6 ARC vs 6.5 creed vs 6

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hey everyone and welcome back to the x-ring so i've got a really really exciting episode for you today and what i want to do is talk about why we have these rifles with these long barrels and everything else and it is because we're doing prs shooting so matt what is your definition of prs shooting precision rifle series yeah precision rifle series or precision rifle shooting and a lot of you guys say well i can do that with my hunting rifle but what we'll do is we'll talk about what it is basically it's about a 90 second stage that's kind of the standard and you know we just shot the hornady prc so we have a pretty good understanding of what prs is and how it runs they're not blind stages they're going to give you the targets they're smaller targets and they'll give you multiple positions to shoot from sometimes it's one shot per target but typically it's going to be two engagements per steel just depends on the stage yeah so this is going to be more about the caliber so we've got matt on the end here shooting a 6'5 creedmoor and guys you know if you're doing long range shooting almost everyone's moved away from the 308 winchester because that six five's got a better playstation coefficient and it does great but if you're shooting a prs match your typical shots are gonna be what a thousand and then yeah unless you do the prc and then we're shooting out to 300 yards but either way that 65 creedmoor does the job and does it well most guys are shooting 140 grainers sometimes 147 grain but the problem is is the follow-up shot let's say you shoot and you miss this target that's the important part you got to be able to see that splash of where you missed or at least be able to see your trace so hence the 6-5 creedmoor for prs kind of is dying out and you're starting to see everybody shooting these six creedmoors it's now the number one cartridge for prs but then there's another group of competitors that are taking that next level and basically all they're doing is sizing the neck from a 6.5 264 bullet down to a 243. now for all of you guys i want to take some people off here why did you just shoot a 243 well it's different because the shoulder angle is different and these lend themselves to more ballistically coefficient bullets the longer eld bullets so that's the difference okay but what you're going to give up is something that can get 2 500 rounds 3 000 rounds before the barrels really shot out to a six creedmoor 12 to 15. enter the six arc a lot of people asked about this six arc and the six arc is that other group of people that shoot the six dashers the six xc's the six gts what are some other ones guys six br two yeah 22 creedmoor these guys are trying to get shorter shorter cartridges that have the same bc and they can reach those distances with high velocity the problem is there hasn't been a good availability of ammunition selection as far as brass you got a fire form you got a trim what else a good example is when you had a six creedmoor i was calling it a cheater round yeah he called it a cheater and look what he went from a 6'5 creedmoor to a six creedmoor just to see where my impacts were yeah so it made a huge difference you guys know that i re-barreled the ai with a pre-fit and i noticed a difference with the recoil but what i lacked on it was i got a little more wind drift shooting factory aim if you're gonna hand load that six millimeter creedmoor can be pushed to where the wind drift and all that is going to kind of mes you know match the 6'5 creedmoor so now we get into this six arc and a lot of people say well look you're just trying to rewrite the book again well no it has factory support from hornady you've got all the manufacturers on board the barrel makers on board the dyes redding hornady everyone so with that factory support now you've got factory cases you're not having to go and spend 1.50 per case you know for brass so what we're going to do is we're going to shoot this today and i've got a test i want to do what i'm going to do is we're going to mess with the windage knobs on his rifle we're going to be able to adjust it half a mil up or down and we're going to tell him to engage the target twice we want to see how he is able to see those misses and be able to make that second shot correction same thing for the six same thing for the six arc we'll also be using the tacticam the 5.0 so you guys can kind of see real time inside of the reticle itself we do realize we're going to lose a little bit of our release maybe a longer video but some of you guys have been asking for longer videos to get more in depth on why we're going down this path and the reason is if you want to be a competitive shooter you've got to have the right equipment can you go out there with bad equipment and win yeah if you're that guy you probably could but you're going to be giving up a lot if you don't have the right gear anything you guys want to add it all goes back to being able to spot your shot that's it if you can't spot your shot your next shot's what just another guess in the wind yeah guess in the wind no and i think we're gonna all shoot on what 12 15 yeah we're gonna pick the same power for all the scopes so that you don't have some kind of irregularity saying well his jumps a lot because it was on 15 power we're going to choose the same power matt here is also dropping down to either a six creedmoor or six arc because he realizes even with that precision chassis setup which he can do anything he wants to do but if he wants to be that much more competitive he's going to really kind of need to drop down gonna have to yeah he's going to be able to compete with the low recoil cartridges yeah so it's going to be a really good episode guys stay tuned alright guys so what we're going to do to make this fair we're going to start matt off on the 6.5 creedmoor i've got a tacticam 501 here if you guys haven't checked it out big shout out to tactical did provide the equipment for it when we say go you're going to drop down magazine's going to already be inserted we'll give them that they can have the bag and it'll be two rounds at 700 and then two rounds at 600 and you guys will be able to see firsthand what he's going to see as far as recoil and everything else the the caveat is we are going to play with the windage before he can do anything so what i'm going to do is he's not looking right now this is what i am going to do if you guys can see it i am going to move this we can go up five tenths left right to our five tenths or right five tenths if we want to i am going to go tense and we'll see what happens see what his recovery is he might be able to do it i'm not sure but remember 204 at 702 at 600. standby so 6'5 creedmoor two shots at 700. so he knows that he missed did he see it go to 600 quickly for time all right so one impact out of four shooting the 6'5 creedmoor so what we're going to do is we're going to get rick on it we'll have him do the exact same thing with the same rifle four rounds standby he's going 700 yards first and guys we do have a lot of wind today nothing and he said no call he wasn't able to see now he's moving to 600. he's got to put his dope in three point four okay so he went zero and four shooting the six five creedmoor now guys this is a really tough exercise but you're never gonna get your wind call exactly right that's why i'm playing with it i actually dialed in three tenths on this rifle as well i didn't change it now these guys are going to have to mess with it for me if i want to do it i'm going to owe matt 12 rounds but at least it's worth this effort to see it we're going to do the same thing down the line see if it changes anything all right guys so now it's my turn i've got the camera going remember nobody's supposed to make a first round impact because they've adjusted the dials so if you incorrectly make a win call i mean there's nobody that's going to make a first round impact because you're guessing on the first shot the problem is can you see the field of view spot your impact and make a correction based off of that based on the information you have all right so that's what we're dealing with ready shooter ready yep standby impact so one impact now i saw where it was going and i was able to spot it out at 700 so what we're going to do now is we're going to go over to the six millimeter creedmoor we'll try it with that it wasn't too hard to spot it because the mirage is down but you really had to be looking because you had to be quick on it because of the recovery time now remember all these rifles have muzzle brakes on them as well or compensators all right next up is the six millimeter creedmoor we have taped the turrets i've already adjusted it for matt so matt's gonna have four rounds on you sir no don't say anything two misses now he's going to six that's an impact and that's an impact so now he's got two impacts so he's getting the point over the 6'5 all right good job matt let's move it on over to rick let me adjust the knobs all right so we've adjusted his turret let me go ahead and get the tacticam going all right 700 yards shooter ready stand by ah half a mil six impact and impact so he also bettered his score by one shooting the six millimeter creedmoor interesting tacticams going magazine of four on you guys shooter ready yup standby uh that's an impact need to hear a call impact all right so that's three so guys let's think about that and got you must have dialed in like four to five tenths right didn't you i didn't dial it so i was having to hold about a mil but i was able to spot it and immediately get back on target and know what that hole needed to be so i've bettered my score over that by two more impacts so three hits one hit the six arc i don't think is gonna be able to beat that because like i said that first shot even if i do make a first shot it's pure luck because you don't know where it's gonna be we're still gonna do it with the six arc try it we'll see where the scores end up all right so we've got matt on the sixth arc we have the tacticam going you shoot already standby is that magazine you're good you're good yep that worked 3-2 is your dope all right so he got three go ahead and unscrew that coke scope cap because rick just made a comment and he was like what did he do put it on zero these were zeroed out turrets i put him four tenths left four tenths left so i don't know how he did that we do have a lot of wind out there today uh but he did get three all right windows has been adjusted camera's recording all right shoot here ready standby i don't think that picked up impact gotta yell it just pull straight down hard some of those uh hornady uh factory rounds are sticky you're good all right so two impacts with the six arc so it's holding its own with less recoil than the six creedmoor it's pretty cool i'm just having trouble with uh there's a lot going on in that scope so seeing the impact is a little bit tougher but it's yes having all that in there too yeah standby did i get one yeah i did it it feeds it's smoothly half a bullet in there oh you did a ton of right on me i see how you are be on that target oh missed it off the right so guys you can see especially with this point of view camera using the tacticam how little recoil there is and being able to follow up with those impacts so it significantly increased all three of our hits regardless of skill level over the six five creedmoor i think it's so close on these two between the six millimeter and the six arc it'd be it'd be tough to call that however the recoil is significantly less the people back here also said it is significantly quieter um you know you've got 10 grains less of powder in there but i think this is a great test i think we're gonna do some positional shooting see if it gets you out of position we'll talk about the importance of bags all right guys hope you enjoyed that review what i want to do is get some feedback from these guys because this is the first time you guys have shot the six arc especially at distance same thing for me so what'd you think matt well the 6'5 the 6 creedmoor and the 6r i'd say hands down the 6'5 has a lot more felt recoil and i think you're going to see that in the scope cam and it was a pretty close and all these weigh the same don't they they're all 21 22 pounds pretty plus or minus a pound yeah they're pretty close but the difference between the six arc and the six creedmoor i think i'm gonna have to give the edge to the ark for a little bit less felt recoil just a little bit got you okay what do you think rick i think the only thing i had an issue with was just not being used to that reticle i was really pleased with the six arc i really was and we're going to do some more shooting i'll know better when we start working off barricades and stuff but i'm pleased with the build big shout out to kenny over at desert precision gun works now for the filming we did use the tacticam 5-0 i have a lot of people ask me about this now you can't just buy this and it work you'll have to also buy the fts prism that works on there but i've actually shot matches with it on there and it's really cool to be able to see what you were doing see the impacts but guys i hope you enjoyed that i know it's a longer video but i think this is really good information and for all the naysayers talking about the six arc i think it has its place in a bolt gun it's too close to the 6ppc which has been around for what 40 years and it's still like the number one cartridge in bench rest i know this isn't bench rest but it still fulfills that job so guys like share and subscribe anything you guys want to say have a great day have a good one
Channel: X-RING
Views: 49,826
Rating: 4.9073682 out of 5
Keywords: best prs caliber, best long range caliber, 6mm arc, 6mm ARC, 6 ARC, .224 valkrie, 6.5 creedmoor, which is better, which is bettwr 6.5 or 6mm, 6mm, creedmoor
Id: d2wkRY9dxhs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 38sec (1238 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 30 2020
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