a boy's algorithm but voids on a sphere is not something you can just download right off the shelf and my time is pretty limited so I went to the next victim thing unity's navmesh agents but there was a giant problem nav mesh surfaces only work on a mostly flat plane not a full sphere and I don't want my ship to just fall off so I had to do something very dangerous to turn on the experimental packages in unity so in advance for anyone coming after me the AI navigation package allows me to create six different planes all around the sphere and Link them together now the sheep can safely go anywhere on the planet well not really safely because you know there are still the UFOs flying around speaking of I made little UFO 3D model to replace the existing sphere and added a trail to see where the UFO has gone oh and I also changed the planet to a moon because you know sheep can't swim and we're aiming for an extremely high level of realism here well anyway here's where my job ends I made some UFOs that can abduct some sheep on to the next one when I booted up the game I was a little confused don't get me wrong it's cool I like the little planets but I didn't really know what the goal of the game was it seems like you can place buildings in this little planet and then rotate them around to avoid the UF oh plus there's this turret that is probably intended to shoot UFOs down and sheep so I started off by polishing out the game a bit changing it so that you can rotate the planet with wasd just because the mouse was kind of janky then I changed up a few big things first off I made sheep into buildings well I made them sit in place and you can also move them around so they behave pretty closely to the buildings then I managed so you can Harvest wool from them and they take a few seconds to grow it back okay but what exactly should you do with this wool I hear you asking well straw man I decided that you should be able to use the super high-tech method of rubbing the wool together to make electricity to power the turret so basically how the game works now is that it is your job to harvest and protect the sheep from the UFOs and if the turret has enough power it'll shoot at the UFOs automatically so then I made a level up system you get XP from killing UFOs and whenever you get enough you level up and you gain an extra sheep and you can also pick an upgrade and make sure to make it easy for future developers to make more upgrades but the idea is that you want to balance between having enough sheep to constantly power the turret while also being able to protect these sheep and while also making the turret shoot as quickly as possible to properly utilize that power and take down the increasingly immense amount of UFOs I was kind of inspired by vampire survivors to make the system the amount of enemies that spawn in the amount of XP that you need to level up are handled with animation curves which you can actually very easily use for non-animation things in unity and in this case they will hopefully make a bounce in the game much easier for me and hopefully the next devs to finish it all off I brought back the buildings but I reworked them a bit now there's a cooldown in between placing them and you have to unlock them in upgrades to use them I get the bomb which can blow up UFOs and I also add a shield that will protect all sheep at Touches for a few seconds which is just a bit of a break and then I polished off the game by adding some nice effects to the turret shooting and the UFOs being destroyed plus some updated UI also if you want to see a bit more about my time with this project then check out the video I just released covering my work on this game in more depth and also it has my full reaction and review of the final project that happened after all the other devs were done with four more deaths to go the game is on the right track and I hear you asking I wish I could also create games and bring my ideas to life how do I do it well you're in luck because we're building The Game Dev Rockets a massive course that will teach you how to go from zero skills to actually making and selling your first games you'll learn game arts and animation programming marketing get access to in-depth discussions we had with the top dogs in the industry and also receive a huge amount of incredible asset packs from juicy cartoony characters to hyper realistic stunning environments sign up to get notified and receive special deals when the course releases over on gamedevrockets.com hey I'm Aya I was in the middle of working on my RPG man Valley when Liam pinged me I had a chance to play through the game and it's a pretty complete experience already so well done guys the biggest issue I see is that there's little incentive to rotate the planet I found myself shearing sheep in the same spot and just moving them out of the way of any oncoming UFOs to encourage the players who rotate the planet I had the idea to add grass painting once a planet is fully painted the player gets a new one the existing level up system was based on time and each level the game would pause so the player could select upgrades it was a great way to give the player a moment break but I'm here to create chaos so I selfishly tied the upgrade system to Grass painting for every 25 percent of grass painted the player now gets one upgrade point to spend in this new menu the menu was important because previously there were two and I didn't even know this one existed until I started looking at the code for funsies I added upgrades to increase the painting brush size and the wool gained per sheep with all the various upgrades trying out different strategies is pretty fun there's also a constant risk reward the player has to manage babysit your sheep or leave them unattended to paint grass or buy an upgrade it's cool when I see you guys posting screenshots of your high scores on itch so much so that in my personal projects I started incorporating leaderboards so I added a simple score system and needed in a ugs leaderboard from a previous project I made some small changes that are worth mentioning so I'll go through them quickly these sliders were set as interactable which made me think I needed to use them at first so I fixed that I turned the Sheep counter into a graphic representation UFOs couldn't abduct sheep while they were being moved which was a Cheesy way to never lose so I fixed that a couple of issues resulted from my own work which Bears submission as well it was frustrating to miss a tiny piece of grass and be unable to progress so I added a hidden 10 assist that gets applied gradually so basically now there's a margin of error when switching worlds it was possible for the players to immediately lose because sheep spawned in new locations so I added a delay to when sheep can be abducted after receiving a new world now there's a bit of a Mad Dash for sheep when the player gets new world and I thought it was pretty exciting that's all the time I've got because I've got to go take a bath so I'm gonna pass this on to the next person because shearing is curing please don't hate me game developer and founder of more live studio where we work on a game where you have to control two characters at the same time wishlists have on Steam now I started by making the tutorial stay up on the screen until a space bar is pressed because it disappeared way too quickly to be able to read the text then I thought that it was very easy to lose track of ships so it added an outline to be able to watch over the little friends from anywhere in the map it seems that there were some problems with the progress bar user interface destroyed UFOs gave XP but it was saved on the land coverage bar which meant that the XP Edition simply got ignored and in order to solve these issues I simply made two bars one for experience and one from the planet coverage I love adding choice so I worked on different visual effects for UFOs ships and environment to make the game a bit easier I made it so that enemies slow down whenever they are hit by the cannon it was impossible to notice where the enemies will spawn and they could spawn right on top of the ships so I added an anticipation effect which has played one second before the enemy spawned then I added some additional polish such as sound effects and experience text I noticed that someone has already tried implementing the build menu so I tried to enable it and give the player an option to build Shields and mines I made it so that the shield is up until it is touched by a set number of UFOs finally to make the life easier for other developers and players I wanted to improve on the tutorial to explain the two experience bars Planet coverage and Shop my name is David I run a YouTube channel where we recreate abilities as well as visual effects from popular video games and today we're gonna be getting into this project right here the plan since there's been a couple of developers before me they plan is to do some bug fixing College I really implemented Futures and then if we have enough time maybe add some of my own stuff I don't know we'll see first thing I noticed when playing was that horizontal movement was inverted for some reason and so I fixed it super quick I noticed the UI wasn't Dynamic and if you scale down the resolution some things will be invisible I did some UI work to make it look slightly better by changing colors and that would match the game's color palette I also added a fading effect at the start of the game and changed the animator for the tutorial UI to have it done all through code instead having many animators in your scene especially UI animators are quite taxing on your computer I noticed that sometimes a spawning ship will be facing the wrong direction fix that real quick on the upgrade menu the Shields and bombs were enabled by default when there is a button above that says unlock I don't think this was intended so I changed it now with all the bugs I came across fixed it was time to publish and add my own touch to some things first thing I did was to redo the sheet model with even less vertices so that I could turn them into a small herd then I gave them a pen to differentiate from other ship Hertz I added a star visual effect a new Shield asset it rotates over time and once it gets hit it spins real fast then resumes to its normal speed I replace the outline that allows you to see them with their particle system that shoots them out into the atmosphere this allows you to see them from pretty much anywhere on the map The Shield also breaks only visually when you can gather from them I removed the animator that shake the camera and wrote a script that will do this with this grip you can set its intensity and duration which is much better than having just the one shake variation it now shakes very slightly when you gather ship and also when your torrent shoots and oh yeah I changed the torrent to a launch pad and program a flying rocket I thought this would be a pretty funny and better feature than having the turret hit enemies instantly now whenever you have gather enough a rocket is shot into the atmosphere where it patrols around the planet and if a UFO comes within a certain distance the pilot goes Kamikaze oh yeah and the UFOs when there are damaged move on a zigzag in motion I added a feature that would Place trees when you are planting grass on the planet and by now I have less than half an hour so I try to add some sound effects but unfortunately I ran out of time and that's pretty much it thanks for having me guys adios hey I'm James from the games plus James YouTube channel I added a pause screen with the instructions on us to remind the player what they were trying to do without having to restart I also added a little bit of a basic goal protecting the planet from the UFOs to give you a reason for what you were doing the little bit of story here and at the beginning of the game probably won't win any awards but at least it gives the player a bit of motivation the upgrades didn't feel obvious enough of when they were available so I removed them from the in-game UI and instead made a menu pop-up when you get an upgrade and also made it so that upgrades had a cost that increased whenever you purchased one I removed the option for the bomb and shield upgrades because the bomb didn't seem to do anything and the shield had no function because the UFOs no longer seem to do anything to the Sheep themselves with that done I needed to deal with what seemed to be the most important thing to me which was that there seemed to be no end State for the game digging through the code it seemed like there was some systems kind of set up for the UFOs to suck up the Sheep which is what those shields were for but this seemed a little awkward and hard to track and didn't seem to be working in the game at all anymore instead I made it so that the planet had a strong structural Integrity meter which would go down quicker as more and more UFOs appeared your goal is to survive as long as possible and build as much score as you can with a big explosion when the planet gets destroyed I was all set to make a game over screen when I noticed that there was one already made that had a whole leaderboard system and everything great job whoever put that in there weird bug with trees spawning off the planet when he switched to a new one based on the last place you place some grass which took a while to track down but I fixed that and a few other weird bugs that were floating around and with just a little bit of time remaining I added in a simple main menu screen to tidy it all up and make it so you could play shoot a whole game from stack to finish and speaking of finished games the new game that I've been working on gather is coming out on Steam on May 16th and you can check it out for some relaxing harvesting action this was a lot of fun alright let's see oh there you are okay so I need to move you okay we can still gather a wall from the ships oh damn we actually have projectiles now I wonder where Splash size means I guess I'll get that one okay let's get some more ships oh okay I got 100 probably okay I need splot size ah damn it ah damn I exploded okay one point available ah I'm just gonna get more sheep always looks like a good idea foreign enough bigger split size protected uh we're about to die maybe maybe we're good ah also I guess I got rid of uh everything being destroyed by the UFOs so I guess it makes sense but also it gets rid of the whole dodging part that was pretty frustrating so I could see why they took that out well that was fun I really like that my sheep and UFOs were still there but all the rest was really different I really liked the painting stuff that was really cool and um looking at the end results I'm really happy who plays Starship for free let us know your high score and remember to sign up to the game of rockets if you also want to learn how to make video games subscribe and Link the video some absolutely crazy collaborations are coming up guys foreign
Channel: Blackthornprod
Views: 638,964
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: game dev, blackthornprod, pass the game challenge, make a game without communicating, game design, 7 DEVS Make a GAME without COMMUNICATING!, noa calice, liam calice, btp, star sheep, making of, devlog, jelle vermandere, strategy game, game dev challenge, making a video game, unity, 3d development, 3d game dev
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 18sec (1038 seconds)
Published: Sun May 07 2023
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